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「/ttg/ #44 Maid Outfits Edition」

GYdIqSnTm7373044234896674091 All ovr meow #kitagawangel #luxumine #cosplay #cosplaygirl #cosplayer #marinkitagawa #marin #marincosplay #kitagawa #kitagawacosplay #marinkitagawacosplay #kitagawamarin #kitag… .mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 7.8 MB􀅊 1280×720􀣋 H264􀐫 4 months ago
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#claude what is sneed?
Rate limit reached, try again later.
>>98750 #
the backing track to this song is sexo
ive heard it in so many toks and its been sexo every time
>>98750 #
damn she developed a fat ass from sitting and playing val all the time
>>98760 #
>>98758 #
Snus, snuff, otherwise it's probably "medical" products.
>>98761 #
what ass? she is sticking her behind out, leaning forward, and still she is flatter than a board. if you think this ass is great, you're either a monk that has never seen a woman, or you are so coomerpilled you probably jerk off to clouds
>>98763 #
>>98762 #
in other words built for my below Average Penis
I was in the forest doing my walk in the forest walk where I forest walk in the forest earlier and let me tell you about the kinds of people that should have some sense strangled into them. Fans of my previous work already know where this is going but don't jump ahead!, this will have an interesting twist to it.
Some litterers are extremely fucking retarded and should earnestly just be shot, but theres one group that is such a slave to society and the societal norms that they will do absolutely anything to avoid appearing like a bad person, even if what theyre doing is just a retarded display of habitual nature
Who the fuck thinks "Oh man, my dog just shit here in this high grass... I can't just leave the dogshit here in the high grass where nobody sees it.... fuuuuck... I know, let me pick that dog shit up and put it in a plastic bag! Now that problem was solved, phew. Fuck, what am I going to do with this plastic bag of dog shit? I know, let me throw it back in the high grass"
People that do this are literally only doing it because their inner sheep is telling them that not picking up their dog shit is bad and that theyre a bad person for doing it so instead they'll take the biodegradable dogshit that will dissapear in probably a weeks time and put it in a sealed plastic bag that will likely never disappear, forever locking away their shame in an act of retarded submission
Even funnier is when they do this but then try to hide the bag. They go out of their way to reach deep into the crevaces of rocks, behind rocks and trees that are off-trail and other shit just to hide their shame for littering, when leaving the dog shit wouldve just done the same thing but cut out several extra steps and actually contributed to society
Total Litterer Death
>>98765 #>>98766 #>>98768 #>>98770 #>>98789 #
>>98764 #
are you afraid of tics
>>98764 #
Actually unbelievable that people like that exist. Like I'm laughing but if not for you going off like that I would never think that someone can come up with such a retarded idea.
>>98767 #
>>98766 #
Its insane that these people exist
Dog shit just washes away or disappears on its own in a few days, especially since the vast majority of people around me have tiny little shit dogs that resemble american footballs. But the fact that people bag it up and then just toss it back? What is the fucking point, genuinely
>>98764 #
>Who the fuck thinks "Oh man, my dog just shit here in this high grass... I can't just leave the dogshit here in the high grass where nobody sees it.... fuuuuck... I know, let me pick that dog shit up and put it in a plastic bag! Now that problem was solved, phew. Fuck, what am I going to do with this plastic bag of dog shit? I know, let me throw it back in the high grass"
really bizarre if you arent shitposting.
>>98769 #
>>98768 #
hand across my heart this is sincere, people do this in my fucking country
slaves to their appearance as "upstanding citizens that pick up their own dogshit" but dont care about littering
>>98770 #
(You) just to make you tab over and waste your time
>>98770 #
jeez chill out
just don’t read it if you don’t like it
>>98774 #
>>98773 #
he's been here all day doing this, dw about it.
call me malboro bc i want some fags in my mouth
>>98787 #
You ever think about how it’s “gangsta” slang to call your own place a “crib”
Aren’t you basically implying that you’re a baby
>>98781 #
>>98780 #
I do, I think about this all the time. The last time I thought about this was on ~8th March 2016, whilst I was eating ~48 donuts, all cream filled to perfection from Krispy Kreme™
Other meanings for crib include:
a place for storing grain
a place where you keep farm animals
so you're either a baby, a farm animal, or corn if your place is a crib
􀈷 65 KB􀅊 883×591􀣋 PNG
>>98784 #
they did something with fighter jets near my apartment last year
this diagram is what they did to a building adjacent to my window it was epic
>>98795 #
>>98789 #
10 months ago I wouldve agreed but unfortunately there were some legal changes and now I cannot anymore
>>98792 #
>>98792 #
no, but spying on innocent civilians (read: not currently suspected of any criminal wrongdoing) was made permitted
>>98796 #
>>98792 #
yeah, there was a loophole in the constitution, it took them until 2023 to find it. until then, it was just legal. crazy.
>>98797 #
>>98793 #
full american cultural victory
sorry about that fellas, truly
>>98795 #
to be clear
its an apartment on the beach and people were cleared out of the water and watching on the beach. the pilot wasn't flying past the shoreline
>>98800 #
>>98797 #

Thought you were too good for terrorism, my dear?
Never gave it time of day, my dear?
It's okay, things happen for
Reasons that I think are sure, yeah
bateru bateru bateru bateru
there was an f16 training pilot that failed a VTOL landing a few months ago and had to eject from the plane at like 50 m altitude, blowing the plane up. video is crazy
>>98804 #
wait its bateu bateu
why is he saying bateru
>>98804 #
>>98802 #
>>98803 #
mentally reading this in the most american accent possible
>>98806 #
That was my reaction when I literally destroyed you with FACTS and LOGIC.
Bye kiddo.
naurrrrrr youve watched too much anime, sir, you need to lay off
>>98811 #
>>98809 #
Said the Shinobu-shower-scene-enjoyer. You should be ashamed of yourself.
>>98810 #
why did you post the same video as the other neko just in mp4
>>98818 #
he is like
I'll also try to do some exercise
pushups #d3 (2)
That 57 in one series? It was something. Made me feel.
>>98819 #
You were too late, I was already 30 seconds into the set.
how many cheese stick rows should i do
#d5 (4)
mmm cheese sticks
>>98827 #
that post was a reply to rekineko (infamous workout skipper sack potatoposterneko) getting 92 out of 100 maximum (high roll (statistically high))
for me? 36 pullups is kinda weak but its decent, I decided to do 3x12 instead of which I am 1 set done
>>98829 #
i dont think i haave done a pullup since highschool
a cosplay wife is actually great because she can tailor all your clothes
cosplayers just buy their cosplays from alibaba and other chinese sites
I can remember 3 fus who make their own cosplays and by coincidence they all have huge chests
>>98835 #
>>98834 #
Shrivix doesn't make her own cosplays and shes got massive tits
Should i buy the fizzy caffiene drink
#8ball (No)
>>98837 #
>>98839 #
Uhh happy pride month i guess
>>98837 #
#8ball (Yes) should i listen to him
Do you guys get the sniffles whenever it’s hot outside but the AC is blasting inside so there’s a big temperature difference
>>98843 #
>>98843 #
Must be nice if your summers are mild enough to not need it
>>98846 #
They made it into a REAL THING!!! 🙀
>>98849 #
The 92 pushups I rolled (I am weak and don't work out)
I just hit 50. 42 more to go
>>98852 #
Next time I'm rolling d50, not 100. This shit isn't possible (for me)
>>98852 #
>>98852 #
I'm only at 60 and I'm taking a good 20 minute break before going to try and finish. My arms cannot do this much
