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>>74939 #
because the individual asking the question is black and in a western country, and black people in western countries in the modern era all subscribe to KSI on youtube :D
>>74944 #
>>74942 #
>I can rest when I'm dead
>I will hit plat 1 rank again today.
>>74940 #
Well, I know it, but I'm also thoroughly Americanized at this point, if I asked a random person on the street in my city I bet I would have less than 0.1% success rate. Like actually.
We have 0 American history education, I cannot remember anything that was taught in school about America except maybe Normandy. Oh yeah, and discovery of America by Columbus. That's probably it.
>>74939 #
I honestly have no clue how much american history gets taught there
On the flip side we do learn a bunch of english history here going back to the Middle Ages and stuff
Also more recent things like churchill, thatcher, the troubles, falklands war
>>74950 #>>74951 #
Question: What european nation was Christopher Columbus from?
>>74947 #
Dammit you can see the friggin emoji through the spoiler
>>74935 #
I meant I thought you were still suffering from Insultomania, dumbass (term of endearment)
>>74945 #
If you want to imagine how barebones our education about America is, imagine that we've never been taught any names of the states, not on geography or history and I'm like 99.9% sure.
I was taught about the same amount about South American countries as about US, actually it was more proportionally because I've had to remember the small islands and stuff like that on geography.
>>74953 #>>74963 #
>>74952 #
I hope that she doesn't look like bonbi though? It was just a joke about the texture stretch when I've said it.
>>74953 #
then again I imagine euro history has so much shit to cram in one persons head.
>>74965 #
I havent had a geography lesson in at least 14 years
they just werent popular here, like who cares?
>>74961 #
>>74953 #
>is bit more relevant in modern history
And yet there's almost no education about it, but then there's almost no modern history education in our classes and I suspect I know what's that about. IIRC my history classes ended pretty much on WW2.
The problem with modern history (apart from it being politicized to shit) is that it was a very turbulent time for my country and actually learning about that period and all the crimes of our recent elites would turn everyone into a nazi, or at least far-right.
No left-wing government will let that go into curriculum.
>>74966 #
>>74959 #
fucking alien in this image
>>74951 #
I feel like the whole world ought to learn about the US civil rights movement purely because of how much we are exporting critical theory and our ideas of race relations to the rest of the globe
I remember when britain had black lives matter protests where people shouted "hands up don't shoot" and the cops in britain don't even carry guns
>>74969 #>>74971 #
>>74956 #
european history is pretty simple

rome 400AD-400 BC
[nothing relevant happens]
england 1066-modern times

the rest of europe doens't mater
>>74958 #
>there's almost no modern history education
to be fair you guys have centuries of kings to remember, there's enough content in there already
>>74971 #
History here:
>Evolutionary history
>Stone age
>Bronze age
>Iron Age
>French revolution
>The Hansa
>The Kalmar Union
and then modern day
>>74963 #
even places like germany and sweden had black lives matter protests. are there even black people there?
>>74974 #
>>74968 #
i dont know anything about it, warlockracy hasn't made a video on it.
>>74963 #
And it's imported without any thought into my country too, which is also pretty funny because it's doubly removed from our populace, like it's two degrees of separation, but oh well.
I'm really ambivalent towards the political spectrum at this point, "nothing ever changes", except maybe for the worse.
>>74966 #
>to be fair you guys have centuries of kings to remember,
And... Most of it doesn't matter. Like what good did knowing all the battles in the middle ages did to me? Maybe some of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries was quite important to our history and the way our population behaves but other than that? Mostly history footnotes, not worth the extensive education we've had to get through.
I would gladly take extensive modern history (late XXth century) to be taught as well as those earlier epochs than what we have right now. Especially since knowing nothing about those times makes young people repeat mistakes that shouldn't be repeated, we've had hard times before, we're going to run into hard times if we keep the trajectory.
>>74972 #
Now this was unadulterated KINO, that one and the sequel.
>>74975 #
>>74969 #
>sweden had black lives matter protests
completely orchestrated by muslims that wanted a reason to loot and steal and teen girls that wanted to virtue signal for some randoms across the pond
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>>74973 #
Based, there was also this one, its technically not centered around aliens but you can play as one
naurr scroll up hes still typing naurrrrr naurrrrr bro writing a disssertation naurrr
>>74979 #>>74978 #
>>74977 #
It's just pity, pity for myself (because I didn't get the proper education) and pity for my young countrymen that will not either. Let's be honest, if I wasn't a bit interested, I would know nothing about modern history.
Anyway maybe you're right, that's probably enough, it is skirting the rules anyway
>>74980 #
>>74979 #
im just pulling your tail dont worry
you gotta remember that the modern educational system is just a tool to conveyer belt students into upper education which means that it doesnt have the time nor the energy to actually teach people stuff; its only goal is to teach people how to learn so that they can go on and learn skills and/or necessary further education in order to be productive members of society
In order to be a function member of society that helps the whole political and economical machine progress you dont need to know how the rise of imperialism during the 1800s came to be nor how Adam Smith invented liberalism, you just need to know how to shut up, sit in class and absorb the skillset of how to learn these things in the future, depending on what role society needs at that point in time
complaining that school doesnt teach you actually interesting or useful things is like blaming a fish for not being able to climb a tree, thats not what it ever sought out to be able to do
theres a reason why most people generally arent taught how to pay taxes, how to buy a home and that stuff, because you dont need to know it to oil the cogs that run our world, you just need to know how to shut up and follow orders
>skirting the rules
there are no de facto rules on neko to be honest, aside from when the tourists came around people could talk about whatever because we were self regulating so dont worry I was just naurrrrspamming you because its an oldnaur meme
>>74984 #
>>74980 #
Oh I know about the general problems with educational system, it's just that we were so close in my middle school, we've had a hardy history teacher that had some knack for the subject, if only he was allowed to teach modern history and kept up the stringency in that topic we would be all well educated on that topic. I don't think it's even possible to impart that kind of knowledge on all populace though, there are always schools that will just push you through or that just plainly don't care.
>complaining that school doesnt teach you actually interesting or useful things
I certainly am not doing that, I wasn't doing that back in school (because I wouldn't know about the pushback from the youngsters in America that were against classic education) and I wouldn't now because I appreciate classic education a bit more, it's much more well rounded to know a bit about everything than to just go into amazon warehouse training facility for 3 years, even if you're "not prepared" for the "real life" jobs.
Just teaching a bit of critical thinking is much better than trying to make a drone and thankfully we still have some of it in our educational system.
I'm just saying it is somewhat of a political-adjacent topic which... makes it a little harder to not insert some of it into the posts. I try not to though because my general view is (I believe) quite rational without revealing which side of the fence I'm on.
>>74991 #
>>74983 #
now, but for an internship that would've given me good experience it'd be great :/
>>74987 #
>>74988 #
fake. nothing can store carbon because carbon isnt real, its made up by the CEOs of "renewable" energy companies.
>>74992 #
>>74984 #
not a rule here nor do I think anyone outright minds
there are political discussions littered throughout past threads
>>74993 #
>>74991 #
Well, let's just say from my experience, it has been else that we talk about politics in more of a goofy manner or just in passing and not to take over the thread.
That's pretty much that. Well except for the dark times, but I haven't read those threads, maybe I never will
>>75001 #
>>74987 #
>The study by researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, published in Nature Climate Change, highlights the crucial role of fruit-eating birds in the natural regeneration of tropical forests. By comparing carbon storage potential in landscapes with varying levels of fragmentation, they found that highly fragmented landscapes restrict bird movement, reducing carbon recovery potential by up to 38%. The study emphasizes the importance of maintaining a minimum of 40% forest cover and a maximum distance of 133 meters between forested areas to ensure bird movement and effective seed dispersal. The findings have significant implications for ecological restoration efforts, particularly in the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil, where natural regeneration is more cost-effective than active tree planting in areas with sufficient forest cover and bird movement.
>>74998 #
>>74992 #
i liked this one the most, only nerds swear by most wanted
>>74996 #
okay good. thank you for confirming that is in fact an article.
skribbl time
>>74993 #
I guess we just disagree on this but personally I couldn't care less about it
If nekos wanna talk politics some time they they can, if I dont wanna participate I can just do something else for the time being
Its not like 2chen when there was one spastic who just couldnt shut up about it no matter what time or day it was
I was that 50000 post and also the 75000 post :)
>4 months and 5 days between 25000 and 50000
>1 month and a week between 50000 and 75000
>>75007 #
the politics is putting me to sleep
>>75008 #
>>75007 #
savannah brown poetry reference
>>75008 #
ok but its still making me sleepy
>>75013 #
>>75012 #
uhm actually I am sitting inside at home so it is not in nature
>>75010 #
within cells interlinked
secret thread exposed
>>75020 #
>>75018 #
I am no newneko actually I might be, depends on who you call oldneko, but I remembered my post about the sequential posting so I just needed to check, couldn't resist.
>>75021 #
>>75021 #
i am an oldneko but not an alwayshereneko so i dont know half the inside jokes you guys have
>>75024 #
>>75022 #
Don't worry, 90% of them are references to the movies we watched together, the rest is about how oldnekos is anyone that has been here for at least a day. 2 days in that joke
i have caught ONE (1) movie night
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even dying of sickness I still top frag in these lobbies. I am simply too fucking good
>+45 RR
I am a god gamer
>>75030 #
>>75023 #
Nooooooo, not Marina nightcore... This is a disaster... I genuinely had a phase of listening to Marina, I'm also 100% male and 100% straightneko
>>75028 #
I challenge your oldneko status, newneko... Prove me wrong!
>>75035 #
>>75027 #
oh nononononoonononononononoonononon
>>75028 #
what would a newneko (post refugee crisis) like yourself know about how we operate here?
>>75033 #
he is posting bonis to pretend to be an oldneko we see through your deceptions
>>75035 #
I can recognize any marina song, well up to some point because I've stopped listening to her stuff a few years ago. I could also sing the lyrics of most of the songs at some point.
>>75035 #
bro that's teen idle. top 5 most known marina songs

>>75038 #
Now you are just baiting... I will give you your (You), but clearly, as we say on nekochan, what the neko?
Also, why did they say nekochan, were they really so stupid that they couldn't read the link on the top of the page? I've seen it multiple times too
