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>the rain on his jacket
kino. thats how I know its not deepfaked footage from russia
>>92673 #
Maybe he is confident he'll win it. Overcofidence is a slow and insidious killer
>>92676 #
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>>92673 #
longer they wait the worse it gets. inflation hit 2.3% today and that's likely the best news they'll be getting in a while. migrant boat numbers will start soaring in the summer, there isn't much room for a pre-election tax cut
>>92678 #
>>92674 #
>confident he'll win it
neko... they're currently polling at the worst numbers they've ever had in history, or after HE is kicked out, it'll be HERstory.
>>92677 #
>>92676 #
Politicians aren't exactly known for being grounded in reality
>>92678 #
There's a new scamdemic being planned in Uzbekistan currently, orchestrated by the russians as payback for the mean comments made by left-leaning egirls on twitter. Invest all your money into AstraZenica (Ticker STO:AZN) and then live off of dividends (0.25 euro per month) for the rest of your life
>>92680 #
>>92679 #
all my money? But I was planning on giving most of it to tenshi via the 50 gifted method.

For the new nekos here, we've discovered an infinite money glitch of sorts, where if you give 50 gifted subscriptions to tenshi, she will read your name out with her shrill voice, with is worth at least 3x the value of the money you just spent. So whilst you can't cash it in the back, you are in a way, making money.
>>92681 #
>>92680 #
Thats so true
And, think of it like guerilla marketing. If she reads your voice a lot then you will get your name out there and more people will recognise it for when you start marketing yourself
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Bros... I just found out that MrBeast has dubs + accurate subs for all of his videos for over 15 languages, including bortuguese
I think.. I might have to awaken the beast in me...just this once...
>>92683 #
>>92682 #
MrBeast is such a nice guy, he knows some people are too retarded to read subs, so he's paying for dubs too.
>>92684 #
>>92683 #
Yeah and I probably reckon him or his talent agency noticed how many views those 3rd party dubbing channels were getting and either hired them or got their own contracts with people to do it on their own channel to get those views
>They got a man to voice his trans mtf friend
nãoooooooo, acabou
>>92685 #
>>92684 #
>his trans mtf friend
oh yeah, i forgot about that shit, that was a big yikes moment for the beasters community, who as you know are notoriously transphobic, it really rocked us to the core.
holy shit its so fake
its titled "I paid a lie detector to investigate my friends" and they all take turns being asked questions and answering them to a lie detector stenograph test or whatever theyre called
its so fucking fake that even the question "Have you ever faked a video", when answered "No" was revealed to have allegedly been a truthful statement
but I like that they are using colloquialisms, actually really good dubs I think
>>92687 #
>>92686 #
MrBeast faked a video?????
Europa has fallen...

Also he's gone from buying an island to taking lie detector tests? Talk about a downgrade
>>92689 #
MrBeast rubs me the wrong way. the way how he wants to be portrayed as someone who helps or saves people and that very odd smile. Dont trust him.
>>92692 #>>92693 #
>>92689 #
Boniposter is transfobic? Disappointed in you. Guess I'm voting for acidposter on the 4th of july
>>92701 #
>>92690 #
Have you ever seen those MrBeast is the Antichrist memes?
If I was a little bit more aware of his existence (aka 5 years younger and saw his youtube vids during my most impressionable teen age) I probably wouldve believed it
>>92693 #>>92695 #
>>92690 #
>>92692 #
T-Series shills trying to discredit Jimmy for his success.
In 20 or 30 years we will find out if he is a modern day Jimmy Savile or not
>>92695 #
No but I wouldve psyopped myself into believing it because it wouldve sounded really fun to me as a teenager
teen anon flat earther: its fun
>globetards be like: uuuh... yeah I believe this stuff because evidence points towards it being true
I shiggy so hard
"globetards" coule there be flat earthers in my neko?
globeheads be like: uhhh why would they bother faking the shape of the earth
BECAUSE THEY CAN retarded globeheads btfo
>>92691 #
>Boniposter is transfobic?
Wait is this true? I'm definitely ___ VOTING for him in the upcoming elections
retards be like: pizzagate so real
>>92704 #
For a second there I thought that sun is bouncing off of earth, that would be great lmao.
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Vote for Boniposta in the upcoming July 4th General Dictatorship Election and I will prove to the 'chen that the thread is FLAT
>>92709 #
>>92707 #
if you dont spend an hour on it perfecting the colour balance and making it look like it actually is in the little plastic protective case by drawing a very low opacity opaque sheen over it, I will be disappointed
>>92711 #
>>92706 #
>the human eye has aalso been known as the eye to the soul our source hearth portal
Looked into my eyes, they look pretty dead to me. Am I an NPC? Did I lose my Portal connection? Did I sell my soul to the devil to become the most powerful devilneko on this board?
Find out... next time.
>>92710 #
>>92709 #
o djabo..... nos conhecemos de novo...
>>92708 #
I'm an expert at photoshop. I'm even capable of making Germ look good.
>>92713 #
I'm in a restaurant about to order a curry. I am destroying Indian restaurants
>>92714 #
Gonna edit this picture so theres a poster of tenshi in the back
He's so fast at making those edits. Noone can stop him, he's too powerful.
Gonna edit every boni jpg to reference tenshi
>>92720 #
>>92717 #
Norwood bros? Our inner-G? Our source self?
>>92720 #
Gonna edit this to have a chazprinceton stream in the background
>>92722 #
>>92722 #
She tuned it for the golf game and the golf game only
>>92724 #
Northernlion has been getting way too comfortable on stream lately
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I wish I was enlightened enough to create shit like this
Like sure, making shitpost meme photoshops and stuff like that is funny and all but imagine the feel you would get if someone makes a picture like this about their tokfu and posts it randomly without context
It is something that I bet RAD would do and I love that about him
>>92727 #>>92729 #
>>92726 #
A guy from my last vampire game made a schizophrenic moodboard about the chronicle. I've posted it here a few times before, it requires a real skill
#claude i found a large black spider with a very bright yellow pattern in brazil. what could it be and how venomous could be
It's impossible to identify a spider based on a description. Spiders with black and yellow patterns are common in Brazil. To determine venom levels, a picture or identification from a local expert is needed. If you're concerned, contact a local pest control company or wildlife expert. Do not handle the spider.
>>92726 #
I mean... I could make a schizo hyperborea edit about my tokfu, they're not that hard do make. Should I do it? Nope. I would just feel bad about it.
>>92730 #
>>92729 #
yeah go for it
hyperborea edits imo arent that interesting, theyre overplayed, kinda uninspired and more often than not just "hah look spinning black sun symbol and nazi XDD"
the stuff Im thinking about are made by people that actually have soul behind their creations. they arent doing it just to fit a trend, theyre trying to convey something
>>92733 #>>92734 #
I made a schizo hyperborea tenshi edit and you guys didn't call me based....
>>92733 #
my favorite hyboria edit is the one with katy perry's hot n cold playing
>>92730 #
>theyre trying to convey something
That's also the problem, I don't feel strongly about any of that stuff. It would lack the spirit of a good edit.
>>92731 #
It's the best hyperborea edit I've seen so far :)
>>92736 #
>>92730 #
I like the aesthetics of hyperborean edits but I hate the nazi shit in them. Hyperborea HAD black people and transfolk, trying to make it nazi is cringe
>>92733 #
It's not better than the xfiles one and I know you've seen it because I've posted it 50 times
>>92737 #
>>92736 #
Well, I don't remember it, and I do remember your edit. So which one is better?
>>92738 #
new thread
Can't make a new thread I'm waiting for a curry
>>92741 #
By that metric, there's at least one good thing that they would do: work out.
>>92744 #
>>92744 #
>if I am the change I want to see in the world there's only one quality that I think about me that's positive, which is the one I've mentioned
A bit of an esoteric logic leap but yea.
>>92746 #
>>92745 #
I don't quite get it but I meant that you should bake a kino thread (I can't do it without filling the catalog with bonis)
>>92747 #
>>92746 #
>I can't do it without filling the catalog with bonis
I don't see it as a problem really. I mean, she's LATAM, we post many LATAMfus here, it would be false advertising if we did post a different tokfu every thread.
>>92748 #
>>92747 #
>I don't see it as a problem really.
I would get audited by the Nekochen Electoral Committee for trying to influence the poll numbers with too much advertising, this could seriously harm my chances at winning the election
>>92749 #
>>92748 #
I will think about it and by that I mean I will run my script, see what's new, and maybe there'll be something good for a new thread.
>>92735 #
its wings look like two cooked eggs in a pan
>>92751 #
are you sitting in the restaurant?
hows the BGCgirl datenight going
>>92753 #
>>92752 #
Fine, my curry was awfully small. Well, what do you expect for £10
>>92754 #
>>92754 #
I got a chicken jalfreizi, not gonna answer the second question for fear of doxxing myself
>>92756 #
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>>92755 #
>chicken jalfreizi
Never heard of this but it looks decent enough
(Not my image, all rights reserved goes to Hairy Bikers at
>>92757 #
>>92756 #
They didn't have vindaloo (hottest curry) on the menu at this wasteman establishment
>>92758 #
>>92757 #
Trying a new place or were your regular one just closed? Also why not get the uuuuh Weezer album special
>>92759 #
>>92759 #
The man is supposed to wear the pants in the relationship.... naurr does that mean??....
>>92761 #
>>92760 #
It's called being polite
Jack Freaking Twistneko...
He's going under the heel in that relationship.
>>92765 #
>under the heel
>>92763 #
Some nekos would pay good money to be under the heel of a girl with cute animefeet.blogspot
gonna .play some romantic cowboy music to set the mood
Then I'll take her home and we'll megumine for a few hours, hoping to get some rekis
>>92768 #
>>92768 #
>when there's 3 in a row
Sweet I'm making it to third base tonight
>>91045 #
as far as i rememmber both of them have onlyfans, your_localgf(she deleted it but there's some mirros) and lilsarcasme(or something like that)
