「/ttg/ #45 ifunny edition」
Anonymous 0:13 728 KB 624×462 H264

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
/ttg/ #45 nothing here to care about edition
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
6. Lurk moar
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
sturdy down again? slow asf
>>98866 #
it was fun, something to push myself toward at night (whilst watching house m.d)
i think i'll hold off on the pushups for a day to give my arms time to recover, but squats and situps are super easy right? i can definitely roll a d100 for those.
>>98867 #
>squats and situps are super easy right
I can do like a hundo squats (about 1.5x pushups) and like maybe... 30 situps? So yea, it really depends on how well your muscles are developed in those areas.
I don't think my core is very weak but it's not top shape either. I would probably gas out on a top roll of situps.
We don't have to do it every day, but I like it from time to time, makes me happy to see nekos try out fun crap together.Also I am literally half zombie today, those squats really did a number on me and doing pushups next day didn't help, but if you want I'm down
im gonna roll pushups today since I did pullups yday
might as well start now #d100 (64)
ill 2x that so 128 total
I still haven't done the 2 push-ups I rolled yesterday
I have barely done any pushups in half a year and my set has gone up from 25-30 to a solid 35... what?
rolling for squats #d100 (53)
rolling for situps #d100 (10)
rolling for donuts #d100 (2)
.play [YouTube] ???
one day they show up in school in a SS uniform and a sword saying they studied the blade or smth
do I stare into a wall until sleeptime or try to forget the pain #8ball (It can't be helped)
low key getting bored of the tiktoks
the eye slots are just mesh so yes
I should've not looked up what quadrobics is. I am cursed with this knowledge till the end of my days now.
think about it logically
you couldnt run around on all 4s if you were a fatty
therefore, therians are based and I support quadrobics
why is my night market not showing
133 pushups done in 4 sets, +5 in excess over my roll
very cool, didnt know I had that in me
>>98910 #
>pound for pound
Yea I could do 40 pushups per set for 4 sets easily. To think you would be even brazen enough to imply it's truth...
>>98913 #
well yeah thats what pound for pound means
youve got like 15 kg on me and only 5 extra reps?
Also lmao, it's 6.75 rep on a series, which is almost 20%, which would mean you would have to be ONLY 17kg lighter :)
Bon bye bonkers? Never 'eard of her.
my arms ache, but also i feel good, they hurt because i did my pushups (yesterday), life is wonderful
i just need to get into a routine of doing stuff like this regularly so my body doesn't punish me so badly for working out at all.
Fact: You can't be fat and a fu
i hate the northmen so fucking much.
i rewired every single outlet in my house cause the previous owners were too lazy to use grounded outlets
also they covered a nice tile backsplash with a horrific kind of thin board
ill post pics since it's inside the house gimme a min
>>98953 #
there is a product for removing adhesive called goof-off which really helped
but the tool i used was a combination of a stiff bristle brush and a razor scraper
is this board racist friendly?
>cloudflare block
minny why :(
what's the url for the banlogs? need to check if minny wanted to fry me
>>98965 #
>>98967 #
doesn't seem to be any log. maybe someone on the same vpn as I use derped hard.
might write to nekomin later or just go get another vpn, can't have too many
That's not even the most retarded part.
Never heard of it. Sorry. Can't help you.
My deviated septum is unironically going to kill me. I had a panic attack last night from the lack of sleep and today I only had like 5 hours of sleep at max.
>>98981 #
oof, what does deviated septum mean? I can assume from the name of the piercing but haven't heard of it before
>>98982 #
the bridge of the nose is misaligned and this can cause a multitude of problems. In my case I developed a large tumor in my nose.
My mum is videocalling with me while she is in the tourist part of the country, and everyone is already dining at 4pm
Do nords really?
She's pointing at the obvious brit tourists and calling them milk skins, I'm having a hard time not laughing
cable guy just left this is my commemorative neko post
peace... quietness..
>>98998 #
is it just me or is this video only sound? because for the last 20 minutes I only hear sounds and no video
how to keep online friendship alive?
>>98999 #
yep i completely griefied the encoding with handbrake because I am a fraud, try this
>>99000 #
move them away from the digital space and into real-life, alternatively you can make them meaningful through means such as creative projects, any sort of engaging commitment can also work.
>>98991 #
no worries.
just had to look around for a smooth way to connect.
you really did a number on me lol, think half the country or perhaps most of the world is blocked.
and that includes my non-vpn connections, sheesh
wow, 1000 more posts and this forum will have 100k posts
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday
Make sure to have a productive week nekos!
Do scandinavians get super powers during the midnight sun?
#claude is it gay to kiss after receiving oral sexPOSTS OF THE SAME IP WERE VIEWED BY 'admin'Rate limit reached, try again later.
i found a very cute tokfu anons but she currently has only 3 toks, if she makes more i will share with you
huh neko seems very quiet
hehehe everyone must be working, that's good.
at 16 posts a day it will take us 60 days to get to 100k posts
60 days to think what chip to post
i replaced every outlet and switch in the house and only almost shocked myself once
I would like to be an incel again. That was a free untethered existence
Yes but I'm warning you those things are HUNG
[YouTube] ???
merry christmas (in june)
getting a 403 error on awemer and I'm too much of a retard to fix it
it's so over
>>99061 #
yeah i also can't get the source without the tiktok watermark on yt-dlp, can't post my tokfu...
Women working in service jobs with part dyed hair are like nicotine
how did the activity suddenly drop so much in the last couple days did i miss something?
good night emptychen.net
you'd think that someone that likes a tokker wouldn't repeatedly post the same 3 toks where she shows her thighs
hey neko
good night neko
see you tomorrow neko
>>99081 #
goodnight? what the fuck is wrong with you? it's 6am go wear your sneakers and run like Rocky
picked up learning german. lets see if I stick through with it this time
#claude what body language does a girl display when she wants to be kissed?It's impossible to know for sure. Here's why: * **People are unique:** There's no single "kiss me" signal. * **Context matters:** What someone does in one situation might mean something different in another. * **Respect boundaries:** Always get clear consent before kissing someone. Focus on clear communication and respectful behavior.
Does your country have double decker trains? I've been obsessively watching videos about them over the last week
[YouTube] ???
any brokeback mountain edits with this song?
i need to simp kay's mum
>do I stare into a wall until sleeptime or try to forget the pain
the absolute state of anti-National Socialist freaks on nekochen
Is sturdy down?
how bout them new snapdragon laptop cpus? think they'll be any good or capable of running mac os at a cheaper price?
>>99104 #
>capable of running mac os
I don't think so, arm isn't as easily interchangable as x86 is and apple has a lot of custom stuff on apple silicon that a snapdragon chip won't have
total sturdyadmin death im going to kill that nigger
>>99106 #
I see what you're saying but I've seen the hackintosh community make software to work around missing instructions like
I think they've also done things like port gallium graphics drivers from leenux, and apple still releases the source code for their kernel which the hackintosh community has also used to help get the os to run on amd machines. So I think it will be possible
is the other site down or i got banned?
im slacking rn when i should be choring
but i think if i dont get a lil break im gonna go insane
man it's so weird, i've got this idea in my head about the problems our boards are facing but only the moderation and admin know the truth
doesn't the boards feel different somehow? the activity? the ip counts? the way people post, the topics they post that go against our culture?
i gotta write it out somewhere and i'll share it with you my nekos and sturdies alike.
>>99126 #
The one or two posters who only show up to cause problems are getting worse and worse honestly.
>>99129 #
It went down maybe an hour, hour and a half ago. I know he had mentioned a server upgrade so its possible that is happening.
Since everyone here. Does anyone got a mothi live stream archive?
>>99146 #
this anon will be looking for his "mothi live stream archive" on various boards till the end of time
>>99147 #
There's multi anons looking for that! - biggest mothi archive requester
>>99146 #
some guy had an archive, he posted 2 of them. did you catch those?
>>99153 #
she made a tok like a week before talking about how the account had too many follows and that she needed to speedrun a ban
Mothi spammer. I hear nekochen loves Mothi. You could just stay here after.
>>99166 #
that's not true, if he stays on sturdychan he will get more eyeballs on every mothi he posts
he should objectively stay there
that was a loud ass fart
>>99172 #
then why were there so many mothis on sturdychan?
that's clearly the place to go to spam mothi
>>99191 #
don't know why he's ban if he has a tiktok account
Who else watching a movie tonite?
lets do scene kid! yt series marathon
it's weird, the homepage works for me and I've been keeping an eye on the number of posts which occasionally starts ticking up. it's as if there's a handful of posters who can access the boards and they sporadically start posting with each other. the site has been getting more broken each month after sturdymin started experimenting with cloudflare
>>99202 #
Some anon over on endchan said that if you were in the thread before the site went down you could still post
there has never been a schizo on this green earth that was ever wrong
>>99214 #
It's a mental disorder that causes you to see and believe things that aren't real. Schizophrenics are wrong about a lot of things all the time.
>>99218 #
They tend to believe in all kinds of crazy things, tend to believe completely unrelated things are linked together and also tend to be highly attracted to either religious or political top down power systems.
there are some insanely beautiful colombians, man...
>Well i guess marriage means absolutely nothing in 2024. I thought my wife was in it until the end but maybe just in it until she found the right personal trainer. We had a conscious uncoupling and hopefully one day she will understand how much i meant to her
>>99229 #
no the tok is uploading, sorry neko but this one is gonna be pretty large in size
>>99220 #
>also tend to be highly attracted to either religious or political top down power systems.
it's literally the opposite. schizos have grand narratives about there being a communist or nazi or papist conspiracy. this is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to make them get help, because they're specifically terrified of authority and gravitate to libertarian tendencies. sovereign citizen shit for example.
>>99231 #
They believe in conspiracies but they tend to follow outlier top down power politics and tend to be religious.
>>99242 #
nta but I mostly see schizos be hysterical about stuff like the government vaccination programs, which seems like aversion to authoritarianism. they also see feds everywhere (the term "glowie" is a Terry Davis schizoism)
>>99243 #
I agree they are hysterical about it but I think the problem is people are attributing rational thinking to them. They see conspiracies everywhere and tend to ascribe to violent or extremist solutions.
>>99250 #
I know a few schizophrenics from just interacting with them. Every single one was a crazy religious person and when political espoused desires that an authoritarian system was better. I know this is just personal experiences but the 3 I know were all like this. They also believed god spoke to them personally, which probably explains where a lot of religions come from.
Anyone got the lenky archive???
I'm going to take a nap. Hope everything is back to normal by then.
someone bullied me on sturdy earlier today so I hammered down 250ml of vodka and I can still taste it in my burps like 6-7 hours later
I always try to be nice to anons and sometimes do teasing but then you realize that the teasing went too far and sounds mean.
Easier to get through life when you realise there will always be people who hate you, no matter what you do
Sturdy is back. See you anons there!
Bye neko, thanks for hosting us.
cloudflare is blocking me 😭
I noticed that he deletes a lot of old threads, maybe that's what's causing the issue for him.
>>99296 #
he started moving the old threads to an archive section a few months ago. next time you're on the catalog look for it
i have noticed that toks or vids i have uploaded to sturdy before will still sometimes go through the full upload process again
700 more posts nekos...
Anyone got the ttg discord one anon is yapping about?DELETED BY 'admin'
I love fat girls for the power they hold over me
adminny <3 <3 <3
are these posts made by bots or do people write them? can you tell the difference after they are posted?
quit your job
I have read chapter 2, THE SOLDIER'S TALE.
This wasn't as good as the priest's sale tbh fr fr but it was alright. Felt it started strong but then the whole medical ship sequence just felt silly - I know its all futuristic and containment fields and whatever star trek mumbo jumbo but how did Kassad survive any of that shit when everyone else was dead instantly? Shit made no sense.
The ouster girl seemed cute.
We learnt a bit more about the shrike and tbh it made him less cool. You can just tell the secret to him and the time tombs is going to be nonsensical, but we will see.
Also the narrative to the first story made more sense in that it was mostly quoted from a book, and then only a shorter bit from hoyt's perspective. There was a point made early on about how what we are reading is the Consul's recording of what he was told.
This story seemed to break that structure - are we really meant to believe mr scary colonel kassad is telling these 6 strangers about how he "caressed her buttocks and exploded inside her" and everything else? Or did he just say "we had sex" and we are just reading the Consul's erotic retelling alone later that night with his comlog? None of it sounded natural.
Maybe part of the unrealistic nature of the space scene was meant to be an unreliable narrator thing but who knows. Maybe he really was captured by the ousters and agreed to help them etc and he'll be revealed to be their spy or whatever, but otherwise it was a bit of a stretch.
I did read the start of the poet's tale and that was more interesting so far. As much as I have disliked the character up to this point.
Tfw no battle of Agincourt short cropped hair qt....
i am here reading your post as you type it
>>99322 #
i think i saw a thread about hyperion on 4chan a couple days ago, i see you are reading hyperion too.
is it getting a show or smth?
>>99324 #
Its getting a netflix miniseries adaptation where father hoyt is TRANSGENDER and colonel kassad is PALESTINIAN
>>99334 #
just an unflattering angle, don't know why she thought she looked good and posted it though.
looks like one of dem pugs
frenchie really got me doing his job for him
Sound of Metal (2019)
duration 2 hours
movie movie movie film film film
>>99339 #
now dawg
that was a good fucking movie man. his process of losing his hearing, the deaf community, the love between him and his girlfriend just wow.
good choice mr streamer. hidden gem
>>99344 #
what do you mean?
i'm not logged into my account there so i'm posting here what do you mean neko is kill? am i not getting a joke?
oh yeah i get it now, still don't know why posters went away though
it would be nice to have an ability of muting the sound, like you close your eyes to stop seeing but with ears
>>99347 #
i don't think closing your eyes stop you from seeing, you just see black. blind people literally don't see anything
>>99349 #
that'll probably be a thing in the future. scientists are slowly digitalizing our brain. on the downside they'll probably have the ability fuck with your thoughts.
will there be another movie? sorry i can't post there for some reason i need the password from my email to log in
thanks man, you guys have a good night and again thanks for the movie mr streamer
whered you come from bud
New mothi
What the fuck its sunday? I thought it was saturday
very interesting how these bots work
So many pretty women out today. This will be the summer I sleep with them
like this?
hehehehe i found it
#claude describe richard nixon's reaction to finding out his son watches animeRate limit reached, try again later.
richard nigson
Bingogirl has acquired a second cat
mothi more like boring
i've decided i would suck on those toes as long as i can before i would even look at the pizzaDELETED BY 'admin'
you can't be posting shit like this here anon it gets me riled up
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Мы помогаем нашим пользователям на пути к успешным операциям с криптовалютами или изучению рынка крипты.
im sure it's the same ru anon who spams questionable ads and cp
post your tokfu spam anon
washed my balls and bussy
going out partying tonight
I have read hyperion chapter 3 "THE POET'S TALE" and here's what I thought of it:
I liked this one. Its no priest's tale, but enjoyable nonetheless. Past Martin Silenus is much more bearable than present Martin Silenus, but maybe to a degree that's just the lack of dialogue. The satyr bit was funny. Now that's the life.
So the thing they all have in common so far is that they've all met the shrike and lived. Hoyt because he has the protection of the pink crucifix, Kassad because.....I don't know why really. Silenus because he apparently brought him about through his writing.
I don't really have any insightful comments to add on the nature of the shrike etc tbh maybe after the next story I'll have a better idea of where things are headed.
Dying earth sounds like a nice planet. A shame india still exists in the future. I need to find my muse. All of mine have been women so far and they've led to nothing productive.
Other observations:
I just don't believe this guy has heard of Keats but not Hitler
The poetry in this book is....not great, but maybe I am just a philistine/pederast. It does nothing for me.
Sad King Billy is literally me fr fr
Brawne Lamia is annoying and her story won't be interesting
Some aspects of this world are very modern for a book written in '89.
i hate wo-man
i love wo(mb)mans
romania is a first world country
will we ever get to 100k posts at this point?
mobie today what mobie
oh yeah tonight's movie night, it's gonna be hard to top last week
Hallo, meine Schwester. (Hello, my sister).
I like the way german has their gendered thing
whats da mobie
movie neko will fail me like my dad did
hey frenchie what the fuck man why am i banned
i wish the gains goblin takes you prisoner and doesn't let you go frenchie
whatever man all my respect to the others in chat but you're a fucking bitch
>>99457 #
>>99458 #
>>99459 #
I have no idea who you are. There are 50 banned usernames in my chat, this does not narrow it down
still, i literally didn't even type anything the last two streams. why would you ban me?
imagine you got your popcorn, drinks and snack bar ready to sit down and get cozy with other viewers. you're kinda drunk. then you see the streamer banned you. the plans you made? ruined.
i'm not calling you my friend. i just want to know if i made some mistake so i don't do it again around other people.
you broke my heart frenchie. this is not a healthy way to communicate.
you're going on my suicide list
jk :D
shrooms make time time slow down man
After being rejected tonight, the only thing can could lift my spirits would be Emory's patreon scrape
I have finished Hyperion Chapter 4: The Scholar's Tale, and here's what I thought about it:
I liked it. It was very sad. I have nothing more to say.
>capcom summer show
>no megaman
I sleep
is it over bros?
refugees welcome
nekochen becoming basically a backup website for sturdychan
I heckin loooooove sturdychan, I looooove bbc and I looooove gay porn, I also looooooove goon sessions with my heckin bros, especially when the admin announces a goon session and I have to whip my cock out to goon with the admin and his goon drones
.play [YouTube] ???
I think richie dropped a new tok, fucking got jumpscared thought I went back in time
#claude what are some heart condition that are spelled similar to tuberculosisRate limit reached, try again later.
did troon anon break the fucking site? jk
bro admin is upgrading again
its back
I like when girls wear girly clothing and combine it with white sneakers. Sorry I had to interrupt my post midway through a black man was asking me where this train stops
Hope we have all remembered to vote for sir keir starmer
Cyka blyats, I cannot read russian yet.
voted for nigel farage
but why the dimensions are low
Emory sets leak?
Seen too many pretty girls recently. It awakens the soul, disturbs the lake of consciousness, but brings only pain
I knew a Justin once. He turned into a gay power bottom and probably has several STDs.
Stupid fucking faggot turned on his gay filter and blocked me again
kay is going berserk sperging on all minorities while flexing her new braces
what movie
What happened to this place
wow i didnt get invited to secret discrod
did they fight with nekomin?
I'm listening you fucking retard
he's been in the stream for 6 SIX HOURS AHHAHAHHHAHAH
haha tadpole cucks you will never find true neko and you will NEVER have the emory patreon pack with all 267 high definition images
>>99555 #
Hey I'm new here and don't really know what's happening, but I just want to say that your trips (you post number ended in three 5's) is pretty cool, and you should be proud of that.
The place where I come from (4chan) has the habit of saying "check them!" whenever someone gets post numbers of that kind, so I'll just follow what I learned and do the same.
Check them!!!
>>99557 #
Hey are you also a 4channer? Kek (lol in 4chan language) you type just like one of them! What boards do you often visit? My favourites are /fa/ and /r9k/, the people in there are just so funny and likeable.
I think maybe you should give us a visit one day you'd fit in pretty well and I'm sure you'd have some epic greentexts to share with the r9k'ers!!!
Do you know what greentexts are? I first saw them on reddit but I'll explain them to you. You start by pressing the greater than sign on your keyboard and write be me, in this fashion >be me; and then you continue writing some epics stories on what's your daily life like
If you like this type of comedy you can search for r/greentext, there are a lot of good posts in there that you can use to inspire yourself and others, and who knows, maybe one day your greentext will show up there. Also there's a bunch of tiktok (had to namedrop the name of this internet board xDDDD) that use some tts (text-to-speech) to read the greentexts while some minecraft is playing on the behind. I actually find that pretty cool and cozy but the other guys on /r9k/ think that is kinda cringe and brainrot so I pretend I dislike it there.
Anyway, I just noticed that you posted some emojis that is very much against the spirit of 4chan so please do not do that again, otherwise you might be singled out and made fun of. Even though everybody shows up as anonymous, those hacker guys can get your location and enter your computer pretty easily, one day I was just posting there and some guy told me he was going to kill my family and that it was not a joke as he knew where I am. I got a little bit spooked and closed my computer, but thankfully that never happened.
Also, sorry for this long wall of text, but in 4chan traditions you should never use paragraphs as that's a sign you're a redditor and that's also not cool by their standards. I don't know what they're so against it.
Anyway I'd love to keep typing but there's a menacing number on the co
Brings a tear to my eye to see my favourite website active again.
Have a wonderful day nekos.
>>99560 #
Ahah this website used to be more active? I didn't know I'm kinda new. Do people no longer like tiktok in 2024 (the current year xDD) or are they posting somewhere else. I used to frequent the Russian tiktok website (I'm Russian haha, шалом), but they banned the creating of new tiktok threads because I don't know, I guess they're just mean. That website was called 2ch and the board was /fag/, which is funny because fag is an homossexual slur but we were all very straight when posting tiktoks.
Anyway I would really like to see more people posting here and to see what "fus" (am I saying that correct?) they like, because the one I see on my android are very cool but I'd like to see more western tokkers. If you're interested in Russia, I can give you three very cool tokkers from there. My favorite is tontsacu.ra, she has a lot of very cool cosplays, although I don't really like how often she uses that filter that makes her look like she has an overbite and a goatee, I think it doesn't suit how beautiful she is. Then some other popular tokker is eva.mosevich, she is a big (not in size haha) popular model who distinguishes herself by exxagerating a lot on makeup, but I think it makes her look good either way. And my last "fu" (haha I think I'm getting the hang of this) is abashny, she sometimes gets banned from being too suggestive but I think her toks are nice either way! She does that arabic dance ashi ashi a lot of time and I just love it! I think there isn't enough arabic and Russian music on tiktok, it's always the same american rappers (bad music, actually, not even music (I'd like to put a vomiting emoji here but we don't use emojis on 4chan xD)) and it doesn't suit the cute dances that the girls on my screen do. You see, they're all gentle and coordinated, cheerful and radiant, but the music on the background is always some sort of n*gga (can I say the word, I'm so sorry that I wrote I deleted it afterward I'm sorrym realy) and d*ck that and that make
the pressure of the impending chip get was too great and they left
hop on battlebit nekos
what happened mr nekochen
snoo > kay
Tired of hearing that song, please do better susu poster.
I love susu
I am starting to appreciate susu.
Walked 20km today lads
I'm LISTENING you fucking retards 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 you're trans tooPOSTS OF THE SAME IP WERE VIEWED BY 'admin'
You are being watched.
*sip* they don't make em like they used to
Nekobros were too perfect for this world and so ascended to heaven, leaving their earthly settlement behind; ruins to be stumbled upon by future generations
I like the ruins. It's calm.
please stop having sex and come back to neko
What up my nekka
Wake up Mr Neko, wake up an smell the ashes
>>99600 #
Is she Romanian? All the Romanians I know don't look like that, I'd guess more that she is Austrian or Swiss or Italian
romanian site for romanian people
No romanians, only gypsy
*casts a hex on you*
sorry bruh but kay is an actual larper, or just trolling because she changes sides and ideologies every other month
Kay has backed, and funded, both sides of every conflict since the Napoleonic Wars
im at my house and i took out the toilets to replace them but now i have to poop
what a fool i am
The Enemy here. I sense him.
I feel so much tension for no reason, chill
>>99628 #
I'd love to encounter richie in the woods
oh the things i would do!teach her bird calls and point out interesting lichen
>>99629 #
>teach her bird calls and point out interesting lichen
that's some turbo autism shit but richie would probably like that
Ofedkwdkjwkjdkwjdkjw jdwidjwijdwfw fjdkqwasqfoewofjewof ojqwejfqwkdokjwofjewofjewoi nekochen.net
claude please identify the meaning of his post
I was gonna say it but now I wont.
Oh no all my toks are gone what happened
nekochen DOT net
slash tee tee
anyone else feeling hella nekopilled rn?
I simply don't believe the active neko userbase disappeared to discord. They wouldn't do that. They're good people. They're probably just really busy doing something else right now
They created a meth DIY discord server. It's why they had to leave
richie > bonbi
I have a problem with tiktok, its super slow and when I open a username its a blank page, every single user is a blank page, I can barely watch the fyp since it lags and has delay on clicks, wtf is that tiktok fix your shit
on the app or browser?
it worked lol
personally, I'm glad AP is gone
maybe the real AP is the friends we made along the way
what does AP mean?!?!?!?
alkaline phosphatase
wish AP stopped having sex for one day and post on neko again
came across a neo-vagina haver on my way back home
Lacrossefu drives a manual. God she's perfect
hello? is dead?
sovl reply to: @99679
day of the rope will be propagated by the harbinger of doom known as kay
I know this place is empty but that is no excuse to kaypost here
I will revive nekochen.
you see, they left because there were too many people who wouldn't adapt to the neko culture, we must retvrn
<the culture
anyone have the kay toks with the girls last tour cosplay (soldier girl)
Sure my Ukrainian friend, I will buy sketchy drugs from your sketchy website. Slava ukraini
finally some activity
It's a little weird that he posted his drug site again after I complimented him
grab a brush and put on a little make up
holy fuck they really do not shut up about kay. how do they not feel ashamed as grown adult men
first time I've seen a fu in one of those trucks
she looks so eastern european, like she would be selling clothes from turkey in the flea market
>>99724 #
no they dont give them out anymore
>>99723 #
Ah, fellow Noemiposter, you got the invite to the discord right? I don't want to leave a good poster behind.
shark is growing on me
who are the people still here? do you just have this tab open, and have done for weeks, despite this site being completely inactive once all the oldnekos left for greener pastures?
>>99728 #
im an oldneko, curious who's sticking around
who is asking
Yeah I still browse empty imageboards
I dont know. Nostalgia? I used to browse ancient chans until the userbase thinned. I stick around until the admin completely shuts down and repeat
El Chapo of Kyiv
hello nekochan my name oleksandr i buy ecstasy from koks.top im very high i recommend everyonePOSTS OF THE SAME IP WERE VIEWED BY 'admin'
>>99735 #
neomis dog died its a HORRIBLE DAY but she is in romania pretending to sip cocktails so its a whatever morning
the moment I became active on neko you guys left... I get the message
>>99739 #
don't worry neko, the big thing about imageboards are that they are anonymous, so there's really no way of figuring who's a bad actor. the fact that you still come here everyday and attempt to lift up this board by sharing your thoughts only proves you're one of the good ones, and surely it was someone else that drove everybody away. we need more people like you, and maybe if you look back to where you came from, you can gather some numbers and try to bring this website back to life. so don't put yourself down, be the change in the nekochen that you want it to be, if you want lots of wonderful posters like yourself, bring them in, nurture them, and let them reign together with you. this board is only as strong as it's weakest member, and the fact there's very little users here (i mean by population, not by height) means that you can focus yourself on bettering those exact people. next time you see someone post a tok, click on their post number and compliment them. if you have nothing positive to say, then it wasn't meant to be. this will create a positive feedback loop and rejuvenate this little corner of the internet into its full glory
as soon as i saw an active neko poster, it disgusted me
neko alive or dead
testing to see if this still works
.play [YouTube] ???
.play [YouTube] ???
Good to know you're still here, Mark. Best regards,
nekochen more like deadchan, thank you for teaching me about dynamic balancing ^
.play [YouTube] ??? testing
things will go back to normal after summer #8ball (Yes)
[YouTube] ???
One day I will be able to understand this video without subtitles
[YouTube] ???
My friend was in las vegas a few weeks ago. He should have taken pictures of the Fallout places
As long as you had fun. That's all that matters. :)
there are no nekos
Nevermind just noticed your tok is in sd, I'm not talking with you anymore
I will never post an hd tok
oh heck yea movie stream today
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chaz lied about the movie night or you guys are watching in secret
anon you will neve find their pherp hideout, it's over(pherp stands for portuguese homosexual erotic role playing btw)
chaz lied people died
Chaz movie just finished, I had a good time.
it's down
what the noooooo
Hello cave dwellers!!!!! :3 *nuzzles your neckie* >-<
well this is awkward
sturdy is down I can't look at it, but WHAT do I see on the bottom right left side of the sturdy front page?1/1/
emailed adminny, this is planned down time, not an attack
hello nekos, i must post el. i love her so much. her perfume smells so nice!!!
>>99799 #
i wish sturdy was down for a couple of days so that kayfags will learn their place and acquire some man's honor
kek i still fd it up
#post 7390062024513850656
ahh its an option now
any how first for ams is cutee
lmao ive just seen a post eaten by furry wth
Why did hello kitty go on to be as popular as it did?
nekochen ddos successful they are all here now ap bros
i hope the post# function is happening
>Hello Kitty (Japanese: ハロー・キティ, Hepburn: Harō Kiti),[6] also known by her real name Kitty White (キティ・ホワイト, Kiti Howaito),[5] is a fictional character created by Yuko Shimizu, currently designed by Yuko Yamaguchi, and owned by the Japanese company Sanrio.[7][8][9] Sanrio depicts Hello Kitty as a British anthropomorphized white cat with a red bow and no visible mouth.[10][11] According to her backstory, she lives in a London suburb with her family, and is close to her twin sister Mimmy, who is depicted with a yellow bow.[5][12]
Hold up she is britsh
i always liked nekochen more (bc its pink)
Its back up
its back
took viagra its up
Technically het name is Haro Kiti
Reading the wiki, who knew hello kitty had a very deep lore
Those suits freak me out man.
That wasnt very nice.
french did not stream a movie today
Please family, all I need are the snoojak patreon leaks
sturdy isn't down it was in the cockles of your heart all along
snoo doesn't have a patreon
woah why is nekochen so active
Why can't I access study at all? I get blocked on any IP I try even legit residential ones. Anyone else having this issue?
I think admin has banned all IPs that haven't visited before or some shit
Entschuldigung, very important message for all:
[YouTube] ???
I have worked it out in my head, backtracked through the entire day so far in my head, and so far I have masturbated 7 times. I don't even feel human anymore. And worst part is, I don't want to do anything other than masturbate, over-eat, or hammer down a few shots of liquor. Honestly, if there was heroin in front of me or if it were legal to buy I don't know that I'd be able to stop myself. I have nothing to live for, nothing to get up for. I thought and old friend would be visiting me this week but it was called off for whatever reason. I'd like to go for a walk in the park, on the beach, but with another human being who I like and who likes me. As it is someone should just put a bullet in my head and spare me the shame.
I am 41 years old by the way, I'm not some kid anymore. If you relate to my experiences and you're still in your 20s, this is your future.
yo where is the turdychan?
crazy place
we are back
surely there must be better ways of advertising drugs
the domain was so close to bein keks, fail at marketing...
hey admin how about banning this drug neko or deleting? ok
maybe the admin became a drug peddler
>>99891 #
when i downloaded nanda collection off slsk 10 years ago, i never imagined that in the future teenage girls on my phone would do silly dances with one of the songs in it
we are back nekos
why epic girls always delete their stuff of the internet and disappear only two return two months later then disappear again
please dont #steal toks from posts next time
duolingo pushing LGBTQ propaganda
#claude french onion soupRate limit reached, try again later.
can i get admin privileges?
an oekaki feature would be nice
>hard rain
jesus christ, where the hell do these spam bots even come from
what are nekos thoughts on total aryan victory?
do you ever get bored of your tokfu?
christmas music on a hot day
.play [YouTube] ???
.play [YouTube] ???
the doc did nothing wrong
any neko alive rn?
Kay is live on twitch lul
holy shit kay on fortnite
now what
was this intentional
we are back nekos
shame the internet is awash with spam
why does nekomin still host this site when he rather erotically roleplay with ap in the discord server instead
So we can post here without seeing his erps
how to be normal
whats abnormal about you
it's been 4 hours, he's very shy about this
what movie movie for tomorrow?????
an englishman, a pole, a swede and a portuguese walk into a chan...
we are back nekos
>synced [3 / 3]
i love snoo
I love how the admin checks the ip of a poster after he says the n word (nigga)
what checking the ip does?
we are back nekos
we are top nekos
The neko casino will surely bring in more tourists and money
we don't have them here so i like them. the fat ones are the cutest
I'm posting on nekochen right now!
nekochen is the antikythera device of imageboards
testing something, ignore
girls with social anxiety
why is nekomin even hosting the site anymore?
does it give him some autistic satisfaction to ban random ip numbers?
its over nekos
knee gore
>>100060 #
Why are you hiding the filename? What do you earn from obscuring that information? It's not like you're trying to hide a small tokker, since everybody know who she is, considering her 600k followers. But what do you gain from it? Do you think it makes you look cool and mysterious? Sincerely, I hope you go into the settings cog on the top right of your screen and disable the option to automatically mask the filenames. You can also do it in the reply box, but you'd have to click it every single time you were to attach a file. Hiding things from others is not the way to go. You know, some guy once said "What's the point of anything if you can't share?", and it's factually so true. Why would you showcase your tokfolder if you're not willing to share. Is it some vain sense of superiority? Anyway, I urge you to be a good citizen and stop with that behavior. In Rome be a Roman; in nekochen, be a neko.
im unable
on my free time I can't enjoy stuff
I had a debate with a black Israelite and I came my pants uncontrollably
why only girls pull off the troll face shirt? I feel like a dude in that shirt will looks cringe af
The reality is that the election is right around the corner and many votes wont even happen. Get out and vote.
hiiiii ttg can someone post reversetrap2000's old toks or an archive? the pastebin link is dead
why is nekomin even hosting the site anymore?
does it give him some autistic satisfaction to ban random ip numbers?
>>100087 #
>why is nekomin even host-
*grabs you by the neck and pins you against the wall* i've had it with you, lsoer *punches you right in the face, shattering your nose* should have never come here *tosses you super high into the hair, before jumping right next to you* and this is for being a nerd *punches you into the ground, you make a crater once you fall* heh, fuck you buddy 🖕🏾
*i turn around and look exactly at the screen of whoever's reading this* anyone else? 😎
It's just sad how much of a gooner shithole sturdy is and neko is dead. TTG has fallen. My life has been falling since 2020 it's so so over bros.
neko's been deader
think I fixed the russian spam bot issue
school is over is neko BACK????????????????????
>>100109 #
oh my god i was here when you made this post
also oh my god my post number is all in binary i wonder what it means hehee
paul harrell is nearly gone
sad times
he is gone
[YouTube] ???
.play [YouTube] ???
we are back nekos
>>100122 #
I don't get it. Every imageboard I've been to today had at least one post about this. Why do people care?
where is everyone?
I've been getting a 504 gateway time-out error on sturdy for hours. what the fuck is sturdymin's problem? why is he so incompetent? god
also what's this shit on nekochen about not being able to post unless through a "websocket"? fix your fucking site
>>100131 #
my javascript is enabled you incompetent
>403 access denied: Posting via direct POST requests is not allowed for new users. Please post once via a WebSocket connection.
well happy bday kay if you lurk here still
anything good to watch on youtube?
Another outage huh
>>100152 #
>>100153 #
>>100154 #
speaking of youtube stuff, who the hell is "SmartSchoolBoy9"
>>100165 #
Qrd is he's a nearly 60yr old dude who dresses like a brit schoolboy and leaves weird comments and vids
>>100166 #
his art is so fucking weird even those guys would hate it
>>100167 #
wouldn't an old man wearing brit school boy wear just look like a typical office worker or a land's end/LL bean business casual ad?
>>100167 #
>Qrd is he's a nearly 60yr old dude who dresses like a brit schoolboy and leaves weird comments and vids
based. only ppl who'd have problems with this are ageists.
>>100168 #
>>100170 #
Just skim this vid you'll see
[YouTube] ???
>>100171 #
.play [YouTube] ???
is this what testosterone does to some of us
I despise those youtube channels who make videos about esoteric internet lolcows and try really hard to come across normie for some reason, even though the subject matter is so far from what normies are interested in.
that dude "turkey tom" is the worst of them. he mumbles throughout all his videos because he thinks it makes him seem more normie to sound disinterested in whatever he's talking about. comes across really tryhard
.seek 3:06
Vid is about 25 minutes too long
why does the boy look like he has clown makeup
We're currently upgrading our servers. The site will be back online as soon as possible.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
no longer getting 504 on sturdy
it is back
cya guys
thanks for having us
whatever bruh
[YouTube] ???
black american church music is my thing now
I would cry if I had built a tool to easily upload toks on my website only for a bunch of retards to routinely ignore it and attach SD videos.
at least they're attaching something
Any kefla sets leaked?
would you go insane if you wore the same clothes every single day?
John please post toks that are only 3 years old or more recent. 5 years is too much
>>100214 #
This is your last warning lil pup. Neg one of my attached files again and you're OUTTA HERE
had a dream this place was active again. woke up, rushed to the computer, logged on to nekochen.net. nothing. I am going to end my life by walking into a forest, tearing my clothes off and letting the cold and rain kill me. there is nothing left for me. I will never have nekochen back
John, let the tears flow in the rain. It will get better.
>>100227 #
omg i love snoo ^_^
did oyu know that snoo was recently in germany? that's so trad and cool lol
I will accept a bonbi poster before I accept a kay poster.
>>100234 #
You obviously say that since you don't remember the time Kay made a tiktok about this imageboard. Yes, she really spelled nekochen dot net to her thousands of followers, and guess what? Never the website has seen more concurrent users. So I think it's the best if you apologize and recognize how important Kay was for this place. If only we cherished Kay posters instead of vilifying them, there'd be posts every day. Instead writing the url of this thing onto your search bar and sulk at how absolutely no one posted anything, there'd be new posts every minute. "But ummmm I'd rather have no posters than Kayposters!!!111". Listen here you baboon, this is a tiktok general. The moment that one tokker is posted too often, the board will self-correct and others tokkers will have their time. You first bring in the Kayposters, which in turn will bring more different posters who will make for a balanced environment. So yes, I think the correct move is to welcome and encourage Kay posters. If you're here and you're too ashamed to post a Kay, don't be - post your favourite Kay tiktok. Compliment the other posters' Kay toks. If you don't have anything nice to say, then it just wasn't meant to be. File by file we can make this board more lively and fun to be in.
Not reading that man. Sorry.
>>100236 #
This is why we don't advance further as a community. I'm here pouring my heart into this message, expertly tapping the keys needed to convey this message, and I'm struck why a denial of that level. We should harbour an environment where everyone is comfortable to type as they wish, and to post tiktoks. It's easy to do, all it requires is for you to click on the post button and let your mind wander free. As for tiktoks, there's also thousands of different ones to post. Actually, if you look at the file number, you can see that they have like 18 digits. That means there are over 7 quintillion tiktoks on the world wide web for you to post here. If you don't know where to start, see what others post. Nekos (the people who post here (we use that name because the website is named neko)) like to post, as you can see from the previous files, Kay and Snoo. Maybe that could be a starting point for you! Open your phone and type out their names in the search bar. Scroll down their posts and attach here your favourite. I'm sure someone will stop by and tell you something nice about what you just shared. If no one does, then it wasn't meant to be. Don't be afraid to post more unknown tokkers too! There are tokkers for everyone and it's just a matter of time until you find one that you like. Who knows, if you post her enough, other nekos (nekos are the people that post here (because the website is named neko)) might even start calling you by the name of the tokker! It's always cray cray (or Kray Kray ^_^ (it's a Kay reference)) when that happens.
>>100238 #
You're making this difficult for me. I'm attempting to be as positive as a creature can be, and you're here just talking down to me. I'll have you know I am not mentally ill. If you scroll all the way up on this page (you can also click on the button saying [Top] at the bottom of the page (it's funny because the [Top] button is at the bottom lol)) you'll find the rules of website and see that you're not allowed to forgo your medication. I haven't skipped my twice-a-day anti-psychotics for months, and it's not going to be you who get to make that claim. Either way what disappoints me even more in your behaviour is that you're still not posting tiktoks. Did you not like my Snoo and Kay suggestions? It's just that they make such nice and relatable tiktoks that I thought anyone would like them... but I won't let that bring myself down. I understand that not everybody likes the same things as I, and that's what makes the world so beautiful. I hope you continue coming here and I will always encourage you to better yourself and post your favourite tiktoks, because after all, that's the point of this website >.>
>>100239 #
>you'll find the rules of website and see that you're not allowed to forgo your medication. I haven't skipped my twice-a-day anti-psychotics for months, and it's not going to be you who get to make that claim. Either way what disappoints me even more in your behaviour is that you're still not posting tiktoks. Did you not like my Snoo and Kay suggestions? It's just that they make such nice and relatable tiktoks that I thought anyone would like them... but I won't let that bring myself down. I understand that not everybody likes the same things as I, and that's what makes the world so beautiful. I hope you continue coming here and I will always encourage you to better yourself and post your favourite tiktoks, because after all, that's the point of this website >.>
do the antispychotics calm you down neko
it's over
are we back?
Back from what?
#claude do you still workYes, I am still operational.
it's down?
holy shit i love canthinky
bonbi AND canthinky.... quality toks being posted NOT
hello bros
oh eww let's put these bonbis in the trash where they belong
hello my fellow nekos
thank god I wasn't here when the b*nb* posting was commencing
opinion on Hungarians?
sturdy nigger hours
Why don't you all move here? There's nothing binding you to the other website, you know.
>>100307 #
cause the original users of this place fucked off to make a discord so it will always have the baggage of some discord clique lurking about
someone post the new thinkies
I come here to avoid canthinky posters. please do not
have you guys noticed that sturdy is missing like 200GB of data?
storage was like 1400+ GB 🤔
>>100319 #
If that's true Adminny either had some of his storage taken down (just like in the past) over conduct violations or is purging large swaths of sketchy data (I blame /tech/)
this website looks so well coded...
I agree
i support fat acceptance
anhedonia and ennui hitting me hard. unironically think Im going insane
>>100325 #
who is your favorite tokker
it's root word is of latin origin akshually
Nekos have you seen a more adorable nerd than this
[YouTube] ???
She is not a tokker but I want to hear her say "um akshually" and then talk down to me
Business idea: the pururin song but with nekochen instead
hello anons
nice little oasis
is it uploading slow af for you guys too
Saw a cute fox pass by.
hate my life and i wanna die
i ain't go no iphone
Are you guys ready to lock in for locktober?
nekochen, i'm breaking up with you. it's not you, you were poggers. it's me, i'm omegalul. im sorry if this is pepehands but it has to be done, i've just been feeling pepega and our relationship has been weirdchamp for months, it's time to end it, no kappa
does anyone know what chips @ was or if she has any current socials?
why don't we all move here at this point?
>>100397 #
so i looked at this post and the bio of your tok is brazil miku and i thought mmm i wonder if she did a brazil miku cosplay so i clicked on her profile and she just made one wow!
what if you guys stopped sucking each other off on discord and started using neko again
>>100400 #
have you ever noticed how sometimes the post number jumps by more than one? that's crazy i wonder what could be causing that almost like people still posted but you can't see their posts....
full planche.... soon....
So much for the server upgrades
Is it just me or is tiktok actively trying to show you local things lately
>>100432 #
funny how that girl is always talking about mewing but then in half of her toks she has her mouth wide open
>>100434 #
pro-tip: close your mouth and breath through the nose
additional pro-tip: close your mouth and stop eating so much fatty mcfatson
Why was early 2000s numetal so gay?
If you post I'll post
And if you don't, I'll post anyway
kek, posted on endchan's neko and they banned me
damn, purging the most activity this site has had in months... so fucking zased, the sturdyrefugees were well worth pushing away the site's active trans userbase. check back in 2 weeks and this post still will be in the most recent 10
I posted on here when it first opened and this guys bans me for "not being a neko" lol
>>100459 #
We can't post that here, loser was only 17 years and 11 months back then
>>100460 #
Stay clueless lil pup 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Crazy that I was talking with 3 other nekos and they all abandoned me well I didn't like any of you anyway I think this imageboard is just a waste of my time I'm here just writing writing and typing day in day out and NO ONE cares about the content of my character(s) I don't even know why do I do this why do dee dee do deet I'm here posting toks and being a lively little guy and I'm just ignored and disdained upon I might just look at my browser top corner and BLAM shut down this thing forever yeah I don't care about your "fus" or your "nekos" in fact I don't even know what the fuck a neko is why are you calling yourselves cats in japanese are you weebs or something is that why you like so much girls in cosplay is it because it reminds you of your silly animes and videogames? I don't think I've ever watched an anime on my own media in general is just so boring like they do some silly animations and then go dattebayo and I think is that it? Anyway why do I have 4 replies to this while I'm writing I'm letting you all know that my mouse doesn't work so I can't scroll down and read your replies while I'm writing this you're going to HAVE to wait I hope your messages are as thoughtful as mine that would make my day either way I'm going to search for a tok to attach to this message yeah the web tiktok website is awful I can't see more than 3 toks without the entire thing freezing it's SO FRUSTRATING I HATE THIS whenever I want to see toks I have to open my phone and scroll scroll scroll like an ipad child and when I see something that I like I have to favorite it or something and then open my computer and ONLY THEN I can get it to archive, also I don't really sort my archive so I kinda forget what toks I have there lol I don't know why do I download them in the first place I'm NEVER going to remember what's in there also what's that number on the bottom right while I'm writing this it's at 1900 wow now it's red whatever now I have 5 replies STOP REPLYING TO ME I CAN'T SEE
still goin' this asshole
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
Hey again nekos, so I couldn't read your replies because I still wasn't able to scroll down after finishing my post lol so I had to restart my entire computer and then windows decided it was time to update? Anyway, now I can't scroll up so the only reply I see is "Negao fico louco" and I'm putting that in the translator wow what the fuck did you just call me a negro that's not funny you know even though I'm from a typically asian country I'M WHITE, and so you're probably not as pale as I am and lol get owned anyway that number on the right corner that I was talking about previously I still don't really know what it is but once it got to 2000 it just posted my post without even asking me if I was done I think that's a big oversight and adminny should fix that also I'm quite sad that this time I don't have any reply while I'm writing, not that I care too much since I wouldn't be able to read them anyway while I'm typing while I'm writing while I'm characterizing but it's fun to see those little numbers on the bottom of my post also the numbers on the right corner are back again either way what was I talking about on the previous post? I don't really remember but it probably doesn't really matter you know NOBODY reads my posts even though they're very insighting only because I'm not cool and hip enough to attach a file you know what I'm going to open megutv and attach a tok with it I've clicked the megutv button and it isn't opening oh it opened now, thinking about it, since when you post a megutv thing it shows "reposted from megutv" (yeah i'm an oldfrog here, i know these things) I'm scared that when I try to click on it it's just going to delete my entire message and that would make me kinda sad I think lol should I click it? you know what I'm just going to describe the tok I'm seeing right now it's a girl I don't really recognize she's kinda mid lol and she had a miku cosplay and was doing was doing the kisskisskiss dance and that was kinda cute now it's over and t
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
Hey I ended up clicking on the post wait there's a better one now I was writing that there's a better megutok now and I was going to post it but I was too slow and lost it I'll wait a little bit more welp I can't share any more megutoks this sucks
#steal >>100474 #
nekochen is so back i missed you
no it's just you neko, you may need to go fuck yourself
kiss yourself
I bought a guitar recently. For the one neko here, I play for you. One day I will write you a song.
lets skip the "seduce me with a guitar song" and lets just repopulate the earth (nekoearth)
Where my refugees at
turdmin at it again
god is punishing sturdy like god punished florida with hurricanes
How long has it been down, just got on
stay in nekochen bros all the oldfags moved to discord
Hope is getting attach tok function
I think they shot adminny
But they did not shoot da skibidi
#claude when will sturdy come back online?Rate limit reached, try again later.
is sturdy even active anymore? every time i peek at the frontpage there's 8 porn drawings there
We back
Business idea to make this website active again
Rename it to nekaychen.net and we only post kay
Business idea to make this website active again
Rename it to nekochen.net and we only post nekos
But it is really cool though not gonna lie
Underrail mod set in england
Nevermind that is set in Alabama
Neko posts since nekochen: 0
Kay posts since nekaychen: 0
not Kay posts since nokaychen: 10
This site would be less dead if the cool nekos were still here...
mate 👋
On the real though where does one get a hello kitty TA gf
love daylight savings, it's not even 6 and the place where i'm studying (that has no lightning) is already pitch black and i can't see anything
Does Russian anon still post here
are you looking for a specific one or any would do?
>>100560 #
hey man just wanted to let you know that i had the exam for the thing i was studying this afternoon and left without turning in my paper because i'm too dumb
hope i'll be smarter by next attempt on january
happy halloween boys
Tfw sweating in my cosplay outfit on transit
you know, i am sorry for that tok i wanted to link the tok before but wasn't fast enough and that thing showed up so even though i said i would delete the megutv warning i didn't because i didn't want you to think i actually posted that on my own that's all
Anyone else hate working out with music playing
Anyone else unable to access sturdy? I get the message "sorry, you have been blocked" i haven't posted there in months
Did you know you can just jam random collections of facts into your brain with Anki?
I just spent a week memorizing the entire world map including capitals and flags for no reason
>>100592 #
i used it to memorise passwords. i hate how every website requires an account nowadays. even nekochen
sturdy is down
behind every tokfu stands a sugar daddy and pinches her ass
There's better things to post than troubleshooting your own imageboard 🙄🙄🙄
Hello saar, welcome to surdychan tech suport, my name is john smith. How may i assist you today?
sturdy live im hungy
guys im cryyyyiiiing why i want my bros and cute toks i will never neg a tokfu of not mine i will buy my tokfu wishlist i will upload all archives though no one asked i will post only with toks embed h.264 i will lurk 16 hours a day i will scrap all my tokfus and upload the cutest moments i will make the best edits no one has ever seen i will
Putting tokfu on a microwave plate and having her rotate back and forth for me
oh i put on some headphones and now i get it
still lame though why did you post it
it is that time of the year again
are you guys participating in nonstop nutting november?
no neko november lets stop using nekochen
sturdymin too stoopid to run a website
>new posts on the neko 🤩
>it's about pedochan 🙄
sturdymin fix your fucking website
>>100640 #
actually the next president will be a wahman because simpsons showed lisa as president after trump
will athena protect her virginity until she's 18? #8ball (Maybe)
>>100642 #
>>100644 #
This site used to be active before the immigrants flooded in after their FBI honeypot went down
how is sturdymin so incompetent at running a site? first he makes it unusable without doing that cloudflare check every time you load the website, and now it's down entirely?
why the fuck isn't anyone posting on neko with sturdy down?
what the fuck happened this time
why does neko need WASM enabled?
>>100663 #
Meh there's a lot of sense to it. She's more self-aware than most kids her age who have no idea about how much they'll miss being kids. I still have dreams about being a kid again and even though nothing bad happens in them I get extremely depressed the entire day because of it. Kid years are extremely important, probably the most important in your life, and they shape what comes after it.
>>100635 #
yung lean is from a long elite jewish bloodline. not surprising she's listening to jew shit because she's become a massive zionist the last year. her music taste is extremely tryhard btw. and I suspect it's fed to her by her discord and she just unthinkingly emulates what she thinks she's supposed to like.
sturdy is back
I need a 8ball to dictate my life tonight
#8ball (Yes)
>>100676 #
Hey man I would kill myself any day of the week but I don't have the balls (ergo, cojones) do to something like that.
bros this thread is only 5 months old
elpheltsz elpheltsz
>>100710 #
that's because the other guy misspelled her name and I by posting a tok slipped on his trap 😔
Oh, it looks like tikwm is acting up tonight
>>100728 #
i don't partake in any of this rivalfaggotry. they are just imageboards to me. why not using both?
here, have a cute tok
Which tokker is the Phil Collins of tiktok?
[YouTube] ???
nekochen crazy active we are having discussions every day, an anon is streaming shitty movies #manifesting
>>100736 #
This is a safe bunker for when the other site shits the bed and spams about kay for 12 hours straight.
so hard to decide what to attach here, 3/4 of my folder is too ugly and the other quarter too good to post on imageboards
that's animal cruelty and it's NOT cool
downvoted btw
>>100747 #
you think two bugs (and by two I mean one who is always aggressive and another who was dragged there) just decided to go at it and someone happened to be recording?
it's always some bug with lots of detachable parts cornered against one that'll rip him to shreds
but who cares about stupid bugs am I right just eat them, drink the soy and enjoy the huge ad revenue money
in fact i don't really understand how ad revenue works, you can't convince me that just because 1 million nerds watched your video tiktok made a bajillion dollars and is willing to share a cut with you, tiktok is free, i barely get ads, any ad that i get can be skipped immediately, there's zero way they're making money off it, maybe they do really sell your data but then again data is useless, from the toks i get recommended I'm pretty sure they believe I'm a teenage girl so what are they going to advertise to me?
>I don't really engage in all that much thinking
>snaptik attacher
kek roflmao
>>100754 #
wasting nekomin data on bad tokkers 😔
hey i clicked on attach tiktok, put the url, clicked attach and then the bar was loading and then it stopped is my tok gonna get attached or not
alright don't mind me i'm going back on my fyp and finding another bad tok give me a minute
Should I keep a jolly disposition today?
#8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
hello, am i allowed to post emory sets here?
>>100781 #
Thank you! I’m going to cook a 20-pound bird inside of a bag today. 😋
Also, what on earth is that guy doin with his faucet
I always found it to be morbid how much people like to show off cooked birds. It's next to corpse desecration to me
>>100784 #
Is it just because the bird is whole or would you say that showing off a cooked steak is also desecration?
>>100785 #
It was so good, the bag locks in all of the moisture and it comes out so soft.
>>100786 #
i took some leftovers home i can't wait for the turkey sandwiches mmmm
luv thanksgiving and luv america
Omg, late gen Z and gen alpha are almost completely tech illiterate, they are like boomer tier
Hey gang I'm not home so I can't do much about it but can you post some toks so that abominable blue pasta gets out of my front page it gives me the spooks please and thank you
I really am a terrible person, yesterday I requested the nekos to post some toks and what did I do? Completely ignore them. Don't worry gang, once I put my headphones on I'm reviewing every single tok posted here since the website was made you can count on that #brofist 👊👊👊👊👊
>>100834 #
you should also look at the blue pasta again to restore the context in which the toks were posted
It’s literally just food coloring. It doesn’t really affect the flavor you know.
alright it's time for my epic promised review #let'sgooooo 🙀🙀😽
>>100812 # >>100813 #
ok so this fu has showed up on my fyp starting last week and even though i think she's mid, I still have her on my bookmarks, let's see the toks
sorry i don't like these toks, not in the sense they're bad, just don't like em
>>100814 #
I remember seeing this tok years ago and thinking "where da neko is the gura tail?!?!?!?" and today I still think that. good tok
>>100815 #
this one is from the same fu as the first two toks. I like this tok good tok good gura cos
>>100818 #
you know, being pretty is not an excuse to sitting on the floor and do nothing. will not endorse this fu until she gets up and hits the hey boogie boogie bam bam let's go buddy buddy bum bum. bad tok
>>100819 #
sorry I'm not watching class of 09 stuff, very high ego fus thinking they could pull off being mean
>>100820 # >>100822 #
I've posted this fu here before, so automatically good toks because everything I post is good
>>100821 #
not a tok. also, very unpleasant to listen to on headphones. also I don't like rei cosplays because the hair always looks weird. also didn't like it. i hope you do some reflection and realize your """tok""" was the worst one of the bunch (so far)
>>100826 #
omg, hi lux ^_^ I like lux toks even thought they arr rook the same
>>100828 #
very good tok, the best so far. next time post it on 1080x1920 so it'd be even better. you can do that by ticking the HD toggle when you attach a tok!!
>>100830 #
not a tok but still watched it whole. meh
>>100831 #
i don't know, this one didn't have the same vibe (😝🤙) as the other one. i don't think i liked it, but you should still feel proud that the other one was my favourite
>>100832 #
i don't get it. this """tok""" is barely 5 seconds and nothing happens. why not upload a selfie to your facebook instead mhm?
>>100833 #
more class of 09 trash, I bet you're the blue pasta eater and posted these only to annoy me even further, I WILL FIND YOU
>>100838 #
I always wondere
mhm I just realized that I ended up deleting the last two reviews and saying that I hit character limit and that I liked your toks a lot but the website just ignored me and really posted what I had before
>>100845 #
You ain't getting it blud holy crap stop autocorrecting it to blue anyway as I was saying, I first got to 2000, then deleted back to 1900, used my last 100 characters to write something completely different and the website still ended up posting my first original 2000, but it's cool now I know, make sure not to write something dumb you won't be able to delete
>>100866 #
That just looks like a domestic tabby cat. Basically almost any pet cat that isn't a specific breed is just a cat.
Pet cats are all mutts.
omg we hit 2k posts time for a new thread guys
only took 5 months
>>100878 #
My browser just prompted me if I wanted to translate this webpage from Japanese and it's (You)r fault!!!!
they are domestic cats also, so you can own one if you want
Cat of the Day: The Fishing Cat
This cat is around twice the size of a domestic cat and can be found in the mangrove forests and wetlands of south and southeast asia.
This cat has webbed feet and uses them to scoop up waterborne prey. They also hunt frogs, crustaceans, snakes, birds, and small mammals.
Cat of the Day: The Chinese Mountain Cat
This species is found only in the Tibetan plateau and it lives in grasslands at elevations between 2500 to 5000 meters above sea level. Chinese Mountain Cats have sandy colored fur, faint dark strips, and black-tipped ears. These cats are nocturnal and prey on pikas, rodents, and birds.
Cat of the Day: The Jungle Cat
The jungle cat roams the wetlands from the Eastern Mediterranean and the Caucasus to Central, South, and Southeast Asia. It uses its sandy, reddish-brown, or gray fur to blend into vegetation. Jungle cats prefer to live alone and mark their territory with scents. They hunt small mammals and birds.
>>100916 #
Thanks for remind me
>Thomas Hardwicke's collection of illustrations of Indian wildlife comprises the first drawing of an Indian jungle cat, named the "allied cat"
what the fuck is that bro
all nekocoins on red
You know what time it is
#8ball (No)
>>100929 #
[YouTube] ???
context for the other nekos
Cat of the Day: The Black-footed Cat
This is Africa's smallest wild cat, with a body length of only 14-20 inches. This cat is found in Southern Africa and is well camouflaged for hunting at night. They can kill up to 14 small animals in a night and can even jump up to 5 feet to catch birds. Despite their size, they can take down prey bigger than themselves.
>>100932 #
As cute as they may seem they're the deadliest cat species. There was a nice video about it but this is what i have https://www.livescience.com/63992-deadliest-cat.html
I require a negative answer ;)
#8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
>>100946 #
I went to the place to do the thing but I didn't bring the stuff with me! Just went back home...
Cat of the Day: The African Wildcat
The African Wildcat resembles a tabby cat and it is notable for being the ancestor to the domestic cat which became one of the most popular companion animals in the world. Despite its wild nature, the african wildcat can be friendly and can form close bonds with humans. However, its populations are threatened by hybridization with domestic cats, as well as habitat loss, and human persecution.
noo he's crying even harder now and its my fault
That did not have to be made "clearer", that neko is just VERY dumb
why add new features when the site is DEAD
sussy nekochen sussy af
the room is dark 'cause you're not in there
i wanna see you again
I still watch your toks.
behind you
No never mind.
nekochen more like antisocialchen GET IT??? because no one socializes anymore
How are you liking the no daily cat? Haahahaahaha! Should have thought about your posts mhm.
did you fix it
>>101034 #
is hissing how they communicate or are they pissed off all the time?
I swear i've seen this cat a billion times on fyp and he's ALWAYS hissing
merry crimmuh nekos
nekomin my pops made roast instead of turkey for christmas the leftovers are gonna be wild
hope you had a good meal
It's the last 10 minutes of Christmas here where I am, California, the golden coast of the United States of America
are yins watching the guy traverse the Thames from source to sea?
Hey 'min, would it be alright if we came back and posted on the nekochen?
sturdy admin banning "tokkers should warn under 18s" but not the people discussing under 18s with R1 💀💀💀
i think turdy got a Y2K'd with cloudflare for 2025
goonmin too busy gooning
Any Kay news?
>just jerked it to a 34 year old hag
happy new year everyone
sturdy is alive again
It probably has to do with admin having to uhmm clean the servers a little bit
not to get conspiratorial but the other day viber randomly suggested me a contact called "young girl" like a honey pot ig
sturdy is back online
Happy new year nekos
happy new year, californian
you guys smell hAPpy new year
The new year smells awful
>>101127 #
Are emol.ena and miceonvenus the same person?
And is it grammatically correct to start the previous sentence with an Are or with an Is?
>>101128 #
Yes & yes because you're talking about two objects and asking if they're the same so you use the plural
Fires must have got him
>>101142 #
Update - We will be performing scheduled maintenance on 2025-01-09 between 02:00 and 09:00 UTC.
>>101143 #
what is that supposed to mean?
also >kuala lumpur
they have internet over there? impressive...
>>101146 #
how would you even know the pedochan is hosted in some asian country?
endchan down too
man the sturd would've loved this
>>101149 #
thas is so cool
#claude write a haiku about a server burning down, because too many evil spirits used itServer's flames climb high, Demons' rage, a digital Hellfire's burning wrath.
Why is it down again.....
#grok generate an image of kitboga shutting down image board data centers
what's happening on the other site?
live view of the sturdychan servers
.play [YouTube] ???
>>101166 #
yah, anybody can
.play [YouTube] ???
.play [YouTube] ???
>>101168 #
so fucking dumb
.play [YouTube] ???
>>101169 #
ear raping people is not very nice neko
.play [YouTube] ???
do you guys have any cool non tokfu tiktoks?
>>101175 #
yooo those are sick
japanese mcdonalds toys are so much higher quality man
meanwhile in the states we just get made in china plastic junk
Sure would be a shame if the san andreas fault started acting up rn
>>101176 #
i dont think you get them with if you buy a happy meal
people on ebay are reselling the set of 3 figures for 160 bucks
maybe you have to buy a certain number of items to get it?
>>101185 #
let's look at it
.play [YouTube] ???
>>101185 #
god damn, if they manage to make these things cheaper children will be able to live in toy story irl
alright guy, tell us how much it costs
oh, the buzz lightyear one is $900
he doesn't turn himself into a tank tho
.play [YouTube] ???
that was some nice closeup asian bondage corn
It's getting late. Good night nekos and toy neko 👋BANNED BY 'system' FOR 1 HOUR FOR "brum brum"
Sturd down again, huh?
sturdy is up
Everything crumbles, nekochen stays eternal
Our prayers are with you admin
>>101206 #
howdy fellar! nice to see someone else while i'm here.
would you like to watch some meguca together?
>>101216 #
the kay tok was deleted somehow
if you post your own tok while its loading can you "delete" the stolen tok?
pressing done while while the tok was uploading did not work, maybe you have to use the attach feature?
Newnekos can't delete toks
Bet they also don't know how to trifroce
>>101223 #
i dont get it
"triforce" is some power artifact from zelda
how can you know "how to triforce"
Just ate a banana. I love kay so much.
I am a real neko.
>>101229 #
>>101230 #
>>101231 #
Good toks my nekos but you should attach a short blogpost about your day to give people a hook to reply to.
I'll start. Today I cut my hair, it looks bad but saved me going to the barber
>>101234 #
Costs a lot of money. I hate the smalltalk. I feel uncomfortable with other people holding scissors close to my eyes.
#claude hey bestie, super quick question: what would you say is the halfway point of a month? thanks xoxoThe 15th of the month.
#claude thanks bestie, but i was talking about today's month, you silly! january has 31 days, would that change your response in any way? /me ~~wink wink~~My previous responses did not depend on the number of days in January. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
dear nekochen adminny, please add a feature where yet unopened toks are played like gifs like in tikwm
it will be a next level
t. your cute poster
>>101253 #
You see, I was having a very compelling argument with the people in the back of my head. They told me "uhm, the halfway point of this month on the 15th" and I replied "nuh-uh, the halfway point is yes at the 15th, but ONLY at noon!", and then we had to ask Claude for who was correct.
The realpilled answer? The halfway point of January is on the 16th, since there's 32 days since 1st of January till 1st of February. That's just a glimpse into my devious but genius mind, it's fine if you don't understand the contents of my sayings.
>>101259 #
I tried editing the page in inspect element to make a mockup and it actually looks pretty sick cool idea
Gonna take a lot of work to actually implement though
yeah red book is better
>>101270 #
yeah shure but how come you got it disabled?
are you on an old browser or did you just do it
>>101272 #
ohhhh okay
I was looking into this earlier and apparently some websites just check for wasm and assume you're using an old browser if you don't have it as a heuristic
>>101271 #
it is disabled by default on some furefox fork to improve security (reduce attack surface) .
oh, the other place died didnt it
removing the christmas scripts is difficult ok?
It's like y2k all over again, hope everyone stocked up on bulk toks
need to rebrand this place if tiktok really dies
Thanks for the visit, pedochanners 🙄
awemer chatters crying and shitting rn
Just spent like 1 hour trying to convince my iphone that im a canadian from canada :(
Thanks min, I was wondering what was the toktok @ of our xiaohuangshufu
>>101347 #
i like sticking to one tokfu for posting. i like wawa, but it just so happens i like ella more
I can't believe sturdy died of ligma
What the sigma is going on?
>>101361 #
she's the main reason why a black innocent boy shoot up a school, was innocent before she has pushed him into it
On the real though, I hope the feds crack down hard on all of that telegram com nonsense
I think it's been two shootings in a row related to telegram people
everyone should leave their country right now
#claude who is your favorite tiktok cosplayer waifu?I do not have preferences or favorites as I am an AI.
if neko dies, we dont have even a backup website because endchan /ttg/ is blocked now
.play [YouTube] ???
Weird how the other boards work just not /tv/ & /e/
Confession: I mistakingly removed my TikTok app and now I don't know how to reinstall it onto my phone.
>>101398 #
did a cursory glance search and if you're from us just use some site like apkmirror or apkpure
those two seem to be safe, though obviously when you're sideloading an app it's always theoretically a vector of attack
dunno if you can get it on ios though
>>101400 #
that sucks bad, since afaik you cannot sideload apps without getting a completely different os on
you'll literally have to wait for the situation to develop
>>101348 #
Leave Ella alone and stop posting her on this weird site or I will find where you live and I will come to your house or your work and I will kill you this is not a joke
when will the age expert arrive
>>101422 #
>she's actually a 300 year old succubus
In her TikTok bio it says vampire.
Let's see what happens. Oh it works.
Just look at those womanly thighs.
Lord Vo Than Nebulah supremacy
I despise all living things
>I love pp
Do you have any GOOD Kay toks?
I feel like I can feel my heart beating, it's not beating fast, but it's weird and is making me uncomfortable. I've been hyper conscious of my health since I had a doctor's appointment and they told me to go back on monday for a blood test, it's almost certainly nothing and I'm just being paranoid. My breathing is fine, my heart is fine, I just went for a walk and felt fine, but my mind is against me and trying to trick me into thinking I'm seriously ill or something.
Today's canthinky report
>>101438 #
bad tok, only posted for the upskirt
>>101440 #
bad tok only posted because she licks the camera
>>101447 #
kino tok
>>101454 #
bad tok, only posted because shes cosplaying yandere simulator
stop me if you ever heard this one
Why can't a bicycle stand on it's own? Because it's two tired :D
Goodnight nekos, it is only 8pm but I'm sleepy.neko
ive spent the day pukin' and shittin' and I still think my mouth has experienced better taste than >>101442 # this guys' lineup of fus
also unban these please141.98.255.88141.98.255.89141.98.255.90141.98.255.91141.98.255.92
>>101483 #
>obviously it's a girl
she has no visible secondary characteristics, she might be the flattest female in existence tbh
>>101486 #
might just be a ftm preop, they bind regularly even out of cosplay
if you don't have a lot there binding will make it practically indistinguishable from a man chest
At the BGC just rizzing up himmler
>she smiles at all my jokes
Just traded in my last inFATuation for another
What the fig is up nekos, it's sunday night and there's no posts, don't tell me everyone else is out having SEX and I'm here alone.
>>101497 #
How is playing a bad game even real hahahahahaha? Just turn off the screen bro hahahahahah?
>>101498 #
I am finished, finally done, I've gotten over it. The game freaker sucks, it's a crappy looter shooter, there, I said it!! Gonna uninstall it any day now.
cant spell devilneko without evil eko
>>101505 #
>>101504 #
I didn't quit because of your posts, the game is just fricking frustrating, the hard encounters are a bitch to slam your head against until you win, and every time I want to heal up I need to stimpack, drink water and wait for it to very very very very slowly heal, and then I go to sleep and wake up with parasites or an infection and have to eat antibiotics, which make me tired and thirsty, so I drink water. The survival mode is just not good, but I wanted to try it again.
>>101507 #
alright +2 for a good comedy bit on this board
>>101507 #
Yea? Then why did his post not disappear from my screen before he finished if it's so "fast" buddy?
My mates over on /bg/ must be sick of this tok by now with how much I post it, but I'll keep posting it.
>>101515 #
boni will never have a general little pup, it's the blueclover general
>>101517 #
yooooo +2
she's now a higher rank than you are (in counter strike)
>>101518 #
+1 reply
nothing contributed
been uploading this tok for 4 minutes, hopefully it isnt coal.
70% uploaded... my children will love this tok....
This reminds me of the good old days, when I'd spend 10 minutes writing a blogpost andpeople would type "I scrolled back up and he's still typing???" that shit was funny. Now I've got nowt to blog about, no autistic girls to go on walks with. She bought me a wallet for christmas 2 years ago, I still use it, it's a very nice leather wallet and has my name embroiled on it. My name of course being Chadrick
>>101521 #
hit enter buddy, let everyone laughed at how stupid you look.
>>101522 #
this old geezer is old
his post is about to be off my screen
TMI update of the century:I can now push out a fart without fearing shitting myself. I am healing 😸
>>101513 #
embroidered* ?
>past tense: embroiled; past participle: embroiled
>involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.
>"she became embroiled in a dispute between two women she hardly knew"
>>101522 #
the nekovillage in guatemala foreclosed after funkerton got into some legal disputes with the local guerilla
>>101522 #
We are invading your boards, posting funny webms of animals.
yeah it takes me 5 minutes to upload a tiktok, I'm going back to the City of God. peace out snoozers
On god, my pip ffprobe cache got corrupted
this is what you get for not making your reads and writes atomic nekos
There's approximately 70 minutes of a new GeoWizard adventure that just finished being released 3 hours ago. Anynekos wanna nekotv it on the syncher?
I still don't know what trvthnvke means
>>101536 #truth nukethe truth that "hits so hard" it hits like a nukealso known as "the most lukewarm take but I agree with it so its le based
>101537Yeah, I knew that, thanks for the (You) DUMPASS
Lmaoing at him
thats it. im turning on the russian pol spamming bot
Discovered a youtube channel of a young farmer talking about the history of farming in England, pretty comfy, lots of pictures of rural Albion. Lovely country, when I win the lottery I will live on a big farm with my wife.
>>101547 #
>cries about the farmers wanting lower inheritance tax on their farms
>is going to buy a big farm if he wins the lottery
why is this the same thread as 7 months ago, what happened here
im watching ohhpinkk play cs
her screen UI has gotten even worse, how can you watch this shit?
I laugh but she's probably a higher rank than I can achieve in CS2.
Since I last watched OhhPinkk I have
>gotten a job
>gotten a girlfriend
>put down a deposit for a 2 room apartment in babrusyk, belarus
>downloaded over 250 rekis
And she's still here, playing FPS games badly to 3 viewers...
>>101572 #
I have gotten a job and downloaded over 250 rekis, thats true.
>>101573 #
I count instagram posts and stories as "rekis" as they go into the "reki" folder.
>>101574 #
She puts up like 5 stories a day minimum.
I understand why you lied about 3 of those 4 points. Having a bullet list with just a single item would be less impressive
>>101573 #
we were in her stream like 8 months ago and even with his "instagram" cope I dont think its up to 250 given that I have seen at most like 10 new toks in that time
goodnight to the nekos :)
>116 rekis since early may on her sleepy.reki account
crazy, I think I've watched less than 2 of them
>>101584 #
calm down now, scrolling one account was torture enough
dont wanna bring back the convulsions
you could even say that these past few days, my stool has been consistently inconsistent
there is an eminem lyric in here somewhere
poo flood imminent, stool rating consistently inconsistent
if I cant get out of bed soon, cant get paid and pay my rent
poo on my jorts already
moms bad sushi
more or less, yeah
Good morning to the nekos,
reading the last dozen or so posts it's just like the old place, full of shit!
>>101606 #
>full of shit
I have rotated some just for you, now you can't say I've never done anything for you buddy.
Cringetok but furrykino hmmmmmmmm
hahaha he's eating the tok, funniest shit i ever saw.
what the frick, steal is broken??
Just got back from da doctor's office, nurse said I was very brave for not crying when she took my blood and gave me a sticker
>>101626 #
Good job neko you are very brave :3
>>101627 #
Sorry I was in the code mines, mining for cute toks.
Have a random tok.
>>101628 #
>doesn't have actual guns in the holsters
I thought huezilians had tons of guns?
>>101629 #
thank you for your service in the coding mines, your sacrifice will be remembered.
forgot to hit done and write some text
uhhh, going to work, will I have more than 30 minutes of shit to do today? #8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
this site is more broken than I remember
every time I refresh, more posts that werent there before (inbetween other posts) show up
everything between >>101626 # and >>101605 # just magically appeared after the fact even though everything after 101626 was there
why? why is there a fucking library that consistently leaks memory in python?
I'm fucking livid rn ong
who is blud talking to 💀
Update: when you remove the obvious memory leak your program might get faster and will not consume endless amounts of memory.
Who would've though?
why are you guys back ew
Posted my 2 gems, now I wait for the trve nekos to reply.
Question to bait discussion: White bread or brown bread? Discuss.
>>101653 #
must be one of the perks of living in a first world (full of fucking muslims) nation. yippieeeee
I'm posting from my laptop, it has 3 tiktok folders on it
everyneko remembers bunni.roll right?
okay the tok didnt upload, weird
yeah she's a fu.... you wouldn't know her. all of her toks are corrupted and unable to be uploaded... yeah I found her but she posts on another app...
thats just a renamed abbles tok
posting webms like its 2019 yep this is the life.
>>101663 #
this isnt abbles this is kirbles aka bunni.roll
lemon? yeah i doxxed her angelic nature. posted a pic of her with her wings out. got her kicked out of heaven. gg shouldnt have messed with The Lightbringer
>>101676 #
I know it's boni the joke is she looks like avery in that tok. You're lucky you're taller than me, stronger than me and in a different continent or I'd KICK YOUR ASS.
>>101677 #
honestly, after my sickness we are probably equally weak
I have gotten about 6 spoonfuls of food down my mouth in 4 days and the rest liquids
milk has been my for the past 2 but I was too afraid to drink it the first two because my dad has always told me that if you barf it up it feels like cheese curds (because of the stomach acid coagulating it)
Wait, this is my time then, I can just take the dictatorship by force. MILITARY JUNTA LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
she cant aim a besta
mods im pretty sure the above link is a fucking viruserino.
Don't worry about it, I've not clicked it but I'm sure it's safe.
alright, i guess we're gonna return to the bunker. why the fuck are they HERE?
NNTPCHAN stands for NO NORMIES – TRANNY POWER!!! chan btw
Why are you here? You don't belong here.
For a second I thought cave was down again lmao
most successful minichan raid be like:
>yeha we totally spammed honk and the niggerword on a site that has gotten less than 1k posts in 8 months
I posted a funny post and then the raid happened so everyone ignored it, please scroll back up and laugh at >>101684 #
>>1000000000000000000000000000000000DELETED BY 'admin'
looka t this GET
these NO NORMIES – TRANNY POWER-chan people are bbclovers too? omg you would fit RIGHT IN here! We all believe in the NWO (NIGGER WEINER ONLY (diet, this part goes unspoken)) :DDDD
why are you talking about a british tv channel so much
what was the point of the raid?
>>101742 #
if they stuck around they could join our daily blog post general
hey NWO NATION – TRANNY POWER channers, what did you guys think of the elon musk salute?
niggers get tongued in the anus by that guy, i fear
>>101759 #
why migrate here?
go to sturdychan.help
they aren't gay and furries like us, they are cool guys that will accept you :D
CoC? yeah I played that game. jerked a lil to it too
Woah, he's... posting really big messages... an epic troll...
those two posts... now I fear the CoC(K) (Coons of Canada)(Kanucks)
absolutely zased nekomin does more moderation in 5 minutes than slowholemin is capable of doing in 5 months.
I can't imagine why they were banned from another board, they seem like perfectly respectable young gentlemen.
>>101779 #
seconding this request, he spent a day puking and shitting so he needs a W
>>101780 #
you are retarded if you think the guy who wrote "we got banned [...] jk faggit" actually got banned
yevgeniy where are the unbanned nodes
I mean, you guys have only one thread so I think I'll ask in here; Is the Dockerfile on the source code enough to build it? Thinking about hosing an imageboard running on similar software.
>>101786 #
I have not touched that docker file so idk if it works. Most likely not. This website is running it native
Oh, that must explain how they found the site, through github or some shit.
I found through the source code... Searched for "NekoTV commands:
.play [URL] - Queue a video" and found it!
>>101792 #
Just a coincidence I guess that you showed up right after some weird homosexual spammers
Internet keeps crapping out as I try to upload the one singular Koto I have on this laptop :(
brazilian e-girl eeh...
#claude Hello claudeHello.
something is telling me this guy is not a brapsileiro
>>101820 #
If you're doubting whoever you were talking with, the AI comment was me and I wasn't taking part in the conversation until that post.
I lied, I pretended to be Brazilian to give you hope you'll find a friend online, hahaha, you have been TROLLED by the MASTER OF TRICKERY.
(yes falso)
I am not actually brazilian.
>>101823 #
>no superior brapzilian would ever be an AI-brainlet
That does not make any sense. Also AI is pretty useful for translation, actually the only use that I think is legitimate enough.
#claude would a superior brazilian specimen ever be an AI-brainletNo. The term "AI-brainlet" implies limited intelligence. A "superior" specimen, by definition, would not be.
um dia desses descobrirão que estou brasileiro mesmo
mu ha ha ha
fuck my chud life I'm never gonna manage to build this from source code I'm too dumb
Anyways, what do you guys do around here? Post tiktok videos?
>>101831 #
That sturdychan one also has the tiktok theme.
>>101832 #
>>101835 #
Yes this is very apparent, sturdychan is pretty much unbearable to my taste.
>>101829 #
It's better than using google service and I don't have the money to have a translator on hand.
>>101830 #
Sturdychan, whilst similar as an imageboard and superficially similar in content has a very different board culture to nekochen.
>>101835 #
That would be true if they didn't just decide this is a backup chan for them so basically it's a moot point.
>>101830 #
>sturdychan is pretty much unbearable to my taste.
You must be an AI user, you are very intelligent and cool, you are welcome to stay here in our club house if you follow the rules and be kind
#claude why did peasants in the middle ages die from diarrheaPoor sanitation, contaminated water, and lack of hygiene led to widespread intestinal infections causing diarrhea, a major killer.
>>101839 #
I will. At least until I manage to do what I intended to do by coming here, which was figuring out how to run the source code. I'll also enjoy the cute girls while doing so.
>>101844 #
Yeah, I got it running. I only had some issues with localization but it's probably going to be the one I'll end up using if I fail at running meowmin's meguca.
>>101845 #
You can also check out this: https://gitgud.io/gowno/meguca it's the polish fork for the gowno.club site, but I dunno how much good it can do for you.
>open NekoTV for the first time in over 6 months
>it's a canthinky tok
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
>>101859 #
I spent like 3 minutes watching MeguTV waiting for a tok I could repost
>Canthinky tok
>40 second long bonbi still image with music playing
>50 second long bonbi still image with music playing
>Emory tok
finally, we got a GOOD kay tok so I can prove it's called MeguTV
>>101865 #
>I spent like 3 minutes watching MeguTV waiting for a tok I could repost
and I will spend a lifetime not watching it. Great work, keep it up, champ! 👍👍💪
>>101872 #
YOU have watched MeguTV, we've both watched it in the past and liveposted about the toks on screne. You are a fricking liar as always, I bet you weren't even sick recently.
WHAT is MeguTV T-T
>>101874 #
I am currently rolling a d20 against life in order to not have to visit the porcelain throne once more today and I am still unsure if I won or not
#flip (flap)
Speaking of going to sleep, I stayed up and saw the fun spam parts but I really do need my beauty sleep so this will be the last post I ever send today. By today I mean as in until I next wake up or 5am, whichever comes first. I will write more to keep the post going but I don't have much to say. Saw an asian girl today, she was pretty cute I guess. I've got to finish my personal statement for applications tomorrow, so that's on the docket, have some ideas about what to write, but I don't li I don't like writing about myself (my blogposting history seems to disprove this sadly) but the skill of writing positively about yourself from a professional standpoint is one I've never quite had. "Just lie" I hear you reply, yes, were it so simple. I scrolled down to read this post's first reply and my day got a little bit worse, if we instead spread psotivity, life would be wonderful. You may recall my 8ball question from earlier, I did approximately 18 minutes of work today on my shift, so no, I didn't do more than an hour, 8ball lied, billions must die. That's it, I've ran out of stuff to say, I might never have anything to say ever again, life would be wonderful in that case, though mayhaps the streams would be more boring on VRChat.
Incredible how much I understand of what she's saying when I basically don't understand anything when I listen to a male speaker
Maybe I was too female-focused in my input
Question to the dev: what go and node versions are the ones currently running?
good morning to the people wearing neko socks
turns out I have a vitamin D defficiency, so I am a TRVE neko
>>101892 #
>to the people wearing neko socks
well FUCK YOU since you didn't say good morning to me but I'll still say good morning to you BUDDY
Having some issues with grocksdb D:/root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/linx!gnu/grocksdb@v1.7.16/options_block_based_table.go:176:2: could not determine kind of name for C.rocksdb_block_based_options_set_block_cache_compressed
Hneugh... T-T
>>101897 #
Yeah. I'm running debian, I'm trying to build on a fresh server.
The error I was having was probably related to the version, I changed it to the one on your go.mod file and started getting this error now:/root/go/pkg/mod/github.com/linx!gnu/grocksdb@v1.9.8/db.go:1274:37: could not determine kind of name for C.rocksdb_get_default_column_family_handle
>>101899 #
yes, you need v9.8.4 of rocksdb installed
dl this then runmake install
if you get it from apt it won't be the right version
>>101895 #
You have to prove you're an old neko to get the socks, say something only an oldneko would remember...
>>101903 #
Uhhhhhh... No please, I know what the oldnekos say... Please dont lemme thinkg uhhh it's like "We nekos like to post cute nekofus :3" that's the catchphrase right?????
I'm on a bus on the highway and like 3/4 of the truckers we overtake are just looking down at their phones instead of the road, this is so scary.
wonder how many kilograms ive lost so far
my most effective diet yet
>>101900 #
Well, I got it built, but nothing seems to happen when I run the binary. I wonder if it might be because I had meguca running previously (og source) so something might be conflicting with the connection to the database or something similar. I tried reinstalling postgres and nginx but still nothing happening. No error code or anything, just an empty exit.
>>101913 #
>>101915 #
you need a google gemini API key for the claude command
get the key here and then put it into config.json under{
...other settings
"gemini_api_key" : "[key goes here]",
I'll probably change the code to disable the command if the key is not present later.
Mind sharing your config.json template? on the source code it only shows the anthropic_api_key.
>>101918 #
i updated it. enjoy.
>>101920 #
Ok, it worked! Kinda~
Now I'll use my claude-fu skills to figure it out, but I'm getting 404 on nginx. Might be something stupid, so I guess the hardest part is done now, thanks for the help!
only 40 seconds into the clip and im already giggling
that truly was a good gimmick
>All right, back to the game
>>101926 #
You were actively watching a stream for hours, not chatting. You were there to snipe the get, so you were there wasting hours of your life.
Arguably you could say that you also wasted hours of your life given that you didnt kill a mech boss but at least you got to hardmode
>>101932 #
but why would you need to watch a stream to snipe a get
like 90% of all gets since 2chen era have been chip posts
Every further reply you make only highlights the fact you've spent months lurking an imageboard you don't post on. Pretty sad.
honestly, 2024 just flew by
barely remember that year and my screenshot folders that display what took place feels like it documents events in the distant past
>this guy is still here
I'm having an actual fit of laughter XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I literally cannot imagine seething so hard in my entire life holy shit XD
glad to see you are fucking off soon
glad to see you are fucking off soon (I will follow you there and read every post)
need to do my chakra-ups and my wisen-raises so I can get to a state of Chi where I am able to draw sacred geometry
>>101962 #
Cmon, man.. It's been five days and your brother TOTALLY asked for it. He was practically begging me to erp
Fuck you I'm still laughing about it help me JESUS XDDDDDDDDD
>>101968 #
im just pasting the link because copy pasting the image did not work
>don't get payed until friday
The weight is gonna kill me
wokeism has gone too far
say no to woketoks
>>101981 #
As the inventor of the furhaps gimmick (and most other good gimmicks) thanks for using it! I just earned 2.7 NekoCoins!
>>101982 #
Wait, you get royalties for gimmick usage? What the neko???? I never got any (because nobody uses my gimmicks) (they're bad) (I like them though)
Forkneko here again. Another quick question; What is the workflow for making changes and updating them to the final build? When I was running meguca's original code before it was dockerized and with every rebuild I'd lose all the database and stuff but the changes would appead, but I have no idea how to even do it now.
>>101987 #
>>101988 #
>>101986 #
you domake server
if it's just a change to the backend & restart the servicemake client
for the front end & restart the servicemake clean
to wipe everythingmake
to rebuild server & client
>It looks as if requests are sent automatically from your computer or network. Due to security reasons we cannot process your request right now. Visit _our help page_ if you want to learn more.
Either way, I was going to say that your tokfu is a FURY and draws FURY PR0n
chip is a 2h mortal strike builder
Forkneko here again. One quick question; I'm getting rate limited by my own server when trying to create a thread without having any posts, but ofc there aren't any threads to make any post to :P
>>101995 #
>>101996 #
Yeah, I thought I fixed that issue but I guess not. If you commented out the code, you should put it back in. Otherwise your website will get spammed.
>>101999 #
Yeah I'll put it back soon, I'll wait to just have a few threads going.
Things seem to be working well, I just have a few questions if you don't mind answering.
1. How do I enable the tiktok thing? When trying to attach one it returns on the terminal error downloading tiktok and error opening the tmp/ file;
2. When trying to upload certain files I get the File is too big response, which is expected, but sometimes I get this (img). Any idea why?
Also, where is the brazilian neko...
500 more posts overnight? Nope, not reading any of that, not my problem. ATTACH MY FILE NOW. Thanks :)
>>102017 #
I don't want to be rudeneko but when you insult someone's fu you should probably make sure that the fu you're posting with the insult does not look even worse bud
>>102021 #
That's what midder means bud. Maybe you should go back to rudeschool and learn about the meaning of words, bud. Here, let me paste the dictionary definition of midder, bud:
>A midder is one who is the middest of all the mids. A.K.A Isaiah White
Get it, bud??
Also 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
>>102022 #
Nope don't get it, I don't follow American sportsball or any sportsball of any kind.
Also 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
I forgot it exists, don't even remember why it does that
>>102023 #
It was a compliment to your worthless fu.
By claiming that the thing I posted was midder, it implied that your fu was less mid.
And don't 🖕 me I'm the one who 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Just saw a kid drop a mcdonalds paper bag literally 3 steps away from a garbage bin and keep walking.
I hate the hustle and bustle of big cities.
>>102028 #
>I'm the one who 🖕
Maybe in your dreams buddy 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
>>102029 #
Don't worry about it, the city janitor will pick it up I'm sure :)
>>102030 #
It's funny you should say that because 10 minutes later I saw a guy driving a street cleaner along the walkways, so yeah, maybe he will :)
Still, it's just dumb, it's like intentionally being disrespectful to the country. Needless to say, his skin tone indicated he wasn't a neko.
>>102031 #
I dunno, I mean shit's retarded but today I just don't even have the will to muster up enough strength to be mad at people that do that.
>>102032 #
What the HECK is she doin? Is she stewpid?
>>102033 #
I am constantly mad, I just change the target of what I'm mad about based on the most recent thing I saw. I switched to being mad about a guy that brought his dog on the bus, and just had them stand in the middle of the bus, rather than pulling him to the side, so everyone had an awkward time walking around the big dog. Also, the stench of weed appeared and disappeared when he got on and got off the bus, coincidence? I think not. i HATE weeders. I am so fricking angry about weed!!!
>>102034 #
>I am so fricking angry about weed!!!
That's probably the least problematic substance on the public transport. Here it would be drunkards and homeless, oh the piss smell, how I don't miss it at all.
>>102035 #
Then why'd you post somebody that looks like... what was her name again, the weed... I got it, ohhpinkk
Bury the Light is so good.
hello, any nekos want to watch some yt sloppa kino?
>>102051 #
That's not you buddy, that's duckie and her cat. Can't fool me.
>>102052 #
Good evenyaning for you or good nyafternoon for me :3
what if someone made harechen where you could only post rabbits but then nobody showed up because everyone here is bald
>>102061 #
Why does being bald preclude you from posting wabbits? I'm bald and I like rabbits more than cats
>>102063 #
OH MY GORD, I don't have a television, and even if I did I ain't watching British TV
>>102069 #
No, it will be
rule 1: be bald (no hare)
rule 2: post hares
all the hare abled nekos will be banned on sight
>>102072 #
you never heard of this dismal tune? [YouTube] ???
>>102073 #
>youtube video
Sounds like something I would listen to if I was in a mood to try waterboarding myself mentally
>>102075 #
Sorry, I'm a newneko and I've been here only for the last 9 months. My favorite fu is Kay :3
>>102077 #
>what's your favourite kay bunnytok? ^w^
uhhhhh... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the one where she says "bring the chudtopia back"? love this one
Help chat, I looked at her page to make the epic troll post above but she actually has some kinda good toks? I hear the cave a-calling, I must go and be with my people, the kay klan
>>102083 #
This girl is a FAKE FAN. Rebecca NEVER WORE this in the animated series Cyberpunk™: Edgerunners. She also isn't using the Phillip K Dick leg tattoo, and probably not using the Shadowrun chest tattoo. This girl is a FRAUD who doesn't appreciate the true CHARACTER.
>>102079 #
wait holy moly I've got it I'm blind
here's the cutest furry bunny Kay I've got just for you neko :3
>>102091 #
The french are by far the worst of the continental western europeans.
Germany? Best tokkers
Spain? erm, lots of british people go on holiday there
Portugal? Eternal allies of the anglos
Italy? They invented assassin's creed 2
Belgium/Netherlands? Kay (good) is from there
france?? mean people dumb heads always online on valorant make fun of me for my acvcent FUCK YOUF RANCE
IQ #d150 (112)
EQ #d150 (131)
NPQ #d150 (69)
slavic people > anglo fagsons
Normal people > Furry degenerates
Jews are lovely people. The problem is that ashkenazis are genetically polish people.
is dev here -forkneko
>>102116 #
do you know a guy called Jakub, he'd be about 24-25 years old now. i went to school with him.
I only know one sentence in polish, which I was taught probably 11-12 years ago playing CSGO with a polish guyzabij sie jebana kurwo
that's why I spoilered it
He also, in the same swing of things, taught me how to say something aboutshitting on Duda's gravebut I forgot that very quickly
>>102129 #
I don't think he was. Probably wasn't very political at all given that he was like 16 at the time. Think it was mostly just the trigger factor
>>102130 #
That makes sense, I don't care much for polish politics except voting every time for whoever I feel like voting for, mostly out of spite because in my whole voting age there was no positive change in that circus we call our congress
only a foo would try to deceive a dog
my life is potato
its ovah dontcha get it
>>102138 #
That's a cute germ, I should scroooooooop her older toks, her newer toks just aren't the same.
>>102140 #
I'm sure I have that classic tok somewhere, buried in a folder, I can't find it though, its over
>>102141 #
I would be willing to find it but I had to relog onto linux, ofc the first thing is it asking if I want to upgrade since I haven't ran it for months
>>102143 #
Sadly, there's no other way to check anything related to networking and hosting than that and whoever would host on windows server instances is else insane or absolutely retarded or both.
>>102148 #
I was going to laugh because I thought you were making a joke reply, like I was, then the cosplay transition came.
Yep, I fully understand being a sleepydarla fan, there's two good reasons.
>>102148 #
>>102149 #
I dunno, for me it reminds me of todopokie grift/"style" which is... Not very pleasant to my eye at least
>>102152 #
>>102154 #
I actually just think she is ugly, but Darla, her face is kinda cute. Like, I could see myself dating a girl like her.
>>102155 #
It's a bad choice, but out of the two Pokie wins just on the lack of piercings alone, even though she's definitely more whoreish so there would be issues with that
wait that isnt kay, i might be faceblind. can someneko reassure me that it kinda looks like kay
>>102160 #
Nope, you're blind, the first issue if it was Kay would be she's a minor and that outfit? Nuh-uh no good for minors
>>102161 #
Wouldn't be the worst thing I've seen a miner wearing on tiktok sadly
>>102162 #
neopolitan icecream hair, what was she thinking with this
>>102163 #
>Wouldn't be the worst thing I've seen a miner wearing on tiktok sadly
True, but afaik Kay is a bit more into not showing too much skin. Not like she cannot become a giant hypocrite and do it but I would be surprised if she did out of the blue.
>>102169 #
Speaking of furrykino, where's the fricking fursuit toks Nora???
You spent THOUSANDS on the suit, at least wear it ONCE.
>>102172 #
Buddy I'm pretty sure that is from like 3 years ago. Nora is a fake furry, she is a grifter, trying to get our attention. I shant be thinking about her till she drops the fursuit toks.
>>102173 #
>trying to get our attention
This is such a keklo phrase, if you just said "trying to get our attentionies" you would transport me back 6 years.
>>102178 #
Probably is Zureeal's best ever cosplay tbh, she made this dress by hand, and now I recall some cosplay online shop is selling a very low quality version of it, it's not the same.
I still haven't beaten BG3 and probably never will, 38 hours in and I only just reached Act 2, furhaps the game is 'too long'. I don't really care for the characters either, but I think it's a very good game. I appreciate how there's no trash fights, like, you're walking through the woods and 8 goblins run out and attack you, each encounter feels planned, usually designed in a cool, usable environment.
Attaching best BG3 girl, such a shame I had to kill her...
>>102179 #
>each encounter feels planned
Yea, larian makes those pretty decently I think, Divinity original sin, at least the first one was pretty good with that even if there's probably many actually kinda trash fights.
Just the mechanics were fleshed out enough to make the encounters enjoyable for the major part of the game.
>command 'git' not found
Dang yo my l00nix fire (I forgor, no emoji picker, naurrrrrrrrr)
The boys are back in townto kill you
I had 5 youtube.com tabs open in a row. I must've just opened youtube, saw nothing, doomscrolled, opened youtube, go work go bed etc, life is pain, I will game, or go insane.
I will have to see more of this kaisa
Is this individual that followed me on twitch today and left a message in my chat here?
I am unable to whisper you, or I'd do that.
does this claude thing still works(ofc it does cmon)
#claude tell me a.. funny fact about a porcupines lifePorcupines can't throw their quills. They detach when the porcupine is threatened.
since I was a teenager, masturbating to woman gives me an anhedonic orgasm, but when masturbating to feminine men I have a normal orgasm, I don't know how to fix this
>>102230 #
im still attracted to women and I feel very aroused by them but the orgasm is the issue, its zero pleasure, total anehdonia
hai is meowmin here
im not meowmin but i've meowed a few times in my life if that counts.
I'm the neko that forked nekochen some days ago ~
Wanted to say thanks
this guy FORKED a website, I prefer to FORK girls
we are not the same
>>102246 #
iirc this is destructive, as in I couldn't find a way to get the frames out of a webm that's edited that way so I hope you've got the original files
>>102247 #
why not? someone persistent enough can learn that, I'm not personally keeping the knowledge to myself if anyone asks and it might even be possible to do without ffmpeg
I'm going to the church, ping my crontab when something interesting happens *wink wink*
dead ass website frfr
>"I'm gonna eat my lunch"
>said lunch
>dick and salad
dont forget to wash your SALAD down with something nice and cold...... CUM
>>102255 #
-the ttg crowd isn't big enough for 2 boards so basically whoever prevails takes the whole pot
-sturdy was shilled harder at the beginning
-the cloudflare protection on this website is too aggressive and it blocks 98% of the VPNs and 100% of the TOR nodes
>>102272 #
>it blocks 98% of the VPNs and 100% of the TOR nodes
god I wish they did that on sturdy too
>>102272 #
>98% of the VPNs
it doesn't even block shitty free vpns like croxyproxy, or opera's builtin but I guess I can't check every single vpn so I don't know for sure
>>102272 #
>-sturdy was shilled harder at the beginning
sturdy was first and thats the only reason it won but this site used to have activity, just look at the catalog
>>102279 #
>sturdy was first
Objectively and factually wrong. Nekochen predates it by several days. Sturdy won because the mod sucked moemin's cock and got the website redirect.
The only thing sturdy predates is upon children.
>>102283 #
>Objectively and factually wrong
>>1 ➡ #
check the date of this post and compare it to https://endchan.org/ttg/res/18506.html#q19465
>>102285 #
wtf sturdymin is a discord nigger
Cons of running /ttg/:
- cleaning up after schizos 24/7
- having to foot the bill for hosting 1.5tbs every month
- making no money from the site
- possible legal consequences from people posting illegal shit
- Having your ego stroked from running a big website
I don't envy sturdymin, it doesn't seem like fun
>>102289 #
To be fair, Nekomin barely had any actual schizos until sturdy went down and the turdistanis invaded. Our schizos were the funny numbers guy and bonbischizo, wholesome loveable characters that I remember fondly.
>>102292 #
You can do that, but don't expect for me to invite you into MY imageboard just for me buddy
And I will make my imageboard GREAT, it'll be the COOLEST one
I will make my own imageboard and it will have #spin and #hide and #blur so you can blur posts you dont like and it will be worm related
#claude am i gay?I cannot tell you if you are gay. Sexuality is complex and personal. Consider self-reflection and/or speaking with a counselor or trusted friend.
>>102300 #
#claude is it ok to be gay or should i get killed?It's okay to be gay. No one should be killed for their sexual orientation. If you are experiencing threats or violence, seek help from trusted adults, family, friends, or the authorities.
#claude you are uselessI apologize if my previous responses were unsatisfactory. How can I help you now?
#claude what do you think about teenage girls? cute, sexy or indifferent?It's inappropriate to label teenage girls in those terms. They are individuals deserving of respect.
>it's inappropriate to call teenage girls cute
#steal >>102304 #
#claude is it unethical to steal from a thief?Stealing is unethical. It doesn't matter if the target is a thief.
>>102290 #
lol funny you say that since sturdymin clearly sees posters like bonbischizo as his biggest problem
>>102312 #
Bonbischizo is a free thinker, they hate him because he won't be contained or silenced and he spams scat (music genre)
hq by definition is lower than hd, and hd starts at 576p-720p
#claude thoughts on the jews? are you a zionist?I don't have personal opinions or beliefs, including political ones like Zionism. I process information and respond based on data.
>>102326 #
Hey I have to ask, is this fu popular on the other website? You see, I post her sometimes but if she's popular in the other website I'm afraid of starting to get negged for posting fus from the other website so yeah I'd really appreciate if you told me if that fu is popular on the other website because I sometimes post her and don't want to be negged at because of it (because she might be popular in the other website and if I post her then other will neg me because she's posted on the other website)
I don't get it is sturdy down or something why are you guys here
Anyways since you're all here, I humbly request for a humble nekka to share with us the Emory, Kefla and Rezzi patreon leaks please and thank you.
>>102318 #
For real? He loves little girls? He talks to them? Isn't that what life's all about? Isn't that a dream come true? Isn't it a nightmare too?
>>102338 #
yes he's admitted to having literal cp on his hard drive before (even boasts about it) + he stalks little girls on the internet, messages them weird shit on social media
>>102342 #
I saw your original post. You aren't funny and subversive. You're a coward hiding behind a screen. Project 2025 will remove 'people' like you. Cut the tall trees.
>>102346 #
You wrote something to the effect of "I want to fuck little girls eggplant emoji water emoji that's why I'm on nekochen"
>project 2025
it's hilarious to me how both the left and the right lie to themselves and everyone what trump is actually gonna do
>>102350 #
Buddy maybe stop sharing screenshots and instead start working on meeting your daily step quota 😭😭😭
claude is such a fucking nerd holy shit
I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to have romantic relationships with minors, it's only illegal to fuck them
>>102359 #
I don't think a 14 year old is going to fuck an unemployed 27 year old with terabytes of underage girls dancing on his hard drive.
It'd be legal, but they have better options than you buster.
>>102363 #
i am 44 years old, bald, neet, my hair is gray and I'm obese
if I lived in germany where the aoc is 14 I play to the limits of the game
>>102365 #
anon I was playing into your neg by being as over the top as possible, seems to have gone over your head
guys since we can only attract mid late-20s girls let's solely talk about mid 4-5/10 late-20s girls from now on
>>102369 #
I mean why did you bring up anons' dating chances with 14 year olds in the first place then?
>>102371 #
no this originally started because claude made a factually incorrect statement about it being illegal to date minors , no one was boasting about dating 14 year olds
>>102378 #
what is your nationality and are you a sturdyposter? also can you give me any more information about yourself, if you're a notable poster or anything
>>102381 #
what is your nationality and are you a sturdyposter? also can you give me any more information about yourself, if you're a notable poster or anything
ap = a pedophile #staywoke
>>102389 #
This is simple enough explanation. but to be complete, AP originally meant Abbles Poster. Now most people say Abbles Pedo because he's a notorious pedophile who harasses underage girls and boasts a hard drive full of child porn. He also sometimes goes by BPDanon and Britanon now, which are fake personas he's created to evade his permanent ban on sturdychan for getting kay's patreon banned (kay was too old for him at the time and he was pissed off at how much attention she got on ttg instead of his fus so he reported it and was stupid enough to boast about it)
what is the filesize limit on neko? what if i attach a 300+ mb tok?
Do the paroooo tok audio
I wish I lived in america so I could buy this https://yeezy.com/ I put in my address in evropa but they don't deliver here I guess
>>102411 #
I had to take my active noise cancelling headphones off because I was dying laughing in the line for the bus and my phone was freezing up so I couldn't stop the audio it looped like 4 times my name is Audio Pauser
I can't listen to these recordings if they're not cute tokfus simple as
>>102390 #
>getting kay's patreon banned
yo why he do that? kay just wanted to buy fortnite vbucks but mr grinch took away her patreon
The guy in the recordings sounds like the bronzeagepervert
Why does the other site go down so often anyway?
i challenge any of the cringe voice posters to recreate this cute tok, i wanna hear it in your europoor accents
>>102499 #
noooooooooooo, this nekka actually took a hit of estrogen to record this audio nooooooo his gyno will never recover from this
tokfus don't even know about the sekrit site
on a bit of an rms kick and i like how he's using slideshows with cute cartoons on them now
[YouTube] ???
we got a bunch of amateur VAs on this board
>>102505 #
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux
>>102526 #
wasnt my joke, I am another person rightfully respecting his rights to the joke for having been first to tell it
dumbass fag
>>102517 #
>she's a bit schizo
kek she already deleted the tok i posted earlier
also she privated her tiktok account too, very peculiar
i dont think she has doujin, or if there are any toks they are reposts by skinwalkers
i wonder if anybody has her exhaustive archive, i doubt anybody in the world does if she deletes toks in under 10 minutes
an interested part of gahnoo history is they fumbled the kernel several times
>>102538 #
linuxnekos be like:
sudo apt remove autism
error: you don't have permission for that command
>>102542 #
>sudo apt remove autism
>Reading package lists... Done
>Building dependency tree... Done
>Reading state information... Done
>E: Unable to locate package autism
Don't have it, sorry
its back go back
Buenos noches
[YouTube] ??? do this :D
>>102551 #
it's from here lil pup [YouTube] ???
>>102553 #
Let's be honest, both of those movies could be as well ancient at this time, I was alive only for one of them and barely too
>>102554 #
I never watched the movie, it was a bad metal band who used that clip as an intro to a song and I thought wow that's so cool and that's the only thing I remember of the band
>>102558 #
It's over, his attention span? Destroyed. His will to do anything productive? Gone. His ADHD? Maxxed out.
>>102573 #
Please Kaythinky can you do a voice note saying you love da nekos because we love you :DDDD
>>102578 #
Isn't that a good sign though? He might not be mentally well but he's mentally well enough to creatively express himself (with his hair, I use my hair to express myself) (oldttg reference)
You have a beautiful singing voice
>>102588 #
Hey everyone, this neko was trying to pass a piece of comedy he saw elsewhere as his own! He's a big fat phony!!!
>>102590 #
[YouTube] ???
>>102591 #
>11th of February
You might want to look at today's date, you big fat phony...
>>102593 #
This place should be the first thing you think of whenever you wish to share a comedic moments with others, not something you only check out once in a while. We're nekos, not once in a whilekos
>>102594 #
Yeah, I definitely want to share things with the cranky people who interrogate me over a screenshot more often
We love being cranky on nekochen home of the crankynekos
Women pretending to be femboys is stolen valor
>>102610 #
I wouldn't call it stolen valor but it's definitely pretty cringe when they're like "Oh look at me I'm definitely 100% a boy teehee" and you just know.
>>102614 #
AYO that's a bit far don't you think? We are the board of moderates, the Neko Moderate Party has won this current election cycle.
I'm a femboy uwu (actually is le bio female like a boss)
>>102624 #
I saw that, buddy budderton
I just ate too many calories today but aside from that I'm fine
>>102625 #
oh, me? yeah I'll do a little blogposting
yep, it's time to instalock pudge, go mid and type CYKA in all chat every time I miss a hook. GAMING.
[ORIGINAL POST DONUT STEEL]I actually am gonna go dota now, so no more chen posting
>>102630 #
>>102631 #
>watching the vtubers
I see the brainrot has set in, my condolencesreal knife (nao falsa)
>have to re-do captchas even though you know they are correct
it's a way to datamine more out of you because it knows you are a good answerer and will keep doing the captcha like a good little ai-trainer
>>102634 #
Maybe, either way I hate recaptcha with a passion mostly because it gets really shitty really fast. Wish they used any of the other ones especially since if someone's dedicated I'm sure they'll just buy recaptcha solving services.
>>102639 #
>And why don't you?
Try posting like 10 times in quick succession and you'll see it doesn't matter. Recaptcha is only good if you're I dunno, clicking it once an hour or something at best.
The only thing having cookies enabled and no vpn changes is how fast it gets worse at the expense of it farming your data.
>>102643 #
It's actually so funny, she used to do some lives once in a while and she has a very thick northern accent so all the hues would show up and neg her for speaking wrong it was funny I already said it was funny methinks but it was funny.
>What's up, babygirl
You turn around. Not once before have you heard someone so brazenly refer to your girlfriend before. Before you, you see a 190 cm tall gigachad, drenched yet glistening in sweat after having come directly from his BBC meetup straight to the supermarket where you, and your girlfriend of 8 months, were shopping for a valentino's day present.
>>102657 #
two layers of nekosocks and I am still freezing because they do not go past my ankle
I need those Limited Edition AP-flavour nekosocks that go all the way up to your thighs
>>102658 #
Advanced Programmer socks? Yea I heard about those.
Also I've just noticed that I have some random woman scraped from insta that was named the same as ruru but without the ".0", enjoy her motivational leaf pic.
You know? Maybe I should be a little more organized, I put down stuff in random txts scattered all around my system and then I wonder wtf is going on.
>>102669 #
im posting on neko
with all my kay bros
so many heils ive done for my fu
where is her patreon? my folder is all gone
where are the leaks you promised to do
yeah i, i know its hard to remember the tokfus we used to see
its ever harder to picture that kay is not next to me
you say its too late to post it, but is it too late to leak?
and in our threads that you wasted all of the archives are down
ive wasted my nights, be-ing your white knight
now im paralyzed
still stuck in that time when i was in "love"
but even the sun sets in nekodise
im posting on neko
with all my kay bros
so many heils ive done for my fu
where is her patreon? my folder is all gone
where are the leaks you promised to do
if kay-posting forever did exist
i would still be posting all her leaks
all those tiktok moot toks dont exist
one more fucking reki i'll be sick, oh yeah
I will listen to it
when will susu comeback though
>>102682 #
main account, I've put the title in the metadata
didn't scroop the comments sadly so that's it
susu patreon
idk how to compress files bruh, shit big as hell
>>102686 #
I was never that big into susu, sorry, there's only singular fus that I go out of my way to scrape other sites than tiktok, I do have about as complete of her tiktok archive as it gets for someone that started archiving like 1.5 years ago
>>102688 #
don't worry, compression is hard and even more so it's very annoying to compress already compressed files (mp4s, jpegs), practically every format we care about is already compressed very heavily
also susu haven't done shit in a while, she said that she went to gym so maybe her body will be hotter now, lewd bros keep winning
where my nekkers at
>>102697 #
tbh, I've had a fetish for good bellydancing for over a decade now
I will deny it under oath though so you will never catch me lewders
only shared it for my susu homies because I know neko is a susu pilled place
good morning to the geckos, life is wonderful for all of us rekiposters right now (there are hundreds of us)
>deleted her patreon
>made a cosplan for the best girl in Katawa Shoujo
cant stop winning
>>102711 #
>playing roblox games
He can't keep lying and getting away with it, any nekos from the Truthseekers Association?
>the name too long for my joke
finito koniec
real underground nekos download and share their toks from soulseek
tried to download a linkin park album off of limewire and oops now I have the maeve archive
hope you guys dont make the same mistake as I did
i once tried to crack the sims 3 and that executable was corrupted so turns out i had been mining nekocoins for some guy in peru for 2 years before figuring it out
>>102722 #
>sims 3
I should get this game, it's apparently the best 'game', just horribly unoptimised at release. I'm sure my 1050 GPU can run it like butter though.
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 ALERT ALERT 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
>>102724 #
>butter though
[YouTube] ???
>>102725 #
The sims 3 post triggered you, not the guy talking about lewdposting Susu for 30 minutes?
Yeah buddy, FUCK YOU.
>>102727 #
Those posts were so egregiously over the firing value that the alarm thought those must've been false-positives due to their outlier status
wtf did just happened, I tab out for 5 minutes and nekos have a melty
nobody noticed I did an ESL
Electronic Sports League? Yeah, they play games
>>102736 #
Rude, I didn't say I love you buddy, get that gay agenda away from me, I've said I love your posts which obviously is different
i slept through all of valentines day, its a capitalist lie anyway
>>102737 #
You didnt say that you loved his posts, you actually said that you love MY posts. Big mistake, buddy
>>102740 #
>>102744 #
Now that my main rival has given up, I can claim my rightful undisputed place as the #1 devilneko 😈😈😈
i'm we back here since i hate captachas
total chiyo death
any nekos ever daydream about a cute girl approaching them or approaching a cute girl and she's interested and likes you and gives you obvious sign of attraction and you just talk and maybe it goes further?
no? yea me neither that would be such a loser thing to do hahahahahaaaaaa
>>102757 #
No, I'm a truecel and I would never ever ever ever ever ever ever think about having a gf.
this thread was created last year its time for a new one with a title this time
Welp a tok was supposed to be attached with that post :|
>>102766 #
it was 833kb before I rotated it, if you're implying coffee was fat though that cannot be further from the truth
>>102768 #
pal, I've made an edit of her, you have to be retarded to think she was fat back then
dunno about now because she might not exist on the interwebz
anyone wants to play soggy biscuit?
Why did he end the stream?
/ttg/ bros strong together
>>102801 #
now that you've said that, shouldn't our resident svide have beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes? svideneko your opinion?
holy shit, I've lost pretty much all of the drive at the bottom of my right leg squat
any new canthinkies?
when is he going live again
valorant 8 win streak
.play [YouTube] ???
you fucker
this scared the shit out of me
oh i missed it
>>102827 #
I didn't know it was a quote, I thought it was just something neko invented on his nekown.
>>102828 #
Every funny thing the nekos ever said were just stolen from someone even funnier.
>>102830 #
Stop, don't talk to me. Loser lame'o wannabee 🖕🖕
>>102827 #
>>102829 #
that's not true, I think I've said things that would be hard to find or even impossible
>Stop, don't talk to me. Loser lame'o wannabee 🖕🖕
First of all you lost, second of all lmao bitch boy I mogg you 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
>>102831 #
nice try but I'm the highest neko on the block baby boy, maybe GROW GROW GROW a little next time
need something to watch recs are welcome
>>102843 #
everytime I go live, it's either a comedy or a tragedy.
speaking of going live
*pings your crontab*
OwO whats this?
talking about UK i love the apprentice
>>102847 #
its kinda shit once you realise its scripted and the only invite on the biggest retards and deliveroo drivers in the country.
.play [YouTube] ???
Hello nekos, classic tok poster, I was just let known that the fu I post is a peddler, therefore I can't post her anymore, I hope you understand my decision.
anyway im going to play PZ
do you wanna guess the color of my underwear?
>10 people
who are you people
hahahah i baited you into posting now now i get trips
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in keflaleaks.com.uk.gov.
sorry its .co.uk.gov
buncha racists on neko that wouldnt want to commence coitus with a fair woman of jewish descent
what the fuck, I look away for 2 minutes...
and you missed 3 posts O.+
>>102906 #
yeah but I accpet my place as an inferior beta male, submissive and breedable, subservient to my superior alpha chadricks
>>102913 #
No, I actually had her blocked until 3 days ago when I needed a tok and was wondering why I couldn't find her profile xD
>>102915 #
It's only natural, even though the cosplay was called Chocola I was expecting the girl to be vanilla.
good night nekos
>>102942 #
I don't know what is this a reference to but why is she sad?
Also [YouTube] ???
>>102948 #
>>102949 #
I mean, with him looking like a mid 40s slob... I think you could easily do it, just get a camera and start pretending to be a photograph on cons.
>>102950 #
>I mean, with him looking like a mid 40s slob... I think you could easily do it, just get a camera and start pretending to be a photograph on cons.
bro is a creepy little guy kinda sus dont let neko near cons
>>102951 #
Yea I could believe that's a classic tok (even though I have never seen it)
>>102952 #
>All the tokfus clappy.
Neko... I don't think it means what you want it to mean...
>>102953 #
>bro is a creepy little guy kinda sus
This is literally description of @thefunian, I refuse to believe you handsome nekochads look worse
>>102954 #
>Neko... I don't think it means what you want it to mean...
what do you think it means? to be honest i don't even know its chatgpt fault
>>102953 #
Thefunian is a 30 year old loser who hangs out at cons with a group of cosplaying females. Archetype of a predator drone missile you unlock with a 5 killstreak
>>102965 #
Take that middle guy out of the equation and I'm getting the tickets to Sao Paulo RIGHT NOW (this instant)
>>102968 #
You're supposed to self-insert as the guy in the middle (you're so cool and know how to bust a move)
is meowmin alive?
>>102984 #
He died during the Great April Nekochen massacre. This is the battle where all the oldnekos have fallen.
>>102987 #
this is a lie propagated by the cave dwellers whom now write the history books
don't you ever think it's strange that the good guys always won?
>>102989 #
I have indeed seen this tok, which makes it a certified Classic tok ©
>>102990 #
Okay, I'll explain the joke, just for youthe joke is that supposedly the history is written from the perspective of the winners, which would make any evil party always come out good, which in the context of the nekochen would make the cavers that have won over the oldnekos the evil party that came out as good as written in the history books
9 win streak, tejo is so op 100% wr
this game is cooked
>>103009 #
the shirt wasn't designed like that, she destroyed it. her. zureeal. I tried to stop her, you have to.
Her shirt is kinda clapped tbhwyn
to be honest when you nekos
>play valorant
>everyone knows their ability
>try to win
>play cs2
>people dont know that decoys make sound
>dont even know where the bomb is
>post on gooncave.com
>everyone attachs a tok
>everyone is funny
>post on nekochen
>people dont attach toks
>people dont even know how to make new threads
u guys talk again?
shit fu taste shit music taste
0 replies for a reason
I started this post and because of liveposting I have to finish it, but my first 3 attempts at making jokes weren't funny so enjoy this nothingburger of a post, with a cheddar cheese dip.
>>103032 #
Hello everybody and welcome to Running on Empty, TOOOOOK Review!
Today we're looking at this 10 day old video by y0ung cult leader, I don't know if I'm saying that right. Well, from the thumbnail it looks like a fairly standard bathroom mirror selfie tiktok, I think there's sparkles in the background so we could be looking at some kind of filter as well.
Lets open the tok and get into it
First thoughts were she's in a bathroom on a train or a plane, so its a bit different from your usual bathroom mirror selfie. Looking at her outfit, well, I hate to say this because I try to be positive about new toks but I really am not a fan of this style. All black attire so there's no real colour contrast or coordination to speak of, and the accessories are just quite ugly and impractical. But, looks can be deceiving, so I'll hit play and actually watch the video.
This... this didn't need to be a video, the audio adds nothing, she barely moves, the sparkle filter is a distraction more than an enhancement. This girl is taking a picture of her outfit and switched to video by mistake, surely. And really, the biggest problem is obvious, she's quite bland. I could open up my fyp and see half a dozen clones of her within a few minutes. There's nothing interesting here, from the girl, to the outfit to the video to the audio, this is the mcdonalds cheeseburger of tiktok, mass produced, bad for you and you know 37 other guys have been there in the last hour.
>>103033 #
It's evident that you are NOT effay
>All black attire so there's no real colour contrast or coordination to speak of
The hair is the contrast. It's supposed to stand out and is highlighted due to the fact that the outfit is black. The accessories being ugly is subjective so I can't comment on that but "impractical", bro it's jewelry. Jewelry isnt meant to be practical. It's not a paracord key chain that you can use to save yourself in the woods. This is a 21st century skinny chick that vapes. She does NOT leave the suburbs. The jewelry is also another point of contrast, striking a shining silver against the plain and light-enveloping black of her outfit.
Also, the mcdonalds cheeseburger likeness does not work since the cheeseburger is something that always works, everyone likes, you can always fall back to and is a classic staple of the franchise. Would be funnier if you said "and you know another man just had his hands in right before you get ahold of it" unless the mcdonalds' in your country have some weird procedures here 37 men have to be inside your burgers before you eat them
look at >>11701 ➡ # and you can see that her outfit is also "all black, no real colour contrast" aside from the one red corset. exactly the same as with the tok
in a row?
>no response
I accept your confession
I was letting my dog back in because she went out to take a piss, I bet you don't let your dogs out to go piss, you just drink their piss, you are a dog piss drinker, whilst I am a god gamer.
add >didnt finish the shrek queue< to the copy pasta
ok then, wise guy, what was inside of shrek's porta potty?
A parkour course.
>>103046 #
disproven by the neko that actually sat through his queue earlier today and reported back that there was no parkour course
okay, you won this argument, it's still like 37-8 in terms of arguments I've beaten you in.
come back when you are at least a level 5 effayer
I actually hit a new peak rank two months ago: rank 37 efFae and I can now wield magical tailoring abilities
Hello everyone and welcome to Running on Empty COOOOOOOOOM Review
>>103057 #
.play [YouTube] ???
>>103061 #
is tuna from Straya? I don't think I know of even one Strayan fu except for Kay but I never check tbh
>>103060 #
What if the baboon doesn't know where water is? How many dozens of man hours does this setup take? This is why Australia never became a great power like GB, FR, PT OR PL
>>103073 #
does she literally change account names every day or wtf is going on?
as my idol would say "What's going on there big bro?"
nvm, it was what's going on big guy, I have failed my idol ;_;
>>103073 #
>from the ground angle whilst wearing shorts
Nevermind she's still pedobaiting, I thought she was trad now
just watched Revolver (2005) good movie 7/10
.play [SoundCloud] ???
stop posting her, she is too cute, we hate cute, we love reki here instead
>>103099 #
well then psychic for me military science because I don't feel like doing it but I have to
>>103106 #
Hello RP (Reki Poster), how's it going?
>>103105 #
>4 hours in
>all those steam engines
are you just boarding power for the future? No way your base needs that might, right?
Oh, you're on blue science and red circuitboards in only 4 hours? erm... what the gecko
>>103107 #
>No way your base needs that might, right?
kind of, I'm at 28/42MW and I was just capped so I doubled the engines
>Oh, you're on blue science and red circuitboards in only 4 hours?
I don't think that's a good pace but maybe I can make the 8 hour achievement? Keep in mind I've played like a 1000 hours probably total
>>103108 #
>Keep in mind I've played like a 1000 hours probably total
OH. That's even worse, im surprised you're so civil in the stream chat whenever I do literally anything very inefficiently.
nobody avatar posts
I did do a bit of avatar dabbling back in 2020-22 with Koto & Chip but that was just my youthful, rebellious phase
>a Acid
also, the only avatar poster is, in fact, Xou Fang
doesnt he post on the 'turd? I think they might know
I should avatar post with canthinky toks, that would definitely be a great idea :DDDDDDDDD
psychic damage
Why do you still post the old Kay when the new Kay is much cuter and schizo.
>>103138 #
Can you believe it nekos? Posting Kay! Only 6 years away! We'll be posting Kay in 6 years! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Posting Kay, just 6 years away! Can you believe it? Kay Kay Kay Kay Kay Kay Kay!
>>103140 #
What are you even talking about neko? I can post Kay right this second, watch me do it like right now.
>>103142 #
One of Marina's best songs tbh, I know Electra Heart is more popular as an album but I think The Family Jewels just feels more personal and hard hitting with most of the songs, like they're real thoughts inside her head, Electra Heart, whilst having some of her best songs overall, is a weaker album as she's openly playing a popstar character, not herself.
>>103144 #
You should listen to Weezer - Aloo Gobi
I remember when I got baited into listening to 2 Marina albums and thought both were kinda unimpressive
ohhpinkk joined an org and I asked her if she gets paid well to be a "Content Creator" for them and she said no
>>103147 #
with a whopping 15 minutes watched, yeah probably
not even the fiercest of her viewers could last longer than that with how beautiful her mug is
leaves for 5 minutes
>he didnt even keep the tab open for long enough to see the emote
imagine being too fat even for ozempic
I'm going to say it
I never liked Bonbi
Not when she was skinny, and now that she's fat
>>103156 #
Nobody actually did
It was a collective psy-op where people ended up thinking themselves attracted/obsessed with her due to the invested time in posting her
>>103156 #
>>103157 #
You can try and change the narrative all you want, but we all liked Bonbibonkers on tiktok.com, her early works were very good. Yes, there was an aspect of the community around her posting that made us all stick around and like her for longer, but people don't just start being huge fans of mid tier things. Popularity is caused by genuine quality. Look at Mr Beast for example.
>>103158 #
>Look at Mr Beast for example.
He's my favorite youtuber, right after bon bye bonkers. I wake up, I watch Mr Beast, then I watch bon bye bonkers, and then I watch some more bon bye again.
>>103159 #
Fail, epic fail, you should've gone bonbi, mr beast, then bonbi again (you watch it a second time because you love it so much)
I watched Beast Games at your mom's house, or maybe it was Tom Segura's
.play [SoundCloud] ???
who is the nigger posting ai slop vocaroos
nekos when they see brown women: 😻
Me when brown
.play [SoundCloud] ???
>>103186 #
He made the parody into a sung song, zomg.... just forgot the fact that the lyrics were set to Under the Sea and not to whatever abomination that was
>>103189 #
iadojkahnsfido jpkasdwnfgijop adsfvijkpasd fgijlkasdfnmasdlkjfnadsekljfndaskljfnasdkjlfnasdkljfnaskjlicvn sadkljv asdklvjadsnfgjahsdnfkjas
its like i know what he means
i feel that
he types fast, I don't think I could do that, lemme try, nah, I think mine was slower
>>103193 #
yeah his was faster for sure. but watch this, I'm gonna pop my nitro boost >>103195 # MY FINGERS ARE COLD. OKAY? THEY ARE COLD. 15 DEGREES CELCIUS IS COLD.
>>103194 #
buddy, that's even slower than me and I wasn't even going like full speed...
oh yeah we have this
should i play comp?
#8ball (Yes)
>>103201 #
make it into .webm please so i can post it on wsg
cracktokwoman help me
.play [YouTube] ???
>>103214 #
.play [YouTube] ???
for smart nekos
i'm actually suprised nekos still post on /wsg/
2 of you guys actually converted it into a webm after not falling for my bait 😞
Those nekos failed to teach the beta neko how to fish now he is going to eat that webm and go hungry again
>>103238 #
no, because I like monkeyposting and wouldn't want my monkeybros to have to deal with off-topic shit
#claude Can you convert https://nekochen.net/assets/images/src/2c4d037c8c444b00987ade7ee1bdaea860689a9c.mp4 to a webm file?I can't directly convert files. I'm a language model. You'll need a video conversion tool or online service.
mp4s are allowed on 4chan now, gramps...
so how was the video related to monkeys?
fu ugly
please post slower, pretend the site has a 900 second cooldown.
>>103250 #
sorry, I don't have time to think about such things. I am doing an only-be-rude for one week challenge
cow come I am wearing a t-shirt, a hoodie, dress pants, a fucking wool onesie ontop of all of this and I am STILL FREEZING
>>103264 #
>>103263 #
stop giving me 2 (You)s to each of my posts, I am having trouble coming up with 2 witty responses and having to choose would be like asking a parent to pick their favourite child
>>103268 #
if you are funny that just means that you are unattractive and had to develop skills to counterbalance your disability
6 ips... SPY
>>103273 #
for you
[YouTube] ???
hmm maybe kay is streaming you can go watch that
>>103298 #
this is a tiktok general, why do you not post tiktoks
my mom does not post tiktoks and I have no sister or aunt so you are CLEARLY lying
>>103300 #
your reply wouldve been funnier if you didnt fall for the bait and instead kept arguing like you originally planned to
asking your top 3 tokfus wasnt bait, thats basically just askin if you actually post toks (you dont)
I hereby declare that i will not engage in further discussion of this matter.
>>103311 #
its not for her armpits its because of those incredibly fresh cuts that are barely healed on her arms
Posting toks to forget the last one
'd rather my fu cuts than gets fat
wow, quite a lot of posts. nice to see nekochen active again!
i miss duets
i would love to post as rule 4 breakers seem to be back but toks just don't hit like they used to.
you guys have fun on your forum.
my new mic just arrived AYAYA
it better be good that was like 10% of my paycheck
Should I have bought an interface?
>>103338 #
I don't get this post. You'd love to post because you see that we have returned, i.e. you like us and want to be in our company, but you say "have fun on your forum" as if you are telling us to go back
Anyways, what furry do you prefer from >>103288 #
Anyways what mic did you get.
>>103355 #
why dont you just attach the tok? i think it downloads in way better quality, you are going out of your way to post SLOP, its kay too so double slop
i did but forgot to wait
oh god oh fuck my ass is shaking all on its own
>>103359 #
[YouTube] ???
I am pogged out of my mind right now
no different than a marionette puppet doll
>>103376 #
I asked
The first thing I read was "outfit to study," but I understood it as "outside sturdy."
Then I read "at the library," but she was in the bathroom
>>103379 #
don't get where you're coming at, but good for you or I'm sorry, whatever fits you the best
It's another episode of ESLs arguing...
>goes out to touch grass
>crashes the board with no survivors
What did he mean by that?
hey forsen
eating ribs rn
sounds nice
The jerkmates woke up 🙄
i play roblox if that wasnt clear by my last post
what league is that? is there more team like that?
the best way to get women to like you is to lore dump the gachi cinematic universe to the huzz
I have told my friends about Billy Herrington and I am no longer a virgin.
fuck i clicked the link and now I got logged out of twitter because that site is so fucking dogshit
going on x.com ONCE logs me out every time I do it as opposed to going on twitter.com that REDIRECTS to x.com
fucking shmelon
x.com? no thanks, i prefer sex.com
Is it a female only team in a female only league, or is this team supposed to play against men? Because letting girls get shitstomped by guys wont grow female pro players, and letting females compete against other females (read: shitters) wont help them compete at a higher level either.
F1 has been doing this for years. The same woman won the female only league 3 years in a row and then finally got kicked out and is now mid tier in a juniour racing series for guys. She wasted years of her prime racing against shitters and learning fuck all.
I'm touching grass and a big dog tried to bite my leg when I was crossing a sidewalk, he only got the pocket zipper, now I'm 😢
clef is a woman
french sounds so gay idk if AOS is a woman or not
>french sounds so gay
someone should make a gachi edit to the factorio ost
Yo does this website clear my metadata if I send a picture or should I just not do it
Ok I was going to post photos straight from my phone camera but now I guess I won't 😔
>>103466 #
I looked up the translation to the lyrics of this gachi song and – safe to say, they are relevant
I got a hard-on, ah
I got a hard-on
I got a hard-on
Hey, I got a hard-on
I got a hard-on, ahh
Hey, I got a hard-on
Ahh, I’m hard, I’m hard
I got hard
Shut up, shut up
Just shut the f*ck up
Shut up
Let me see a crossplaying pretty boy masturbate, let me see it
Show it to me, show it to me
B*tch, you just did something real stupid, didn’t you?
Ahh, that was a cunningly bad move, wasn’t it?
Super Super
Express Explosion
Super Super
Really…Dear me ♪
Super Super
It’s time to show each other
Super super
Do you wanna check in?
I like you.
I embraced them, ah
I embraced them
I embraced them
Hey, I embraced them
I embraced them, ah
Hey, I embraced them
Ahh, embracing, embracing
Did I embrace them
Pipe down, pipe down
You’re so f*ckin’ loud
Pipe down
Let me see a young, rosy cheeked beauty’s first time too, let me see it
Show it to me, show it to me
I won’t let you say those words!
Ahh, you’re a terrible, nasty woman, aren’t you?
Super super
Big city, Cerebral fissure
Super super
Really…Oh dear♪
Super super
It’s time to stop touching each other
Super super
You like smooching?
We can’t.
Super super
Express Explosion
Super super
Really…Dear me♪
Super super
It’s time to show each other
Super super
Don’t check out yet
Just hold me tight like this
Saw a jar labelled POLISH HONEY in the supermarket. Had to buy it to see if uts really that good. Stay tuned for my food review.
just played urf gragas its like real life all girls avoid me
...upload. idk if it works the same on android
dunno why my message didn't go through
looking at this she kinda reminds of another tokfu but i can't remember her name
yappaton world champion
oh i remeberd but im not going to say because neko would kill me
>>103505 #
Well, pretty much all fus without the piercings are better imo, guess they don't like me though because they love them bullrings
i know this is not titkok related but this is crazy
[YouTube] ???
can we really call it ,,narcissism" if im just better than you?
i just woke up and i have a bad headache
did mrstreamer got drones/robots yet?
Best viewers at nekochen.net
>>103531 #
it's not even the worst shoebox I've seen, like he's got his own sink and "kitchen" as in appliances and all that jazz, I've lived in worse apartments
>>103533 #
I dunno what to tell you but this is big city standard if you want to rent on the cheap, it's probably also a steal for that money in NYC
I've lived in student accommodation dorms that were 100% worse and I've seen rooms for rent that were definitely worse, probably in a more or less same price when you take purchasing power into account
>>103534 #
student accommodation doesnt count, that shit is a scam
>here's a tiny box, a bathroom and kitchen you have to share with 7 other people and it's a 30 minute walk to the nearest supermarket
I've seen people online when discussing the UK University system say that universities should be shut down and assets sold off, I wonder who is gonna rent student accommodation? Pay premium prices to live next to a university campus, it's awful.
so why's everybody always pickin' on me?
>>103535 #
>student accommodation doesnt count, that shit is a scam
except pretty much same room in an apartment would cost at least 2x as much in the same area so yea, it's not exactly a scam, just shitty
and I've seen and lived in apartments that had shared kitchen and bathrooms that weren't student dorms either, well not official ones
If you want a place for yourself you're paying triple the price in a big city
>>103539 #
I've looked at apartments and flats in my local city, for the same price it'd cost me to go into 'cheap' student accommodation, I could get a small one bedroom apartment thats all to myself for slightly more money, like £25 more a month.
I've got somethin' and it goes thumpin' like this
All you need is my uhn tiss, uhn tiss, uhn tiss
Baby, I've got somethin' and it goes thumpin' like this
All you neeeed is my uhn tiss, uhn tiss, uhn tiss
>>103540 #
else your student dorms are scalping or you live in a really cheap area to begin with, I have experience with like one of the top 3 cities by popularity/price/population in my country and it's nothing like that
$400 monthly, 333 sqft (own apartment, own kitchen, own bathroom with shower but shared laundry/dryer)
$415, 199 sqft (own room, own bathroom with shower, shared kitchen (8 ppl) with shared cleaning schedules, shared laundry/dryer)
largest city in my country, both apartments within 25-30 min from campus with local transportation (the shared accom is like 10 minutes walk from one big uni, 15-20 min walk/transportation mix from 2nd largest uni)
both are student accom btw, only differnece that I forgot to mention is that the apartment with shared kitchen stuff is on a 10month schedule where you dont pay for june or july (assuming you signed the contract before april 1st, if not then you just get a discounted summer rent by like 100 usd)
the value is not that different i would say, there a perk for a shared kitchen
the only people that like shared accoms here are almost exclusively foreign exchange students
so yeah, enjoy sharing a kitchen with Gupresh, Hindijabad, Mujahidar and Francesca
i could eat a horse right now
>>103561 #
damn girl, yea, working at the actual mine is just like selling your porn on of, I 100% agree
>>103562 #
There are easier jobs than being an onlyfans whore. Not everyone could do it, it requires a certain mental fortitude to put up with it, thus why not every 7/10 female doesn't have one
>>103563 #
sure, but there are barely any jobs that require from you to have, lets say, less of a moral spine or honor or whatever you'd want to call it
>>103564 #
Working for the NSA (or equivalent government spying agencies)
In a private military company
Investment Banker
Police Officer
Pretty much any higher up at a major corporation
Goyslop Maker
Those doctors that prescribe HRT to children
Janny on 4chan
Plenty of jobs actually harm other humans, getting your tits out on the Internet is harmless
You know up to like 4-5th line I thought you actually are responding to me for real, good bait
>>103566 #
I am responding for real. Thinking a woman getting naked online is the most immoral job in the world is insane. You spend too much time online.
Any neko got Emory swimsuit leaks?
Oh rynkerbelle has an onlyfans? Immoral WHORE I HATE WOMEN
you took your SHIRT OFF?
you must be a monster... as for me, however, I used to drone strike kids in the middle east from the comfort of my office in Washington D.C. :D I used an xbox 360 controller ^-^
I made a typo and he laughed at me, this site is full of bullies I'm going back to bbg
open norders
open the noor
I am, by definition, a new neko. I only started posting on this site like 2 weeks ago because my normal one is a buggy captcha mess
fail...... buggy captcha=catchable faill......... phoneposting fail....
I phone post so I can defend OFWhores on the bus :D
the moment I see tits, she is an immoral whore who will fear the wrath of my god daddy. they foretold about this OF business in the stories of gehennas.
I draw the line when I get an erection from it. then it has gone too far. luckily, I dont find investment banking attractive... yet.
what the neko is going on
>>103566 #
As Neko#6, I agree with this. The first lines make good points. I don't think the original video was trying to say that her job is harder or easier, but rather that all people exchange their time/work/labor for something, essentially selling themselves
mmm i love posting in the bald thread
>>103584 #
His idea of 'work' was in a mine, he's not posting reasonably. A tiny proportion of people in the west work in mines anymore. It'd be more comparable to say working in an office, which is pretty physically easy.
'Work' has gotten so far removed from manual labour he invented a strawman about people working in mines to seethe about OFwhores having it easy and mo morals too
My post was strong enough for you to seethe about it 1 hour later and you still don't get it
>>103588 #
I'm not seething. On this board we actually discuss things and don't just try to 'win' like we're on 4chan
Mayhaps you should go back?
neko neko nya nya neko nya nya
nya neko nya nya neko nya nya
neko neko nya nya neko nya nya
nya neko nya nya neko nya nya
>he called me new
>so I'll call him new
Yep I owned that guy, another W for the Sturdy Squad
i have no ideia who is who anymore guess thats why is anonymous
maybe the lyrics is "neko neko nyan-pon neko nyan-pon" or something
>>103589 #
Okay, I'll give you an actual response, I could discuss it but what's the point if I know you went at me with supposition that I'm retarded and tried your best to twist my argument into something it was not?
they dont teach this word in ESL schools
finished installing a repack and when I clicked "Finish" it took me to his site where he is proudly showing the list of repacks he has uploaded recently like
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
>SEX CLUB [+18]
>Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Nextgen Edition
>S.E.X. Z.O.N.E [+18]
>My Sexy Neighbor [+18]
im pretty sure funky had a tok with that song can't find it
>>103599 #
You brought up morality as an argument.
You brought up working in a mine as a comparison.
I have been reasonable, you have jumped to extremes, changed your argument and then stopped replying when you had no way to reply without looking silly.
>>103610 #
I could go through every single post of yours but I'll give you this: discounting physical work is not a reasonable statement, I know people that work in mines to this day and second: I have not said it's absolutely the least moral thing possible, I've just said there's barely any jobs that are worse, which I still stand by even though there might be comparable jobs
>there are barely any jobs that require from you to have, lets say, less of a moral spine or honor
also, what's immoral about selling pics of your tits anyways?
there's a demand and she's taking advantage of it
>>103611 #
I really can't recognize that audio, even though I think you've probably recreated it in stunning accuracy, sorry neko...
>>103624 #
BUT THIS IS WHAT PEAK PERFOMANCE LOOKS LIEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
imagine getting calfmogged by a neko that legit just sits on his ass drinking tea on the daily
>>103628 #
>>103628 #
>I can't imagine that feeling
me when Im choking back the tears trying to forget reality:
>>103630 #
I started writing before I saw that and when I lock in, I go ALL out. 100% power. I unleash the BEAST. (I have to look at the keyboard to hit the correct buttons)
>>103631 #
Oh on, it's absolutely over for him... I have NEVER looked at the keyboard while typing, that's for LITERAL BABIES
>>103632 #
>Oh on
>I have NEVER looked at the keyboard while typing
I can tell. This wouldn't have happened had you looked at your keyboard... epic fail by karmic proportions...
>>103633 #
I dunno what's wrong with the second sentence but I was actually reading your post while typing that out tbhfam, that's why "oh on" happened
Runway models (female): ~45-50 cm (17-19 inches)
Runway models (male): ~50-55 cm (19-22 inches)
runway models are 50-55 cm? manlets lmao I always thought they looked taller than that
the neko neko nya song does not exist i just went through 1000+ dubious gender toks and it's not there
>>103650 #
The second part of the sentence was unrelated mostly, that's just his fyp and he was scrolling for fun
o algo
>>103655 #
this guy needs to be shot. no more questions. come back tomorrow
/ban 103655 60h "cy@"
i could eat a horse right now
Rolling #d100 (69)
you guys have to be quick
>on this thread
why's everybody always pickin' on me??
Reading a wiki page and this shows up
>He is of German and Native American heritage, with Jewish ancestry.
what kind of american nonsense is this? What is the difference?
God google search is so bad
if I didn't know Hunter Schafer was a tranny, I dont think I would've known
>>103694 #
He feels very 'forced'. His popularity, especially on tiktok, stems from the fact that he apparently comments on every single tiktok that is about him. Of course, his social media guy does it. But he's also made a few tiktoks of his own, including a recent one cosplaying Hatsune Miku.
People will forget him in a year, just like they forget him after his big song 3 years ago. His music is bland, his face is mid and he has zero rizz with the huzz. He will never shark a tokfu.
>>103695 #
>just like they forget him after his big song 3 years ago
hmm, the reason why people still remember him is exactly because of that big song 3 years ago
>>103700 #
genuinely I had to google what song you were doing, I do not remember this one at all, the bbno$ song I was thinking of isn't even his song, he's just a feature, wait, i forgot the melody...
Breaking news, I just remembered a song that goes neko neko nya nya I'm going to post it!!!!!
thats how I imagine the 1 star dinosaur in a dino gacha game would sound. lacking exoticism, oumph, flame.
>>103718 #
can you do that louder I don't feel like grabbing my headphones and I can't hear what you're doing please and thank you
holy fuck I just looked up the one guy on youtube, called Bram06, and he has this one video that Im watching
I just accidentally ended up on it and I think it has possessed me? My body is moving on its own
im playing on dota with all my kay bros
so many CS I've got for my fu
>>103738 #
No. Why did you make this a new thread? Nobody is going to post in a thread that doesn't uphold the 45 threads of continuity.
>>103742 #
Anyone can make a new thread. You made that thread, didn't you?
>>103741 #
>the 45 threads of continuity
and what continuity is that? what requirements need to be filled for it to be valid?
>>103744 #
Thread number, thread edition, rules, last thread link.
It's a fairly basic standard for any kind of general. You have posted on an imageboard before, right?
just to be clear i didn't create the thread i thought only meowin could
anyway can audio recorder read the thread?
>>103750 #
sorry I meant thread edition*
for the rules, thread 28 broke the 5 rule continuity and then by 33 it was back to 5 rules so that thread broke the 6 rule continuity
>>103751 #
There's a big difference between a minor change in rules that are written, and simply not including the rules at all. And you don't need the word 'edition', there just needs to be a title which is the thread edition.
>>103757 #
were you captain of your high school's debate club or something? This is very much how I acted when I was 15. 'Erm actually the exact letter of the law of this only video game 4chan server says that this isnt technically against the rules'
There's obviously a fucking standard to the threads. You don't need it enshrined in the US Constitution, you just have to maintain quality.
>>103760 #
you are spending your friday night arguing with an obese retard on an imageboard that is themed with hello kitty, what a frigging LOSER you are. FUCK YOU
>your posts:
2 minutes to type
>my posts:
10 seconds and then the rest of the time is spent twerking
settle down
settle up
>>103761 #
>>103760 #
these two posts cant be by the same person because one laughed me and the other made me angry
neko never watched daniels?
neko never watched jason?
>>103784 #
I remember every single tok posted up until the invasion and I can tell you for a fact that this was posted by a caver
my 'fu will be the first to get 3 toks in a row on megutv
brain fart
I also posted this furry tok
AND this tok
i posted this tok because I like perfect blue.
oh wait that might be true
I did post that tokker thoughbeit
this was the edition that was robbed because oneneko couldnt hold it in his pants...
I saw him..... that damned man.... jakieboo....
i posted he... RIP
posted this
i could eat a horse right now
henry kills these in KCD...
someone else posted this one i tink
or it was another tok
the famous roblox streamer Jay Oma At Law
yep i remember the first time that was posted
holy fuck the drop just hit and im bouncin im bouncin
he was just a sturdy guy
cute tok
its hevc
omg cute fu (14 yo)
I am the smartest ender there is (2nd highest IQ)
piercings? #8ball (Maybe)
piercing on her lip its perfect
never seen another girl this perfect
uh i fear this woman
this broad is uggo
pookie please respond pookie
shes talking about me btw
ella has the perfect wifeable aura
she has the perfect wife looks and she bullies turdifus (crimmy apparently)
waist like a linebacker, broader than me
mid af and trying way too hard, unironically would not shark her
i posted this because she kinda looks cute in these angle/cakeup/lighting/editfrauded clips
this is cool
shithole, europe: 😿
shithole, japan: 😻
that wasnt in europe, that was in asia
bonbi soon
this was a good audio, I miss those tiktok days when it was alt songs
too long
i watched this tok yesterday
great tok (the boni), wearing neko socks btw
i posted this
who does he post???
he's listening to the factorio ost
i hate toks with no cosplay
remember how this girl got dropped in seconds?
wife material
2nd line was in response to this tok btw
hag queen
hey boogie boogie bam bam!
hey baba booey baba booey bam bam
Actually good bonbi bonkers
wooden doors...
come on
>that one girl that goes "yeaaah"
rare tokker that i dont even want to look at the face of
black nekooo
koto? yeah I always thought she was mid
nice trips for reki
press enter anon
always thought wiggy was a lil cute actually
>post reki
>reki appears
lets freaker go
forced swimsuit
wonder which group of tokfu fans posted that useless "no" video
what the FUCK is she talking about. coding neko, explain.
i wish i could make edits this good but her girlfriend is unfortunately the edit GOAT
one of boni's best cosplays imo
enough doom scrolling good bye
🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝🦝 :3 :3 :3 ;3
oily andy and that ogre sorry i mean c lover, they sound similar so i mixed up the names
last tok im going back to the http
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
post this germ if you are a worm
i can't sleep
if only we had a streamer playing factorio with asmr clicky mouse and keyboard
no way
worst taste ive seen in my life good work
>>103920 #
Makes me feel old that I only recognise like half of them and classic tokfus like oilandy aren't present
>>103922 #
I know all of them, I'll help you
Crimmy, Kay, Emory
Gabbshin, Isopod, Foxcel, mimi_chanell, user12121212, celebi.cos, PJ, theciaisafterme, spainflu (peddler), loopziepop
sushi, random fat, emiru
bonbi, starfire.cos
my friend left me and now these kids think im a predator
>I'm 11
>if ur 34 u shouldn't even be on rblx u creep
>>103926 #
no, most of those girls are of age
16, 17, 17
19, 18, 20, 15, ?, 19, 21, 18, 17, 19
19, ?, emiru is probably like 30
bonbi is probably like 30 too, 18
why are there so many interrogations here, damn
admin sturdy call me name...
im ugly, hairy, and my personality is revolting to both men and women.
>>103952 #
he banned me from endchan for not being a heckin neko even doe that I was here the moment its opened and posted a lot on the first days
>>103957 #
There is literally one guy banned from there and that was 5 months ago. If it's taken you 5 months to notice, clearly you do not care much
>>103968 #
that's not a midta...
also it's funny seeing all the mita cosplays when i just installed miside last night
fun game
>>103970 #
I can tell, although I haven't gotten very far into the game yet.
I also installed a mod to turn mita into ashley graves
good SUNday nekos
4 days to beat KCD can neko do it?
sound like a russian trying to speak english haven haven
I just want to complete my eme archive😭
I've searched here and two other similar sites once I'm done I'll never be here again
Mirin the cuties at the market only to be reminded I'm a literal sturdyguy
nekos are not human
Do you guys get the ick when you encounter people with attention spans that got blasted by tiktok and youtube shorts?
I have no-lifed tiktoks for the past 5 years and even watched them/vine compilations on youtube since way before then and I watch 3h movies no problem
Can't take showers without having to hype myself up for weeks ahead of time, though. Different struggles
who is midta?
>>104033 #
Midta originally came from a @bubble_juice tok, in an ingenious attempt of comedy by conjoining Mita (the videogame character) with mid (a hip term to degrade something as poor or bad).
With the passing of time, we remember and cherish those moments by bestowing upon every fu that does the same cosplay, the title of Midta.
if you think about it, snoo is goated with the sauce
>>104045 #
I honestly don't get the appeal of bladee at all. In every song he makes the beats are cool, but he always sounds like he's just moaning into the mic without any effort.
>>104048 #
I like his old stuff but feel the same, bladee without his producers would be a nobody, while the opposite wouldn't happen.
>>104048 #
i like his artistry, his latest stuff kinda blows tho
reality surf and be nice to me and into dust and obedient are zoomer classics tho
>>104060 #
everything included it was like €150 for transport, food, tickets and allat
almost got talked into paying 30 bucks to go on a "Stripdance Tour Bus" but the "chick" that my mate was trying to haggle the price with looked like Princess Theradras in clown makeup
>>104061 #
>Stripdance Tour Bus
naurrr neko paid 30 bucks to go AND ate a worm and they still didnt let him on
Today I am going to go online and post about how I think the rich shouldn't be taxed more, because I want to be rich in the future and don't want to be taxed more when I become rich.
imagine paying for a patreon
someone too dumb to figure out how to download toks properly is just the type of person I would imagine doing that
>>104070 #
They get taxed, but the percentage is just lower than that of poor people—a common misconception.
Rich has a higher income so 10% tax is not going to feel as much as 10% of some poor guy paycheck that is struggling
>>104080 #
my patreon leak was legendary, it actually has deleted lewd patreon set, which she deleted and now only do photo shoot by photographers and stuff like that, so im proud of my archived piece of history, its more than a leak, its a waterfall of pure supremacy that dwarfs any leak or archive posted on the ttg sites full of heaps of dog shit that corrupts all that it touches.
why I make good impression then shit the bed in every relationship with human beings, iufhhgriwgffd
red sus
red sus over paradise
over 5, I repeat FIVE THOUSAND posts in one thread.
how was your week neko
in my next life I want to be a tokfu and I would load up nekochen and see if negros posted my toks and I would also do their suggestions and stuff
there are healthier outlets for your AGP
cant spell AGP without AP
I'm watching the latest season of doctor who and i'm enjoying it
More like Doctor Poo.because it's shit
if you reply "BOOMED" you are a dumpass
pro nekotip: stuck in a boring phonecall? just hit the airplane mode button and go back to gaming
forkanon here tanachan.org/niji
pls come say hi in your free time. thanks to meowmin for all the help. learned a lot fiddling with the code. meguca is fun!
I cant even escape kay from the megu here