「/ttg/ #45 ifunny edition」
Anonymous 0:13 728 KB 624×462 H264

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
/ttg/ #45 nothing here to care about edition
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
6. Lurk moar
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
sturdy down again? slow asf
>>98866 #
it was fun, something to push myself toward at night (whilst watching house m.d)
i think i'll hold off on the pushups for a day to give my arms time to recover, but squats and situps are super easy right? i can definitely roll a d100 for those.
>>98867 #
>squats and situps are super easy right
I can do like a hundo squats (about 1.5x pushups) and like maybe... 30 situps? So yea, it really depends on how well your muscles are developed in those areas.
I don't think my core is very weak but it's not top shape either. I would probably gas out on a top roll of situps.
We don't have to do it every day, but I like it from time to time, makes me happy to see nekos try out fun crap together.Also I am literally half zombie today, those squats really did a number on me and doing pushups next day didn't help, but if you want I'm down
im gonna roll pushups today since I did pullups yday
might as well start now #d100 (64)
ill 2x that so 128 total
I still haven't done the 2 push-ups I rolled yesterday
I have barely done any pushups in half a year and my set has gone up from 25-30 to a solid 35... what?
rolling for squats #d100 (53)
rolling for situps #d100 (10)
rolling for donuts #d100 (2)
.play [YouTube] ???
one day they show up in school in a SS uniform and a sword saying they studied the blade or smth
do I stare into a wall until sleeptime or try to forget the pain #8ball (It can't be helped)
low key getting bored of the tiktoks
the eye slots are just mesh so yes
I should've not looked up what quadrobics is. I am cursed with this knowledge till the end of my days now.
think about it logically
you couldnt run around on all 4s if you were a fatty
therefore, therians are based and I support quadrobics
why is my night market not showing
133 pushups done in 4 sets, +5 in excess over my roll
very cool, didnt know I had that in me
>>98910 #
>pound for pound
Yea I could do 40 pushups per set for 4 sets easily. To think you would be even brazen enough to imply it's truth...
>>98913 #
well yeah thats what pound for pound means
youve got like 15 kg on me and only 5 extra reps?
Also lmao, it's 6.75 rep on a series, which is almost 20%, which would mean you would have to be ONLY 17kg lighter :)
Bon bye bonkers? Never 'eard of her.
my arms ache, but also i feel good, they hurt because i did my pushups (yesterday), life is wonderful
i just need to get into a routine of doing stuff like this regularly so my body doesn't punish me so badly for working out at all.
Fact: You can't be fat and a fu
i hate the northmen so fucking much.
i rewired every single outlet in my house cause the previous owners were too lazy to use grounded outlets
also they covered a nice tile backsplash with a horrific kind of thin board
ill post pics since it's inside the house gimme a min
>>98953 #
there is a product for removing adhesive called goof-off which really helped
but the tool i used was a combination of a stiff bristle brush and a razor scraper
is this board racist friendly?
>cloudflare block
minny why :(
what's the url for the banlogs? need to check if minny wanted to fry me
>>98965 #
>>98967 #
doesn't seem to be any log. maybe someone on the same vpn as I use derped hard.
might write to nekomin later or just go get another vpn, can't have too many
That's not even the most retarded part.
Never heard of it. Sorry. Can't help you.
My deviated septum is unironically going to kill me. I had a panic attack last night from the lack of sleep and today I only had like 5 hours of sleep at max.
>>98981 #
oof, what does deviated septum mean? I can assume from the name of the piercing but haven't heard of it before
>>98982 #
the bridge of the nose is misaligned and this can cause a multitude of problems. In my case I developed a large tumor in my nose.
My mum is videocalling with me while she is in the tourist part of the country, and everyone is already dining at 4pm
Do nords really?
She's pointing at the obvious brit tourists and calling them milk skins, I'm having a hard time not laughing
cable guy just left this is my commemorative neko post
peace... quietness..
>>98998 #
is it just me or is this video only sound? because for the last 20 minutes I only hear sounds and no video
how to keep online friendship alive?
>>98999 #
yep i completely griefied the encoding with handbrake because I am a fraud, try this
>>99000 #
move them away from the digital space and into real-life, alternatively you can make them meaningful through means such as creative projects, any sort of engaging commitment can also work.
>>98991 #
no worries.
just had to look around for a smooth way to connect.
you really did a number on me lol, think half the country or perhaps most of the world is blocked.
and that includes my non-vpn connections, sheesh
wow, 1000 more posts and this forum will have 100k posts
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday
Make sure to have a productive week nekos!
Do scandinavians get super powers during the midnight sun?
#claude is it gay to kiss after receiving oral sexPOSTS OF THE SAME IP WERE VIEWED BY 'admin'Rate limit reached, try again later.
i found a very cute tokfu anons but she currently has only 3 toks, if she makes more i will share with you
huh neko seems very quiet
hehehe everyone must be working, that's good.
at 16 posts a day it will take us 60 days to get to 100k posts
60 days to think what chip to post
i replaced every outlet and switch in the house and only almost shocked myself once
I would like to be an incel again. That was a free untethered existence
Yes but I'm warning you those things are HUNG
[YouTube] ???
merry christmas (in june)
getting a 403 error on awemer and I'm too much of a retard to fix it
it's so over
>>99061 #
yeah i also can't get the source without the tiktok watermark on yt-dlp, can't post my tokfu...
Women working in service jobs with part dyed hair are like nicotine
how did the activity suddenly drop so much in the last couple days did i miss something?
good night emptychen.net
you'd think that someone that likes a tokker wouldn't repeatedly post the same 3 toks where she shows her thighs
hey neko
good night neko
see you tomorrow neko
>>99081 #
goodnight? what the fuck is wrong with you? it's 6am go wear your sneakers and run like Rocky
picked up learning german. lets see if I stick through with it this time
#claude what body language does a girl display when she wants to be kissed?It's impossible to know for sure. Here's why: * **People are unique:** There's no single "kiss me" signal. * **Context matters:** What someone does in one situation might mean something different in another. * **Respect boundaries:** Always get clear consent before kissing someone. Focus on clear communication and respectful behavior.
Does your country have double decker trains? I've been obsessively watching videos about them over the last week
[YouTube] ???
any brokeback mountain edits with this song?
i need to simp kay's mum
>do I stare into a wall until sleeptime or try to forget the pain
the absolute state of anti-National Socialist freaks on nekochen
Is sturdy down?
how bout them new snapdragon laptop cpus? think they'll be any good or capable of running mac os at a cheaper price?
>>99104 #
>capable of running mac os
I don't think so, arm isn't as easily interchangable as x86 is and apple has a lot of custom stuff on apple silicon that a snapdragon chip won't have
total sturdyadmin death im going to kill that nigger
>>99106 #
I see what you're saying but I've seen the hackintosh community make software to work around missing instructions like
I think they've also done things like port gallium graphics drivers from leenux, and apple still releases the source code for their kernel which the hackintosh community has also used to help get the os to run on amd machines. So I think it will be possible
is the other site down or i got banned?
im slacking rn when i should be choring
but i think if i dont get a lil break im gonna go insane
man it's so weird, i've got this idea in my head about the problems our boards are facing but only the moderation and admin know the truth
doesn't the boards feel different somehow? the activity? the ip counts? the way people post, the topics they post that go against our culture?
i gotta write it out somewhere and i'll share it with you my nekos and sturdies alike.
>>99126 #
The one or two posters who only show up to cause problems are getting worse and worse honestly.
>>99129 #
It went down maybe an hour, hour and a half ago. I know he had mentioned a server upgrade so its possible that is happening.
Since everyone here. Does anyone got a mothi live stream archive?
>>99146 #
this anon will be looking for his "mothi live stream archive" on various boards till the end of time
>>99147 #
There's multi anons looking for that! - biggest mothi archive requester
>>99146 #
some guy had an archive, he posted 2 of them. did you catch those?
>>99153 #
she made a tok like a week before talking about how the account had too many follows and that she needed to speedrun a ban
Mothi spammer. I hear nekochen loves Mothi. You could just stay here after.
>>99166 #
that's not true, if he stays on sturdychan he will get more eyeballs on every mothi he posts
he should objectively stay there
that was a loud ass fart
>>99172 #
then why were there so many mothis on sturdychan?
that's clearly the place to go to spam mothi
>>99191 #
don't know why he's ban if he has a tiktok account
Who else watching a movie tonite?
lets do scene kid! yt series marathon
it's weird, the homepage works for me and I've been keeping an eye on the number of posts which occasionally starts ticking up. it's as if there's a handful of posters who can access the boards and they sporadically start posting with each other. the site has been getting more broken each month after sturdymin started experimenting with cloudflare
>>99202 #
Some anon over on endchan said that if you were in the thread before the site went down you could still post
there has never been a schizo on this green earth that was ever wrong
>>99214 #
It's a mental disorder that causes you to see and believe things that aren't real. Schizophrenics are wrong about a lot of things all the time.
>>99218 #
They tend to believe in all kinds of crazy things, tend to believe completely unrelated things are linked together and also tend to be highly attracted to either religious or political top down power systems.
there are some insanely beautiful colombians, man...
>Well i guess marriage means absolutely nothing in 2024. I thought my wife was in it until the end but maybe just in it until she found the right personal trainer. We had a conscious uncoupling and hopefully one day she will understand how much i meant to her
>>99229 #
no the tok is uploading, sorry neko but this one is gonna be pretty large in size
>>99220 #
>also tend to be highly attracted to either religious or political top down power systems.
it's literally the opposite. schizos have grand narratives about there being a communist or nazi or papist conspiracy. this is one of the reasons why it's so difficult to make them get help, because they're specifically terrified of authority and gravitate to libertarian tendencies. sovereign citizen shit for example.
>>99231 #
They believe in conspiracies but they tend to follow outlier top down power politics and tend to be religious.
>>99242 #
nta but I mostly see schizos be hysterical about stuff like the government vaccination programs, which seems like aversion to authoritarianism. they also see feds everywhere (the term "glowie" is a Terry Davis schizoism)
>>99243 #
I agree they are hysterical about it but I think the problem is people are attributing rational thinking to them. They see conspiracies everywhere and tend to ascribe to violent or extremist solutions.
>>99250 #
I know a few schizophrenics from just interacting with them. Every single one was a crazy religious person and when political espoused desires that an authoritarian system was better. I know this is just personal experiences but the 3 I know were all like this. They also believed god spoke to them personally, which probably explains where a lot of religions come from.
Anyone got the lenky archive???
I'm going to take a nap. Hope everything is back to normal by then.
someone bullied me on sturdy earlier today so I hammered down 250ml of vodka and I can still taste it in my burps like 6-7 hours later
I always try to be nice to anons and sometimes do teasing but then you realize that the teasing went too far and sounds mean.
Easier to get through life when you realise there will always be people who hate you, no matter what you do
Sturdy is back. See you anons there!
Bye neko, thanks for hosting us.
cloudflare is blocking me 😭
I noticed that he deletes a lot of old threads, maybe that's what's causing the issue for him.
>>99296 #
he started moving the old threads to an archive section a few months ago. next time you're on the catalog look for it
i have noticed that toks or vids i have uploaded to sturdy before will still sometimes go through the full upload process again
700 more posts nekos...
Anyone got the ttg discord one anon is yapping about?DELETED BY 'admin'
I love fat girls for the power they hold over me
adminny <3 <3 <3
are these posts made by bots or do people write them? can you tell the difference after they are posted?
quit your job
I have read chapter 2, THE SOLDIER'S TALE.
This wasn't as good as the priest's sale tbh fr fr but it was alright. Felt it started strong but then the whole medical ship sequence just felt silly - I know its all futuristic and containment fields and whatever star trek mumbo jumbo but how did Kassad survive any of that shit when everyone else was dead instantly? Shit made no sense.
The ouster girl seemed cute.
We learnt a bit more about the shrike and tbh it made him less cool. You can just tell the secret to him and the time tombs is going to be nonsensical, but we will see.
Also the narrative to the first story made more sense in that it was mostly quoted from a book, and then only a shorter bit from hoyt's perspective. There was a point made early on about how what we are reading is the Consul's recording of what he was told.
This story seemed to break that structure - are we really meant to believe mr scary colonel kassad is telling these 6 strangers about how he "caressed her buttocks and exploded inside her" and everything else? Or did he just say "we had sex" and we are just reading the Consul's erotic retelling alone later that night with his comlog? None of it sounded natural.
Maybe part of the unrealistic nature of the space scene was meant to be an unreliable narrator thing but who knows. Maybe he really was captured by the ousters and agreed to help them etc and he'll be revealed to be their spy or whatever, but otherwise it was a bit of a stretch.
I did read the start of the poet's tale and that was more interesting so far. As much as I have disliked the character up to this point.
Tfw no battle of Agincourt short cropped hair qt....
i am here reading your post as you type it
>>99322 #
i think i saw a thread about hyperion on 4chan a couple days ago, i see you are reading hyperion too.
is it getting a show or smth?
>>99324 #
Its getting a netflix miniseries adaptation where father hoyt is TRANSGENDER and colonel kassad is PALESTINIAN
>>99334 #
just an unflattering angle, don't know why she thought she looked good and posted it though.
looks like one of dem pugs
frenchie really got me doing his job for him
Sound of Metal (2019)
duration 2 hours
movie movie movie film film film
>>99339 #
now dawg
that was a good fucking movie man. his process of losing his hearing, the deaf community, the love between him and his girlfriend just wow.
good choice mr streamer. hidden gem
>>99344 #
what do you mean?
i'm not logged into my account there so i'm posting here what do you mean neko is kill? am i not getting a joke?
oh yeah i get it now, still don't know why posters went away though
it would be nice to have an ability of muting the sound, like you close your eyes to stop seeing but with ears
>>99347 #
i don't think closing your eyes stop you from seeing, you just see black. blind people literally don't see anything
>>99349 #
that'll probably be a thing in the future. scientists are slowly digitalizing our brain. on the downside they'll probably have the ability fuck with your thoughts.
will there be another movie? sorry i can't post there for some reason i need the password from my email to log in
thanks man, you guys have a good night and again thanks for the movie mr streamer
whered you come from bud
New mothi
What the fuck its sunday? I thought it was saturday
very interesting how these bots work
So many pretty women out today. This will be the summer I sleep with them
like this?
hehehehe i found it
#claude describe richard nixon's reaction to finding out his son watches animeRate limit reached, try again later.
richard nigson
Bingogirl has acquired a second cat
mothi more like boring
i've decided i would suck on those toes as long as i can before i would even look at the pizzaDELETED BY 'admin'
you can't be posting shit like this here anon it gets me riled up
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im sure it's the same ru anon who spams questionable ads and cp
post your tokfu spam anon
washed my balls and bussy
going out partying tonight
I have read hyperion chapter 3 "THE POET'S TALE" and here's what I thought of it:
I liked this one. Its no priest's tale, but enjoyable nonetheless. Past Martin Silenus is much more bearable than present Martin Silenus, but maybe to a degree that's just the lack of dialogue. The satyr bit was funny. Now that's the life.
So the thing they all have in common so far is that they've all met the shrike and lived. Hoyt because he has the protection of the pink crucifix, Kassad because.....I don't know why really. Silenus because he apparently brought him about through his writing.
I don't really have any insightful comments to add on the nature of the shrike etc tbh maybe after the next story I'll have a better idea of where things are headed.
Dying earth sounds like a nice planet. A shame india still exists in the future. I need to find my muse. All of mine have been women so far and they've led to nothing productive.
Other observations:
I just don't believe this guy has heard of Keats but not Hitler
The poetry in this book is....not great, but maybe I am just a philistine/pederast. It does nothing for me.
Sad King Billy is literally me fr fr
Brawne Lamia is annoying and her story won't be interesting
Some aspects of this world are very modern for a book written in '89.
i hate wo-man
i love wo(mb)mans
romania is a first world country
will we ever get to 100k posts at this point?
mobie today what mobie
oh yeah tonight's movie night, it's gonna be hard to top last week
Hallo, meine Schwester. (Hello, my sister).
I like the way german has their gendered thing
whats da mobie
movie neko will fail me like my dad did
hey frenchie what the fuck man why am i banned
i wish the gains goblin takes you prisoner and doesn't let you go frenchie
whatever man all my respect to the others in chat but you're a fucking bitch
>>99457 #
>>99458 #
>>99459 #
I have no idea who you are. There are 50 banned usernames in my chat, this does not narrow it down
still, i literally didn't even type anything the last two streams. why would you ban me?
imagine you got your popcorn, drinks and snack bar ready to sit down and get cozy with other viewers. you're kinda drunk. then you see the streamer banned you. the plans you made? ruined.
i'm not calling you my friend. i just want to know if i made some mistake so i don't do it again around other people.
you broke my heart frenchie. this is not a healthy way to communicate.
you're going on my suicide list
jk :D
shrooms make time time slow down man
After being rejected tonight, the only thing can could lift my spirits would be Emory's patreon scrape
I have finished Hyperion Chapter 4: The Scholar's Tale, and here's what I thought about it:
I liked it. It was very sad. I have nothing more to say.
>capcom summer show
>no megaman
I sleep
is it over bros?
refugees welcome
nekochen becoming basically a backup website for sturdychan
I heckin loooooove sturdychan, I looooove bbc and I looooove gay porn, I also looooooove goon sessions with my heckin bros, especially when the admin announces a goon session and I have to whip my cock out to goon with the admin and his goon drones
.play [YouTube] ???
I think richie dropped a new tok, fucking got jumpscared thought I went back in time
#claude what are some heart condition that are spelled similar to tuberculosisRate limit reached, try again later.
did troon anon break the fucking site? jk
bro admin is upgrading again
its back
I like when girls wear girly clothing and combine it with white sneakers. Sorry I had to interrupt my post midway through a black man was asking me where this train stops
Hope we have all remembered to vote for sir keir starmer
Cyka blyats, I cannot read russian yet.