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>>94687 #
I'd imagine not, though ofc depends on where you're at. maybe if there's a specialty coffee/tea store nearby.
pu'er tea is usually available, very popular type of tea. by available I mean I think it should be reasonably easy to find online at least
Drinking marmite
>>94692 #
The only thing unrealistic about this scene is that someone at the checkout actually looked at expiration date.
>>94691 #
incredibly, youre right
reminds me of back when nyannyancos was cute
>>94697 #
>>94690 #
>945 pounds
Yea that's a bit much tbh. I think the other ones were... palatable, but almost a THOUSAND pounds?
>Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory national service
>>94700 #>>94713 #
maaan i missed the second movie, i also really wanted to watch it...
>>94708 #
>>94698 #
Which country? Also isn't the mandatory service only mandatory when you don't go to uni?
Well there was a period when you've had a year or something of mandatory service in my country regardless but I really doubt it would pass now.
>>94701 #>>94702 #
>>94700 #
The Conservative Party has said it would bring back mandatory national service if it wins the general election.

It said 18-year-olds would have a choice of either joining the military full-time, or volunteering one weekend every month carrying out a community service.
>>94703 #
>>94702 #
So they've fully decided to go ONLY for the 60+ demographic?

This is electoral suicide. Who's paying them to do this?
>>94739 #
Realistically surely everyone is choosing option 2
GYdIqSnTm7123241397259488518 AAAAAAA IM so hyped for the NEW CHAPTERS #mitakaasa #asamitaka #mitakaasacosplay #asamitakacosplay #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #csm #csmcosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 12.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>94697 #
>and a little like Boni
I dont see it
also I just e-stalked her e-tiktok e-profile and I hope the other neko has lower standards than I do because she had nothing I would call postable and she wasnt as cute in her own stuff
>>94707 #
mandatory service is not so bad if it's kept short, like a month. but it's hell when it's a year long
>>94715 #>>94739 #
>>94705 #
I haven't opened her tiktok, I'm phone postal atm.

She reminded me of boni when she smiled.

If you say she's got nothing postable I'll take your word for it and not check in the morning, maeve shows you have exceptional taste in recommending fus
>>94712 #
>>94699 #
more asian kino to come to a neko night near you
not sure when but current contenders are All About Lily Chou Chou and Perfect Days
>>94709 #
>>94708 #
i think you guys do this every saturday right? i'll surely be here if it's a regular thing
>>94710 #
been a long time my friend :D see you guys next week, good night
>>94710 #>>94711 #
>>94709 #
every saturday I host a movie yeah
theres another neko hosting a movie on tuesdays as well but thats not me
>'ll surely be here if it's a regularthing
has been weekly for at least like 7 months
>>94709 #
>>94709 #
I also do anime on Monday and movies on Tuesday.

Goodnight New neko
>>94698 #
what form? like military or just volunteering
>>94712 #
That tummy 🤤
⛳️ 🏌️‍♂️
>>94706 #
isnt the korean mandatory service like 2 years? that shit kills the career of any kpop artist and/or professional e-sports player except for the incredibly few deemed of such importance to korean culture they get exempt (like Faker from LoL)
'awfu uploaded some cute tiktok stories but since I don't know how to post them, they'll be lost forever
>>94742 #
GYdIqSnTm7095074897872882949 Chungking Express.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 825 KB􀅊 576×576􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>12549 ➡ #
>Chungking Express (Ive streamed this one for ttg)
apparently I streamed this movie >>94685 # a looong time ago, probably back on 2chen then
actually no, mustve been during endchan since I downloaded it jan 17th last year
also great movie from the same guy that did the movie we just watched (Fallen Angels by Wong Kar-Wai)
>>94719 #
>>94718 #
You also streamed Whiplash, I remember you saying you did but I wasn't there for it because I wasn't invited. This was back in the era where we were rivals, due to me outrizzing you in remington's chat
>>94720 #
>>94719 #
>>7786 ➡ #
yeah it was a long time ago and that was the one movie where I was on the wrong vpn node so nothing I wrote showed up in chat due to it being shadow banned
>>94721 #
>>94720 #
Thank you streamer neko for contributing to board culture!!! Unironically.

But I'm a tough and cool male so I have to couch my genuine compliments in sarcasm to not feel gay
>>94722 #
>>94722 #
Wait streamer neko was the boni chad all along? I take it all back. I HATE streamer sex haver boba drinking pushup neko
>>94724 #>>94727 #
>>94724 #
What're you gonna do, use your position as head of the truthseeker's alliance to investigate and disprove my claims???
>>94726 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx24-04-29 17-03-04.png􀄩
􀈷 658 KB􀅊 810×451􀣋 PNG
>>94725 #
As a great friend of the sitting chairman of the Nekochen Doxx Non-Profit Organization, I will simply ask for a few favours and then play your baby videos on stream (they all show you wearing a DIAPER (this is embarrassing)).
>>94728 #
>>94723 #
>pushup neko
But that's me. And I'm not the boniposter. What the actual spruce?
>>94726 #
I have more embarrassing videos from as recent as last week
>>94729 #
>>94728 #
Theres a photo of me mooning my poopy butt to my uncle when I was like 1 year old
The context to this image? I do not know
>>94731 #>>94734 #
I'm actually so glad that when I was a little batty boy the only cameras we've had were non-digital in my household. There's not that many pictures of me and the "most embarassing" one is like of me putting a bunch of baby powder on the furniture around the house.
>>94731 #
>>94729 #
>>94730 #
Why would embarrassing pictures of you as young kids matter? I don't think less of you because you were dumb as a kid, we all were. I love you guys, plationalically, and I would sign up to the nekochen military to defend it
>>94732 #>>94733 #
>>94731 #
>Why would embarrassing pictures of you as young kids matter?
I just think it's a bad idea to do a bunch of pictures like that, especially like "here's you getting your diaper changed HAHAHAHA" or something stupid like that. Getting a picture on the birthday or when you do something funny, like that powder thing, that's probably okay. Getting a picture of every single moment of your life without the baby's consent? Kinda cringe and also if it leaks to public, not the best of looks (mostly on parents but just in general, other people can be mean about it, especially teenagers).
>>94731 #
I dont think they matter, its just fun to think about the dumb things kids do and the fact that a specific person did a specific silly thing, it makes you blush and thats it
its like telling a friend that you went drinking with "oh man do you remember how you were totally knocked out on the couch? we put a bunch of things all over you to see how much we could stack on you without you waking up!! XD", its just a fun thing that happened and not much more than that imo
>>94729 #
Haha this neko shat himself. Everyone DOGPILE his ass.
I found an incredibly potent source of cringe
its like, take the worst bryntoks that exist, but its an entire compilation of "theatre kid" tiktok content
>>94737 #>>94736 #
>>94735 #
I love theatre kids, I'm one in spirit.
>>94737 #
about equal, depending on the video
>>94739 #
I would contribute to society by being her husband.

But seriously, our armed forces is irrelevant, why pay for additional members in it? So they can waste a year NOT going to war and NOT defending the nation?

Conscript people into trades, into manual labour. The idea of armed forces conscription appeals solely to boomers who love WW2 documentaries and are safe from the draft.
I forgot jawfu existed, woah
any more recent toks from the con?
>>94742 #
Yeah I'm back in my simping for jawfu arc
>>94746 #
that must be why I thought she looked pretty for the first time
>>94748 #
>>94747 #
She's losing weight, it's over for the chubby fans
>>94746 #
>She needs more meal deals.
As a fathaterneko, I disapprove of this message.
>>94750 #
>>94749 #
Hope you're happy. People like you convince girls to loose wait and not embrace their cuter, chubbier sides.
>>94751 #
>>94750 #
>Hope you're happy.
She does look better so I'm happy for her yes.
>cuter, chubbier sides
There's no cuter and chubbier. Those are antagonistic terms.
>>94752 #
>>94751 #
Counter argument: when remy was chubby he was still very cute
>>94753 #
>>94752 #
Counter counter argument: Would remy be cuter while remaining thin? Absolutely equivocally yes
>>94754 #
>>94754 #
ok lets debate it
fat? yes
fat = cute? no
fat = not cute QED

pwned with facts and logic again I fear. that'll be 50 nekocoins
>>94758 #
>>94754 #
Genuinely though, without exaggeration, I think people that are thin, or pretty thin, like reasonably so do feel happier about themselves and their body image.
My assertion is that for women that would express itself in being cuter, as in expressing cute, happy thoughts more, but it's just an assertion.
>>94758 #
Since I have started losing weight I have stopped measuring myself up to other people, thinking "oh this person has bigger biceps than me" etc which is nice
but I have gotten more neurotic over my bf% and if I need to eat less or if I can "afford" to eat another time today which is not nice
>>94755 #
>>94756 #
I just think Remy looked cute regardless, it's in his smile. His demeanour, his movement, his face, his personality.

I think he looked more physically attractive at his thinnest in the jinx cosplays, but he always looked cute
>>94762 #
Okay how about this, I'll buy reki meal deals, so now you have to buy reki Ozempic
>>94764 #
>>94764 #
>he thinks jawfu moggs reki
>>94768 #
If it's a bbm edit, I will not open it, just to spite you.
>>94768 #
>>94768 #
I have never been fishing
speaking of ozempic, the company that makes it is so rich now that they are literally worth more than Denmark
I fucking hate fat people so much
>>94772 #>>94773 #
>>94771 #
>food is so abundant people literally need to eat a chemical because they eat too much of the food
really makes you think doesn't it
>>94775 #
>>94772 #
thats why the company is so rich
>>94772 #
>Bonbi went on Ozempic
Did she actually? I do not really keep up with news about her.
>>94773 #
>food is so abundant people literally need to eat a chemical because they eat too much of the food
It's moreso that people have 0 will to stop stuffing their mouths with food until they get as fat as possible. Let's be honest, I theoretically could eat three times as much as I'm eating now, I'm "rich" enough. I'm not going to do it though.
You guys are saints because you're skinny, we get it. Maybe let people enjoy things.
>>94777 #
>>94776 #
I'll have you know i have plenty of fat tokfus
I forgot to add that I also put on slight fatshaming messages into my comments on their toks from time to time. Just subtle enough to make them feel the pangs of guilt.
>>94779 #
we do not want fat tokfus but 'phat' tokfus are fine
Germ is fat and we love her
>>94779 #
I never tried actually, but I'm sure if I rubbed my last 2 remaining braincells together I would come up with some devilish ideas.
for me? Ive never had a tokfu with a protruding stomach
>>94784 #
>>94784 #
Actually, I'm a thin racist
I'm gonna lose a ton of weight so I can thinmogg you fat haters, then you'll stop bullying the fatties
