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「/ttg/ #6 - 𝓼𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷」

GYdIqSnTm7273155392929008929 Location was just so pretty hihi • #howlsmovingcastle #sophiehatter #sophiehattercosplay #howlsmovingcastlecosplay.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 19.1 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
Tiktok Zoom Central

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds

Last thread:
THREAD locked BY 'admin'
>>10236 #
GYdIqSnTmRide's Over Mutie.mp4􀄩
􀑪􀎶 0:17􀈷 18.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
gonna claim the first post of this new thread for this bad reki edit i made
GYdIqSnTm7271388996209511685 IMMA MAKE SURE U NEVER LEAVE ITS U AND I‼️‼️‼️‼️ #jirai #jiraikei #jfashion #kawaiifashion #harajukufashion #altfashion #じらいけい-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>10235 #
its not being a vet, it's like, uhhh, my career aspirations are gonna be working in some national park or whatever, working on improving the environment and ecosystem, or maybe moving out of the country and working on helping an endangered species, could work in a zoo in the UK for that too i guess!
>>10238 #>>10244 #
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 945 KB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>10237 #
That's actually really nice, jobs where you work closely with animals and nature are the best careers one could have tbh, it beats working in a office or anything back-breaking by a long shot
>could work in a zoo in the UK for that too i guess!
Working in a zoo might sounds discouraging but its not bad either, baby steps
>>10239 #
GYdIqSnTm7275409474951613729 them3 #jett#sage#Valorant#cosplay_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 2.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
new reki! jett/sage duo again
>>10238 #
working in a zoo doesn't sound super discouraging to me tbh.
It does sound really nice, 5 years ago I was like, unemployed, had bad exam results, couldn't get a call back for even minimum wage shit work, and now i'm about to start a masters. so, things are looking up for me academically!
>>10240 #
>>10250 #
I like how the hamster is silent and she's the one making hamster noises
>>10253 #
>>10250 #
>always goes to the right
yeah, pretty sure this is a biased test, it's going towards it's cage.

we wouldn't except these results in science (i study for a STEM degree so im kinda good at science)
>>10253 #
>>10247 #
they do look kinda similar
>>10256 #
Where is he now
is he really rotting in a romanian prison atm
>>10265 #
you got thos lime chips i asked you to buy???????
>>10268 #
im just gonna say it. noemi is a 10 and her 'boyfriend' (biological female that isn't on hormones and presents as a girl) isn't on the same level.
>>10270 #>>10272 #
>>10269 #
she's attractive but her lesbian style kinda turns me off
>>10271 #
>>10270 #
i would simply transition so noemi would be willing to date me
>>10277 #
>Every character is an awful person and their lives are just tragedy after tragey
Sounds like real life to me tbqhwy(To be quite hones
>>10279 #
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 3.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
Okey what i was about to say is, would you recommend the show? im not a big fan of those coming of age dramas
>>10281 #
cyute girls are the best, but its not of an enough pull for me, thank you for the answer anyways anoni
>>10281 #
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 3.3 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264
>neko died AGAIN
the website cannot handle the new thread!
>>10280 #
If you're not a big fan of coming of age dramas, you won't like skins, that's literally what it is. The ONLY redeeming thing is that cassie is CYUTE
>>10280 #
>>10282 #
i like big butts and i cannot lie
>>10272 #
when noemi isnt looking all sickly with her massive eye circles and defeated look on her face, she is really cute
>>10296 #
I know your jokin bur It is better to have stuff to do other than nekoposting, postin too much might give you nekoburn out
i said goodnight but it's been an hour and i've not fallen asleep :)
gonna go read to try and get my eyes tired.
>>10300 #
>>10300 #
I got distracted looking at clubs I might join
There's a club where they just LARP as medieval people, and do sword and bow training every saturday. that looks kinda fun...
>>10302 #
>>10301 #
that sounds sick af, do they do thos medieval kind of festivals?
>>10303 #
>>10302 #
yeah from what i can tell your their facebook page they do!
>>10304 #
>>10303 #
You can give it a try, they usually sell turkey legs and lets you shoot arrows at the bow shootin range, its fun stuff ngl
so tired
just got a desk, no more sitting on da bed to post on neko. nope, we're DESK gamers now.
>>10314 #
i got a good treasure trove of new toktent earlier today. i'm geocaching!
>>10317 #
>>10327 #
it's like they say
>why are you so far away from me
>I need help but you're way across the sea
>I could never touch you, think it would be wrong
>I've got your letter, you've got my song
>>10330 #
GYdIqSnTm7216961552795094277 FAKE ALL !!! meu alcance indo pra vala depois de postar video com AANGUE FALSO FALSO FALSO TUDO FALSO AAAAAAA TITKOK -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 1.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>10328 #
Personally it's a case of
>I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and I would walk 500 more and then I would walk some more just to be the man who walks 7000 miles to show up at your door
>>10331 #
>>10331 #
Audible: me trying to convince the coppas that I am allowed to park in the handicapped spot because I drive a green (environmentally friendly) car (it is an old diesel guzzler that spits out smoke like a junkie)
>>10333 #
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 983 KB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264
>>10336 #
Yeah, people have called Asra transexual before and... well... I can't deny they do have fairly masculine features and seemingly no tits.
Clover though? Pretty as ever! 🥰
>>10342 #
All she had to do was to put a "Fake Cat" caption in her tok
>>10345 #
>>10344 #
>girl dancing wearing nothing but the smallest bra known to man
>"fake body" in the caption
>seething tiktok moderator is physically incapable of deleting it
>>10347 #
>>10345 #
it's like an occult african spell that protects you from all disasters
>>10348 #
>>10347 #
and just like anything occult, it doesn't work.
just like when they change accounts to bring their "reach" back. because shadowbans aren't real.
>>10354 #
writing "fake drugs" on my duffel bag full of cocaine. TSA hates this one trick!!!
Think about it logically for a second:
Cops are just avatarfag jannies 🤨
>>10352 #
>>10351 #
difference is, a cop can kill you if he's trigger happy, best a jannie can do is just ban you for posting a meme he didn't like
>>10353 #
>>10348 #
Most tokkers are still naive and young so they'll fall for dumb shit like that
>>10355 #
>>10354 #
my tokfu is 20 and she recently changed accounts because 'this account is literally dying'
>>10356 #
>>10356 #
tfw still immature in da brain
>>10370 #
>>10374 #
>you like the most
no idea which one I like the most. I rarely wear suits and I only own one suit which is a white one but this suit was for a black tie event so I needed something black
didnt end up buying anything but I might go and check some more later today in another city close by
>>10374 #
>>10373 #
>big and wide shoulders, a wide back and a thin waist
damn, i was reading a women's lifestyle magazine the other day and all 3 of those characteristics were said to be SUPER attractive to the ladies.
keep your chin up anonie, you're gonna slay.
>>10377 #
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 2.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10377 #
>i am manlet
ehh i don't think your height is that bad of a mood killer, i know lots of small guys having gfs and having a normal time with women usually
>>10380 #
I know no guy named Josh sorry hahahaha
>Know a guy who is genuinely like 162 cm or something and in his case its a lot worse
I think maybe its a bit different in sweden since people there are much taller than, for example, southerns euros and whatnot
>>10380 #>>10381 #
>>10377 #
>I am a manlet and deathly afraid of speaking to women.
2 more things that the women's lifestyle magazine said every single woman on the planet loves.
you are gonna be VERY popular with the ladies when you get your suit!
GYdIqSnTm7084657313658850566 ta muito quente entao a ashley campbell vai bater um lolzinho e esperar escurecer-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 9.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10378 #
>i don't think your height is that bad of a mood killer,
yeah I'm just joshing, I have never been rejected or otherwise not reciprocated because I am a lil homie. Know a guy who is genuinely like 162 cm or something and in his case its a lot worse
did we ever find out who josh is?
>>10378 #
GYdIqSnTm7084645040751971590 odeio o sanduiche de mortadela da escola, aquilo de da vontade de vomitar so de pensar-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 18.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
why didnt my post finalize thats strange
>>10378 #
>bit different in sweden
yeah, I'm the average height or slightly taller than chicks in sweden, dudes tend to be taller than me but its either theyre a noticeably taller than me or they are my height, very seldom that people are just slightly taller
the likely biggest mood killer within me is my lust for industrial sabotage
>>10387 #
>>10382 #
>all these gyals are like 173
as a 174cm tall chad, I see this as a major victory.
>>10384 #
>>10388 #
>what did you eat?
I ate tagliatelle with mushrooms, cream and sliced ham, and a pear afterwards
>Shortly put, I am a conservationist and an environmentalist. The tree spiking kind
That's an honorable virtue, the world needs more trees and less coal/fossil mining sites, the latter is causing unholy amounts of pollution(but thats not gonna stop countries like China and India from shitting out smog out of their ass)
>>10390 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 17.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10389 #
It's not only shithole countries that are polluting, just look into all the massive scandals that companies in the west have gone through just to scrape by a few extra pennies profit
Exxon's oil spill, DuPont's teflon scandal
there are too many to list but all of them are a cancerous tumor on our planet. Besides, a lot of the production in countries such as china and india are solely on the level that they are because of western demand for their shithole products like plastics and cffc releasing bathtub chemicals
unborn fetuses have microplastics in their placenta and air pollution in their lungs, months before they take their first breath
I wish death to megaconglomerates
>>10391 #>>10392 #
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.5 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>10390 #
I agree with your statements, 99% of all garbage and pollution has been kickstarted by oil and electric companies
Watch this video if you still haven't, its fucked up stuff all around
[YouTube] ???
>unborn fetuses have microplastics in their placenta and air pollution in their lungs, months before they take their first breath
That's one of the many things that scares me a lot, in the near future this could blow up the rates of birth-defects and illnesses by 20% at least, foreign chemicals entering the fetus developing embryo is not gonna do anything nice to their DNA
Sometimes i wonder if the CEO's of rich companies worth trillions ever worry that their own children might be affected by their own greediness and psychopathy
>>10395 #
>>10390 #
as a noted environment lover, i also agree that we don't need cheap clothes and cheap plastic and concrete from china, what we need are more forests and wildlife sanctuaries, preferably ones with cute picnic locations to take qts on dates to
>>10393 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-02-18 20-17-15.png􀄩
􀈷 540 KB􀅊 397×655
>>10392 #
dont forget that we need 50 billboards in said wildlife sanctuaries, mcdonalds', starbucks and a bunch of H&M, Shein, Zara stores. Oh, and I LOVE PLASTIC!!!
And to protect all of these wildlife supporting stores (they totally donate money and dont just do it for tax exemptions), we need 500 CCTV camera systems and other surveillance tech.... we just do ok?
Dont forget to commute collectively, pay extra money for a plastic bag and reduce your carbon footprint, you demon. (the Carbon footprint ™ has been developed by and paid for by Shell, BP Oil and Saudi Aramco)
I despise hollywood actors that virtue signal about saving the environment, while they all fly in their fucking private jets emitting more toxic chemicals than a sewer
>>10395 #
>>10394 #
B-b-but... Imagine all the people!!! *joins hands and sings together virtually in our multimillion dollar hollywood hills mansions whilst people are dying*
Everything is fucking cancer, the "top dog" are incredibly toneless and solely focused on image and profits
>>10391 #
Gonna watch this video right now, I recommend this one if you want to hear about DuPont has poisoned the entire world [YouTube] ???
also read up on the cia backed Chiquita (United Fruit Company) paramilitary takeover of Guatemala in 1954
>>10397 #
GYdIqSnTm7264676324936142113 #MUKUROIKUSABA Danganronpa meet!! D I love Jai and Seraph so muuuuch p #cosplay #danganronpa #mukuroikusabacosplay #danganronpacosplay #anime #gaming #xyzbca #cosplayer .mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 4.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>enjoy formula 1
>they keep talking about their new sustainable fuels and slightly more efficient hybrid engines being good for the planet
>they fly and haul their cars around the planet, sometimes crossing across oceans every other week

b-but we have to go to miami in the middle of the european calender because it's the only time of the year we can go!
fuck off, the sport would be way more environmentally friendly if they removed the middle eastern shithole tracks and cleaned up the calender so it was split into continental regions, not, going here there and everywhere for races.
>>10397 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 1.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>10396 #
>if they removed the middle eastern shithole tracks
They do races in Saudi Arabia? that entire country is a play-park for overly rich cunts, a complete ghost town with gigantic roads that you barely see any cars driving over and oversized skyscrapers that are mostly empty lmao
>>10395 #
I'm gonna watch the vid rn, also, did you know that the fbi/cia poisoned an entire french village with LSD-laced bread? its giving me shivers just thinking about it, innocent people got deadly doses of lsd for no reason at all but for a fucked up "experiment" that only God knows what was the purpose for
>>10398 #>>10400 #
>>10397 #
2 years ago there was a missile strike like 15km away from the circuit. DURING the weekend they were there.
They still raced. They still raced there this year. They will continue to race there as long as the Saudis pay them to. It's all about money.

Ironically, during 2020, they knelt for black lives matter before every race. Social Issues that cost no money to advocate for? Hell yeah. Taking money from a corrupt government that uses slave labour and stones homosexuals to death? Hell yeah.
>>10400 #
GYdIqSnTm7170470602636135685 vo bota um petticoat-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
For any and all future SÄPO (Säkerhetspolisen) agents who read the posts I have made on this website:
None of my posts advocating for, and/or discussing future plans to commit industrial sabotage or destroy government property are admissions of guilt nor can be used as legal evidence against me in the court of law.
Also, please include in your case against me what you think of my tokfu.

Dearly, anon.
GYdIqSnTm7188726763776773381 tentando manter o pwrsonagem ma snao da-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 17.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10398 #
What do corrupt people like more than money?
More money
That's just the cost of business.
>>10397 #
>cia poisoned an entire french village with LSD-laced bread?
I need to read up on this but it does not surprise me, given what else has been declassified in recent times such as MKUltra documents.
>>10402 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 13.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>10401 #
I still haven't tried starfield, from all the videos i've saw of it the game looks boring as fuck to me
>>10405 #
We're all just joshing and joshester here on, please, do not murder us for being really creative with our stories
GYdIqSnTm7021673447172427013 BUNDA.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 5.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 3 years ago
I had a good time doing these CREATIVE WRITING exercises where we try to write FICTIONAL STORIES AND THEORIES as part of our goal to become WRITERS OF FICTION haha.
woah this is hevc oh nvm I just missed the 264 version
>>10402 #
I will watch this video covering the FICTIONAL IN-GAME event when I finish these other videos
>>10404 #
Does awemer still works? thank god for the anonies that made my tokfus archives
>>10409 #>>10410 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>10408 #
Awemer is the most McGuyver software I have ever come across. It can randomly stop working and then on a whim 6 months later it works again with nothing else having changed
I remember the times I had to manually download entire tokfu filmographies one by one using my flimsy cURL batch script, thank god those days are past
now I manually dl with a flimsy cURL python script!
>>10408 #
awemer works but only on tuesdays and nights of the full moon.
This is the perfect number, the holy trinity
Blessed #d33 (14)
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-01 19-23-52.png􀄩
􀈷 1.4 MB􀅊 585×1041
􀑪􀎶 0:20􀈷 4.6 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
The 4th anoni thats lurking has the chance to make one of the funniest posts ever
do not let me down please
>>10421 #
uh oh chudgang, are we going to experience the consequences of our actions?
>>10423 #
>>10435 #
100% she killed 35 kangaroos and 156 wombats from the desert
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 9.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>10437 #
She has some good toks and does seem like a somewhat funny individual. The issue lies in the fact that she does not know what she is getting into pandering to the pedos and other boogeymen of ttg
She is being groomed and this has no consequence on anyone else but her
>>10439 #>>10440 #
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.3 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>10437 #
I harbor no ill or anger towards her, when i say stuff like "cutting her internet access" it is for her mental health primarly, the rest is the same as this >>10438 # anoni is sayin.
Once she'll grows up she'll stop posting on sturdy, leave titkok and have a normal life
GYdIqSnTm7266026513831660801 Quick drop patreon alternatives in the comments #Inverted #canthinky #cosplay #cosplay #egirl #marin #marincosplay #mydressupdarling.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 17.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>10438 #
>she does not know what she is getting into pandering
From a purely descriptive standpoint she seems to know exactly what she's doing and directly profiting off these people via patreon before it got shut down.
I don't see her as somebody naively stumbling upon the type of audience she has at all, she seems aware of it all.
>>10441 #
GYdIqSnTm7107755770665520389 tudo fora do ritmo tudo roupa sem combinar tudo fora do padrão #modernista #vanguardista #dadaismo-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 29.5 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10440 #
>she seems to know exactly what she's doing
theres a reason why minors cannot enter legal agreements or sign contracts, and (pardon the ttg cliché) cannot enter sexual relationships with adults
they are unable to see the discrete consequences of their actions and are more prone to choosing their actions based on preliminary and surface level assumptions and impulse
There's a reason why she was a seemingly normal teenager when she was discovered back in october of last year and then within months of finding out about ttg and starting to browse there has started to make videos of her saying nigger (don't kid yourself and say "b-but she was saying negger!! she knows what she was hinting and that what she was saying sounded similar), same with her being otherwise provocative on her livestreams
sure, she might be accutely aware of the audience she has, but there's no confirmation that she (and legally, she is not able to) knows the consequences of her actions such as the ones mentioned prior. the "digital footprint" is a real thing and can hamper her chances at a successful life once this whole tiktok phase passes
>>10442 #
GYdIqSnTm7254470634338602247 uooo #ryukocosplay #killlakil #ryukocosplay #killlakillcoplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #anime #animecosplay.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 18.6 MB􀅊 1280×720􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>10441 #
i recall her having edgy dogwhistle-y toks posted before /ttg/
I don't think I disagree with what you're saying about the digial footprint business or young people making poor decisions
I just think the latter is par for the course, people have tried telling her that being this edgy on the internet has its consequences and she doesn't seem to care
Regardless, a teenager being dumb on the internet isn't new and I don't think it incriminates anybody engaging with her in any especially insidious way
Like yeah, she's being dumb and pandering to bad people but she's not being manipulated or groomed
ok that's too many words picking apart the actions of a teenager so i'll leave it at that
>>10444 #
i put up my new forgis on the jeep
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.3 MB􀅊 576×768􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10442 #
>i recall her having edgy dogwhistle-y toks posted before /ttg/
if she has, I have never seen them. I am not stating she wasnt edgy before ttg, I am saying that she was not as explicit as she is now. A dogwhistle is very different from saying "we've got niggers in the chat" on a live broadcast with your face displayed on it
>people have tried telling her that being this edgy on the internet has its consequences and she doesn't seem to care
likely because she is unable to fully grasp the weight of her actions and the fact that there are dozens of simps egging her on to continue doing what she is doing. that's also just what is said to her publically in the threads, god knows what people are messaging her directly on her platforms such as patreon, discord or in her tiktok dms
>a teenager being dumb on the internet isn't new
of course, I was a dumb teen on the internet once as well but even then I was still careful to not have my dumb mischevious activities linked to my physical person in any meaningful way, she has not realized this and might end up biting the consequences of her actions later on should anyone ever care enough to be a nuisance to her by sending shit to her employers or educational faculties
>I don't think it incriminates anybody engaging with her in any especially insidious way
The act of grooming is to gain trust with someone, often building a relationship or an emotional connection with them in order to manipulate them(or exploit and abuse them but thats not applicable here)
the people directly giving her attention, let alone money, and encouraging her to do things such as post lewd photoshoots on patreon or say slurs and dogwhistles on lives are doing exactly this, I dont see any way you can claim that this isnt grooming
>>10446 #
>>10444 #
patreon is gone. as long as i live, kay will not have a patreon (until she turns 18)
>>10447 #
>>10446 #
minors can have a patreon, that wasnt what was against the rules
minors are not allowed to sell cosplay content and stuff like that, this was where she was felled
>>10448 #
unless NYC gets paid to do it, it wont happen
all bout that cash
>>10450 #
>>10450 #
no increase in the revenue stream for the governor means no go, bucko
gotta spend more time sending out tax forms to people living in other states
>>10448 #
spain is still building and finishing the sagrada familia and americans cant even bother to wash dey statue
quick, put ads on the site, we need to monetize this popularity surge
>>10464 #
the bonbi bro army will not be happy to hear this. you have declared war.
>>10467 #
>>10468 #
i am not a fat person but I see this as equivalent to saying quitting alcohol is as easy as putting down the bottle
I mean you're not wrong but that's also where all the difficulty is
>>10476 #
>>10472 #
No more beans cholo, more vegs and more meat(chicken)
>>10474 #
true that, there are also ex-alcohol quitters social groups that can help with that, dont get me wrong though im not underestimating how severe and difficult it is to stop addictions
>>10480 #
>>10477 #
lots of different zany and memorable characters with unique outfits
>>10476 #
Also I wanna add that the alcohol addict does have the option of choosing never to drink again
On the other hand, nobody can give up food for life no matter what
I would imagine you would have a lot less people successfully quitting alcohol if complete sobriety from alcohol wasn't an option for them
>>10485 #
you should, you won't regret it
>>10491 #
thats what leg day means, its not LEGS day.
>>10494 #
bitches with tongues like this scare me lowkey
reminds me of reptiles
and anybody who is aligned with reptiles is aligned with evil
>>10498 #
􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 960×1406
>>10496 #
nope, it's a home cooked burger, on the bbq.
>>10499 #
what does that even mean? pepperoni? italian?
>>10500 #
I am an avid Adam Ragusea watcher, so it might've been me. I really like him, he's the only foodtuber I watch. The rest seem incredibly fucking pretentious, I like adam because he frequently just says "do whatever you like, it's your food", whereas I feel like some foodtubers film their content in such a way to guilt you for eating, they frame their recipes as 'the PERFECT x'
>>10502 #>>10503 #>>10504 #
>>10501 #
I appreciate his ability to be intellectual while still remaining down-to-earth and not pretentious yeah
I think that's a really rare trait in people
>>10505 #
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>>10504 #
I think partly it also comes down to the fact that he has a wife and kids, and he's worked real jobs before youtube. Like, he has a family to feed, he cooks to feed a group, which means he cares about time and cost, he's not gonna make a channel based around cooking absurdly expensive steaks or whatever.

Every other foodtuber is some dude in their mid 20's, in a chemically cleaned white kitchen, with perfect studio lighting, cooking single serving meals for their sad lonely lives.. or am I just projecting again?
>>10507 #
he makes solid videos, simple and informative enough
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>>10507 #
>chicken tikka masala
I watched a video a few days ago about how chicken tikka masala's popularity in the UK is hurting the finances of small indian restaurants... because people didn't want to purchase their new recipe ideas on the menu.
it seemed really stupid to me, there wasn't any stats to back this up, just the testimony of one young chef who seemed frustrated that he had to serve people meals they wanted and that they wouldn't try out his new ideas.
>>10510 #
[YouTube] ???
>thumbnail says "stop ordering this"
fuck off. if people want to go into an indian and order their favourite curry, let them. nobody is obligated to try something new, especially with the economic state of the country. if you have a limited budget for eating out, you're not gonna waste money on something you might not like.

whenever I get an Indian, I buy a chicken vindaloo. Yeah, there's more on the menu, but I like Chicken Vindaloo, simple as.
>>10511 #
I think it's true, for many reasons. We've all gotten bored with fish and chips tbh, they're usually super overpriced, and they're also known to be really unhealthy. Yeah, fried chicken is unhealthy, but at least it tastes good.
>>10510 #>>10511 #>>10527 #
gonna try if i can do clap push ups, going to try these on a stone tile floor
will report back if I break my face
>>10515 #
I dislike when youtube channels that are meant to report on something as unbiased as possible, they'll always go with the most annoying and clickbaity thumbnails humanity as ever seen
>>10514 #>>10518 #
>>10512 #
>gonna try if i can do clap push ups, going to try these on a stone tile floor
>stone tile floor
bruh why
>>10516 #
>>10514 #
they all got the mr.beast syndrome
>>10522 #
good luck anoni, hope you'll come back home safe
he's not gonna return alive after this
>>10509 #
10 minutes in and he’s being very pedantic about british indian food actually being bengali not indian?
Is there even any difference between the two?
Wouldn’t that be like saying erm, actually that dish is austrian not german
>>10529 #
>>10529 #
Also even today the whole region is still considered the indian subcontinent
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 2.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>10534 #
kek, i could never get good with demoman. his whole shtick of throwing bombs gotta be the most e-sports tier accuracy of a skill
>>10536 #
I haven't played tf2 in a good while but i used to play a shitload of pyro, burning mfs down and getting into their faces like a crazed cocaine addict is one of the best tactics out there
>I never liked rocket jumping but the skill requirement for stickyjumping was a lot more interesting
rocketo jumping is fun times if you manage to shot some poor fellas in mid air too
>>10536 #
>>10535 #
me neither, it was always scunt and medic for me
I did get decently good at sticky jumping though, I never liked rocket jumping but the skill requirement for stickyjumping was a lot more interesting
>>10535 #
>>10540 #
cream coloured top does not work with the white leg warmers and sky blue skirt
dont like the frilly forearm things nor the poofy shoulders
otherwise effay
>>10542 #
>>10541 #
and yet i think she is the cutest caketop muffin in the east end.
says a lot about society..
>>10544 #
chiblee. olivia munn. chiblee. lovelymomo. chiblee. and ripley.
>>10546 #
>>10543 #
never watched northernlion before so imma jump in rn
update: he's got a sensual voice
>>10550 #
Anyone here likes watching jerma from time to time?
>>10550 #
I only like watching league of legends streams (don't judge me)
>>10550 #
>>10547 #
he does
>>10548 #
i dont like most of the games he streams anymore, i really loved his fable 2 streams but he never finished the game!
>>10549 #
sounds like something a teenage girl would do anonie
eeew anoni watches LoL streams!
he should watch DOTA 2 instead like the cool chads do
I only watch schizophrenic variety streamers on twitch
the ice poseidon 2016-17 era was good entertainment
>>10554 #
>>10554 #
i knew him more about his wild irl streams where he gets the police called on him multiple times a day
I stopped watching before the RV streams, shortly after he went to youtube he stopped being interesting to me
Last stuff I remember was him going back to florida and being a pest to his parents and cooking food, along with the "Richest man in LA" meme
OSRS Ice Piss was kino. Ice piss, Alison Quinn and the other shitters
yes dood, it is what it is boys
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a shame ice turned to fucking cryto scamming his dwindling viewerbase now
I used to feel bad when his toxic chat and community would roast him for every little mistake he made but now I think he deserved it all and then some
>>10559 #
>>10558 #
him and burger andy fell off harder than a bag of bricks, even though burger andy was never high enough to fall in the first place
Any of you remember left ear songs with ice poseidon? when he had his right earphone broken so he just had the left one in and people edited songs so that in the right channel it played racist shit and in the left one it played normal stuff
that was funny
5 active nekos on, we're ALIVE
>>10565 #
the active count is wrong. there isn't 5 people here. it's us 3, it's always been us 3.
>>10569 #
>>10569 #
I actually got a recruitment email from the FBI sent to my university email the other week
i could actually become a glowie
>>10573 #
zamn, cia glowie looks like THAT?!?
>>10579 #
pretty sure thats AI voice thing
>>10582 #
>you can hear a fan in the background
true, you do hear some feedback-esque sound in the background but that could be a fragment of the voice ai using bad recordings of his voice, we dont know
I mustve missed when he posted that if it was in fact him, especially with the "you dont remember .moe" part it makes me doubt it is him given that he had already stopped posting frequently by the time turdychan rolled a round
+ the fact that its not a audio file but added ontop of the fat.png guy, seems like something someone making a meme (incl. the voice replication) would do
>>10582 #>>10586 #
>>10581 #
Was it the bingo AI voice audios? anonies were too mean for that
>>10584 #
>>10583 #
the worst part was he got hate because newfags think bingo is me. they just assume all britposters are 'AP' even though britposters were the largest group on /ttg/ for a while.
>>10588 #
Speaking of AI voice synthesis, have you guys heard all of the kanye AI covers
The tech is getting pretty damn good
I should learn how to make some of these
>>10580 #
the copypasta was something I wrote, and posted like twice.
some other anon ran it through the AI, which I at the time thought was bingo doing it himself.
>>10587 #
>>10586 #
so I was right
I am unfoolable, the smartest smart guy on the internet
nothing gets past me. ask me if it says gullible on the ceiling
>synced [6/7] on neko
>synced [5/doesntmatter] elsewhere
neko is so back
bros, we are so back
>>10597 #
neko is a chiller place, that's all
i can't be banned, i don't even post
>>10601 #
>>10597 #
i have never avatarceled
#flip (flop)
call it, heads or tails
>>10604 #
>>10608 #
in florida with gracie
the good ending
i bet 100 dollars none of you can pinpoint florida on the map
>>10613 #>>10615 #
>>10612 #
one time i was in an obsessive phase and I was playing this online game where you had to click on every US state and I played it over and over until I could pinpoint all of them
>>10616 #
>>10618 #
never knew washington was up there on the left, i failed school
>>10620 #
>>10619 #
washington dc is on the right, washington state is top left
I know washington and montana because I love those states
also FUCK i know oregon as well its below washington
>>10622 #
um it's soccer but cya bro
>>10624 #
all understandable except how on earth did you remember west virginia
and also how do you get ALASKA wrong
>>10626 #
>>10625 #
>how on earth did you remember west virginia
Because of the song
>>10627 #
>>10616 #
that's so much harder because you have to play detective and notice details on your own
this one is just pure memorization
>>10629 #
>>10629 #
oh yeah also you have to memorize what countries even HAVE google street view because not all of em do
and then there's the probability mass of which regions have more google street views than others too
im down to play though
I wonder if being good enough at geoguessr would be enough for the FBI or CIA to hire you
that particular strain of autism is probably extremely useful for helping them geolocate photos right?

Like idunno, if you see Prigozhin taking a pic with some random africans and you can identify which country it was taken in from the landscape and trees in the background of the photo
that sounds like really useful info for the intelligence services who want to know what he's up to
>>10633 #
>>10632 #
Maybe not for the FBI/CIA but for working as a detective in a police station to spot local/country wide criminals on the run might be useful.
The upper echelons already got their ways of spying with trackers and other tech related thingies
>>10634 #
>>10633 #
There's always a time and place for more low-tech info gathering though isn't there?
Like what if their digital security is actually decent and they scrubbed all the metadata, turned off they phones, etc
I would bet this is common now for more elusive criminals
>>10636 #
>>10634 #
Now that you mention it, you're prob right, they'll the biggest autists that got the entire world memorized in their brains for lower-end investigations, which might be less expensive too and without the fear of losing data in some server located in bumfuck ohio
>>10641 #
right now it's really slow for some reason, a few hours ago it was better, it fluctuates like that
>>10644 #
nvm im a retard i had a game downloading in the background that i completely forgot about 😢
>>10644 #
it's almost halloween
we should all get cosplay costumes
>>10647 #
>>10646 #
>it's almost halloween
its a month away still
>>10648 #
i usually never celebrate halloween or buy costumes :c
>>10648 #
feeling tired, i think imma snooze off zzzzzz
goodnight neko
>>10651 #
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 5.3 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
blackpilled my parents on the climate crisis
>>10656 #
I was called a conspiracy theorist for not liking the fact that they had put a google listening device up in one of the rooms, one of those "ok google" things so I joked and said that I only believe conspiracy theories that are true
the conversation moved on and I told them about Shell taking over the oil industry in Nigeria to bribe the country and, amongst other things, purposely self-sabotaging their pipelines and releasing over 80k gallons of oil into the nigerian rivers, water streams and other nature related areas, ruining the livelihood and drinking water for a considerable sized portion of the population. they only took responsibility for 4000 gallons of this, i.e. 0.5% of the spill. the rest was blamed on various criminals of which one was falsely accused and executed (but the shell representative went out on tv and said "omg guys... this is too harsh and unjust you guys...")
my dad then added that the spill was so severe that you could see it from space
but we need to stop taking plane rides and instead go on vacation to bumfuck alabama, gotta be mindful of the climate you guys
>>10656 #
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>>10656 #
the discussion was had a bit earlier today here in this thread if you want to / havent already read it over, we discussed the shell thing amongst other climate catastrophes and otherwise bad things
We should discuss business and economics tomorrow, why?
To make us smarter and clever-headed
>>10659 #
>>10659 #
You see anoni, neko is like that small pub down the street thats really comfy and always visited by the few fellas you know and love, and everyday in that darn majestic pub, the most brilliant and engaging discussions are had, accompanied with some drinks below the full moon
>>10661 #
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>>10660 #
I agree with everything you said, though you could argue that, given that we are all distinguished gentlemen, it almost carries the vibe of a members-only country club
We sit around a large fireplace, all sipping our respective beverages, discussing the latest in the contemporary world ranging from business and economics to abbles toks
Our headcanons are largely the exact same, its just the place we see ourselves in that set us apart
>>10662 #
>>10661 #
we should do a neko game night or something fun we can all do together
>>10663 #
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>>10662 #
that would be fun to do in the moments that all nekos are here
I know of 4 regulars here but we were up at 7/7 earlier so more people must be aware of neko going back up in activity and choosing to engage with it in a positive manner
if the heightened userbase continues we could probably fix up a game night or something of that calibre
>>10664 #
>>10663 #
If we can manage to stay at 7/7 for even longer periods that would be lovely, not too dead and not too chaotic
>>10665 #
>>10664 #
I think a userbase of up between 10-15 total users (not necessarily at once) would be the sweetspot where active moments have vibrant conversations and "dead" moments still manage to have some semblance of conversation, even if its only between two anonies like us now
The sweet spot might be around 7-10 though, not too crowded and not slow either
>>10666 #
it doesnt necessarily require drastic measures like shilling, I think neko is at a spot where, even if we peak at 3-5 active users on a day to day basis, people have heard of it before and it might cross their mind causing them to check it out and see if its still up and discover that people are using it and thus finding out for themselves if they wanna stay or not
what I did consider was that if neko rises to >10 users, it might reach the point where these users start longing for more activity or other people ending up staying not because they like the atmosphere and the anons but because of the activity
I am hesitant to say whether or not people of the latter group are good posters or not
>>10666 #>>10667 #
>>10665 #
The problem is, getting to an higher number like 10 and above requires drastic measures, and doing that will cause some disasters to come along the way
>>10665 #
>>10665 #
I too believe that neko could turn into something greater in the future, right now we need to depend on word of mouth spreading, or wait for the old guard to remember that this place still exists
>>10668 #
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>>10667 #
I think time is on our side, this place laid dormant with only occasional posts for close to 5 months before a renaissance of nekoposting started again, Im willing to wait and see what becomes of this place with a bit more time, I think its too early to start making plans and appointing orders if you get what I mean
>>10669 #
>>10668 #
ye i get it, let's shelve the game night idea for the perfect time someday
>>10670 #
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>>10669 #
Nothing is stopping us from doing something similar several times aside from us getting overexposed and tired of it, of course
but I do agree, its better to do it when the time is right than to hastily try to fit it in and perhaps sour the mood that couldve been had we waited
>>10671 #
>>10670 #
we just need to hold on darling honey-boo, pardon the gayness
>>10672 #
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>>10671 #
>darling honey-boo
this made me think of honey boo boo
had I not already thought of her once a few days ago, this wouldve been the first time I had remembered her name in possibly 6 years
Its crazy to see her grown up, she looks nothing like she used to back when she was a viral meme on youtube (but she looks exactly the same in terms of weight and spoiled behaviour)

but yes I do agree, we just have to keep on keeping on nekostyle
>>10673 #
>>10672 #
she could actually look decent by just losing weight, i've seen some before & after photos of similar stuff and its insane how a few difference in pounds can alter completely your likeness
>>10674 #
>>10673 #
yeah its pretty intense how much a few % in body fat changes your look and conversely how you are treated in society
you can often tell on a fat(ter) person whether or not they would be attractive as a skinny person, its a shame people dont realize (or weigh as highly) how pretty they could be
>>10675 #
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>>10674 #
Its overall a shame lots of young people seem to discard self-care and caring for your body well being, there is always a time in life where we all gonna be old and not so decent looking or agile, why waste it as a young adult?
>>10676 #
>>10675 #
Yeah, I cant imagine the regret you would feel when you realize that you lived your best years locked in a flesh prison that you had no idea or no drive to get out of. I wish all food addicts a swift recovery from their vices though, but like someone said recently, its harder to quit something like alcohol than food because you can survive without alcohol, you cannot lose weight without fostering a healthy relationship with food

>>10677 #
>>10676 #
I was referring more in a general sense, not just overweight people but also ppl who deny themselves cleanliness and a shower, or taking care of your skin etc etc, those kind of lazy ppl ya know
>>10678 #
>>10677 #
yeah that too, people that in general neglect their own well being but stuff like that I feel are less likely to be the result of ill will or lazyness but rather symptoms of mental illnesses in the same way that food addicts are often struck by other ailments such as depression or trauma
Its more common for a depressed person who is in no shape to groom themselves neglecting showers and other basic hygenic (and other) care compared to a functional and happy person neglecting the same responsibilities
I do believe in the "look good – feel good" premise, if you've taken a shower, styled yourself somewhat and wear stuff you enjoy and feel confident in, you end up feeling more energised and positive as a result. same in the opposite direction where you end up feeling worse and wearing your insecurities on your sleeves in moments of neglected self care
>>10679 #
>>10678 #
you just reminded me that i used to be a depressed slob when i was a teen, now life is better but somehow the brain forgets about such sad periods after a while, anyways you are correct on the illnesses and depression part, One stops caring about themselves and everything simply because, most of the time, the world around them is complete shit and filled with garbage people, this is what i think.
Yea there are also those who are depressed because of a "chemical imbalance" but how much does that happen?
>>10680 #