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「/ttg/ #43 Gimmicks that cease to exist Edition」

GYdIqSnTm7361899810254769440 These always turn into a mio edit halfway thru #KON #konanime #mioakiyama #ritsutainaka #tsumugikotobuki #azusanakano #yuihirasawa #lightmusicclubkon #lightmusicclub #hokagoteatim.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:23􀈷 9.3 MB􀅊 934×934􀣋 H264􀐫 4 months ago
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds

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1905 post(s) and 357 image(s) omittedSee all
>he has been following her for less than 2 months
>he has given her 74 gift subs this month
>at least 150 last month
>he is a mod in her chat
yeah he actually must be a dubai prince or some shit, i dont know why you'd give this much money to tenshi of all people in such a short timeframe.

also, responding to your comment, i had a friend who changed his xbox live gamer tag to his legal name [First Name Last Name].
after he got bnored of it, he requested a namechange, and got it for free, because it technically broke the terms of service to do that, so instead of the usual price of like £10 he got a free name change, was poggers.
>>96728 #
if you were a dubai prince, would you do any different?
>>96727 #
>>96726 #
i'd just give a lot of money to reki, shrivix and remy
>>96725 #
>got it for free, because it technically broke the terms of service to do that
I had a name on league that was I was able to change for free just because I wrote a ticket and said I was remorseful about choosing it and had matured and realized that it was a bad name
the reason was true but they were nice to let me change it for free instead of banning me for it
>setup TTS donations
>dont listen to them anyways
>>96731 #
wait till she hears about how people used to kill babies as a weird roundabout to get executed, because suicide gets you sent to purgatory so suicide is immoral, the logic being children are all pure of heart so go to heaven, so them dying really isn't that bad, they just go to heaven early. makes you think
>>96730 #
whoops, sorry simp, looks like you need to drop another 3 dollars in the TTS dono.
>2 messages in chat
>she hasnt read any of them
yeah she HATES ME
>>96733 #
>>96732 #
yeah, she only interacts with TTS donos now, she's unironically moneymaxxing.
yeah i love giving 3 dollars every 2 minutes to spam facts from
>>96735 #
>>96734 #
>to spam facts from
you are going to HATE me on saturday...
eyah im glad i have my VTM game now, otherwise i would be hatewatching tenshi's stream to react to the midwits giving her cash.
she is the best
>>96737 #
do you know if theres a good translation for knäckebröd?
>>96740 #
􀈷 7 KB􀅊 338×73􀣋 PNG
262 gift subs in just under 2 months (he started following her on the 11th of april 2024)

we're talking at least $1400 given to her in 2 months, of which she earns about half because twitch takes half, meaning he's a simp for's ceo's new yacht.
>>96740 #
yeah its all right but the mayonnaise gets a bit much after a while
not to forget the other word, ombudsman.
not sure if there are any other swedish words in english.
my favorites are norwegian and german of course,
only out of spite to feel the schadenfreude
wb, rad
Im starting to look like a roman emperor, I need a haircut
>>96754 #
in university you are assigned random housing, most usually mixed gender housing, for your first year.
you can request same gender housing but most are mixed gender.
>>96756 #
>>96755 #
That's insane. I guess I live in a very backwards country since it would literally never happen here. The housing is only mixed in a way that you might live next door but putting 2 different gendered individuals into one room was a big no-no, basically never happened unless it was a married couple that specifically petitioned for it.
>>96757 #>>96769 #
>>96756 #
I'd guess they were different rooms, same shared living things like kitchen and bathroom
>>96759 #
>>96643 #
thank you very much neko, but i think i remember something else. will go find it.
>>96757 #
Even that was banned. Like the worst you could see is sharing a kitchen between genders but that's because there weren't any kitchens that were inside the rooms (they were communal).
And those were cleaned up by the cleaning staff so nobody was at a loss there if they got unlucky when it comes to being on a specific part of the floor.
>>96769 #
ended up installing a custom rom of lineageOS because of how much of a piece of shit the phone is
also damn didn't realize i was being weird, you didn't have to be rude about it
>>96773 #
whats with people being upset at being called weird? its not that deep
its happened twice now
>>96762 #>>96774 #
>>96761 #
being called weird in high school by your peers and being called weird by a fellow neko are not the same thing.
one hurts much more than the other :(
>>96773 #
idk, I personally dont see it
being called weird just means your behaviour in that moment is off and its not a permanent mark on someones character
>>96764 #
>>96764 #
but unless youre that new guy, I cant say for certain that the person calling you weird had the same intentions as I did when I called him weird
>>96766 #
>>96765 #
i returned here like two weeks ago, i'm a new neko but i guess there are more of us
I was called weird a lot as a kid but people liked me. So I dont take it personally.
>>96768 #
>>96767 #
yeah, I am weird too, we are all weird in our own ways
>>96756 #
>>96759 #
they share kitchens and bathrooms, which are cleaned by cleaning staff, but the cleaning staff will refuse to clean kitchens if they're too much of a mess, e.g: garbage everywhere, plates, bottles, etc on all the surfaces.
>>96761 #
I'm pretty sure this (the one being upset at being called weird now) guy is just pretending, acting out the post-dictionary event event.
I for one appreciate the effort. I think it's rad or one of the hangers on
>>96786 #
>>96776 #
loserposter called you weird because loserposter assumes you were just messing with them
>>96778 #
your 250 IQ doesn't make you smart
you know, I have to give major props to portugato
a great addition to the 'chen
>>96788 #
>how many attempts does it take you to sit up?
Shooting for 8*5 +10kg pistols. HBU?
>>96791 #
>>96789 #
bro do u even lift?
I can sit up on the first try thank you very much
>>96794 #
>>96791 #
>I can sit up on the first try thank you very much
Oh nvm, I was going for squats, my bad. Always confuse the two for some reason.
>>96792 #
i think i've made enough posts about this anon i don't want to spam the thread, long story short: it doesn't matter.
u guys are addicted to being mean to this one random anon
I wasn't mean, he did actually massacre that funky tok. I've even checked my version because I was afraid that he got it off me.
do we have any anons who play music here?
>>96801 #
>posting 13 year old chip
great newfags
>>96802 #
>>96799 #
I had a brief phase but I quit once I realized that I had negative talent for it.
My brain was meant for other things it seems.
>>96804 #
>>96801 #
if it's not too personal, is there something you like to do? what your brain was meant for i mean.
>>96808 #
>>96802 #
please keep the 13 year old stuff on the other site
you guys have a good evening, see you in the movies.
>>96803 #
rando has more I'm sure
>>96804 #
Photography, books, making software
I think I just wasn't born with whatever module in your brain people use for music
i tried playing drums in high school and i realized i didnt even have a sense of rhythm back then
I plan to soon try to get into making 'puter music, but I absolutely do not care about the audio engineering side of it
>>96811 #>>96812 #
>>96811 #
wonder if we'll have an AI to go from beatbox to FL studio beat in the future
>>96816 #
>>96813 #
can an AI even beatbox yet?
I'm not sure how far the research on the human speech apparatus has come quite yet
>>96815 #
first right me cool is my best waifu.
or is it autumn right.. hatsune.. idk dude
>>96818 #
The Vocaloid part itself is pretty much impossible since you need to know japanese for it to sound well, english sound banks just sound awful
But I'd be happy if I could do something with the instrumentals only
And by vocaloid I mean the usual anime cartoons you're used to, if you want to use realistic voices there's plenty english software, but at that point maybe just sing it yourself mhm?
>>96822 #
>>96821 #
what do you think about this recent trend of AI covers?
you can sing it yourself and then make it sound like taylor swift or kanye sang it
