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「/ttg/ #5 - cute chud edition」

􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 8.0 MB􀅊 1280×720􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Tiktok Zoom Central

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds

Last thread:
THREAD locked BY 'admin'
>>8113 #
Crimmy said that nina was groomed by "whore cosplayers" that taught her how to sell nudes, the police got involved and now nina is banned from having social media and possibly leisure internet access? idk about that part she said it was Luximine or what her name is (and possibly others, she said plural people when she mentioned that nina was groomed but never disclosed any other names)
its kinda fucked up but I'm drifting further away from /ttg/ due to stuff like this because the people in the threads pretend to be against stuff like that but are a big factor in perpetuating it. sturdy has been kind of a trash heap as of late with lots of lewding of minors, way more than ever
>>8115 #
yeah exactly that
only option is to "vote with your wallet", metaphorically
>>8115 #>>8117 #>>8119 #
>>8114 #
what the fuck, the cosplay tiktok lore goes deep af
I've heard whispers of paypig niggas that go into these girls discord and offer them money for "content" like that. I wouldn't be surprised if they got a network or something going on.
What sucks is you can't even really complain about that stuff on /ttg/ without sounding like spammie anymore so I don't even bother
>>8114 #>>8116 #>>8118 #
>>8115 #
if you hold back from what you're saying for a reason like that you let spammie win
>hey let's check out /ttg/ I haven't visited in a couple weeks
>>8114 #
>>8119 #
yeah i wouldnt be surprised if that was the case but the whole situation, for me, kinda highlights the problems surrounding a place like ttg in general to the point where its hard to look past / pretend they dont exist
>>8121 #
>>8120 #
it turns out that /ttg/ is not nearly as nasty as the tiktok community itself
>>8122 #>>8125 #
>>8122 #
you are just sheltered from the horrors of the tiktok community
>>8121 #
unfortunately it feels like the two are converging
>>8126 #
>>8125 #
nah /ttg/ will always be some obscure little hole barely a handful of tokfus know or interact with
>>8127 #
>>8126 #
i dont think thats what anon means
Quitting /ttg/ is probably the best thing I've ever done in my entire life
>>8132 #
>>8131 #
Do you mean not posting in ttg specifically or do you mean that you stopped following girls/cosplayers in all social media too?
>>8135 #
>>8132 #
NTA but for me it was deleting all my toks, deleting tiktok, and only very occasionally checking neko
>>8137 #
>>8135 #
I'm about at this point as well, nothing deleted yet but I havent felt any interest in toks in a while
I think neko will be the last stop, where I get off this wild ride
I wish I could just leave but I am way too invested in my tokfus.
And liveposting is fun.
>>8139 #
>>8138 #
I only have one tokker I care for nowadays, everyone else has long since died
and liveposting only makes sense when theres activity, neko sees a few posts a day aside from exceptions few and far between
>>8140 #
>>8139 #
>and liveposting only makes sense when theres activity
of course, I am on sturdy most of the time but I also leave a neko tab open, just in case
>and liveposting only makes sense when theres activity
sad :(
>>8141 #
>>8141 #
understandable, there are some annoying posters
at least the constant spam is over
>>8146 #
hallo rockyposter
I took so much ketamine
would any of you like to test out a tok quality booster
it only works for chromium unfortunately
>>8163 #
"ugh this cheap made in china crap"
Im gay
this site is less pedophilic pedo site
>>8167 #
>>8166 #
>he doesnt know
its ogre
I wish nekochen had killed sturdy after all. This site is nicer.
stay here
post lewd.
BANNED BY 'admin' FOR 1 DAY FOR "R1"
>>8178 #
>>8177 #
BANNED BY 'admin' FOR 1 DAY FOR "R1"
neko is a nina board
BANNED BY 'admin' FOR 1 DAY FOR "R1"
>>8180 #
>>8180 #
ack yourself back to discord tranny
nonces begone
>>8183 #
yes, you can see by the anime pfps and how much of a faggot everyone in that pic is
>>8185 #
>>8185 #
Ask ttg sturdy for access
>>8186 #
yes but sir, this is a website for posting tokfus!
>>8189 #
>>8188 #
k. do you posst any 18+ tokfus? I need to nut and I'd appreciate it if you could give me something HOT.
>>8579 #
help me cum anon
>>8579 #
i haven't fapped all day.
>>8193 #
I have an archive, yes.
I can upload it and put it in the /tag/ thread later today.
>>8197 #
>>8198 #
Sorry I'm kind of a newfag where is the /tag/ thread
>>8200 #
aw hell yeah 1 post every 5h
>>8216 #
>>8215 #
Yeah place seems quiet. Something happened? Last time I visited was few weeks ago
>>8217 #
>>8216 #
other website got a bit more bearable lately
>>8225 #
Tokfus are getting old...

still can't believe I've been watching girls dancing in cosplays for 5 years by now
>>8230 #
sturdychan is run by a shitmin
>>8233 #
>>8233 #
sturdymin openly allows lewding tokfus, not just adult tokfus, but underage tokfus. he opened a board for people to make and talk about tokfus fucking black people. people discuss dming girls like starfire and he just lets them walk free because they're his discord friends
>>8235 #
>>8234 #
>he opened a board for people to make and talk about tokfus fucking black people.
sanest chan admin

But yeah, sturdy has a big borderline "Call Of Duty Points" issue
>>8236 #
>>8235 #
>"Call Of Duty Points"
Can you explain this like I'm retarded?
>>8237 #
>>8238 #
Call of duty knows how to connect with the gamer audience
>>8240 #
>>8239 #
I'm a gamer and I am not attracted to children. I only post 25+ year old tokfus.
>>8241 #
>>8240 #
Stay strong brother. I only post 16+(2) tokfus

I don't know why, but there's something fun about making fun of pedo posters
>>8242 #>>8258 #
>>8241 #
it was funny when there wasn't unironic pedos on /ttg/
Calling bonbibros pedophiles for posting "seven year old webms" was funny. Calling a starfire poster a pedo isnt funny because he probably is and doesnt care.
>>8243 #
>>8242 #
Yeah, I agree with that. Few posters cross the line more often then "few times". Worst is, starfire poster isn't even the worst one

or maybe he is, as I think these two posters might be seperate people only in my mind
>>8244 #
>>8243 #
95% of sturdy are convicted pedophiles. All the good boys are still posting on /wsg/
Just kidding, but really, what happened? .moe wasn't like that.
>>8246 #
>>8245 #
4chan has reputation to uphold (as weird as that might be), so it doesn't allow full blown pedos on there. 2chen I guess doesn't, so it grew there. Although
I too don't remember it being that bad till end of last year
>>8247 #
>>8246 #
Where do new posters even come from? I find it hard to believe anyone outside of the original /wsg/ threads would be into tiktok cosplayers. Though, /ttg/ has over the last few years become more about normies than cosplayers.
>>8254 #>>8256 #>>8248 #
>>8247 #
I genuinely have no idea. The only reason I know about ttg is because of threads 5 years ago. I think in 2020 or 2019 they got banned from /wsg/ unless you are cryptic enough "post videos of cute girls", mostly because some sperg tried to doxx bonbi
>>8249 #
>>8248 #
Probably discord, I blame all my problems on discord.
It was 2020 when even /ttg/ got banned, /bbg/ was banned a few months earlier.
>>8250 #
>>8249 #
Yeah, discord attracts the special kind of autist. I remember there were two bonbi servers, one had this autistic hidden channels or whatever discord calls it that only got unlocked if you sucked admins long enough. The other one was crypto nazi server which posted trap porn
>>8251 #
>>8250 #
Glad I never spent time in a bonbi server. /bbg/ was home for me, it had all the edits and community anyone could ever need.
>>8252 #
>>8251 #
/bbg/ was pretty comfy, true. Still have edits from that time saved somewhere. /wsg/ from 2016-ish to 2019-ish was pretty good, and I'm not talking about just tokfus and what not. I found constantly quality clips on there and good music. I feel it's missing something today, or maybe I just became an old fart

Also have sadly to go to sleep. Tomorrow wage slaving, and tomorrow as in 6 hours from now. See ya and have a good day!
>>8253 #
>>8252 #
Sleep tight anon
>>8247 #
have you noticed people talking about cp telegrams and telegrams for coomers to obsess over tokfus? i suspect they get invited from places like that in some version of "if you want more hot teens like ____ check out /ttg/"
rule 4 never covered telegramniggers so turdmin (and moemin but he didnt enforce rules to begin with) let them build ranks
>>8247 #
the most prolific /ttg/ posters posts on a forum entirely centered around 9 - 15 year old starlets and he invites his friends to ./ttg/
the two things are inextricable at this point
>>8257 #
>>8256 #
but im the most prolific /ttg/ poster and i dont post there :)
every time my tokker uploads a cute tok it makes me consider coming back to ttg
>>8277 #
>>8274 #
They might just be busy. I sadly do that too to people, sometimes I leave them hanging for months, but it's not because I hate them or don't find them important. Just I have lot of things to take care of and I tend to lose sight
of other stuff. You might say it's irresponsible to do, but it's not out of malice
uh oh did sturdy break
>>8277 #
i installed valorant a week ago, top fragged in a diamond 1 lobby, got placed in silver 3 and now im hardstuck bottomfragging in gold 1
that game is so fucking bad i hate it
>>8282 #
>check out sturdy
>crimmy (underage) is openly posting and has been for like 2 hours
>last 50 posts are all about people lewding sammi
that was today's "I hate sturdy" post
>>8274 #
try being more likable
hello? is anybody here????
phew thank god i'm not the only one here
>>8292 #
luv you long time *kisses*
>>8294 #
>ended up with a black guy too
board is dead my niggas, its shrimply over
>>8298 #
>>8296 #
I visit it from time to time. Admin should maybe diversify it though, as there might be something else that could catch interest outside of toks
it annoys me that nekochen is dead as fuck and sturdy is popular but also very nasty and vile these days.
if only neko was active, im sure it'd be full of nice posters and not tokfu lewders like sturdy. i think im done with /ttg/ because of sturdy, i post more on endchan's /bbg/ than i have on a /ttg/ thread in the last few weeks
>>8310 #>>8315 #
>>8309 #
>do any of you guys post on /ttg/ still?
no, im done with that place. i check in once in a while to see if my bros are posting they are not
>>8315 #>>8311 #>>8314 #
>>8310 #
a-am I one of your bros that you're checking for?

t. rekiposter
>>8312 #
>>8310 #
kotobros or bonbibros
GYdIqSnTm7216960904762494213 FALSO FAKE ALL TUDO FALSO depois de dor sofrimento lagrimas trevas ellie fazendo thirst trap 😂😂 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 2.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>>8309 #
>>8310 #
same, i open it once in a blue moon to see if the admin has taken a new stance on him giving sanctuary to pedos and derailers but every time I show up its the same as the last
I open neko though but its pretty still so theres not much to do beyond post a tok now and then
>>8316 #>>8467 #>>8469 #
>>8315 #
why would the admin ever take a new stance against his discord pedo friends?
glad to see he is keeping the schizos out
>>8318 #
>>8317 #
have you looked at today's thread? 40 posts in a row spammed with a pig nose emoji and the admin was moderating that thread because he deleted a post in the middle of it, but left the spam up because his friends say its funny when he insidiously kills /ttg/ and the israelis pay him extra for every shitpost they're allowed to make
>>8319 #
>>8318 #
it was deleted 1 hour after, as I said, schizos
>>8320 #
􀈷 155 KB􀅊 1036×983
>>8319 #
why would you lie about something that takes 10 seconds to check?

this is just one page, I could scroll and get like 7 screenshots of nothing but this shit.
>>8321 #
>>8320 #
I'm going to assume you are retarded and explain it with another words:
the post that you say it was deleted, was deleted 1 hour after the emoji spam that ails you
>>8322 #
>>8321 #
the point is that he deleted something for spam, and left literally dozens of nonsense spam posts up despite moderating posts happening at that timeframe. moderation has always been iffy, with clear rule breaking posts staying up, and any post that criticises the glorious leader shadowbanned
>>8323 #
>>8322 #
yes, the reason for the deletion of the post is listed as "spam", but you have seen the post, do you believe "spam" was the reason it was deleted? there was no other rules broken? do you need every form to be properly filled so you can understand?

>any post that criticises the glorious leader shadowbanned
>>8324 #
>>8323 #
the post was deleted because he wrote "BIG BLACK COCK INSIDE CRIMMY" like 8 times. if he didnt write it in all caps and only wrote it once, it would literally just be a normal sturdychan post and wouldn't be deleted. the amount of tokfu lewding and BBC shitposting is astronomical. the poster was also banned for an hour, a meaningless ban length
>>8325 #>>8326 #
>>8324 #
the only time when ttg had more moderation was when fsp had meltdowns and deleted like every second post in a thread
also are you new or what? how many times was the fucking spammer banned and how effective it was?
what do you propose?
>>8327 #>>8341 #
>>8324 #
>if he didnt write it in all caps and only wrote it once, it would literally just be a normal sturdychan post and wouldn't be deleted
btw if you actually believe this you need your medication
>>8327 #>>8339 #
>>8325 #
>>8326 #
ive said my peace and if you still disagree, im sure you'll be happy with sturdychan forever. enjoy it. i cant. its cringe to me
>>8328 #
>>8328 #
uhhh bring back moemin?
>>8332 #
okay I went and found the video, why would you send this here? it looked like a virus
>>8334 #
>>8333 #
>why would you send this here?
Bored and the video is fun for me. Might be because of autism
>it looked like a virus
Not every link is a virus dumbass

>>8335 #
> I have an autistic cousin so I will try to supportivce of you
Thanks UwU
>>8335 #>>8336 #
>>8334 #
oh you're autistic? sorry I didnt know. I take back what I said. I have an autistic cousin so I will try to supportivce of you
>>8334 #
>>8337 #
would you still love her if she wasn't british and has a fat ass
>>8326 #
it wouldnt, the poster would just have been told to keep it to /b/ where it would be perfectly fine to type (crimmy is <18 btw)
>>8340 #
>>8339 #
you're not even allowed to post minors in a sfw fashion on /b/
you got nothing but bad faith lies
􀈷 210 KB􀅊 1192×958
>>8325 #
>what do you propose?
I'd start with these posts. Delete them. Ban the posters for 7 days.
Just from today, that's like 10 posts explicitly lewding minors that haven't been deleted nor banned. Yes, many posts lewding minors have, but I'd say the majority were not. i appreciate that moderation isnt perfect and never can be, but so many people lewd minors and even adult tokfus because the culture accepts it.

just realised I posted the rinrin 1 twice, the 2nd rinrin one was suppsoed to be a different comment about her body that I saw.
>>8342 #>>8343 #
>>8341 #
were they reported? thats the only reason I could imagine why the admin would delete/ban some and not others
>>8346 #>>8344 #
>>8341 #
it doesnt matter if you ban those guys cause they will jsut evade. thats the new userbase and they will stick around.
>>8344 #
>>8343 #
something must've happened to bring in this new userbase. /ttg/ wasnt like this for years.
>>8342 #
probably not reported you are right
>>8346 #
the report log is full of such petty dumb bullshit I wouldnt be surprised if adminy starts to tune it out
>>8342 #
admin is (likely) one of the most active posters given how often he is in the thread, he sees the posts and can ban on his own discretion without reports needed
sure, reporting it would make it known to him explicitly but if he has no plans to ban it whilst scrolling over them on his own, theres no saying that he will do so after seeing it reported
>>8347 #
yup, he is one of the most active people in the thread I reckon
>>8344 #
>something must've happened to bring in this new userbase
telegrampedos with their child-lewding groups and those pedo forums that brandon posts is my assumption, people end up inviting their own pedophile friends and since admin doesnt take a stance on their antics they end up staying
>>8347 #>>8348 #
>>8346 #
if you posted "" on the thread your post would be deleted within minutes.
>>8346 #
>>8346 #
the administrator of sturdychan has an unwinnable position, both previous /ttg/ websites have failed, his site will fail too, it's inevitable. i dislike him banning any mention of nekochen though. i understand 4chan banning their competitors, they earn money to pay their janitors, but sturdychan makes no money, his aggressive position against nekochen (and his plot to destroy takeurmeds) seems like it hurts the community at the benefit of promoting his own website
>>8349 #
I don't mean banning the pedos would make it inactive. /ttg/ has always been active. I think sturdy is less active currently, it used to have 2 threads a day, now it's down to a little over 1. .moe didn't die because of pedos, it died because of 1 schizo declaring war on the site and trying to get it taken down. you can't really fight that, one person determined enough will always be able to kill a small powerless imageboard, especially 1 like /ttg/ that at a glance might look like a pedophile forum.
>>8349 #>>8357 #
>>8348 #
unwinnable position how? do you mean in the "ban pedos and the site becomes inactive or allow the pedos to exist and the site can have activity"? if so, that position is only "unwinnable" if the admin actually wants the pedos gone but allows them to stay because he wants it to be active. if he either doesnt care about them or doesnt mind an inactive site then either position in that case would be winnable
>>8348 #
>it died because of 1 schizo declaring war on the site and trying to get it taken down. you can't really fight that
i havent browsed sturdy for almost two months now so I dont know what the current status of that fag is but hasnt he stopped most of his outrage? last time i was there he had more or less stopped his spiel completely (though I dont know why, can only speculate)

>>8348 #>>8350 #
>>8349 #
he probably stopped because now he can talk about wanting to have sex with minors all he wants. he won.
>>8351 #
>>8350 #
that might be it, despite his crying over "ban pedoniggers, avatarniggers" and the lot, he was probably projecting from the beginning
>>8352 #
>>8351 #
I never understood the hatred towards "avatarposters", it's a pretty decent film. (laugh track)
but seriously, there weren't really many avatarfags on /ttg/ anyway and I don't think they were a detriment to the site, though I am biased, as I was a huge avatarfag.

it seems inevitable that /ttg/ would turn into people discussing things other than tiktok, liveposting allows for conversations, and after the 100th conversation about cool new 'toks, people have said it all. /ttg/ in the liveposting era for me will be remembered mostly for the blogposters whom wrote long tales about their mundane lifes. Bingobro whom to this day is in a relationship with a girl he hates, the coffee date anon, the mexican poster who's mom cheated on his dad, those two anons who met up and started dating. it was a community. different to how we worked on 4chan, but it was still a community I liked.
>>8353 #
>>8352 #
>I never understood the hatred towards "avatarposters", it's a pretty decent film. (laugh track)
oh you
yeah I never saw any of the attentionseekers nor the avatarfags as disruptive to the thread as, even in their most flambouyantly annoying state, it only took place for like 30 minutes to an hour tops and you could just walk away or ignore them
the community was nice but towards the end the actually annoying parts of the thread were so frequent and large in proportion to the rest that I just couldnt look past them and rationalize staying for the "peopl" anymore
>>8354 #
>>8353 #
in the end, perhaps we have simply grown up and are too caught up in our busy adult lives to spend hours every day posting on /ttg/ anymore. perhaps /ttg/ hasn't changed, only we have, and we've grown bitter and nostalgic for "the better times".

it's not true, /ttg/ WAS better 2 years ago and it's shit now. but its probably not AS bad as I think it is in my head. part of the reason I stopped posting is that I just dont know who anyone is anymore, all the people I liked talking to have disappeared, nobody posts tokfus I recognise and the board seems more hostile
>>8355 #
>>8354 #
>part of the reason I stopped posting is that I just dont know who anyone is anymore
isnt that kind of the point of an anonymous imageboard
personalities growing and people recognizing each other is counter to the philosophy of the type of site it is
>>8356 #
>>8355 #
I disagree, maybe on a larger imageboard, but in a small community of 20 people or so, it is inevitable that personalities appear and patterns are recognised. Yes, we're anonymous, so people don't attach usernames to their posts, but you pick up habits when you're active.
>>8357 #
in my idealised brain i imagined nekochen as a paradise, basically come again, we would abandon sturdy to the pedophiles and nasty posters and all live here in harmony.
it is a very childish belief of how the world works. if nekochen had somehow been successful, the bad posters would've just moved here.
I do think sturdychan's success is because he bought 2chen to redirect. to this day I still type 2chen into my browser, not sturdy, never sturdy.
>>8358 #>>8359 #
>>8348 #
>i dislike him banning any mention of nekochen though. i understand 4chan banning their competitors, they earn money to pay their janitors, but sturdychan makes no money, his aggressive position against nekochen (and his plot to destroy takeurmeds) seems like it hurts the community at the benefit of promoting his own website
How does it hurt the community though? People use neko as a weapon to shitpost on sturdy, there's no legitimate reason to bring it up unless you straight up want everyone to move here, which has been tried and failed, I dont think either site wants console war tier autism in the threads which it will lead to, if anything sturdy/neko have far more valid reasons to not allow it than 4chan, which is so big, some people posting about other sites will have no impact
>>8356 #
>>8356 #
>in my idealised brain i imagined nekochen as a paradise, basically come again, we would abandon sturdy to the pedophiles and nasty posters and all live here in harmony.
those people would just come here and do the same thing
at the end of the day sturdy and neko are basically tools, them alone have no merits or cons, it's about the people within them
adminy obviously tries to some degree to ban the people you mentioned but they just evade, which they will do here if they decide to make this place their home
>>8360 #
>>8356 #
>because he bought 2chen to redirect.
I dont think that's what happened, isnt moemin and sturdmin outright working together? sturdy was literally a carbon copy of 2chen, there's no way he just lucked into that
>>8360 #
>>8358 #
I guess the only solution is the /ttg/ discord, and just not inviting the pedos.
>>8359 #
he probably knew moemin and arranged it, right, that makes more sense than just buying the url. I dont know much about websites
>>8361 #
>>8360 #
>I guess the only solution is the /ttg/ discord, and just not inviting the pedos.
at that point you might as well instill thread IDs
not to mention any open server (which it will have to be) will eventually get nuked by discord itself, they dont like the kind of content /ttg/ posts and discusses
>>8362 #
>>8361 #
is the /ttg/ that I love gone forever and should I just move on with my life and stop thinking about the website where I posted 7 year old bonbi webms?
>>8363 #
>>8362 #
you can move on or you can be the change you want, also sturdy has a thread dedicated to criticisms and complaints, use it and see what sturdmin says
if at the end of the day the issue isnt the site or mods and its just the fact the community is shit now, theres nothing that can be done about it except maybe drawing in new blood who have the traits you want in the community which for something as niche as tiktok cosplayers isnt gonna be easy
>>8364 #
>>8363 #
>except maybe drawing in new blood who have the traits you want in the community which for something as niche as tiktok cosplayers isnt gonna be easy
alright, gonna go spam sturdychan links on every fallout 3 vs new vegas thread I see.

will report back if that saves sturdy.
(this is a joke, I wont shill it)
neko is like that egirl you know basically nothing about (ie it has little activity) so you can imagine all the best things about it while sturdy is the chick you know very well so you see all its flaws and issues
at the end of the day they're still both women
>>8366 #>>8378 #
if you were in control of sturdy right now what would you do
>>8368 #>>8369 #
>>8367 #
remove /b/ remove /tech/ remove /fag/ enforce rules
>>8370 #
>>8367 #
1: rename it to 2chen.whatever, doesn't matter what, but it should be called 2chen
2: remove all boards that aren't /tv/
3: ban any lewding, not just lewding of minors, any explicit sexual comments get a ban.
4: ban tokfus when they show up
5: start the /ttg/ book club
>>8370 #
removing /b/ and /fag/ doesn't make you more controlling. 2chen never needed those boards, it's weird that they exist. no wonder people think they can lewd tokfus, we have 2 boards dedicated to porn. it makes the site appear trashier and more for coomers.
>>8403 #>>8371 #
>>8368 #
>remove /b/ remove /tech/ remove /fag/
see anon that just makes you come off more controlling and less wanting a better /ttg/
im pretty sure a faggot from /tech/ helps out with the site when it came to spammie too, its good to have nerds around
>>8369 #
>>8369 #
I dont say this as an insult but I get the sense you're british
>>8372 #
>>8371 #
im sure my intelligent way of posting gave it away
>>8373 #
>>8372 #
brits have a very stand out view on leadership/control due to their nannystate of a country
>>8374 #
>>8373 #
our country isn't a nannystate, and 2chen has never been a libertarian paradise. you aren't being true to 2chen ideals because you want a board for people to post "built for bbc" under every tokker's toks. /b/ and /fag/ invite the wrong audience.
>>8375 #
I said remove /b/ and /fag/, I've never looked at /tech/ because I don't use linux.
>wants to remove /tech/
>says im not being true to 2chen ideals
>>8374 #>>8376 #
>>8375 #
/tech/ literally wasnt a board before omegachan went down which was like late 2021 or early 2022
>>8377 #
>>8376 #
he's probably a newfag that came in under moemin.. I bet he doesn't even remember /bbg/ #12 back on 4chan's /wsg/, now THAT was a thread.
>>8379 #
I quit /ttg/
i check on neko cause either one or a couple anons still posts cute toks once in a while
>>8382 #
>>8337 #
gawd damn rynkerbelle has a fat ass
Personally I just find it funny AP is so against lewdness/lewding tokfus while he messages minors
>>8386 #>>8387 #
I do wonder if swede anon is still around though
>>8467 #
>>8383 #
rules for thee but not for me - every brit ever
>>8383 #
this doesn't happen except in your mind. unless you're referring to something from 2 years ago, where I had a brief conversation with ll (she messaged me, not the other way around).
>>8389 #
>>8387 #
>that doesn't happen
>except for that time it did happen
>>8390 #
>>8389 #
>I should be allowed to lewdpost about minors because a namefag once had a very brief and safe for work conversation with a 16 year old
yeah see if that one holds up in court
>>8391 #
>>8390 #
>>I should be allowed to lewdpost about minors
Nice strawman, you really are a typical brit haha
>>8392 #
>>8391 #
you literally started this conversation by making me into a strawman because you have no argument where lewdposting should be allowed
>>8396 #
AP by his own logic would be perma banned for messaging minors
is nekomin here
whats up bro how you doin
brits are the worst posters
>>8392 #
you dont know what a strawman is, you literally admitting to DMing a minor
>>8397 #
>>8396 #
this didn't happen.
Please whatever you do, do not mention the fact I admitted to talking to an underage girl on social media, especially do not mention the fact I have a folder full of videos/images of said girl as well.
>>8402 #
>>8400 #
I literally don't have an ll folder, I've got maybe 4 of her toks saved. You're projecting hard.
>>8369 #
criticism is one thing but at this point why dont you just make your own site? no place ran by someone else is ever gonna be perfectly to your liking
>>8405 #>>8406 #
>namefag wants tokfus gone because they steal his spotlight
􀑪􀎶 01:30􀈷 11.8 MB􀅊 1272×716􀣋 H264
>>8403 #
the way I see it is that /ttg/ has a userbase problem
if you make a site and it gets popular enough it's just going to turn into sturdy because the same troublemakers will show up
>>8403 #
im really lazy and I'd burn out after a week of trying to moderate modern /ttg/, it requires a better man than I to "fix" the place. by better man I mean one with more free time.
􀑪􀎶 0:05􀈷 1.1 MB􀅊 1280×720􀣋 H264
when neko became popular because of sturdy autism it was just as bad as sturdy
there ain't no magic dirt, it's the people
The bad posters simply post more than the good ones
you could easily drown out the bad posts by making lots of good posts
>>8410 #>>8412 #
>admin appears and starts banning retards
>neko becomes active again
hmm curious
>>8411 #
>>8409 #
why do you think there's so many bitter posts about it
>>8408 #
>post a lot of sturdy
>people just call me a fat faggot
Yep, thats how I wanna spend my days. I'd much rather just game. I've been playing bannerlord recently, it's cool
>>8413 #>>8414 #>>8418 #
>>8412 #
well maybe don't cultivate a personality and dox/blog yourself constantly on an anonymous imageboard retard
>>8415 #
>>8412 #
>The one kind of site where you can freely post with no baggage
>go out of your way to create said baggage
>complain that you have baggage
you are sincerely mentally ill and I dont say that as an insult
>>8415 #
>>8413 #
>>8414 #
Look, I never claimed to be a very smart person. I doxxed myself accidentally twice.
>>8416 #
1minute in and im gonna write my thoughts about this video that you have presented to us whilst the remainder plays. it appears to be some kind of jazz band concert. "its good".
>>8412 #
>I'd much rather just game. I've been playing bannerlord recently, it's cool
clearly not since you're still here crying about it
try being honest for once in your life
>>8419 #
>>8418 #
im complaining because the conversation is about this topic, if we were talking about something else i'd be talking about something else.
>>8420 #
I check neko a few times a day as it gets maybe 2 posts a day normally, today was very busy so I've stuck around and kept a tab on it. I like the posting of toks, I like posting mytoks sometimes so I engage with neko to do that. I was finding the conversation about sturdychan interesting so I've engaged with that
>>8420 #
>>8419 #
regardless of the topic you are still here on neko, you are clearly not content with just gaming and leaving /ttg/ behind
>>8419 #>>8421 #
>>8420 #
tbf checking neko is very low investment
max like 20 posts you have to read even if you go multiple days without checking
I wish I still had toks to post :(
>>8423 #
hmmm no
complaining is in fact very fun
I do not intent to stop
change my diaper
>>8427 #
if you complained on sturdy you might actually get something done
complaining when you know it wont accomplish something is the most vain masturbatory act you can do
>>8426 #
>>8423 #
>>8424 #
this is a nanystate opinion. Big Brother is perfect and I love the taste of his boot on my face.
Nobody is claiming sturdychan is literally satan, at most a few people have said some minor disappointments they have with the state of /ttg/, many of those points then ended with "well, it's more that the community is shit, not sturdychan itself". We all have spent hundreds of hours on 2chen, speaking briefly about its flaws isnt being a whiny baby
>>8426 #
>sturdymin will ban you for "spam"
theres a whole thread literally dedicated to it
>>8434 #>>8429 #
>>8428 #
I am sure it's checked often and taken seriously
>>8430 #
>>8429 #
>h-he totally doesnt check it so that I can feel justified in not using it, its not because I rather pointlessly complain
>>8431 #
>>8431 #
he seems to have replied to every post in the thread so your doubts are irrational
>>8433 #
>>8432 #
oh maybe
I don't intent to make a return regardless though
>>8435 #
>>8428 #
I used to enjoy linking to the thread everytime somebody replied to me and called me a namefag and told them that "metadiscussion" belongs on the complaints thread. It was a fun shitposting tool but I wouldn't waste my time or sturdy admin's time posting on there.
>>8436 #
>>8434 #
shitting on you for being a namefag isnt even meta
>>8435 #
tsundere anonie
􀈷 765 KB􀅊 653×919
AP be like
>I'm totally happy moving on and not invested in /ttg/ anymore, I love my video games
>admits to checking in daily
>still crying about sturdy
>still crying about people shitting on him for being an attentionwhore
>lies about messaging a minor
admit it you're obsessed
>>8439 #>>8440 #>>8441 #
>>8438 #
you are talking to two different people anon I hope you know that
>>8444 #
>>8438 #
I'm engaging with a conversation that is happening. I don't come to Neko to complain about sturdy daily. I wouldn't be posting today if people weren't posting here already.
I'm admitting with my own posts that I AM invested in /ttg/, if I wasn't invested, I wouldn't be on neko talking about it.

This is dumb. You're dumb.
>>8438 #
anon just out of curiosity how do you feel about HEVC posting
>>8442 #
>>8441 #
I enjoy the reaction it gets out of firefoxcucks
>>8443 #
>>8442 #
hmmm pretty based....
maybe we could be allies...
>>8439 #
its fucking pointless, there was like 3 people having a nice conversation, then somebody got an inkling I was a namefag and then the thread activity double and people got a lot more namecally. there was a nice conversation happening, but like always, nobody wants to talk anymore, they just wanna be mean to people
>>8446 #
yeah thats what im saying. even though it changes nothing, i am the same person, but suddenly people's opinions changed 180. I like the nice parts of being a namefag but dislike the bad parts.
>>8445 #>>8450 #
>>8444 #
well well well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions
I will be honest with you AP people are much nicer when they don't think ur a namefag
>>8444 #
me? personally? in my opinion? never namefagged on an anonymous site so dont got baggage
>>8448 #
>>8447 #
I haven't namefagged but I have gimmick posted a few times
but they were all honest gimmicks about myself
wow people in anonymous imageboard culture dislike namefags? I can't believe it, honestly
>>8451 #
>>8444 #
>i am the same person, but suddenly people's opinions changed 180
because the type of people who go to anonymous sites and feel the need to make a name/personality for themselves are inherently disliked
>>8451 #
>>8449 #
>>8450 #
It was never an intentional crafting of a persona. I just used to blogpost and post abbles. It's a small community, people start to put 2 and 2 together. I never named myself or tried to be more than just a poster who posted what I liked.
>>8456 #
just bad luck I guess, AP isn't responsible for his own actions, everyone pack up
>constantly blogposted
>avatarfagged (to the point he even renamed his files so they would stand out)
>somehow doxes himself
but it wasnt my fault guys, it was unintentional
Okay. the thread is turning into a discussion of me and not of anything else. I'm going to bed, if I wanted a big namefag circlejerk party, I'd just go post reki on sturdy.
BANNED BY 'system' FOR 1 HOUR FOR "brum brum"
the fact someone called you out and you couldnt simply ignore it shows you have learned nothing
>>8451 #
ever wonder why other easily identifiable posters are not persecuted? like the chip poster for example
>>8458 #
>things got too real, time to pretend to autoban and hop on my phone to browse
>>8456 #
brandon should be
I don't like that guy and think he is bad for the thread
>>8459 #
>>8458 #
he's the most shitted on person not since AP left
admin is banning him harsher and harsher every time he shows up too
>>8460 #
>>8459 #
good news is always good :)
can you guys post some good recent toks
spoonfeed me the meta pls
ap autobanned just to go post on sturdy and instantly make himself recognizable
why is he such a mentally ill douche
btw random_user__69 is also close to doxxing himself, the fucking retard
why are all brits like this?
>>8464 #
>>8463 #
i member that tt username but i cannot connect him to any ttg posts
what's the qrd
>>8465 #
>>8464 #
let's see...
he is mutuals with lily so he probably was the guy posting screencaps from her discord
he follows crimmy and chip private insta and shares their posts
one time an ancient chip account was discovered he immediately commented there
his insta is random_41279 btw
>>8466 #
>>8465 #
wtf IS wrong with british posters for real man
I have missed so much being away from ttg
>>8469 #
Admin bans pedos but then they evade therefore admin actually gives them sanctuary
>>8472 #
i dont understand how the fuck you are in bronze or whatever as a killjoy main that bitch is SO FUCKING OP
t. skye main
>>8477 #
>>8476 #
I got to gold 2 but then I quit valorant because solo grinding ranked is soul crushingly boring + I failed to rizz up my valorant wife
Started playing league with a friend, played a few matches with them and just wanted to go back to dota
So now I'm playing dota every other day with my dota buddy and loving life.
>>8478 #>>8488 #
>>8477 #
I always laughed at you for being so low elo that you had women in your games but Im now so low elo that I have women in my games and they always fucking suck up to their e-bfs in chat
their faggoty <18 year old e-bfs always talk shit in chat and when I flame them back the entire team turns on me its such a faggot game I hate it I want to be able to tell people that theyre losers and to kys before they start talking shit but noooooo its a cartoon game for kids
dota > league despite me playing league for like 10x the playtime nglngl
>>8479 #
yup, and thats why I hate the game now
if I placed like plat I would be grinding every single day in order to get to diamond or ascendant or something but since im literally silver I wont touch it because being bad makes me angry
have you played Risk of Rain? my friend bought it a few days ago and in the last 3 days we have played like 30-35 or so hours, its really fun and I feel like a zombie now
>>8479 #>>8480 #
>>8478 #
ironic, you have become the low elo that you hate. I think in valorant I have decent enough gamesense to be a higher elo, my problem is probably the problem of most low elo players, im inconsistent as fuck, ill go from bottom fragging to top fragging in the next game.
>>8478 #
>>8478 #
never played risk of rain unfortunately my friend
>>8481 #
>>8480 #
iirc you liked the binding of isaac? if so you might like Risk of Rain 2, similar games in spirit though handled differently in execution
>>8482 #
>>8481 #
I've only got 80 or so hours in binding, I never got very into it unfortunately my friend
>>8484 #
love ari her bocchi cos was so cute
>>8486 #
sexo con emiru
>>8477 #
play counter strike
it's better than val
>>8486 #
I downloaded this image but I think it is fake. Emiru wouldn't ever take pics like that of herself.
>>8491 #
i don't know
Does anyone know what happened to popcutesweet?
>>8494 #
>>8494 #
I could have saved her
>>8496 #
probably bought from the same chinese sweatshop fast fashion store
>>8499 #
she not only spoke to us, but she also spoke with us
>>8503 #
Jazz deez nuts
>>8505 #
I remember when we all used to root for the japanese underdogs during the world cup, that was a fun time
reki ugly as sin though
>>8508 #>>8515 #
>>8508 #
I am absolutely right, young man
>>8505 #
Very soulfull video
>>8514 #
take the hint, chap
just ff this one and go next
So happy it's weekend. Really needed it.
>>8520 #
it's nice to have some new activity, they seem pretty fun and they arent leaking into /ttg/ really
>>8522 #
oh no, it's chat bots

lord have mercy
>>8520 #
>sturdy removed /b/ and /fag/ from the frontpage
gave me hope that they removed those boards, but nope, they're still there.
>>8527 #
>>8527 #
dont like pornography on my tok forum simple as
>>8533 #
so true bestie
>>8535 #
be me (they are my sister wives)
>>8537 #
That's cool anon! Hope it goes well and you'll have good time there
>>8539 #
what no sex does to a mfer
does anyone here have the mascots pack
>>8555 #
>>8553 #
I have mascots but I dont have any archives of all posted mascots or packs of mascots, only the ones Ive made
Maybe its uploaded on endchan, I remember that there was a rush to upload archives of stuff there when 2chen first went down
Erm hello floppas I just looked up my username and you guys popped up
>>8565 #>>8561 #
White pride worldwide
>>8577 #
>>8576 #
Canthinky destroyed this place just by making one post

powerlevel off charts
damn /ttg/ kinda ded
>>8583 #
>>8582 #
its dead and the fetishists killed it
ryo has been here
she said it on sturdy
>>8589 #
Damn, that sound is amazing. Makes me want to learn to play some instrument
>>8592 #
she is really really cute
if I still had tokfus (other than koto, she is eternal) she would be one
>>8600 #
>>8632 #
it doesnt help that sturdymin bans you if you link this place.
>>8634 #
>>8633 #
we dont know if he does, it hasnt been linked to since the whole "drama" where the spammers were trying to incite riots between the two sites and everyone else just sat there looking at them like they were idiots
"they" said loosely since its probably one person
>>8635 #
GYdIqSnTm7138821598533963013 I finally came back from the dead with a genshin cosplay now I can disappear for weeks again 😊 #GenshinImpact #gorou #goroucosplay #genshinimpactcosplay #gorougenshinimp.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 3.6 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8634 #
call me crazy but i have reason to believe that sturdymin organised the raids to drive people to his website just like how i believe he destroyed for the same purpose. he has one vision, to make sturdychan a new imageboard, hence all the other boards like /tech/ and /d/
>>8636 #
>>8635 #
I doubt that he organised the raid on neko but I do agree with what you believe his vision to be but surely you must know by this point, you are just acting the part of not knowing, no?
>>8637 #
>>8636 #
I seriously don't know, what are you talking about not knowing?
>>8638 #
>>8637 #
he is the reason why you cannot loose wait, he is feeding you bulking powder while you sleep
>>8639 #
>>8632 #
I take a look here every few days. I just don't have much to say really. Glad to see some activity though
􀑪􀎶 0:20􀈷 21.1 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 21 months ago
>>8644 #
Docket --> Breakfast/Lunch (leftovers from yesterday) > Work on my TTRPG campaign for a few hours > Go for a walk/dog > Vidya/Whatever for the rest of the day.
Quiet day :)
>>8652 #
>>8649 #
glad to hear :)
going to sleep now! sleep tight when you do. I had a comfy few hours watching twitch before bed.
>>8652 #
GYdIqSnTm7264222091887611169 I HATE WORKKKKKK I HATE WORK I JUST HAD THE MOST AWFUL SHIFT BUT ITS OK COS I GOT TIPPED A FIVER#mikan #mikantsumiki #mikantsumikicosplay #mikancosplay #danganronpa #dang.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:59􀈷 19.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8652 #
heck yeah it's an egg reference. my docket today is packing and also downloading/organising some podcasts to listen to when on holiday.
I watched Zu stream, Remy hasn't streamed in a while but knowing my luck he'll stream tomorrow night when I'm away, just like how he streamed last christmas time when I couldn't make it 😭
>>8654 #
GYdIqSnTm7264587579301940513 im havin the worst day ever actually i want to curl up and cry #mikan #mikantsumiki #mikantsumikicosplay #mikancosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #foxc0splays.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 3.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8654 #
somebody mentioned me last night, someone who has been ghosting me for months and never seemed to say hello. they sent a grand total of like 30 words, i sent like 300. still waiting on their reply. maybe i'll get it in 5 months.

>>8657 #
>need to go liftan
>stunlocked watching through 'fus vast filmography
argghhh she has me transfixed in place. she's like a nixie
>>8660 #
I will lift for her
>>8660 #
>>8659 #
anonie, her filmography will be there after your set. go do your reps king
>>8659 #
Training zercher squats so I can bridal carry my tokfu
Training bicep curls so I can pick up my tokfu
Training clean and jerks so I can do Dirty Dancing with my tokfu
Training chest flies so I can bearhug my tokfu
>>8668 #
>made a really good ig story and i missed it?
I fear this happening whenever I become a normal person for a few days and forget to check socials
>>8670 #
you cant do this to me, acid was my tokfu, the only one i ever discovered on my own. you can't take her new posts away from me, on my birthday too? this is cruel, this is cruel even for you kotobro.
>>8672 #
>>8671 #
I left the other two for you to post!!! You still have the chance anon go fast before someone takes them and posts them before you!!! posthaste!!!
GYdIqSnTm7268035830428618016 #BENDROWNED teehee #cosplay #creepypasta #creepypastacosplay #bendrownedcosplay #bencosplay #ben #cosplayergirl #cosplayer #horror #horrortok #cosplaygirl #xyzbca.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 12.2 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
good morning neko

today I totalled up how much I've given to tokfus over the last 2 years, and wowee, it's like a bazillion dollars, so now I'm gonna not do that anymore. It'll just sit in my bank account I guess. I've been thinking about upgrading my RAM and GPU for like 3 years but I always say there's no reason to because I play old shitty games anyway. My current setup can run everything I actually play, if I bought new pc parts, I'd still just play crusader kings 3 all day.
>>8674 #
GYdIqSnTm7261668493139971354 MIKAN COMEBACK AFTER A YEAR HOLYYYYYYY #mikan #mikantsumiki #mikantsumikicosplay #mikancosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:22􀈷 24.2 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8676 #
Jawfu and Abbles both are gonna be attending uni full time starting in a month, so they'll have their loans.
Reki has a job?? And is moving out to a new place so obviously has decent money.

My tokfus are all financially secure and doing well in life. Well, maybe not doing well, Reki is pretty depressed atm but I'm not a mind doctor shrug
GYdIqSnTm7200071917401836806 i hope everyone has a nice Valentine’s day today 3 #genshinimpact34 #GenshinImpact #hoyocreators #dweebis.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 20.9 MB􀅊 988×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
gm neko,

it's been so long since I've done any video editing I think I'm gonna try again today. I was remembering "freak.mp4" which was a multi-tokfu edit, sadly I couldnt find it, but I liked it a lot.

also anyone else thing this tok is kinda weird? roods seems into the other girl but the other girl is solely focused on the camera, very narcissistic, gives off a bad vibe, roods,no!!
sorry, I mean other "boy" just like how roods is a "boy" :)
>>8687 #
GYdIqSnTm7129919859793677574 my reach is kinda bad ngl '-' #asamitaka #asamitakacosplay #mitakaasa #mitakaasacosplay #mitakachainsawman #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 23.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8686 #
making edits must be fun but my creativity does not extend that far, for me its just simple joke vids
I think the only tokfu edit I did was the bree pop pop video
>but the other girl is solely focused on the camera, very narcissistic, gives off a bad vibe
it does seem that way yeah
>>8688 #
􀈷 39 KB􀅊 521×422
>>8687 #
i like to try and make edits every once in a while so i feel like im doing something creative

whilst looking through remy's tiktoks i found this.
woah, acid commented on a remy tok???!?!?
need it or keep it???
>>8689 #
>>8688 #
so kind of acid to afford compliments to less well-off tokkers. trickle down tokfunomics
>>8690 #
>>8689 #
>Acid followers: 4008
>Remy followers: 4370
remybros? we fucking won
>>8691 #
>>8691 #
number of times acid has streamed: 0
number of times remy has streamed: like 6
>>8693 #
>>8693 #
whenever i watch reki streams i understand like maybe 10 words. NEIN, and whenever she's playing league and says a hero's name.
>>8693 #>>8696 #
>>8693 #
sorry, I've got neko up on my other monitor whilst im editing an abbles tok
>>8694 #
its over, you are dotabrained
>uhm acktually! they are called champions!!!
>>8697 #
>>8696 #
ive got like ich bein 1400 hours in spreken de dota. mein gott!
>>8698 #
>>8697 #
I think I have a similar amount but like 80% of them were from the invite only beta back in like 2012
praying for abble stream soon
>>8699 #
>>8698 #
I got in during the invite only beta back in 2012 too! my hours are very spread out though, ill play like crazy for a month or 2 then not touch the game for a year. usually i play during TI season. wooo ti in october, get hyped!
>abbles stream soon
would bee nice! im not holding out hope though
􀑪􀎶 0:19􀈷 19.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
alright heres the edit i was working on. because i got frustrated trying to add to it and was only making it worse
>>8701 #
>>8702 #
it was pretty nice. capcut does seem like the go-to program to edit vids in that style, especially given its precedence on tiktok and the amount of templates you can use and put your stuff into
i used to do it manually which was probably why I never did anything flashy
>>8704 #
>>8703 #
manual sounds hard af, im lazy, i just want to edit something and finish it or i'll get bored after a few hours!
glad you liked it :)
dreamt that I saw my tokfu in public, I was hanging out with a bunch of people and I was a little busy so I couldnt walk up and ask her for a photo yet but then when I could she had already left. I found the girl she was hanging out with and tried asking her where my tokfu went but my tongue was too thick in my mouth and I couldnt speak, it was just a bunch of sounds. I tried writing it on my phone and showing her but it all came out as gibberish as well and she was getting impatient. Eventually I managed to type it correctly and I wrote "Did she go home to watch pewdiepie videos?" and then I woke up
>>8714 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 4.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 2 years ago
reki wants to cosplay ame-chan (the insane mentally ill girl from the game that was popular on /v/ for like a month 2 years ago)
>>8718 #
GYdIqSnTm7142473634207124741 vibe with me D.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:19􀈷 7.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 2 years ago
>>8718 #
it's like a princess maker 2 but about a depressed mentally ill BPD streamer. I played it a few times but my streamerfu kept cheating on me and leaving me, I couldn't get past like day 6
GYdIqSnTm7123250922926427397 I love this cosplay so much ahh #ganyucosplay #ganyu #genshinimpactcosplay #genshin #woods_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 2.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8722 #
She basically stopped posting.
>wdyp macro
that was such a funny joke back in the day, I might update it tonight! I'll have to pick out my favourite rekis. Maybe just make every image a reki, haha wouldn't that be funny, but no srs all my tokfus dont be posting, it's sad.
>>8724 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-02-18 15-07-57.png􀄩
􀈷 322 KB􀅊 301×464
>>8723 #
Many a' times that I had conversations or arguments with seemingly random people, I asked them "wdyp" and the other person had "just an image for that". Too many times I have been made a fool
>>8725 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-02-16 19-06-39.png􀄩
􀈷 597 KB􀅊 451×803
>>8725 #
I thought as much but it was funnier to imagine that I had been led astray throughout the entire conversation just to have the curtain pulled giving a grand reveal at the end
>>8727 #
GYdIqSnTm7144021352851262726 sorry for not posting in a while × #fyp #bnha #yaomomo #momocosplay #momoyaoyorozu #momojirou #jiroukyoka #kyokajirou_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.4 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8728 #
I don't have a clover images folder, I haven't done a good job with autistically saving her stories and instagram posts like I do for Remy and Reki.
Maybe if her name was Rover I would. R tokfus just hit different fr fr.

>every other clover tiktok's description is something along the lines of "sorry i've been inactive haha"
>>8730 #
>>8729 #
time for you to get into ruh'rohvers comment section like a vsauce fan "wow she found her password again haha"
>>8731 #
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I walked into the most classic obvious oldest trick in the video
􀈷 7 KB􀅊 1283×31
>9 tabs of harry potter fanfictions open
>1 tab for neko
>another tab for youtube watching a better call saul video
yep, it's the weekend alright. *cracks open a water*
>cracks open a water
heh.. get it? cus so heavy u create nuclear fission and split the atom
>>8744 #
as NL calls it, you got zlipperflammed
>>8746 #
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>>8745 #
is this something he says?
I dont watch most of his content anymore because every fricking video that isn't SAP has CHIBLEE in it.

i HATE chiblee.
>>8747 #
>>8746 #
yeah chib is a namefag in NLs chat I hate how he gets namedropped all of the time because I have no idea who he is nor what he has ever done
I havent watched ryab consistently for like a year or two now, since he stopped making isaac as frequently
>is this something he says?
he fell for the oldest egg in the carton
>>8748 #
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>>8747 #
He's one of Austin's friends, or is he called Apollo now?
Back in 2016 during the peak of the london 2012 stuff, chiblee played with them a few times but didn't join the voice call, he literally just joined, got gold in every event and never spoke to them, it was the weirdest and most autistic thing ever.
Apparently he's literally like 22, so he would've been 15 or 16 at the time, why was austin hanging out with a 15/16 year old and inviting him to play games?

I dunno man, the gay furry possibly being a homosexual predator?
I've never seen this one before.

I hate austin too btw, and rob, and baer, and kory, and flackblag.

Basically I want Josh, Nick and MALF.
>>8749 #
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>>8748 #
>shows up
>ruins your content for free
>does not provide anything but another filled player slot
>strongarms his way into replacing baertaffy, alfox, rockleesmile and all the other bozos I can no longer remember
the golden age of NL is gone, he is strictly commercial now as zappa says it
I think the best NL content to be found now is that one guy who makes "compilation" videos of all NL clips regarding a specific topic
SirToastyToes is the guy I think, or maybe GoodEgor
idk some dude makes those kinds of videos and then in the end he shows his patreons and theye different tiers of sword or something. good content
>>8750 #
GYdIqSnTmDaExGrungebi thinking thinking.png􀄩
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>>8749 #
I was thinking you might've been talking about The library of Letourneau, but his patreon is just a text scrawl.
GoodEgor I remember because he went through and catalogued basically all the quiplash segments, and he used to do supercuts and megacuts of NL's popular full game series like new vegas, I never watched the supercuts because I'd rather just watch the full thing if I care about the game.

As for NL's multi-streamer streams, yeah, you can tell he hasn't cared about them since the NLSS died. I really feel like Nick was the glue that held the show together, as a permanent host, he had a great rapport with NL, once nick left, for various reasons including his mental health and also a disagreement with the rest of the group over how corporate things were becoming I gained a lot of respect for him. Nick basically argued that doing entire streams centered around twitch bounties whilst profitable was garbage content and led to them playing shitty games, and off stream all they'd talk about was twitch analytics and bounties and set up their schedules so it was one stream after another raiding each other to farm views for a constant amount of streams.

Which, yeah, it is their job, so you can understand why they want to figure out how to make their money, but let's be real, they were all piggybacking off NL anyway.
I remember when MALF started streaming full time and within 2 weeks he was the 2nd most subbed member of the NLSS, beating out full time streamers like Alpaca, Baer and Austin that had been doing it for years.

Just goes to show that people want to watch the best streamers! like malf!
>>8751 #
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>>8750 #
Library of Letourneau is also a good channel but generally puts out short videos so I never watched them, if I want short form content to actively watch I have lots of other things but I looked around and it was SirToastyToes that had the multi-hour long almost podcast-like videos of NL highlights (though both the other two also had such videos)
yeah people were just riding off of NLs back and its evident by the numbers these creators pull in now when they are no longer as close and frequently invited to content
baer might be killing himself with his long anti algorithm videos but his views probably wouldnt be that good even without them. not to mention who the spruce makes lets play content in 2023
secret confession I never learned who was who on the NLSS, I was never able to discern the voice-to-name for anyone besides I think rocklee towards the end of me watching them. I had the same issue when I watched Hat Films as a youngling, just when I realized which voice belonged to which one of the three I stopped watching them due to having outgrown their content
>>8752 #
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>>8751 #
baer was always the darkest dungeon guy like how EN EL is the issac guy. obviously he didn't do numbers like egg, but that's what a lot of his viewers came for orignally

it took me a little while to figure them out, but when the 'new crop' of guys joined, literally all of whom were just Austin's friends, thats when I began to struggle. Suddenly the show was just NL, Austin and 2-3 guys who all sounded the same and had no personality or charisma, that was basically when the NLSS took a nosedive and it only lasted a few months longer before NL canned it and became mostly a solo streamer, which is ultimately better!

I wish he just streamed real videos games instead though, his new vegas playthrough was funny, he's good at real games, all he does is stream SAP, which I do watch as I like the game, and then online trivia quizzes on buzzfeed or whatever, it's literally been like a year of SAP + Buzzfeed quizzes, why do people still watch that garbage? Plenty of good video games have come out in the last 3 or 4 years but he doesn't play em! (unless it's a sponsored stream, get that bag queen)
>>8753 #
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>>8752 #
yeah I got a bit tired of SAP because his conversation topics whilst playing that are such a snoozefest and then sporcle right after is just him discussing the quiz. I am watching him for his vast knowledge of 1970s movie trivia, not his skill in being able to discern groups of celebrities from countries which flags only contain primary colours
his geoguessr content that he did a year ago was a bit interesting though, at least it was novel
>>8754 #
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>>8755 #
she was raised in canada since childhood, how is her english so fucking bad bros.

I just realised NL got a biology degree and is an undesireable white nerd.
I just graduated with a biology degree and I'm a white nerd..

no no no no bros i wont fall victim to the WMAF propaganda
>>8757 #
􀈷 509 KB􀅊 750×1334􀐫 2 years ago
>>8756 #
you can very easily tell the foreigners who spoke english at home with their parents, the one who spoke both their native and english tongue and the ones who spoke only their native tongue at home apart
she likely grew up around an asian diasphora, spoke only korean at home and had mostly korean friends resulting in her not developing her english the same way that completely assimilated laowais do
>if it walks like a duck
its over for you
>>8758 #
􀈷 618 KB􀅊 677×928􀐫 2 years ago
>>8758 #
He VILL get his manjawed german tokfus. he vill nicht give up on zis
No I havent seen either, not much of a series person and I thought Breaking Bad was pretty mid when I watched it back in like 2014 so I never watched Saul, how so?
>>8760 #
GYdIqSnTm7199261097906441478 long schlong #viper #valorant_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:17􀈷 13.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8759 #
I'm never gonna get a r*ki gf and logically i wouldn't want that anyway, the distance is a killer and they're very mentally ill and i wouldn't be able to handle that.
best I can hope for is a gf that looks just as handsome as them :)

I was just asking because I've rewatched both recently!
>Breaking Bad was mid
honestly, BCS is such a departure from Breaking Bad, the first 3 seasons are pure kino, the last 2? ehhhh, it kinda goes breaking bad tier where it's all about le epic cartel and GUS FRING and HAHA METH!!!!

it was better when it was a drama about 2 brother, chuck and sneed mcgill
>>8761 #
GYdIqSnTm7258707833275927835 go watch the rebellion movie OR ELSE! 😤 #madokamagica #puellamagicamadoka #madokamagicarebellion #madokamagicaedit #madokakaname #madoka #madokami #godoka #homuraakemi #homura #.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:18􀈷 5.7 MB􀅊 1280×720􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>8760 #
I saw a dude on a bicycle earlier today that looked like "hey waltuh" whatever that dudes name is
I wanna watch The Wire but I havent gotten around to doing so beyond the first 2 episodes, I prefer movies tbh
Only series that I will unapologetically shill for is Madoka Magica
>>8762 #
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>>8764 #
Yeah watching one of those incredibly long animes genuinely sounds like a terrible experience to me. I really shudder at the idea but I have a slight commitment issue when it comes to watching stuff and feel as if I have to finish what I start which is why I cannot and never will watch stuff like that
I watched Steins;Gate recently with a mate of mine. It was boring! Thats all I have to say really
>>8766 #
GYdIqSnTm7195125840538127621 mommy miko is back__ #yaemiko#GenshinImpact _h264-rot.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 6.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8765 #
I've never seen steins;gate, I've heard it's about time travel and stuff and that sounds very meh to me! I don't watch a ton of anime these days, I am strongly considering joining the anime club at my uni in september to meet new people and find new shows to watch. I considered it at my last uni but the autistic girl I ghosted was the club president so I avoided it like the plague, ironically, I ended up living with her due to random chance, so ignoring her wasn't possible. She wasn't so bad, I helped her out with her LARP outfit once.

is your mate a cute single girl in my area? please say yes say yes I need to know.
>>8767 #
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>>8766 #
he does unfortunately not a woman, nor is he in whichever city is personally applicable to the L O N D O N meme for you
Anime in series form is largely mid. Anime in movie form? Very kino.
>>8768 #
>>8768 #
Never heard of nor seen
For me its the works of Studio Ghibli and I have also watched a few other movies like the anime movie version of Ghost in the Shell, it was a doozy but pretty good
>>8770 #
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>>8770 #
No, it was popular when it came out and iirc I was still in my anime watching phase back then but I never watched it. I watched cutesy shit but even that felt like a bit too much for me
knew this total nerd weeb "soft boy" guy who was obsessed with the movie, that might be why I never got into it
>>8772 #
yeah images really do show a beefed up well drawn artstyle but its a bit too polished for me
I need my slightly schizoadjacent imagery or simple backdrops
>>8772 #>>8773 #
GYdIqSnTm7170449817922030854 jammin.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 1.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8771 #
It's not worth obsessing over, it's decent, but like all makoto shinkai flicks it's a mid plotline but beautiful visually. It's like how people called his other film "5 wallpapers a second"
>>8771 #
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>>8773 #
if this is it then it does absolutely fit the bill for the crazy "innovative" art direction I tend to enjoy
just seeing these images makes me more inclined to watch it, when you initially started typing out a recommendation I was thinking "man I really cba watching anime again" but this does look gas
>>8775 #
􀈷 354 KB􀅊 569×320
Ill watch it, this looks so nice
the greens are so beautiful and the patterning that it has is very madoka core
>>8775 #
>HE is literally ME.
uh oh, cant wait for whichever character you are talking about end up being a 6'5'' biology chad with a german manfu
>>8777 #
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>>8778 #
Yahoo is good for image searches, but if I have a question, like for example "what is 'The Whale' about?" I simply ask jeeves.
>>8781 #
>>8780 #
bro really thinks he has 450 engineering
you cant summon Jeeves, little man. I bet you are not even a disciple of gnomish engineering
>>8782 #
>>8783 #
>>8784 #
forgot my post in my haste to post shirogane.

Half the fun in WoW was going to the bank! why would I want a summonable that removes the journey? I actually enjoyed travelling places on the back of that flying lizard or whatever it was that horde gets
>>8786 #
GYdIqSnTmDaExkoto doom.png􀄩
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>>8785 #
If youre talking about the flight paths, the horde either get their ugly tiger(?)-headed bat, an ugly bat or some other shit I cannot remember (they suck)
The cool guys, the alliance, get a really cool lion-headed gryphon (super cool) or a cool bird (also cool)
>>8787 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-07-15 17-44-32.png􀄩
􀈷 1.6 MB􀅊 607×1080
>>8791 #
The Whale is about my, according to my dad, favourite anime character Brendan Fraser
I have only seen one movie with Brendan Fraser
but my 'fu would never, she will be skinny forever
>>8793 #
>>8792 #
>she will be skinny forever
They said this about bonbi, and I did not speak up because I was not a bonbi fan
They said this about abbles and I did not speak up because I was not an abbles fan
Then when they said this about [your tokfu], nobody was left to speak up

i hope this parallel to ww2 nazis and jews really makes you think
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-07-18 01-55-18.png􀄩
􀈷 1.4 MB􀅊 585×1041
>ww2, nazis and jews mentioned
arrghghhhh I am transforminnggg..... inttoooo...... polshziososs grrrrr........... must....... spergggg.............
my tokfu will eat tasty food and not gain wait, she is too powerful and pretty
>>8796 #
Nobody has asked her. I also don't even have the plug image/clip saved anymore. It's lost to time 😭
>hey noemi where you wearing a buttplug on stream a year ago
>haha klar ich war junge, ich habe ein im mir jeden tag mein digga
is what she would not respond with
>>8800 #
>>8799 #
is this true? #8ball (Yes)
GYdIqSnTm7267589093658299649 da pra perceber que eu nao tenho mais video mkkkk ;-; #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpav3 #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpaco.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 9.5 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>8801 #
Just go to Ikea and buy something cheap like a 5 pound wooden stool or something
>>8803 #
>sitting on bed
no wonder your back hurts, I would much rather sit on the floor in a tailors position or lotus position whatever the english name is, you have absolutely zero back stability nor support when you are sitting on a bed, probably slouched
>coffee table
yeah just sit on the floor, that will be a lot better trust
>>8803 #
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 13.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>8802 #
It's already ordered, I don't wanna waste more money.
A stool wouldn't help, I need a chair with a back to it, I'm currently sitting on my bed with my monitors on a little coffee table, but the coffee table isn't at desk height obviously so I'm like looking down at my screens and the setup currently sucks.

Anon, I can't describe how small my half of the bedroom is. I literally do not have the space to sit on the floor. because that would require me rotating the coffee table 90 degrees, and it's so long that if it's in the other rotation, it'll block the doorway.

The desk is small but it'll fit, and once that arrives I can move my PC so it's not facing my bed, but instead against the wall, and then I'll have a proper chair and more space.

I'm forced to share a bedroom with my brother whilst I'm home :)
to estimate the size of 'my half' of the bedroom, I can just about lay down flat, my bed is the length of my side of the room, so that's like, 2m? Then, 'my stuff' takes up about 3m in the other direction. I could have my stuff further out, but then it'll block the doorway, which opens inwards to the room..

Literally my bedroom is my bed, a coffee table directly adjacent to it with my monitors on it, there's enough space between the bed and coffee table for me to put my feet down. To get out of bed I have to scoot around the coffee table and between the divider which seperates out halves. On the other side of the coffee table I have my clothes hamper, which, due to a lack of space, is filled with books and not clothes. I also have 1 waist high tall storage unit with 3 comparments, all of which are books.
>>8802 #>>8804 #
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>>8804 #
Yes, I switched schools for my masters. I'm going to a uni in my hometown, hence moving back home for the cheap rent.

Hopefully this image shows it off. I'm stood with my back against the door. I maybe have like 20cm more space that I'm not using but any more and I just block the entrance.

Luckily my brother only uses the bedroom to sleep, so it's not like here's here whilst im on my pc.

Once I get that desk I can put it against the wall, move my suitcase and hamper behind me, against the makeshift divider, and I'll have more space. Atm I don't think I could do that.
>>8807 #
GYdIqSnTm7262033146760203525 remake of an old video... what a pain #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpav3 #danganronpacosplay #drv3 #drv3cosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 8.4 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>8806 #
Ok I do agree, that looks incredibly tiny
I thought the coffee table was one of t hose with empty space underneath it allowing for you to basically sit underneath the table with your legs crossed
also damn you are looking skinny AND yolked, nice progress bro looking good keep it up
>>8808 #
>>8807 #
It's not actually a coffee table, it's a storage box, it opens up! I could put some books in it, but atm it's holding my monitors so it's a pain in the ass to access.

This is incredibly small. I agree, but!! it's only like 9 months of living like this and then my masters is over and I will move out and on to bigger rooms! bigger rooms that I will share with my future jaw strong gf
>>8809 #
GYdIqSnTm7256826985576484101 marceline e jujuba 3 #animefriends #animefriends2023 #kotokoutsugi #antoniopaganini #josephdesaulnier #cosplay #danganronpa #idv-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 8.4 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>8808 #
>master is over in 9 months
is it really? actually nvm I thought something else for a second, thought master programs were 2 years long but maybe thats an engineering thing
>>8810 #
good luck either way. have a mate currently studying biology as well and it does sound interesting from what he's shown me he has worked on
>>8811 #>>8810 #
GYdIqSnTm7171861465660542213 I LOVE YOU JAZMIN BEAN #jinx #jinxcosplay #jinxarcane #jinxarcanecosplay #jinxleagueoflegends #leagueoflegends #arcane #arcanecosplay #leagueoflegendscosplay -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8813 #
I'm in law school and yet undecided on what branch I want to go into in the future
If I dont end up finishing this I will join the military, pass the psychology, physical and IQ test and then tell them I enjoy coding and become a military hackerman codemonkey for like 3 years, finish that and then go apply for some strange IT jobs that allow me to WFH or in a dark server room
>>8815 #
GYdIqSnTm7259767238549409050 i did a new personality test and i’m isfp3 #aihoshino#hoshinoai#aicosplay#hoshinocosplay#hoshinoaicosplay#aihoshinocosplay#oshinoko#oshinokocosplay#onkcosplay#onk#cospla.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 9.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8814 #
I considered the military myself, but I wanted to join the air force for a while, either to be a fighter pilot (basically impossible) or failing that to be an aeronautical engineer and work on the fighter ships.
Law school sounds super hard! I could never-
>>8816 #
GYdIqSnTm7191898453264321798 TAG YOURSELF IM THE HAMBURGUER #menherachan #menherachancosplay #menhera #yamikawaii -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 19.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8815 #
>air force, be a fighter pilot
this was my dream when I was younger, I had planned on taking a pilots license when I was like 16-17 but never ended up doing so
I wasnt drafted for mandatory service either or I wouldve attempted to go into fighter pilot school since I have eagle vision and pass all the other checks they had listed on the recruitment page (like being a manlet 😭) but since I was passed over that never happened either. Though our air force is a part of the normal military, everything is in reality, we just have the "Defensive Forces" and then different branches within it. Given that we might join NATO soon that might change and I could apply for the military, try to join the air force in the UK through NATO and become a fighter pilot for the RAF flying a hurricane or some shit like that
>>8817 #
I am still swedenistani, binland no DDDD:
binland is strange, they are very odd creatures over there. at least they are not danish
>>8818 #>>8817 #
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>>8816 #
I'm very glad the UK doesn't have mandatory service, as much as I thought being a fighter pilot was a cool idea, the thought that I could be remotely near a warzone is super scary. I want to live for like 90 years, I don't wanna die in some middle eastern shithole in the skies of Krzygstan fighting against Urzgstan and Bryzgsta.
>might join NATO soon
holy heck finland bro?
Man, your women are so cute. You guys seriously have it good up there.
holy heck, you're lucky, you live really close to finland, that place is full of beautiful autistic women.
>>8816 #
GYdIqSnTm7253070382922534170 kana or akane_ i don’t like akane KANA&lt;3 #oshinoko#aihoshino _264-rot (1).mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 6.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>8816 #
fr, i literally know nothing about denmark other than they are easily conquered when I play crusader kings, which I assume means they're weak submissive beta males in the real world.

I frequently play Erik the Heathen in the 1066 start, he's swedish! In a way, we are spiritual brothers you and I. You, are swedish, and I sometimes play a swede in a video game about dynastic cuckolding.
>>8819 #
>>8818 #
>swede and cuckolding in the same sentence
it hits too close to home ☺☺🤗🙂🙂🤗🙂🤗☺🤗😮☺😊
if you want to read about interesting lore regarding denmark, read the introduction part of this
denmark got absolutely BTFO and has since then been scared of the ocean freezing over
>>8820 #
>>8819 #
crusader kings takes place in the 11th century, back when that area was all based vikings and chads!
I will give that a read later 2night mein fraufu
>>8821 #
>>8821 #
You're thing of Europa Universalis for the third one, which isn't true.

EU, HOI, Victoria, they're all about playing nations, the characters don't matter. Crusader Kings is about playing characters, you can seduce child wives, you can murder your father, you can have fun and interesting stories.

In a recent game, I played a female ruler in northern italy that befriended the pope and abused his good will to get pope endorsed claims on my neighbouring rulers, so I could expand my reach over italy. It culminated in the pope giving her a claim on all of france, as the current king was a 13 year old boy child ruler, and that was bad, so obviously a giant war to fight over france was much better. In the end, she won, and got to be queen of france.

I like to think of this as a girlboss moment.
>>8823 #
>>8822 #
Yeah it was EU that I was thinking of
Interesting game premise though, I think Ive seen memes of CK and the wacky stuff its players say but other than that I do not know much
Pretty smart to fuck and suck the pope to get europe, who wouldve known he was into that
>>8824 #
GYdIqSnTm7154778688293195014 AZU-NYAN!! (costest hehe) #azusa #azusanakano #azusakon #kon #k_on #koncosplay #azunyan #azusacosplay #azusanakanocosplay #k_oncosplay -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 16.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8824 #
Yeah it was nice, I think we went 100 posts deep which is the most action neko has seen since its conception 💀
See you around and heres a neko related tok for good measure
Will abbles stream in september? #8ball (No)
>>8826 #
I was going to make a joke that neko has seen more action than I have in a long time but I couldnt figure out a way to smoothly insert it into conversation hehe i made a third innuendo
>>8826 #>>8827 #
>>8825 #
anonie has lewd things on the mind 🤓
>>8825 #
>>8827 #
>that abrupt expression change in the end
its so over
GYdIqSnTm7271919649397165344 it’s okay to not like it at first, but never give up! i’m sure you’ll like it one day. #tifa#ff7#finalfantasy7#tifalockhart#tifacosplay#tifalockhartcosplay#ff7cosplay#fin.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 6.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 18 months ago
>tfw tokfu was super hyped for a cosplay you bought for her but then doesn't like it
it's so over for us FF7cels
>>8831 #
this tokter gives me "Athena" vibes, call me crazy, I don't care.
>>8833 #
>>8833 #
yeah I got a bad vibe from the eyeshadow too.

What're your plans for today anon? I'm gonna play Opus Magnum and watch F1 in 2 hours
>>8836 #
GYdIqSnTm7037542240595627270 SAYORI IS BACK! Its been a loong time 3 #sayori #sayoricosplay#sayoriddlc #sayoriddlccosplay #ddlc#ddlccosplay #sayoriddlc #dokidokiliteratureclub-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 14.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>8837 #
>I really should be reading more
me too, I have a tendency to buy books without reading them. I love the aesthetic of reading but never end up doing any of it
I love books though, I think my crux is my aversion to committing to the time investment even though I know I will love it and refuse to put the book down when I eventually start. I never wanted to get in the bath as a child but when I eventually got in I didnt want to get out. I'm the same in many ways still to this day
>>8839 #
GYdIqSnTm7210819054884457734 Guys I always tagged the place…stop asking me what or where this place is🥲 #lenkagamine #cosplay #lenkagaminecosplay #vocaloid #vocaloidcosplay #foryou #fyp #virtualsinger #le.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 8.5 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8838 #
That bath thing hits deep because I do be bathing a lot lately because I've got nothing to do so spending 40 minutes in the bath is relaxing at the very least
>>8840 #
GYdIqSnTmDatakesomecrime and girl.webm􀄩
􀑪􀎶 0:36􀈷 6.0 MB􀅊 1220×980􀣋 VP8
>>8839 #
the footwork in that tok is insane, really impressive
dancing is so fucking fun
>>8841 #
the two names that instantly ruin any NL stream
>>8843 #
>>8842 #
For me it's just that stupid fucking trump impression he does that makes me laugh every time. And 90% of what he says is "chibleeeee olivia munn LOVELYMOMO"
>>8846 #
back on the /v/ northernlion threads me and the boys always used to joke that K8 was too skeletal mode to have a baby, its honestly a surprise she had one. she used to be skinnier than noemi.
>>8848 #
>>8847 #
people made threads about him on /v/? Cant begin to imagine how noxious they mustve been
>>8849 #
􀈷 83 KB􀅊 250×243
>>8848 #
It was pretty much pure toxicity towards everyone that wasn't NL, Josh or Malf.
I recall Rob actually bringing up the 4chan threads about the NLSS a couple of times on the NLSS back in 2015/2016 era. He definitely read all the posts about himself, and I don't recall anyone being very nice to him.

He got the wrong asian wife, he should've rizzed up Hafu with his crossy road skills.
>>8850 #
􀈷 1.1 MB􀅊 1280×1920
>cosplayer I like uploads shit to her patreon daily
>offers a '7 day free trial' for the 'creator' tier, which is the 2nd highest tier and includes 95% of everything she's ever uploaded
>supposed to be for people that want to edit her stuff
>I use it to look at her patreon for free

She had so much stuff on there I looked online for a patreon scraper, and got that going, I'm now 150/1445 downloads in. for free.
heh, call me hackerman.
gonna cancel the membership after the downloads end ;)
>>8852 #>>8854 #
>>8851 #
she really played herself
>for people that want to edit her stuff
made me realize that if people that post content like that do photoshoots, they should upload the raw files on their platform for a fee so the photographynerds can pay for the tier just so they can play around with their hobby with the creator they enjoy the pics of
>>8853 #
􀈷 53 KB􀅊 654×794
>>8852 #
to be honest, I've subscribed to a lot of patreons over the years and none have even 10% as much content as what this girl puts out. She puts out more in 2 days than most people do all month. Every day it's a new photoshoot, new OOC posts in her 'good morning' posts. And I got it for free

She apparently does upload the raw files sometimes! I haven't seen them as I gave up scrolling and decided to just scrape it all.

I'm mostly doing this because I want access to unedited videos, as ALL her tiktoks have captions over them, which ruin tiktoks. you don't need to put the captions to the fucking tiktok song, the song doesn't matter, you being cute is what i'm here for, reee
>>8854 #
>>8853 #
post a tok of hers, if its her in >>8851 # she kind of looks like a sharper jawfu
also very strange, in the thumbnail of that pic it looks as if she is looking to her right but in the actual image she is looking to the left
>>8855 #
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 4.3 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264
>>8854 #
turns out this scrper doesn't get videos, which is unfortunate, but the vast majority of her content is images anyway..
I can't even manually download videos from patreon, I have to use a different scraper for it, reee

tok related.
I definitely see the Jawfu comparison
she's a skinwalker fr fr
>>8859 #
the chiblee olivia munn lovelymomo chibleechibleechibleechibleechiblee lovelymomo chiblee olivia munn one?
>>8861 #
􀈷 3.3 MB􀅊 2067×2619
>>8856 #
Let's count how many people are here
Chibleee, Lovelymomo, Olivia Munn, chiblee is here as well. We love chiblee don't we folks?
this will live in my head rent free forever*
>>8864 #
Northernlion did seem to be weirdly popular on /ttg/!
I think he has a vibe we appreciate, that vibe being autistic. He plays binding of issac, we collect tiktoks. We're spiritual kin, believe it or not folks.
I forgot to turn off the spoilers tags ahhhhh
>>8867 #
GYdIqSnTm7224913331855822106 nuggets #hatsunemiku #mcdonalds-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 2.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>>8866 #
>only had one closing asterix
heh. beginner stuff. you are the common fool. I would never, heh.
>>8868 #
On every website that is not meguca with its double tilde (~) italics markdown, I subconciously use _word_ markdown to emphasize words. Guess where I might have learned that from shocked face emoji gasp emoji guy from that one scream painting who is really shocked face but as an emoji
>>8868 #>>8869 #
􀈷 1.9 MB􀅊 1280×1920
>>8872 #
I have a discord server for a couple of friends I play TTRPG stuff with, I have a discord server for the guys I played my vampire: the masquerade game with, then I'm in a couple of discords that I don't read but exist in to get pinged when updates happen, mostly for mods for video games, because nothing has a website anymore, everything is on fucking discord. You have to be in like 10 different discords if you play video games, just so you can get update information because nobody has a changelog anywhere except discord hahaha discord!!!
chibleeee olivia munn

oh, and I'm in the official world of darkness discord desperately waiting for someone to advertise a VTM game that isn't at 11pm my time, it'll never happen. I need to be an EST gamer if I ever want to play vampire again
>>8874 #
GYdIqSnTm7262104422912773382 sextou-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 4.4 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>8873 #
>because nothing has a website anymore, everything is on fucking discord
yeah this sucks but its convenient to some extent I guess
I was following the development of a Tribes: Ascended fan remake but they had literally no information out aside from a link to their discord which was 100% of their progress updates, playtests and such
same with Battlebit when it was still in early access hosting occasional playtests
>>8875 #
􀈷 214 KB􀅊 804×1250
>>8874 #
we love discord, don't we folks?

i think i'm just bitter about vampire tbh, it is probably the most frustrating thing currently in my life. a friend, whom i've been friends with for years spent the last 3 years on-and-off talking about his desires to run a Vampire The Masuqerade chronicle, which I thought sounded cool as fuck and got excited for. He _never_ got anywhere with it, so a year ago I ended up finding 5 guys on /tg/ and ran my own, it didn't last, 3 players disppeared, but I took the other 2, added another friend and then invited that original vampire friend and we played for like 20ish sessions and it was a ton of fun, i took a break for like 2 weeks because I wanted to think up something new to run, and then 2 weeks later I hear, not even from him, that he's running his own game at a timeslot I obviously can't make, and didn't even throw me a courtesy invite and when I brought up that I thought he was gonna be playing in my new game, he said "well, I'm too busy now that I'm running my own chronicle"

I spent three fucking years being excited for it, I started running the system myself, I invited him, he got to play it for the first time ever, which finally sparked his lazy ass to actually run the thing he'd been considering doing for three years, and I get NOTHING from it. it's not fair.

and he cancelled our shadowrun game :/ im not still bitter about that I swear.

man I need to find some european people to talk to and do stuff with, all my friends end up being EST, 5 hours behind me, and want to do shit in their evenings, aka 3am for me.
>>8876 #
GYdIqSnTm7271757131978935558 its youuuuu-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 3.9 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
I made a comment on some niche tok unrelated to cosplay or tokfus but an interest of mine and it semi blew up so every time I open tiktok I have a bunch of notifications that I assume are something interesting every time but its always "X Y and Z shitter has liked your comment"
also Im posting it again I love this tok
>>8878 #
I called it. She looked like a troon with her old makeup
>>8881 #
>>8881 #
uh oh, ein grosse junge wollte mich attackieren if I insult ihre reki
heya this board is still a bit alive after all this time, good to see
>>8885 #
>>8886 #
thanks i cannot see hevc on my machine, anyways how are you anons doing
>>8888 #
>>8888 #
it came up on my mind suddenly about nekochen and i visited here to check things up nothing much, also im doing well thanks anonie
>>8890 #
GYdIqSnTm7058605926391008517 Twice o-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 14.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>8889 #
This place has been a ghost town as of late, it just recently picked up a bit of steam in the last weeks but otherwise it's been as neko always was: dead
>>8891 #
>bot posts
yeah nekomin either got drafted or he died
>cause behind rise in activity
it's just me and the one guy who really likes this >7777 tokfu having conversations. occasionally other people have shown up to talk but that hasnt happened for a while and the times it has happened have been few and far between
I am displeased with the other site so I have always been here since its conception and likely will be until nekomin stops making payments to the host, given that I do not leave fully before then
>>8891 #>>8892 #>>8901 #
>>8890 #
>This place has been a ghost town as of late
ye the frontpage is filled with bot ad posts kek, but anyways what caused this bit of activity now? something happened on the other site? i stopped browsing both for a while so idk much
>>8890 #
>>8893 #
Fair points, i left that site for those reasons too and has been quite unbearable how little moderation there was
>>8895 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 17.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>8894 #
oh and I forgot to mention all the namefags that I liked stopped posting during my 4 month break from ttg so theres no point in posting much myself. only the angriest and stinkiest anons remain
>>8894 #
>has been quite unbearable how little moderation there was
to be fair to turdmin, he does moderate the site and actively remove dubious material (that he deems to be too much, we dont see eye to eye on this and I think even more stuff should be removed personally) but he also oversteps his admin duties and admin abuses a fair bit
>>8896 #
I liked the anons that you could converse with like normal people, more "named" anons like dutch and italian posters, the other kotoposters, the chentubers, bingo and ap used to post a lot but idk if they still do
whenever I open sturdy now its just the polspammers, lewders (like athena, crab, starfire posters) and a few other anons who post whoever the flavour of the month tokker is but those always existed and are mostly harmless
>>8897 #>>8896 #
>>8895 #
>but he also oversteps his admin duties and admin abuses a fair bit
I agree with this one, he rangebanned lots of people over miniscule stuff without explanations usually
>lewders (like athena, crab, starfire posters)
I do not like those posters at all too honestly, it just weirds me out after a while and makes browsing sturdy a negative experience, also the lacks of engaging discussions about anything outside of toks is another cons sturdy has.
I mean yea they do have other boards but they're all dead and only the /ttg/ general is the one with people in it sadly
>more "named" anons like dutch and italian posters, the other kotoposters, the chentubers, bingo and ap
Based, i liked those anonies too, btw im one of the italian posters
>>8898 #
GYdIqSnTm7084279488007245062 @liv TROTE ESCOLA-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 14.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8897 #
>rangebanned lots of people
yeah, banning people as a punchline is arguably harmless but I still dont think it should be done. but that doesnt even start to cover him using meido silently, whispering people privately on the site
I dont browse that site without changing to a new IP and clearing my entire cache and cookies between every session because I know he is checking the post history of every person he can
>it just weirds me out after a while and makes browsing sturdy a negative experience
yeah, even before ttg "died" for me I was constantly closing the tab whenever the lewders started posting. it was to the point where I was closing my tab the second I see a starfire posted because I know 2-3 anons are going to be circlejerking all over her toks for the next 3 hours with the admin not removing any of it
>but they're all dead
theyre slow but not dead, just look at how many post numbers are missing in an average ttg thread. lots of posts in the especially despicable generals like /epi/, /pag/, /cumg/ and all of the other fetish threads. I dont think they should be two clicks away from a thread filled with videos of teenagers despite the claims that "these anons dont migrate to our threads haha, you are just paranoid"
>i liked those anonies too
we seem to have a lot of common opinions as of yet. I cant remember how many of you pasta anons there were but glad you are still around regardless
>>8899 #>>8908 #
>>8898 #
>I cant remember how many of you pasta anons there were but glad you are still around regardless
there was one that had his father dying and is prob homeless now sadly, and another one from rome who kept calling me gay lol, i miss him
But anyways im really glad to see you here doing well too anoni
>>8900 #
>>8890 #
oops I noticed now I fail-quoted
>>7777 ➡ # the other anon that has been here recently really likes this tokfu
>>8900 #
k im back sorry for the late reply i was brushing my teeth, btw i was thinking if you wanna keep in touch outside of neko, you are pretty chill in my book
>>8903 #
>>8905 #
oh shit thats right lmao lemme change it quickly
i cannot find the option on the mobile app wtf
nvm im blind it was literally called friend requests,
>>8907 #
GYdIqSnTm7205312936900857094 looking crusty at the start😍 (ignore the glitter that fell into my wig haha) #foxc0splays #mikan #mikantsumiki #mikancosplay #danganronpa.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 1.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8898 #
I'm glad someone else is saying it. Honestly, Starfire's content should've been permabanned from /ttg/ within a couple of weeks of her being posted. Obviously we can't control what she posts, but her content was incredibly sexualised despite being 15 and she drew in unironic pdfs that thought /ttg/ was a friendly place to post that kinda stuff. I agree with you that if I was sturdymin, I would've drawn harder lines in the sand, and not created boards like /tech/ and /d/ which are just for coomers.

I got rangebanned from there once because after particularly bad night I started talking about neko and asking people to migrate. My rangeban didn't stick though as my IP was dynamic or something, I don't know how IPs work, all I know is sometimes I was banned, sometimes I wasn't, and it could change in the middle of posting sessions.
>>8909 #
GYdIqSnTm7126983309015387397 extremly low effort mari cosplayy 😓😓 i love aqours sm #mariohara ##lovelive#aqours~sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 2.3 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8908 #
>should've been permabanned from /ttg/ within a couple of weeks of her being posted.
and Nina should have been blanket banned even faster. I wouldnt be surprised if turdmin takes hand in posting both of those tokkers imo
>>8910 #
be glad. that's all Im going to say
>>8910 #
GYdIqSnTm7222042892238425387 hi in back n i dyed my hair #hi_.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 11.5 MB􀅊 2048×1152􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>>8909 #
I don't think I know who nina is tbh, I can't picture her in my mind, I've seen her talked about a lot though.

I know for a fact the admin posts kay, and protects kay posters and deletes/bans people who openly badmouth kay too much. Kay is 15 and she's so fucking astroturfed on sturdy, because she shows her feet off in tons of toks, visits /ttg/ frequently and pretends to be a tradwife e-girl. I'm _not_ a fan of tokkers, especially underage tokkers, getting too comfortable on /ttg/, especially on sturdy, it wasn't so bad back on .org or early .moe, but sturdy is full of pdfs and lewders and creeps that I get bad vibes from, and underage tokkers going there and bluntly encouraging anons to dm them and buy them stuff is ick tbh.

I called kay mid once and my post was deleted in less than 2 minutes. Literally 30 posts above me was someone saying they wanted to fuck a 16 year old tokfu, I forget who it was in specific. Wasn't deleted, wasn't banned.
>>8909 #>>8911 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 3.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
>>8911 #
It definitely feels like there's been a big vibe chance in tokkers in the last 2 years or so. I still remember the days when tokfus would censor their feet in literally everything, now it seems like they're waving them around in front of the camera, at least, that's the types that get popular on /ttg/, the girls who are flaunting their bodies and buying cheap chinese cosplays and wigs and not really making anything themselves.

Maybe it's just reflective of how cosplaying got more popular and normalised, so normies have jumped on the ship and are using it to build online followings and social media brands? Is that cynical to think? That girls like Sushi are entirely fake, they act the part of a quirky gamer girl cosplayer, haha I love patrick bateman he is literally me, but it just feels like their identity exists due to google analytics, not out of passion.
>>8913 #
GYdIqSnTm7199366920846511366 alonenuggetalonenuggetalonenugget #madokamagica #madokacosplay #madokamagicacosplay #genshinteleport #genshinimpact33.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 17.5 MB􀅊 1920×1080􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8912 #
>that's the types that get popular on /ttg/
>flaunting their bodies and not really making anything themselves.
yeah, theres definitely been a demographic shift. people are no longer interested in the toks but the tokkers themselves in them. im probably bad at explaining what I mean but w/e you get the gist
>Is that cynical to think?
its cynical but probably pretty well thought out but I do think you give too much credit to these girls. I doubt they go in with the idea that "I want to grow a large social platform through this so I will start off doing X Y Z thing and then branch off from there", I think most of them just enjoy cosplaying initially but then get hooked on the attention they are getting. I saw a 20s something woman (unrelated to cosplaying or that stuff, just a random chick) make a tok explaining how she was torn between using her youthful age and good looks to make toks worthy of appeasing the male gaze whilst also not wanting to sexualize herself. I doubt thoughts such as those are foreign even to the "tokfus" of ttg, they probably just like getting the attention and feeling wanted and having people want to buy stuff for them.
>girls like sushi
yeah, never liked that girl and I think its really obvious what her shtick is, as with all of these other jailbaiting tokkers that the lewders of ttg all seem to eat up like hotcakes.
>>8914 #
GYdIqSnTm7270989968351218977 it was iconic at the time...... #lockdown.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:24􀈷 19.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 18 months ago
>>8913 #
You're probably right that they aren't thinking this far ahead, but I imagine they end up leaning into things that appeal to the internet loser male niche once they figure out that it works and it gets them an audience.

Like, my main two tokfus, Remy and Reki both have done lewd stuff for money, Reki has a lewd patreon, Remy sold feet pics, but I am biased and like them both so I'm always going to try and see the positives in them, Remy only did it for a severe need of money during a year at university where he didn't get a student loan so living expenses was very tough, and Reki has had multiple times where they've mentioned financial difficulties. And they've both got small audiences so their donations are minimal.

Then you look at girls like Sushi, with huge audiences, people buying their wishlist content frequently, and she still lives with her parents and she's still in school, and she's not got financial difficulties at all, she doesn't sell lewd pictures for a need for the money, it's, like you said, for the attention and it being addicting.
>>8915 #
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 4.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8914 #
I doubt it stopped at lewd pictures for her, lots of anons have posted pics of sushi without clothing on and thats just what they felt comfortable enough posting in the thread
Do you realize what the difference between the cases you listed and tokkers like sushi? Remy and Reki are both of age. They are allowed to do whatever they want to. There are a bunch of laws protecting and prohibiting children from doing things like this for a reason
>>8916 #
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 11.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
>>8915 #
I'd only ever seen a few cosplay sets of Sushi's posted around, but those sets were fairly risque considering her age, and yeah, now that you mention it, even now Sushi is underage iirc.

Remy and Reki were both like 20 when they started doing anything remotely lewd. I recall Kay recently has been banned from patreon, twice, despite in her own words not doing anything against the ToS and I just have to wonder what exactly a 15 year old girl needs to be doing on patreon anyway, even if it is entirely safe for work stuff, there's kinda no need for it. It's not like she's got bills to pay, all her money would just be on more cosplays and stuff, so setup an amazon wishlist? The concept of a patreon really just comes across as sketchy in those scenarios, and her being banned twice, and then openly setting up an "art" account where she actually sells cosplay sets through dms makes me think patreon was in the right.

It's like when Bonbi had a patreon when she was 16, it was sketchy as hell because her groomer boyfriend was controlling it and profiting off essentially pimping her out on patreon, yes, all of it was SFW, but it was immoral.
>>8917 #>>9016 #
>>8916 #
its like Emory's recent patreon poll that people kept posting
>Poll for what I do in my next set
>More lewd photoshoots
>More bla bla bla everything else unrelated
I think the results were 73% of patreons voted for her, a 14 year old (?) to make more lewd photoshoots. This was after her latest poll resulting in them wanting her to do "Hatsune Miku Bikini" and posting herself in basically underwear
yeah, getting banned twice off of patreon and then keeping on keeping on really does make it look like patreon, after their manual review, has justified in their decision
I think in general the air around all of these lewded tokkers is really uncomfortable and icky. The admin is issuing global messages saying "just X days until it happens" with him implicitly counting down the days until X tokker turns 18 so they can "guilt free" lewd them and/or illicit pornographic images
yea im reading homie
thats crazy. I imagine that, like every other "regulating and enforcing body", they actually dont do jack shit nor care what goes on in areas they are supposed to be policing until enough hell is raised
unironically same with police forces, they do in many cases not do shit unless you spam them to the point where it becomes annoying for them to ignore it and they would much take the issue behind the back compared to listening to people spam
>forwarded it to the owner
hahaha thats fucking classic
>>8918 #
􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 1536×2048
>>8917 #
it's sad that the internet has essentially groomed some young girls into lewding themselves because it gets them more likes, clicks and attentionies. can't blame emory for this, i was a fucking retard when i was her age, i can defintiely believe she only has a vague notion that selling bikini pictures is wrong, and the patreon vote further obscures this because "it's what the fans want" and i can understand someone not wanting to disappoint their fans. hell, plenty of adults make the same mistakes, they stick to schedules that are unhealthy, or they put out too much content out of a weird desire to put their fan's enjoyment before their own health and personal fulfillment.

i've seen many adult streames in their THIRTIES eventually break down and have to admit that they can't keep streaming 50+ hours a week to entertain the masses of teenagers that forget about them minutes after they log off.
>>8919 #
I highly doubt that. Like, as bad as we sometimes say it is, the police aren't setting up honeypot websites for people that lewd underage girls, that is immoral but it's not a crime. Honeypots are gonna be more blatantly illegal things.
>>8919 #>>8922 #
canthinky is gonna grow fucked up in the mind just for interacting on a pdfs filled board
>>8922 #>>8923 #
􀑪􀎶 0:39􀈷 6.4 MB􀅊 480×852􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>8921 #
yup. this is going to be the event that she wakes up in cold sweats for the rest of her life thinking about
I said it to her one of the first times she came to the thread, she should not be in a place like that with people who very obviously only want to harm her but like >>8918 # is saying, I was also a retard at that age and didnt want to listen to good advice. I still regularly decide not to put a jacket on when its cold outside because I believe I can tough it out and that I know better
>>8918 #
they unfortunately do not know better and every person telling them not to is counteracted by 5 groomers who tell them to keep going
sad world
>>8923 #>>8924 #
GYdIqSnTm7246789283481128219 i wanna cosplay junko rn but im so so tired and all i wanna do is watch sam and colby😓😓😓😓 #foxc0splays #madokamagica #madoka #madokakaname #madokamagicacosplay #madok.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 7.8 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 HEVC􀐫 21 months ago
>>8921 #
yeah, unfortunately it'll probably have a lasting affect on her. I recall Remy started to receive internet attention at about 15/16 through tiktok, and in his latest stream he still talked about how it affects him and how he posts online to this day. It's awful to think that some people's childhoods are going to have this depressing mark cast over it.
>>8922 #
I imagine we all have stories about mistakes in our early teens that have affected us, I'm thankful that for me really the biggest thing was just discovering 4chan at the age of 12, which, whilst bad, hasn't had as bad as an effect as being chased online by men that want to harm and sexualise you, y'know?
>>8924 #
unfortunately too many stories like that exist online.

but, i don't want to be entirely a doomer, these things did happen before the internet, it's just we're now witnessing them before our eyes, when usually it'd just be someone in our small town we've never met that gets caught up in a bad situation. there's always gonna be people trying to hurt others and even if sturdy was perfectly administrated, would the bad actors on there disappear, or would they just be in a different website, or chatgroup doing the same thing? sturdy is painful because it is very visible and it's a corruption of a general we've been apart of for years but it's not exactly the first awful place online, and it certainly won't be the last :/
>>8924 #>>8925 #
>>8923 #
>>8922 #
it reminds me a bit of that girl from r9k who turned into a junkie and died, shit was sad to witness honestly
>>8923 #
>>8923 #
>would the bad actors on there disappear, or would they just be in a different website, or chatgroup doing the same thing
it would definitely happen but what you dont know about cannot hurt you
the issue is that when its blatantly apparent to us we cannot with a moral conscious look past it and pretend that it doesnt happen
its a shitty situation, best we can do is "vote with our wallets"
>>8926 #
>>8925 #
yeah, exactly
btw do we still know why died suddenly?
>>8928 #
>>8927 #
no official reason that Im personally aware of but moemin and turdmin were definitely discordninja friends
>>8929 #
>>8928 #
i see, but honestly i preferred the 2chen days compared to sturdy, site was funner
>>8930 #>>8931 #
>>8929 #
the abandonment of the 2chen name was telling really.
>>8931 #
>>8929 #
yeah, unironically the site was better when the admin was less present
>>8930 #
what kind of fucking name is "" and his moemin trick of hosting sites on ""
really shitty name. Im not surprised the dude who made the "intermission" ttg discord reluct has such shitty ideas for site names
>>8932 #>>8933 #
>>8931 #
does the ttg discord still exists? reluct was in there last time i've heard
>>8933 #
>>8931 #
>>8932 #
tbh i dont know who this reluct you're talking about is, i avoided discord drama since the /bbg/ days, because anything to do with tiktok and discord makes me depressed thinking about what happened back then
>>8934 #
>>8933 #
guy on endchan, after having spammed takeurmeds until it got shut down, said "hey guys I made a discord server so if this place goes down we can all collect here until a new site comes up so we dont get lost in the desert!" or something to that effect
then later on "guys, I heard this new site sturdychan was just hosted, lets see if this also goes down like the rest of them but I have good hopes!!"
following this, "ok guys its been up for a while I have good faith in it, if it stays up for longer then Ill delete this discord channel because the admin has proven he is going to keep the site up"
guess who ran both?
>>8935 #
yeah there was no point in a discord, it was only the DNs that wanted that because of the inherent personification of the process and hierarchical structure.
>>8935 #
oh I dont have to tell you, I thought it was already laid out clearly
>>8935 #>>8936 #
>>8934 #
i vaguely recall a discord coming up at the time, but i never joined because it seemed retarded. endchan was bulletproof, it was ALWAYS there for the backup. there never needed to be a backup discord.
>guess who ran both?
is this where you tell me reluct is sturdymin?
>>8934 #
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 3.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8934 #
I really don't understand the DN mindset of needing identities, and this is coming from me, arguably the biggest avatarfag/namefag on /ttg/, people are usually very quick to identify me, but like, people identify me because of what i post, not because i have an actual name attached to my posts.

I blogposted a lot for a few years, it's a small community, when people start making the same kinds of posts for a while you start to notice and eventually pseudo identities come up. you recognise people by who they post, and what they post. discord just seems pointless, it changes the community, now you aren't paying attention to the posts, but instead the name attacjed.

and i've seen too much discord politics on various video game servers over the years to care about joining discords for niche internet communities, they ALWAYS turn into cliques.
>>8937 #
>>8936 #
>just turns into cliques
DNs are the ones that never had their chance to peak in high school, they never had the opportunity to feel what it was like to have a clique and sit at the cool kids table so instead they brute force themselves into being recognised and eventually respected due to seniority
>>8939 #
>>8938 #
discord neighbour.
>>8937 #
speaking from real life experience as an uber chad, being popular, handsome, cool and having women throw themselves at you is so tiring. it's much better to just be a nobody anon online.
>>8941 #
>>8938 #
discord ninja
>>8939 #
i agree being a nobody is just a much chiller experience
i said this to someone a few weeks ago but there's a real struggle i feel having online friends at times. the online nature makes it too easy for people to just disappear until they need you. yet having moved cities again, i find myself with no irl friends within a 70 mile radius, so my companionship requires an online connection. this computer screen infront of me is my prison and the only thing that makes me happy.

i've tried to make new friends, even online, it's difficult.
>>8943 #>>8945 #
>>8942 #
its also more difficult to make frens online simply because they can just block you and move on, while irl if they got a problem they cant just fuck off like shy moles
>>8944 #
>>8943 #
i always thought that, in a way, their ability to block you or ghost you means that when they really are your friends, it's true friendship.
friends in school or whatever always ended up being friends of convenience for me, they never were my real friends, the second we graduated, they disappeared from my life :./
GYdIqSnTm7271757131978935558 its youuuuu-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 3.9 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>8942 #
>this computer screen infront of me is my prison and the only thing that makes me happy.
I relate to this a lot
I only drift towards places like /ttg/ or other generals on 4chan during times where I feel really lonely. In times where I end up having lots of people to meet irl, play with online or just generally socialize with I disappear like a ghost from online communities because my needs for socialization are already met in healthy ways
>>8946 #
>make a frend online and then meet up irl
Im way too shy for this, like incredibly so. I also have this slightly debilitating idea that I will not live up to the idea that people have of me from talking to me online so that when they meet me irl I end up not fulfilling their expectations and they'll end up losing interest
I know this is a completely irrational idea but thoughts are not always rational
>>8948 #
the best thing to do is try to make a frend online and then meet up irl, best of both worlds imo
>>8945 #>>8947 #
>>8946 #
the vast majority of my online friends have been so far away from me, i need help and you're way across the sea
I have two online friends in the UK, one is a guy I have known for nearly 15 years and he's a good guy but we frequently don't take for like 9 months and then hang out a bunch for a few weeks then disappear again.
The other friend is very new, and.. well, I'm not sure if we're friends anymore, he doesn't reply to me, but I see him online on discord most days, i think he's just busy with irl people and doesn't need to talk to me anymore and that's.. good, im happy for him but it kinda sucks for me.

wish i could meet more online uk frens
>>8950 #
>>8945 #
i think your fears are quite rational, most people tend to be shallow like that and sometimes the online presence can trick someones mind into thinking about you otherwise, but dont get me wrong, there are still decent ppl out there who wont mind or wont be disappointed
>>8949 #
>>8948 #
My reason for saying that the fear is irrational is that the people I'd end up meeting irl after having known them for long enough online, I'd have properly vetted to be people I enjoy and they likewise enjoy my company in return, its likely something that wouldnt change by merely meeting up irl
The irrational part is knowing it wont happen but still being averse to disproving the theory
>>8952 #
>>8947 #
have you tried 4chin /soc/? not the coomer threads but the other ones
>>8951 #
GYdIqSnTm7264587579301940513 im havin the worst day ever actually i want to curl up and cry #mikan #mikantsumiki #mikantsumikicosplay #mikancosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #foxc0splays.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 3.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 19 months ago
>>8950 #
Yes, I actually have, I've spoken to a few people there but the conversations didn't go anywhere.

I'm going to university in a little over 2 weeks.

Every few days I look over the schedule of social events in the first 2 weeks and re-check my plans for them. I'm gonna be going to a ton of stuff and really trying to be very social, for the first time in my life I'm gonna actively try and make irl friends. My american friends all have jobs now, so like, I never get to talk or hang out with them, so I will simply make some irl friends :)

That's kept me sane for the last month, just counting down the days till I get to be a real irl person again
>>8953 #
>>8949 #
i believe the best thing to do is to train yourself to have lower expectations, that way you wont be as hurt as in the past
>>8951 #
thats gud to hear anonie, its much more healthier for the mind to chat up and socialize irl than online tbh, and its even better if the people share a lot in common with you too
>>8954 #
>>8953 #
im gonna join the d&d club and maybe get a game going, im gonna join the nature society.. im hopefully, fingers crossed, meet agirl and go on a date or something :)
>>8955 #
>>8954 #
godspeed anonie, i wish you the best for the future, and also lots of fun for the d&d sessions too
>>8956 #
>>8955 #
well, truth be told, my plan is to join and see if i can convince anyone to play vampire or maybe the asong of ice and fire rpg, i really don't like d&d that much anymore
>>8957 #
>>8956 #
heyy vampire is pretty good too, even though i only tried the vidya one, hows the tabletop game?
>>8958 #
>>8957 #
it's good!
I've only ran like 30 sessions total so im not an expert or anything but it's a fun system
>>8959 #
>>8958 #
i never tried tabletop stuff before, is it online?
>>8960 #
>>8959 #
yeah I play all my tabletop stuff online because everyone i played with was outside of the uk :/
>>8961 #
>>8960 #
shucks, do you wanna play sometimes, teach me a thing or two idk
>>8963 #
what if I am really good at lying and can pretend I am 4 different people (I will speak in accents you will not tell its me)
>>8965 #
>>8964 #
haha sounds like a malkavian xD
(this is a vampire reference only vampire the masquerade fans understand)
(read this with a french accent)
I am alzo villing to play ze taybel game hon hon hon
>>8967 #
>>8966 #
holy crap there's a 4th person posting on neko??
>>8968 #
>>8967 #
si, of coarze
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i'll consider it but atm my focus is on my upcoming masters degree, so once i've settled into that, if im not overwhelmed with work, i will think about running a vampire game for nekobros
ich liebe vampaire teeties ja
>>8972 #
heil der kameraden
>>8972 #
ja jaa itz me
do you guys have any ideas what you would play in vampire
>>8976 #>>8978 #
>>8975 #
I know absolutely zero about the franchise but if speculation was to develop then I would read more into it and make a toon
>>8979 #
no cappie bestie
>just asked a gacha player what they're doing
>they told me they've been grinding for 5 hours straight to pull a character
>>8982 #>>8983 #
>>8981 #
gotta get that sweet mona, its worth the 500 dollar loss
>>8984 #
>>8981 #
we all know the feel of grinding way too much of an rpg game just to get some meaningless item
>>8982 #
>told me if they run out of quests they'll just pay 60 dollars to get enough pulls to ensure they get him
bruh, you can buy a triple A new release for 60 dollars.

you can buy starfield, the game of the year, for 60 dollars.
>>8985 #
>>8985 #
i'm hyped, this is it, this is gonna be bethesda's big redemption!!
>>8987 #
>>8986 #
omg big redemption like the big red redemption game
>>8988 #
>>8987 #
i have a confession to make, i played red dead redemption 2 and thought it was like a 6/10, the open world was nice and comfy but every mission might as well be a fucking cutscene, the game is so easy, and yet if you step off the path by a couple of metres in a mission it instant fails you.
you WILL see rockstar's shitty cowboy story and you WILL like it.
>>8989 #>>8991 #
>>8988 #
I havent played it 😎
I only play games where I can destroy little kids' hopes and dreams of going pro
>>8990 #
>>8989 #
ah, a league player, basado.
>>8988 #
rdr1 was better, less of a slog to play too
>>8992 #
gn anoni, sleep well
>>8997 #
im about to drink orange juice and a brioche, healthy scran
>>8999 #
>>9000 #
y'know? not too bad. finally cleared out a person in my life that didn't need to be in it anymore and i slept well.
>>9002 #
>>9001 #
thats pretty gud news, removing shitty people from your life always result in a peaceful life, btw you going to do anything cool today or just chillin
>>9003 #
>>9003 #
alri, yea me neither, maybe ill play some armored core idk, but otherwise just chillin
>>9005 #
>>9004 #
that game seems really popular, i never heard people talk about armored core and now it's all just armored core armored core all day
>>9006 #
>>9005 #
after elden ring fromsoftware became extremely famous, now every game they shit out gets lot of recognition, they're pretty good games tho
>>9007 #
yup, armored core is a fromsoft original, started all the way from the ps1 days
>>9007 #>>9008 #
>>9006 #
wait, it's a fromsoftware game? damn, didnt know.
>>9006 #
>>9006 #
meh, it's not as good as enchanted arms, their best video game
>>9011 #
>>9008 #
never played enchanted arms, just google it and theres a pizza faced char, might try it out on an emu
>>9010 #
yea i came back here yesterday
>>9012 #
>>9011 #
its a pretty fun jrpg, well, the combat is kinda fun. the pizza face is an early "golem" you can get. golems are craftable and capturable npc fighters, in addition you get like 4 human fighters, and you build a party of 4, each golem/human has a different element, and opposite elements do double damage to each other.
>>9013 #
its funny seeing all my fav tokkers like lily, rynkerbelle and bonbi jumping onto the OF train immediately after turning 18
>>9018 #
>>9017 #
shit happens. its just the current climate that causes this and theres nothing we can do about it
>>9019 #
>>9018 #
god bless lily for her onlyfans regardless, best injun titties
>>9016 #
her patreon is under review again, some hero reported her, used her own screenshots against her as evidence
>>9021 #
>>9021 #
sturdy really freaked out at that one, the admin banned like 3 people permanently for being anti-kay
>>9024 #
>>9022 #
>noooo you ruined it, now I cant look at her patreon sets anymore nooooo you fucking bastards!!!!!!!!!!
is how I imagine it went
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 358 KB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
I saw a vixen in the woods today. She was so illustruous from a distance that I was genuinely turned on just by her demeanor
I never saw her face, just her luscious golden flowing hair peek out from the top of her jacket, her wide hips swaying with every step and widelegged pants accentuating her legs but keeping her looking effay
It was almost as if she was teasing me. She walked so far ahead of me but despite me repeatedly stopping to let my dogs take in the olifactory fragrences of the wild, when I picked up pace and turned a corner she would be there, as if she had noticed I wasnt behind her and waited just to keep her in my viewing distance
I took a detour just to see her a bit more but, almost as if she had read my mind as I had made that decision, she pulled away and disappeared behind a few trees and I did not see her again
Incredibly life-affirming experience
>>9026 #
wish she could rip my heart apart
>>9029 #
damn she's beefier than I remembered
looking pretty good though
>>9031 #
GYdIqSnTm7249849430361361691 Lil fit check + update on my new years resolution. I started working out at the beginning of the year to build more muscle and did decently for a bit, but I ended up ne.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 13.6 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>9030 #
her new year's resolution was to work out and she's been doing a decent job at it.

Jeez, someday I should stop and think how much information is saved in my head about random internet girls. I'm not even a major Zureeal fan, why do I know this.
>>9032 #
>>9035 #
my home IP isnt but my vpn is shadowbanned on like 90% of the nodes, probably because someone spammed using them and got it shadowbanned like that
>>9037 #
>>9037 #
at least mullvad is. its not hard for websites to get a list of all IPs that are offered by a vpn service if they want to. mullvad has them listed in an easily parsed list on their own website if people want to ban all access from them (some news websites and the likes do that)
>>9040 #
>>9040 #
you would need a web server to route all your traffic through which you could do if you pay for a web host I assume but that would only be one additional node. I cant remember how the process works exactly, it was a while since I looked into it
>>9039 #
we are scrolling through random streams hoping one has a funny moment
>>9042 #
>>9042 #
I just have it on all the time and have since last year when I started using one for torrenting
also helps with being able to hop ip when you get banned on sturdy but I havent posted much for a long time so that doesnt really matter anymore
>>9044 #
>>9043 #
i do also use a vpn sometimes when torrenting games, sadly its the free ones and they're not that fast or plentiful
>>9045 #
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>>9044 #
on this ukraine node I am using right now I am getting 380 Mbs down and 70 Mbs up, 47 ping
I think my normal is 500-100 ish so its not that bad of a downgrade and this is also a pretty far away node that I dont normally use so its still pretty good
for gayming I do use closer ones though, my ping is low enough that sending my packets to a vpn middleman doesnt make the gameplay choppier for me
>>9046 #>>9047 #
>>9045 #
>used to get 100mb down and was hyped about it
>anon casually gets 300 on a vpn in a foreign country that's a warzone
>>9048 #
>>9045 #
>on this ukraine node I am using right now I am getting 380 Mbs down and 70 Mbs up, 47 ping
That's not so bad despite it being a country in a war, this is where the biden money is going
>>9048 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 502 KB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
>>9046 #
I was hyped as fuck when I first went from 30-08 down-up to like 80-50, shame that was only 50GB worth of data per month and I was paying for it so I had to use it sparingly for when my parents were torrenting and I wanted to game
>>9047 #
hell yuh, murica sending peace and love in the form of F-16s and fast internet to the front line!!! there are no american emojis in the windows emoji window i give up
>>9049 #
WOOOOO root beer!!! 🦅🦅🦅 🎆🎆🧨🎇🧨 🔫🔫 copthe windows emoji window does not have a flag tab its over※⁜±⁋⁁⁒‱⁂⁂—–
>>9054 #
>>9055 #
>america if he unified
GYdIqSnTm7007877013944028422 I wish the glitter was more visible #cosplay #mikitakahazekura #mikitakahazekuracosplay #jojosbizarreadventure #jojo #jojocosplay #anime #mikitaka_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 1.4 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9062 #
I like when Emiru cosplays, I hate when she's just a basic bitch streamer. I've had enough of this E-Girl Cunt. She's souless, like all the other big streamers that sold out, at least when she cosplayed she was cute.
>>9064 #
>>9063 #
i agree, i just wish she made more toks instead of those boring ass streams
emiru is cute in cosplay and she used to be hotter on stream
I am still permabanned for saying I wanted to fill her tomboy holes
>>9066 #
>>9069 #
and it aint pretty
>>9071 #
I have wasted my day away but I listened to some jazz earlier so life is all right hbu 'nonie (I call you 'nonie because we are close like that, no big deal youknow)
>>9073 #>>9080 #
>>9073 #
Bill Gate is disabling new subscriptions to the Windows eco system © tonight at midnight your pc will explode O.O
>>9075 #
>>9074 #
my pc might explode but im just built different, dw i'll live *flexes abs*
>>9076 #
nekochen is comfy not gonna lie
>>9079 #
>>9071 #
taking a break fro indoor biking
theragun on muscles is nice
>>9072 #
>I listened to some jazz
i recently remember some youtube channel? that had jazz, xer xpec, cozy track day gran turismo
>>9083 #>>9084 #
>>9081 #
I need a girl to flirt with me by being overly autistic and rude but she was actually trying to show affection
my favourite genre of girls fr
>>9080 #
nothing better than some cardio to keep yourself in shape anoni, always remember to hydrate well and eat an healthy diet too
>>9080 #
>xer xpec, cozy track day gran turismo
is that the channel name?
I know theres been a slight insurgence in the whole old video game-like jazz/breakcore fusion music recently, has me pretty hyped for it returning
loved the music in old racing games and games like ssx
>>9089 #>>9086 #
>5 unique posters and 5 unique ips
bros its happening
>>9088 #
>>9084 #
was Daytona music jazz? because that game had some really good tracks
>>9087 #
>>9086 #
no clue, I never played Daytona. it was need for speed and Burnout for me when I was a kid
man, the mmorpg need for speed world game was one of the most fond memories I have as a kid playing racing games. I remember unlocking a really cool lotus and drifting it around on the grass field in the large baseball arena
and installing nfs ug 1 and then ug 2 because I had no internet for a few days and just playing through those games
>>9088 #
that was over an hour ago so those IPs should be disconnected from the sync now, it was up to like 8 IPs earlier
>>9084 #
>is that the channel name?
yes, i had a yt playlist saved on my newpipe but everything was deleted
they cracking down on citypop
here's a reupload [YouTube] ???
but apparently he has an odysee
i know uhhh tatsuro yamashita they take down a bunch of that city pop
>>9090 #>>9091 #
>>9089 #
ok this playlist is nice, thanks for the recc anonie
􀈷 186 KB􀅊 750×1334􀐫 7 months ago
>>9089 #
ill have to listen to a bit of this some time
heres one of those early 2000s racing game jungle mixes I was talking about earlier [YouTube] ??? Ive seen lots of producers that are trying to make themselves known on tiktok land on my fyp about how they are trying to revive this genre of music, some with more jazz influence and some with less
the entire tiktok drift phonk cowbell spectacle has done so much damage to car interested internet denizens
Can a fellow kotoposter share a koto folder pls, with all the koto memes and edits too thank you very mucha
>>9094 #
􀑪􀎶 0:19􀈷 2.8 MB􀅊 426×926􀣋 H264
>>9093 #
I can upload the koto folder tomorrow with the kotophotos but I'd have to dig around to find all the koto images and vids ive edited and I dont have the stuff that other people have made
all that stuff is in random folders all around my pc
>>9095 #
>>9094 #
ahh nvm then, but thank you anyways anoni, i'll have to check up on sturdy archive thread for the koto stuff
>>9096 #
dota 2, watching.
decaf coffee, drinking.
reki toks, tokking.

acid toks, uploading
NOOOOO he dint do it its over
[YouTube] ???
literally my tokfu (she has never set foot in the US)
>>9100 #
not even close. bonbi-
Hmm, if you don't consider bonbi...

Yes, if we include images. No if we're talking purely video edits.
>>9101 #>>9100 #
􀈷 323 KB􀅊 578×622
is koto the tokker with the most fanmade edited content after bonbi?
>>9099 #
shudda let me finish typing grr now you will get shot
>>9099 #
>>9099 #
>No if we're talking purely video edits.
who would it be then? I struggle to think of a tokker with more edited videos unless you strictly count montage style edits into that category instead of all video related content
>>9102 #
not even close, if anyone its chip or koto
>>9102 #>>9103 #
>>9101 #
I have thousands of Remy video montage edits, never released to the public. Millions even.
oh you said remy i read reki
>never released to the public
then they dont count
>>9108 #
why did koto stopped doing toks
>>9106 #
>>9105 #
because of /ttg/
>>9107 #
she was DM'd the place just like how every other tokker finds out about it
>>9107 #
>>9106 #
wait she actually knew about the place? in a way its good for her she stopped then
>>9106 #
>>9104 #
I haven't made a reki edit (yet)
I'm still working on one to be proud of first.
>>9109 #
do you think she ate them when they were finished growing
>>9112 #
>>9112 #
ive never eaten rabbit, it probably tastes alright
>>9114 #
>>9113 #
rabbits taste like chicken actually, since its white meat, only problem is that theres not much meat to eat from one rabbit and their bones are really fragile so they'll splinter and break easily
eat too many rabbits and you will literally die from rabbit starvation syndrome
they are too lean you end up eating just muscle and dying from starvation
ye rabbits give you nothing in proteins and calories generally, if they did, they wouldn't be a bunch of jumping fast motherfuckers
>>9117 #
the album is minty stuff 100%, im glad you like it anoni
>>9119 #
>>9118 #
if I was a little hula dancer with a nice straw dress I would be dancing to that song, its that nice
Im playing it on repeat
>>9120 #
>>9119 #
thats quite gay and erotic but im happy that you're liking it so far!
>>9121 #
>>9120 #
no not erotic at all nor gay it would just be me standing on a nice wooden deck by the hawaiian beach dancing around watching the sunset go down maybe waving my hands slowly in the air like they were the waves of the ocean
>>9122 #
>>9125 #
i meant joking
>>9127 #
yea alright, leave him alone
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Im coming for you josh I am going to find out who you are and then we'll see how much you like hula dancing
GYdIqSnTmRide's Over Mutie.mp4􀄩
􀑪􀎶 0:17􀈷 18.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
posting here because im going to bed so im not gonna work on this crappy edit anymore. ahhh,
its almost like video editing is a skill, not something you just do on a whim
>>9132 #>>9133 #
miss mothi
>>9130 #
one day AI shall edit the videos for us brudder
>>9130 #
reki looks cute in this
only time im ever saying it
>>9134 #
>>9138 #
its not happening and its hevc so I cannot watch it anyways antirekkers we won
>>9138 #
ya fucked up AP *loads gun*
>>9141 #
mothbells my beloved
>>9143 #
gud job AP *hides gun away*
>>9145 #
i dont recall reki having a burger king cosplay...
>>9149 #
>>9149 #
can you link me bonis tiktok page
>>9157 #
>>9151 #
Its funny how mcdonalds tastes good everywhere except in the united states
>>9156 #
i should go to bed.. i have a busy day tomorrow :/
>>9155 #>>9156 #
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>>9154 #
>>9153 #
I generally dont eat much fast food but whenever the 'donk has their special salsa burger on the menu (we have a rotating selection of "speciality" burgers here) I make sure to go at least a few times so I can nam that. Only really tasty thing they have
>>9159 #
􀈷 348 KB􀅊 1276×2048
[YouTube] ???
here is the salsa burger but this looks absolutely horror as opposed to what they serve here
>>9159 #
I have never been to the states so I cannot comment on the quality there but the salsa burger also comes in chicken variation and its pretty nice too
>>9161 #
>>9156 #
great i got disconnected lol
what i was saying is that maccies are pretty gud outside the usa, whenever i go to mcd i always get a unique chicken burger they make and cheesy bacon fries, good shit
>>9158 #
>>9158 #
people shit on burger king too much, they might not be on mcdonalds level but their grilled patties are not bad at all imo, only problem is they fill too much sauces in their burgs
>>9162 #
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>>9161 #
I dont know if I have ever had more than 5 burgers from burger king, if even that many
I only went to burger king for their sweet chili chicken wraps and their deserts, those were really nice but that was back in like 2014
>too much sauce
this is a good thing!
>>9163 #
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>>9163 #
I am a sauce addict I cannot get enough of sauces
I hate hamburgers that are supposed to have a sauce but they put such a thin layer that it almost makes the meat even drier by making you believe youll get sauce and then it barely being there
>>9165 #
>>9165 #
The ideal world is probably like that but its not convenient and will not fly for the average consoomer. They need instant food with minimal effort and thus you cannot be expected to do the work yourself
I would grab 3 sauce packets if the recommended dosage was 1 😈
>>9167 #
>>9166 #
devilish anonie
alrite time to call it a day, goodnite anonie
>>9168 #
gn dear burgyposter
>>9170 #
gm anonies, rise and shine
>>9173 #
time 4 breakfast
>>9175 #
>>9177 #
Getting that business degree i see, wish you luck on your studies anoni
>>9179 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-07-15 18-20-50.png􀄩
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>>9180 #
I had to google what plum cake was but it looks like it would be bomb with some marmelade on it
Be careful with grapefruit and/or grapefruit juice if you are on any medication, it increases the bioavailability of the medicine in your blood meaning you can reach elevated blood-medicine levels that you should not reasonably nor safely be at
I know some people drink a lot of grapefruit juice before taking narcotics in order to reach a stronger high
stay safe nonie
>>9182 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-07-18 01-55-18.png􀄩
􀈷 1.4 MB􀅊 585×1041
>>9182 #
Ive finished my coursework for today and gone through it with a mate, just need to read some shit now and then im gucci until tomorrow
I still need to eat tho I have like 40 min to do so so we're fine hbu
>>9184 #
>>9183 #
im quite fine thnks, gonna make another partition to install windoows in it and be fresh from now on, what are you plannin to eat today btw? im just gonna cook a chicken steak and some potatoes alongside it
>>9185 #
>>9184 #
finishing off my pork fillet and ovengrilled(?) potatoe wedges
have some tzatziki to go along with it mmm
>>9186 #
>>9186 #
yeah tzatziki and potatoe wedges with cumin seeds and big salt on it is so fucking tasty i could eat this all day every day
>>9188 #
also ignore the filename i got this from google img
>>9190 #
not bad anoni, porridge boy with your lil biscoff hands
GYdIqSnTm7173394366843702534 I hate starting new meds #jinx #arcanejinx #arcane.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 2.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9194 #
i kinda hope he doesn't dream for a while because im worried that if he streamed, say, this weekend, the anger towards the kay drama will just spill over into his chat and he doesn't need to deal with all the shitposting from that.

im banned from sturdy now because of it, so i hope people just leave that issue on sturdy where it belongs and dont take it elsewhere
>>9196 #
GYdIqSnTm7205355260066532614 this filter has a grip on me #manga #asamitaka #chainsawman #yoruchainsawman.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 13.3 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 HEVC􀐫 2 years ago
>>9196 #
eh, you'd think so, but after his last stream some people started e-stalking abbles' friend, believing it to be his ex-trans bf, so some people do take it too far and are only nice in the chat because they don't wanna be banned

I was banned for posting that I reported Kay's patreon due to violating the TOS and obscuring her identity to still use the platform. Within 3 minutes of kay saying on sturdy that her patreon was under review, the admin permanently banned me, and another anon that was saying it was the right thing to do.
>>9198 #
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>>9201 #
third times the charm hihi
fair dinkum is just something that aussies say from what I know, dinkum as a word probably means something but in the phrase "fair dinkum" it doesnt have a meaning, its just an added on word to make a phrase sound different
basically means, "thats fair"
> Australia and New Zealand
>: authentic, genuine
>—often used with fair
>I was fair dinkum about my interest in their culture—
>Percy Trezise
>>9203 #
oh no no no no nonono gottem
>>9203 #
>>9202 #
i imagine the aussie in question didnt think it's fair dinkum at all...
>>9202 #
GYdIqSnTm7078956662786247941 Morning D_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 10.5 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
the ban was a long time coming tbh, it felt like every time i posted on sturdy in the last 2 months it was just a flood of responses calling me a pedophile groomer cat murderer whatever, there's too many newfags who weren't around for back in the day, that're just repeating shit like parrots.
>>9205 #
given that neko shows up on google, i doubt it'll always be the best of the best posters
>>9205 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 447 KB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
business idea: what if now, that neko has been forgotten by the general public, neko slowly starts getting populated by the best of the best posters (me excluded) as a secret underground "if you know you know" speakeasy?
>>9204 #
true, and that we cannot escape, but if people accidentally stumble upon it and see it having like 5-6 regulars (wishful thinking ahead) we can just tell them to fit in or go to sturdy where the activity is higher and theyll get their fix of being spergy on in a new community there instead
like imagine if (insert good poster you like and never disliked here) showed up on neko and started posting. the abbles poster for example actually no bad example we all hated that guy bad example. the acid poster, we love that guy
imagine if he came here
>>9204 #
>too many newfags who weren't around for back in the day
I suspect they are of the telegram litter, its a shame though
>>9204 #>>9206 #>>9209 #
>>9206 #
uuuhhhh lemme getttuuuhhhhhh gimme one of thoosseeeee eehhhhhhhhh
full fat milk
>>9206 #
>>9205 #
> neko slowly starts getting populated by the best of the best posters
That's a good idea on paper, but then you need to find a way to contact these posters to begin with
>>9210 #
>>9209 #
thats the issue
lets hope they stumble upon the site one day and notice that its active again
>>9211 #
>>9210 #
This site needs a miracle for that to happen, i was thinking maybe dropping the link on sturd(for a chance they'll see it) but im banned there, plus its gonna bring the bad actors in and ruin everything
>>9213 #
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 2.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 21 months ago
update: turns out windows runs games much better than linux could ever do, not only for compatibility reasons but also perfomance-wise, Armored Core runs as smooth as butter on Billie Gates OS compared to the stuttery, jittery penguin
Thank you for reading my blog
>>9213 #
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>>9211 #
>maybe dropping the link on sturd
that would be a great way to kill this site for a month
not only would the most decrepid people, the ones the hungriest for attention and to be the loudest the first show up and immediately start problems, they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out" which would admittedly be really funny but would get old fast because these people have a tendency to initially not understand sarcasm nor banter, then run a joke into the ground for so long that the late adopters of said jokes never knew they were jokes to begin with (see: anti-ap posting)
>>9212 #
is the game any good?
>>9441 #>>9309 #>>9342 #>>9353 #>>9411 #>>9390 #>>9454 #>>9463 #>>9479 #>>9227 #>>9239 #>>9256 #>>9288 #>>9304 #>>9384 #>>9405 #>>9223 #>>9225 #>>9237 #>>9244 #>>9218 #>>9224 #>>9476 #>>9494 #>>9345 #>>9453 #>>9468 #>>9220 #>>9230 #>>9336 #>>9343 #>>9277 #>>9325 #>>9421 #>>9303 #>>9388 #>>9393 #>>9412 #>>9458 #>>9491 #>>9238 #>>9242 #>>9409 #>>9425 #>>9298 #>>9335 #>>9452 #>>9287 #>>9385 #>>9396 #>>9448 #>>9226 #>>9331 #>>9363 #>>9404 #>>9284 #>>9355 #>>9395 #>>9497 #>>9308 #>>9265 #>>9279 #>>9430 #>>9259 #>>9347 #>>9371 #>>9487 #>>9474 #>>9232 #>>9317 #>>9320 #>>9341 #>>9475 #>>9477 #>>9269 #>>9313 #>>9381 #>>9473 #>>9456 #>>9312 #>>9383 #>>9416 #>>9455 #>>9350 #>>9362 #>>9413 #>>9444 #>>9233 #>>9261 #>>9299 #>>9300 #>>9305 #>>9434 #>>9329 #>>9401 #>>9486 #>>9423 #>>9432 #>>9447 #>>9466 #>>9333 #>>9361 #>>9400 #>>9410 #>>9368 #>>9402 #>>9327 #>>9451 #>>9478 #>>9314 #>>9459 #>>9379 #>>9391 #>>9429 #>>9292 #>>9295 #>>9339 #>>9373 #>>9257 #>>9369 #>>9387 #>>9289 #>>9323 #>>9420 #>>9461 #>>9290 #>>9375 #>>9436 #>>9344 #>>9349 #>>9450 #>>9222 #>>9377 #>>9446 #>>9214 #>>9264 #>>9266 #>>9397 #>>9428 #>>9352 #>>9399 #>>9490 #>>9221 #>>9258 #>>9263 #>>9328 #>>9281 #>>9394 #>>9419 #>>9489 #>>9291 #>>9431 #>>9332 #>>9389 #>>9427 #>>9324 #>>9465 #>>9488 #>>9457 #>>9283 #>>9376 #>>9407 #>>9433 #>>9374 #>>9442 #>>9462 #>>9243 #>>9267 #>>9294 #>>9334 #>>9493 #>>9296 #>>9346 #>>9370 #>>9382 #>>9495 #>>9240 #>>9272 #>>9319 #>>9398 #>>9496 #>>9274 #>>9338 #>>9426 #>>9440 #>>9255 #>>9340 #>>9392 #>>9467 #>>9408 #>>9449 #>>9236 #>>9245 #>>9276 #>>9293 #>>9485 #>>9306 #>>9360 #>>9364 #>>9378 #>>9418 #>>9234 #>>9273 #>>9282 #>>9386 #>>9285 #>>9316 #>>9326 #>>9417 #>>9354 #>>9372 #>>9471 #>>9482 #>>9241 #>>9348 #>>9492 #>>9480 #>>9251 #>>9260 #>>9310 #>>9422 #>>9254 #>>9297 #>>9437 #>>9351 #>>9229 #>>9268 #>>9280 #>>9318 #>>9270 #>>9235 #>>9424 #>>9445 #>>9302 #>>9311 #>>9330 #>>9443 #>>9271 #>>9278 #>>9380 #>>9403 #>>9307 #>>9438 #>>9439 #>>9483 #>>9228 #>>9253 #>>9472 #>>9481 #>>9219 #>>9464 #>>9252 #>>9315 #>>9367 #>>9460 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 3.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>9213 #
>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>is the game any good?
I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9215 #
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>>9214 #
>you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it
I like games that allow you to customize stuff like that
I remember having a lot of fun in CoD Black Ops with custom emblems and in For Honor with making your insignia you could put on shields and shit
This one looked really cool
Is it a single player game with optional 1v1 pvp content? I saw some webm that looked like people were fighting duels but maybe that was actually pve
>>9216 #
>>9215 #
>Is it a single player game with optional 1v1 pvp content?
Yup, there's online arenas pvp, both 1v1 and 3v3
>>9213 #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is thf
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the me
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 # # #
>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>is the game any good?
>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
already gave up?
ill just wait for you niggers to start trying to talk
is spammie back lmao
>>9250 #
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9250 #
It's really weird, this anonie just entered the site now and started spamming kek
>>9275 #
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9275 #
>someone mentioned neko in the sturdy thread yesterday
that might be it then
>he really does not have any persistence whatsoever, spams for 10 posts before gassing out
he's got a cooldown on his fingers/ctrl + c & ctrl + d keys lol
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>is the game any good?
>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9301 #
Why would AP do this though, this is not how he behaves
>>9322 #
􀈷 235 KB􀅊 1080×1080
>>9321 #
He is working on a higher plane, us mortals will never understand. Its like the quote "why does God give his sleepiest soldiers the comfiest beds", he is giving the comfiest nekkers the spammiest threads so that we become battle hardened, like diamonds under immense pressure
Also he is giving me 5 million (You)s he is trying to break a world record (boni deserves it)
>>9337 #
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec

>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 2.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>9322 #
We gotta hold onto pressure anonie
>Also he is giving me 5 million (You)s he is trying to break a world record (boni deserves it)
yeah lmao, i never got so many (You)'s either before, it's an humble experience
>>9350 #
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>is the game any good?
>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9350 #
In a fair and just world, we would have gotten 10 euros from every (You) this nigga is giving us 100%, we would be trillionaires and fucking Jeff Bezos in the ass too as a past-time hobby
>>9357 #
>>9356 #
yeah but those fucking rothschilds are keeping us down and withholding our 10 euro per (You) payment man fuck those guys they arent my nekkers
also >5 minutes since last spam
man he really gave up fast
>>9358 #
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9359 #
Nvm he's back
>only spams when he is getting laughed at
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
damn he really got pissed at getting called troid
>>9414 #
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9406 #
If you call someone for who they really are, they'll start lashing out at you usually, you struck a nerve with him meanie
funniest part is that he isnt even that fast at spamming, i can do it faster
>>9435 #
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9415 #
Exactly, and if you wanna make it even faster he could just make a python spamming bot or something similar, nigga is doing this shit manually
>>9469 #
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9470 #
actually nvm I gotta find the api query for nekochen it doesnt work on this site
>>9498 #
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mech feel like an actual 10000 pounds hunk of metal stomping and flying around shooting other mech-niggas.
>>>>Another cool thing is the customization too, you can go full 'tism mode and make your mech look like anything you want and do the most weirdest cosplays with it, you can check the 4chan /vg/ general or the subreddit for some funny examples
>>9213 #
>>>>>they would then start bringing up posts such as the one im writing now and go "hurr durr rent free they sit and seethe on their secret site all day in and out"
>>>>True that, i didn't realize that could be a huge possibility, sturdy nowadays has been filled with all kinds of shitheads from 4chan's remote corner's nowadays thanks to them shilling their site there, no bueno but now i get the message
>>>>>is the game any good?
>>>>I've only played for an hour today and managed to beat the first boss(the big helicopter aka tutorial boss) and so far the game is really fun and packed with action and flashy moments, but if you have never played an armored core game before(i didn't either) the controls are a bit slow and heavy, this is up to personal preference but i honestly like it, makes the mec
>>9484 #
alrite take your time 'nonie
>>9500 #
no, I gotta parse through some codemonkey documentation to find where the api link is
>>9505 #
based, the aristocats was one of my fav disney childhood movies, good shit
they coming
hide button goes crazy
>>9514 #
>>9513 #
nah work mode does the job fine
>>9515 #
is in good hands
􀑪􀎶 0:26􀈷 22.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
stay strong neko bros, it gets better. things might be looking bad right now but your life is gonna be fine :)
􀈷 239 KB􀅊 1170×2080􀐫 3 years ago
I'm sad for bonbi.

If sex work makes her extremely vulnerable and induces anxiety and she has to take regular breasks to make sure she's actually doing it, maybe.. just maybe.. she should use the tens of thousands she's earned over the years from patreon and.. go to college?

I know she's not the smartest tool in the shed, but moving out of her parent's place at 20 with essentially 0 career prospects beyond onlyfans is silly. I'll be generous and say she has 5 years of good onlyfans money ahead of her. When that starts to dry up, what is a 25 year old girl with no real world work experience and no qualifications gonna do? Porn? Prostitution?

Yeah, maybe she's an idiot and college isn't for her, but she really should've taken her patreon earnings and invested it in learning a skill and getting a qualification that'll make her money for life, but, I imagine she blew it all on shit like flying to LA every other month to hang out with Julie, the only friend she seems to have these days, buying tons of cosplays that she literally wears once.

And, I worry that she's lazy and doesn't want to work a real job. Yeah, I'm sure onlyfans is mentally draining, but it's at most what, 3 hours of work a week?
>>9520 #>>9521 #>>9522 #
􀈷 86 KB􀅊 765×821
>>9520 #
Same, codemonkeying around gets menial as hell after an hour, head-aches galore
>>9519 #
>what is a 25 year old girl with no real world work experience and no qualifications gonna do? Porn? Prostitution?
Not tryna to sound incel-ish but she might try to hit some "beta" poor sod and try to live off him, but at the same time that's too dependent on someone else generosity
>>9523 #
>>9519 #
>onlyfans is mentally draining, but it's at most what, 3 hours of work a week?
b-but she has 300 messages she has to pretend to be cordial towards...
>>9523 #
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 1.3 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264
>>9520 #
She moved out a few months ago, probably because she intended to start an onlyfans and her bedroom was too small to have a permanent place for shoots. In her own apartment she can shoot nudes in peace.
>>9522 #
Yeah. Apple has apparently gotten in trouble with her paying customers because she's taken money for custom content... and then just not replied for several weeks. Truly, it is hard.
I mean, I subscribed to this one tokfu's patreon, at the time I was literally her only subscriber, and I asked for ONE cosplay in particular, and 2 months later she hasn't done it, so I unsubscribed. That is a little less work than answering 300 messages!
>>9521 #
I mean.. isn't she kinda dependent on people's generosity right now? Hundreds of people are paying her monthly to see pictures of her tits, once they get bored of her it's over. A beta husband is probably a safer bet.
I would like to share this song here
[YouTube] ???

It is very loosely based on the character Viserys from season 1 of game of thrones, except not really. I really like it. The singer, glidus, does this game of thrones videos I fall asleep to sometimes and he's got a nice singing voice
>>9528 #
>>9527 #
your post reminded me that i should check out game of thrones still, would you recommend the book for a newbie? or is the show enough
>>9529 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 6.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 21 months ago
>>9528 #
it is quite funny you should mention that, I was listening to one of the audio books on my walk.

The books are.. really good. I think they're kind of overhyped, or at least misrepresented in their intentions. People like to say that GRRM's story is about how the nobility's squabbles fuck over the common people, but I don't think that's really what his story tells. His story is about nobles being cool as fuck, every single PoV character is a noble, the few commoners and servants all end up being stereotyped fat ugly idiots.

Anyway, got off track, the books are great and the narrator for them does an incredible job (if you get over that his character voices are a bit over the top at times). I'd recommend the audio book if you're into audio books.
The show is good for like 3 seasons.

House of the Dragon is a new prequel show, and that first season is incredible and completely blows the source material out of the water. If you want to dip your toe into the universe with very little commitment, watch House of The Dragon, if you enjoy that, check out the ASOIAF books, do NOT read "fire and blood" it's a very shitty history book and is unrelated to the main series.
>>9530 #
>>9529 #
I'm grateful of your post anonie, it has been more than what i asked for and you've been quite informative, im gonna try some episodes of the spin-off show and see whats all the gist, thnks again pallie
Also another thing, is the meme true that the books are a lot about grimy depressing shit? i mean i dont mind stuff like that but if its the majority of the books/shows that could get tiring
>>9531 #
GYdIqSnTm7273196038335368480 In hello kitty we trust 🔥🔥🔥 _h264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 3.8 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>9530 #
Characters die, sometimes fairly abruptly, basically all of the main characters start out in great positions and have falls from grace.
I don't think the books can be called depressing though, grimy, yeah maybe a little but there's a real aura of hope that carries through in the majority of the main storylines.
>>9532 #
GYdIqSnTm6902459879949159682 recommend me your favorite animes! MUITO OBRIGADO PELA LIVE ❤️💕💖 #nekopara #ooc #maid #fyp.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 9.7 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 4 years ago
>>9534 #
haha that has happened to me a few times actually
no movement on neko for like an hour or longer and then tab in just as, or right before, someone starts posting
we are both 732 Hz sober ninjas right now, tapping in on that adam obama energy
>>9536 #
􀈷 51 KB􀅊 597×166
>>9536 #
I still have some of his streams saved, the ones I hadnt missed nor he deleted before I could save them
I miss that nigga like you wouldnt believe
>when they say your edit is good
feels good brehs
>>9540 #>>9542 #
>>9540 #
im in my liquid richard phase fr fr
chiblee olivia munn lovelymomo chiblee lovelymomo chibleee chiblee olivia munn chiblee chiblee chiblee chiblee
>>9545 #
chiblee chiblee olivia munn lovelemy momyo
>>9545 #>>9546 #
>>9547 #
roll me
buy me
roll me
roll me
roll me
freeze me
sell me
buy me
imma go to sleep, gn anonies zzzzzzz
>>9550 #
I am so fucking tired
I am wondering if this has anything to do with it
>postponed doing course work until 2 hours after I should have been in bed for 1 hour already
>>9556 #
>feet videos are the most expensive ones
She knows her viewers at least
>>9563 #
>>9556 #
this has to be real, its so divinely funny that I refuse to believe someone came up with this in jest
>>9563 #
>>9556 #
>>9557 #
>>9558 #
what I don't get is why things are almost always uneven numbers even though round numbers in 5's are more easily understood and widely used in all commercial aspects

what makes a tease video worth 70% more than a tease photo, but a feet video is worth 47% more than a feet picture? and a semi nude video is worth about 60% more than a semi nude picture.

Why is a feet video's toy add-on only 10 dollars, but normally a toy add-on is worth 70?

You're telling me if I order a semi-nude video with a dildo, it's gonna cost me 82 dollars? 70 of that being from the fucking dildo?

It also makes me irrationally angry that she calls nudity "coochie", Bonbi, you're not a child anymore, either you're severely mentally underdeveloped or this is a machiavellian scheme to appeal to your more pedophilic fans by writing like a child, and we all know you're not smart enough to successfully pedobait like Belle or Rynkerbelle
>>9565 #>>9567 #
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 8.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
new reki.

i'm gonna say it. i love reki's tiktoks but they really need to stop filming them fucking sideways. my neck is starting to hurt from sitting here at a right angle.

the hairstyle is cute,, very scenemo. now i'm imagining reki but as a skater girl, who says cya later boy. it's over.
>>9565 #
I wish it wasn't very real in every aspect. If bonbi is seriously gonna do onlyfans she needs to value herself properly 22 dollars for a semi-nude cosplay video is unironically approaching minimum wage for her state, which is 7.25 an hour.
It takes, what, 2 hours to get into cosplay properly and do the makeup and everything? 5 minutes to film a good video, a few minutes more to edit it, then a few minutes more to upload it and send it out, plus like 10 minutes per sale to discuss terms and handle the sale.

3 hours work for the cheapest option that people are probably gonna buy, for not even 8 dollars an hour?
She has SIX HUNDRED message requests. Her prices should be 5x higher than what they currently are. She'll burn out fast if she tries to make hundreds of custom videos and pictures for such little money.
>>9570 #
>>9567 #
Yeah, she's mentally ill for sure, and socially isolated, she has ONE friend.
Seriously, every other cosplay reshares dozens of other cosplayers' instagram posts on their stories, Bonbi only does that to Julie. She has no connections in her biggest hobby.
GYdIqSnTm7262336215003729185 camera quality is ass ( #viper#vipercosplay#valorant#valorantcosplay#cosplay#costest#closetcosplay#closetcostest#game#gamecosplay_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 11.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
got so distracted talking about bonbi i didnt even tell y'all about my day.

my day was nice, i went into the city and i bought some clothes from a charity shop, it was so cheap! i bought a book (ministry for the future by kim stanley robinson) then i had some taco bell for lunch (it was ok) then i got the bus back home
>>9566 #
maybe none of those 600 messages want to see her tits or "coochie", perhaps they are all exclusively calling for feet vids and thus she is pricing them by demand
10 dollars for her to jerk off a plastic cock with her feet vs 70 dollars for her to jerk off a plastic cock with her hands is hilarious though
>>9571 #
>>9570 #
yeah i saw my mistake dw

the feet prices are also undervalued imo, i think she's underselling herself, even for the feet stuff.
When my tokfu sold feet pics, they sold them for equivalently 65 dollars per picture, bonbi is vastly more popular and can demand at least 200 dollars for some feet pics.
>>9572 #>>9573 #
>>9573 #
eh, i used to be but like a lot of things i grew out of it. these days i dont really care for feet
you guys watching the dota 2?
>>9576 #
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 2.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9577 #
>no cute girls play dota
all the cute girls play dota the problem is just that all of them are russian
>havent played pro dota in 25 years
damn... but Im glad I can still load up TI and watch my favourite team [A]lliance play. Maybe watch admiralbulldog play some Lone Druid solo lane on twitch later (Clueless)
>>9579 #
today was a bad day
>>9583 #
>>9590 #
Probably, last time I heard it sounded like
>That's an awfully hot, coffee pot
>Donald Trump in office? I think not
I havent listened to eminem since before his 2017 album came out though
>>9592 #
>>9591 #
last song i listened of emimen was rap god, not bad honestly
>>9593 #
GYdIqSnTm7004908982234123525 madoka is my cosdream since 2014, AND HERE I AM! also thank you for 61K 3 im so happy idk how to act ALALA #madokakaname #madokakanamecosplay #pmmm-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 19.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9592 #
yeah rap god was probably the last eminem song I listened listened to, I have probably heard the song that was in venom at some point but only glossed over
I do listen to the Marshall Mathers LP 2 occasionally tho, maybe I should relisten to his stuff
so cute
>>9594 #
>>9597 #
i was listening to guilty conscience lool, early eminem was fresh as hell, its one of the few cases where the artist's early start is amazing, but then with the years he gets a bit dry
>>9600 #
>>9596 #
also Shake That is so good, countless times that Ive watched that music video as a little <10 year old boy looking at the shaking butts
My dad showed me that music video, probably in tandem with him showing me eminem when I was younger. Based old man
[YouTube] ???
I just watched this over and over
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>>9598 #
[YouTube] ??? (safe version but the music video is worth it)
yeah, his early stuff was absolutely strong straight out the bat but he managed to hold it on for a looooong long time, much longer than almost any other artist is expected to survive
I think he went a bit safe, radio sanitized for his later stuff. Him getting more interested in using his platform for stuff he believed needed to be talked about as opposed to solely for musical reasons may also have played a role for why he fell off later on but its all subjective and speculation, I havent even listened to the stuff so I cant comment, I just know that the small snippets I have heard were not as inspiring

>>9601 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 3.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>9600 #
He did went a more safe and sanitized route, i believe it was for its best in a way, its hard to keep up with lots of factors fighting against you as an artist, going old, other new and more famous rappers coming onto the scene etc etc
>>9602 #
>>9604 #
>"zamn this aint the type of streaming i was expecting, wasted 400 dollars over nothing"
>>9604 #
wait is that a lain cosplay? its rare to see one in the midst of big tittied women
>>9607 #
>>9607 #
i meant that lain cosplays are rare compared to the more generic half-naked cosplays you usually see on tiktok and cons
>>9609 #
>>9609 #
mitsuri looks really ugly as a character, i never got her appeal, weird color-mixes, weird haircut and outfit
>>9611 #
wheres the rekiposter i kinda miss him
>>9615 #
>>9615 #
oh ye i forgot he likes dota a lot, not a bad game tbh i only played it once back in 2016
>>9618 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 1.8 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>>9616 #
yeah I havent played dota since at least 2018, the neutral hidden shop still existed, stored items werent a thing and techies was new
>techies came out 2014
I have not played dota since at least 2015, maybe 2016 but I couldnt have played many games because I dont remember any of those heroes being out when I played
>>9619 #
>>9618 #
what do you think about LoL? lots of rage vids about it online
>>9620 #
GYdIqSnTm7145877373882256645 asuka!!! AND DEFTONES!! OMG!!!! #asukalangley #asukalangleycosplay #asukalangleysoryu #asuka #asukacosplay #evangelion #evangelioncosplay #nge -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 18.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9625 #
Its partly sarcasm and overexaggeration, I find the games I play fun or elsewise I wouldnt play them, its just that I tend to be so competitive in games that I push them past the limit where I am playing solely for the fun of it and start playing just to improve or climb a leaderboard
I have pushed high ranks in LoL, in Rocket League, in CSGO, Chess to some extent and I would have in DotA if ranked existed when I played
Its a meme with my friends that no game is fun to play and we just end up sitting in the steam library looking for something to play and never find anything that fits the mood
>>9627 #
>>9626 #
I was thinking of asking you for some games in chess or csgo but you'd rip my butt apart so nvm lol
Also have you tried playin card games or something more group like with your friends? a game that doesnt depends heavily on skills like uhmm lemme think, an mmorpg with raid bosses??? and, nvm theres good suggestion that pops in my head rn
>>9628 #
GYdIqSnTm7140317840652946694 v-vance!!!) #kobeni #kobenihigashiyama #kobenichainsawman #kobenicosplay #kobenihigashiyamacosplay #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 16.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9627 #
I'm down for either, maybe it wont be a fair match but it'll still be fun maybe not for you lole, at least in cs we can be on the same team
>card games
only the casual family games like uno or local stuff that might not have international equivalents
I have really, like reaallly considered picking up poker and trying to learn that at a high level so I can make a part-time job or career out of it. I genuinely think I have a good shot at doing so and it looks fun
>game that doesnt heavily depend on skill like an mmorpg with raid bosses
I did that in WoW but there were also leaderboards for the best performing specialization per class and I competed to reach the top of those as well. Being good was fun but having shit luck with items I required to stay competitive not dropping was so not fun. I went 14 weeks before getting a staff I needed to be competitive with the people who got their staff the first week
I still managed to be 97th percentile but I know that with that staff I couldve been 99th percentile or perhaps even towards 99.6th percentile greatest in the world
I like single player games though, just rarely play them. Nier Automata is great
>>9629 #
>>9628 #
i can try to check things up on my steam acc, playing on the same team sounds good, i might carry you down a bit with my poopie aiming skills but theres always room to get better
>Nier Automata is great
Good taste 'nnonie, i played that and replicant remake both and they were really amazing and a mindfuck journey story-wise, nier's ost was fabulous to listen on top of that
>>9630 #
GYdIqSnTm7122512192523472134 Just you wait, Chainsaw Man! #mitakaasa #asamitaka #mitakaasacosplay #asamitakacosplay #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #asamitakachainsawman #csm #csmcosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 14.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9629 #
>i might carry you down a bit
its been a long time since I cared about my rank in cs and worst case if I did care I could just climb back up
Nier's OST is so mindblowingly beautiful, its a shame I only ever finished the first ending. I need to get back into nier some day, hopefully with a computer that can do that game justice
I used to listen to the song you encounter in the robot village after the amusement park all the time a few years back, its so cute
>>9631 #
>>9632 #
Have you tried that perfomance mod on pc? i used it and it gave me a 15+ fps boost
for some reason spotify is not copying the link lol
[YouTube] ???
>>9634 #>>9635 #
GYdIqSnTm7099873839013809414 FORTNITE MOVES #akihayakawa #akihayakawacosplay #angeldevil #angeldevilcosplay #angelcsm #akicsm #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:05􀈷 7.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9633 #
FAR (Fix Automata Resolution)? I used that for my first playthrough and it worked flawlessly. I then didnt play for a few months and when I went back the game didnt work AT ALL, it was so choppy and messed up despite having the newest version of FAR so I just gave up like 2 hours into ending B
I heard its been updated and actually fixed, possibly even implemented into the base game or something like that so I should try it out some day, just havent due to not playing many single player games kinda for the same reason that I dont watch series that often
>>9636 #
>>9633 #
that song is also really good
Theres a guy on youtube, a composer of some sorts, that makes videos of himself breaking down the composition, instruments, inspiration etc of the songs in Nier, its a really interesting channel if you like that stuff or just like listening to people talk
Its this guy [YouTube] ??? I cannot remember much if he is one of those pompuous twats that sometimes do videos like this on youtube, all I can remember is that he seemed pretty chill but I might be wrong
>>9636 #
>>9634 #
i think the new nier edition did fix its performance issues by a ton
>>9635 #
thanks 'nnonie im gonna check his analysis out
>>9637 #
GYdIqSnTm7095785830379277574 #dueto com @dev1lm4n FISCHL 🇧🇷🇧🇷 E BENNETT 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 #fischlcosplay #bennett #bennettcosplay #fischlgenshinimpact #bennettgenshinimpact #GenshinImpa-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 20.3 MB􀅊 1440×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Theres a fucking massive mosquito in my room but I dont know if he is retarded or if my heart rate is just low enough that I dont breath a lot and he cant locate me but he is absolutely useless and has not even approached me beyond flying past me trying to piss me off
he will DIE I already killed his bretheren, I will NOT falter
>>9636 #
I will check it out some day, hopefully it runs on my dated machine machine? like the machines in nier? omg nier reference)
>>9638 #>>9639 #
>>9637 #
pick up a chancla and smack that bitch up
>>9637 #
also how dated is your machine? it cant be that bad
>>9640 #
an i7 sounds good to me, but i only got a weak amd ryzen 3 1200 and a decent gtx 1060 6gb, have you checked your titan gfx to a technician?
>>9640 #
>>9640 #
was it a new titan rtx? oh nvm
fuck i forgot, how do you call that protection thing where when things broke down you can get another one for free?
>>9642 #>>9643 #
>>9642 #
>>9643 #
ah well, shame, gtx 1060s are built to last so we'll probably be good for another 3-4 years, and i had mine since 2018
>>9645 #
is your house assaulted by pesky mosquitoes a lot?
>>9647 #
GYdIqSnTm7079833803191028998 “i want to make your life miserable” - INTRODUCING AIKO !! #aikotanaka #aikotanakacosplay #goodnightpunpun #oyasumipunpun #goodnightpunpuncosplay #oyasumipunpuncosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 13.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9646 #
no, small gnats and/or sometimes fruit flies but rarely mosquitos
yet, I have killed two in my room today and one assaulted me as I was preparing a visit to the porcelain throne
>>9648 #
GYdIqSnTm7057215290521750789 GENSHIN TREND YES #kakegurui #kakeguruicosplay #yumekojabami #yumekojabamicosplay #jabamiyumeko #jabamiyumekocosplay #yumeko #yumekocosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 12.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9650 #
If I open my window at night then its like I started a mosquito convention center in my room, all of them will arrive
if I open it at day when its warm, then the temperatures and CO2 levels will equalize and then mosquitos rarely enter my room at night if I keep the window left open
I just dont open it at all though, its not worth the risk because I fucking hate them and they make my blood boil, every little hair on my body that moves makes me think I am being attacked so I can never relax
>>9652 #
GYdIqSnTm7021213685653835014 I LOVE THIS TREND ib @foofighterz 3 #monika #monikaddlc #monikacosplay #ddlcmonika #monikadokidoki #ddlc #ddlccosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 15.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9652 #
>if your blood start boiling the mosquitoes are just gonna drop dead
I wish, they send their battlehardened GMO modified super soldiers because they know only the best of their best can tackle me
hope they all fucking EXPIRE
also another eminem audio but its the cringe mashup version
>>9655 #
>>9656 #
goodnite 'nnonie, wish you good luck in class!
GYdIqSnTm6870551844079373570 which anime character do you hate the most #meliodas #meliodascosplay #nanatsunotaizai #nanatsunotaizaicosplay #sevendeadlysins #eclipseclabr #fyp~sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 4 years ago
Big CS2 update, inferno remade at a vast scale (looks sick), ranks now separate on a map by map basis, premier mode is a new competitive ladder to climb and might take over as the competitive ladder to climb as opposed to normal competitive games, 24 round matches instead of 16 or 30
>>9671 #
4 cups of coffee seems a bit much but thats alrit
>>9673 #
oh, thats good then, it keeps you energetic through the day
>>9673 #
GYdIqSnTm7220825535755144454 NEW COSPLAY✨ fucked up lyrics oops #kagaminerin#vocaloid_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 6.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>tokfu has cut marks on her legs
bros, how can i save them?

I've never understood self-harm but there's obviously a psychological reasoning behind it since so many people do it. Even at my lowest I couldn't bring myself to even seriously consider it, it just freaks me out thinking about it. I imagine I'm not alone in thinking this though, it's probably a normal thought.
>>9674 #
just had a shower, gonna sit down and do some gaming (F1 Manager 2023)
>>9676 #>>9677 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 8.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>9675 #
>I've never understood self-harm but there's obviously a psychological reasoning behind it since so many people do it
Usually those who are really susceptible towards suffering or bad life events(for example teenagers, the chronic depressed or people who suffer from psychological illnesses) resort to it as a way of self-soothing, stuff like cutting or burning cigarettes on your skin releases chemicals that are akin to a pain-reliever and makes you feel relaxed and warm for a short while, sadly some get addicted and ruin their body in the process, to never heal from it.
It's sad stuff and i wish people were a bit more sympathetic towards them, most of the time they get treated as monsters that should be locked up in a loony bin(or outright told they should kill themselves) which in the end, only makes their conditions worse.
>>9678 #
GYdIqSnTm6976877489415048453 SIM EU TO MORRENDO DE FRIO MAS EU TO FELIZ L.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 5.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9675 #
I heard some layman theory that women are more predisposed to self-harm in the cases of minor wounds because it helps introduce bacteria and other airborne particles into their immune system to build them up and create a strong (this is where my biology skills begin to fail me) beta memory markers in their white blood cells or what how the story goes, this was supposed to have the benefit of passing on a stronger immune system to their children
>>9678 #
GYdIqSnTm7250709395024203054 NO NO NO 😡 #toychica#fivenightsatfreddys#toychicafnafedit#toychicafnaf#toychicafnaf2#toychicacosplay#michaelafton#michaelaftonedit#michaelaftonedit#aftonfamily#fnafmovie _264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 24.7 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>9677 #
That is actually kind of plausible, women do share their immune systems with their children through breastfeeding, and the babies' immune system is super weak so it's dependent on the mother for it's immunity, that has some logic to it.
>>9676 #
Yeah I understood the chemical release of pain. I just wish nobody had to do it and eveyrone was happy :)
>>9686 #
i took the pic from the tokfu /s/ thread, dunno which tokker is that supposed to be
>>9688 #
>>9689 #
Scratch that post above i didnt mean that, took whatever shit they put on the 4chan thread
>>9691 #
>>9691 #
the ass one, didnt knew she was underage before posting it
>>9693 #
>>9699 #
gen 1, season 2, episode 2, "sketch", aka, the one with Osama: The Musical
>>9701 #
I just got to the part where the actual musical begins, this is truly the height of cinema.

Also, I'm gonna say it. Anwar is without a shadow of a doubt the worst fucking character in this series. He's so undeveloped that he detracts from every scene he's in as a speaking character.
>>9704 #
>>9703 #
yeah he just felt like a character made to be boucned off of without his own character development
>>9706 #
GYdIqSnTm7273196038335368480 In hello kitty we trust 🔥🔥🔥 _h264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 3.8 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>9704 #
tbh Maxxie was like that in season 1 too. There's a reason why "Anwar and Maxxie" was an episode title, every other character got their own episode, they got a shared one, and even that was bundled with major moments for other characters.

Season 2 opens with "Maxxie", he's literally the first thing you see as the season starts, which makes him feel like the main character, then it's followed by "Sketch", which is a Maxxie focused episode.

My head canon is that Maxxie was incredibly popular with teenage girls, so they promoted him to main character in season 2, whilst also sidelining Chris and Jal, because they're kinda boring.
>>9705 #
>I could save cassie
ngl I want to literally kill sid though most of season 1, he treats cassie so fucking badly, she's easily the best looking girl in the show, is in love with him, and yet he mistreats her all to chase after Michelle.
>that clip of her doing a scottish line dance in a kilt
my heart, my soul.
>>9705 #>>9707 #
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>>9706 #
>she's easily the best looking girl in the show
bro shes cute and all but she literally looks like a rat with a catastrophic overbite
yeah I feel bad for her, sid really mistreated her and then just made out with michelle on the beach and then told cassie
Cassies season 9 or 7 or w/e "What happened next" episode was pretty sad as well
>>9708 #
gen 2 is actually really comfy, they had good character development for all of the characters
>>9708 #>>9709 #
􀈷 96 KB􀅊 1280×720
>>9707 #
This is my type.
I need a rat gf who says "cheesed to meet you"

I've never seen a season after season 2! Still not sure if I'll watch anything else, I know Gen 2 has Effy as a main character, and I fucking hate Effy.
>>9707 #
>>9707 #
As I rewatch skins I remember I had a friend when I was 13 who literally tried to be Tony. He was the most narcissitic self-serving person I knew, he wasn't a sociopath, nor a charismatic manipulator like tony, he was just a bully that would run around spreading lies about people and had no friends
>gen 2
I might give it a chance! I've got Prime Video anyway, so might as well.
>>9711 #
>>9709 #
tony was a fag I hated him
the two dudes in gen2 that have their sid-tony rivalry were much better imo, they end up selling the act way better instead of coming off obtuse
thank god for the bus
>>9712 #
>>9711 #
Tony was a fag but he got what he fucking deserved.
the more that I think about it, the more that I realise sid is literally me, except I never got my cassie.
>>9714 #
>>9713 #
none of the characters are literally me, I can only find fragments of myself within some of them
I was going to write the
>Luckily for you, I have just the image macro for this
and post my wdyp pick from 2021 but I couldnt find it, only the images I put in it
>>9719 #
thats melon
>>9719 #>>9720 #
I find it hard to believe my wdyp macro used to have koto, chip, jessu, ryo, loser and gio on it
>>9722 #
too many tokters and gio is so incredibly mid I got tired of posting her within 1 month of picking her archive up, if even 2 weeks
>>9722 #
yeah, unconventionally unattractive to me
>>9722 #
>>9721 #
it's fine anonie, we all grow up, you just grew out of posting them.
yeah I never got the gio appeal, she's objectively pretty, but she's pretty in a very generic way.

I can't believe my wdyp never had reki in it. like, reki is my favourite tokfu now, and I didn't put remy on it because he wasn't posting and was on a mental health break
>>9721 #
>>9725 #
reki is based, i dont know why he's so disliked.
>>9728 #
>>9726 #
isnt reki she/her? also i think rekis face a lil busted but at least she doesnt look like that one football monkey kid video guy
>>9729 #
>>9730 #
he/they tokfus are the best imo, my top 3 tokfus are all he/theys
>>9732 #
>>9730 #
thanks 'nnonie
GYdIqSnTmDaEx22-10-15 01-56-48.png􀄩
􀈷 345 KB􀅊 381×430
>>9753 #
Ive read enough of the blogposts
Maybe one day I will blogpost about the time I catfished AP on 20 different arthoe egirl tinder accounts (we had sexy flirty time e-sex with our roblox characters)
>>9755 #
>>9755 #
all right sorry did not intend for it to be annoying nor uncomfortable
>>9757 #
I was listening to some other eminem songs that I used to like yesterday, songs like Berzerk
They were a lot better when I was a kid whilst I didnt like songs like Role Model as much when I was younger but they grew on me with the years
>>9759 #
GYdIqSnTm7266112346467093766 boring video sorry guys #aikotanaka #aikotanakacosplay #goodnightpunpun #goodnightpunpuncosplay #oyasumipunpun #oyasumipunpuncosplay #boanoitepunpun-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:16􀈷 4.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>9759 #
Sometimes I can evoke a little bit of that excitement by walking down random roads in cities, places I've always walked by but never taken a turn to walk down
Found this new town square I had no idea existed, then when I walked a bit further I got a shock to find out where I actually was when I recognised my surroundings
Felt like I connected two previously separated areas in my head
>>9761 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx2019-07-07 ochaco.jpg􀄩
􀈷 117 KB􀅊 1080×1350
>>9760 #
It is quite amazing when something that you've known for a long time still has hidden surprises or roads which, despite being there, were never fully noticed, they're like little easter eggs
>>9762 #
GYdIqSnTm7270929720387095814 MANDATORY LIFE IS STRANGE AUDIO #maxcaufield #maxcaufieldcosplay #lifeisstrange #lifeisstrangecosplay #lis #liscosplay #maxcosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 8.3 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>9761 #
The best part is that, to fully appreciate these little things, you have to explore the mundane
Walking around a new city and seeing its landmarks is one thing but since everything is new, nothing is as extraordinary as when you discover something new amongst the old
>>9763 #
􀈷 30 KB􀅊 400×533
>>9764 #
Once upon a time a wise old man said "If life gaveth thee spoiled fishes from lake or the sea, eat it with a slice of bread and butter"
>>9766 #
>>9765 #
That reminds me of an old quote I read a long time ago but follows the same spirit of yours
"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"
I believe thats the quote, it's been so long so I cannot remember it exactly but it does ring true.
>>9767 #
i've spent too long these last few days waiting for replies from people i've messaged. i'm worth more than a little red number 1 telling me someone has given me worth eventually. gonna try and poison my brain and care about normal healthy things like being happy for myself, not being happy because i was remembered
>>9771 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.5 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
day hasn't started good.

realised one of my friends decided to delete and leave all his roll20 games, despite promising he'd keep them up after the campaigns ended. the shadowrun game we spent 4 years playing as a group? gone. for literally no reason, it costs nothing to keep it up, it's free, it takes time to go through and delete the games. 4 years of archives, 4 years of my life, my favourite TTRPG campaign? just gone on a fucking whim. didn't even warn us, else I would've looked into backing it up myself.

got nostalgic and wanted to re-look at the page and it wasn't there. I feel like you guys would understand the desire to have archives of things you enjoyed.
>>9773 #
GYdIqSnTmDaConnan Mockasin - Do I Make You Feel Shy? (2013) [Music Video] - Connan Mockasin.webm􀄩
􀑪􀎶 05:16􀈷 44.8 MB􀅊 1920×1080􀣋 VP9
>>9772 #
that sounds tough, I know the feel of wanting to go check on something you assumed would be there but the host has suddenly removed without explanation. I had that happen a while back and it's what kickstarted my "quest" to archive things I like such as youtube videos I really fw or stuff like that, you never know when its gone on a whim. I have to say that I respect the people that do archive and reüpload deleted stuff. one of my favourite genders for sure
>it costs nothing to keep it up, it's free
theres no drive space (either physical or in the game) that stuff like that fills up? if its completely free and unbothersome then it makes literally zero sense for him to delete it beyond him having an overall negative memory associated with it and wanting to get rid of it. If theres a drive space it fills up then, while it doesnt make him not giving a headsup any better, I can at least understand the decision somewhat
I had to delete a bunch of memories that I was hosting from HS since it was filling up my cloud drive, if anyone decides that "hmmm, today I want to check all those photos out" they wont find them still hosted there. However, I did save copies of them for physical storage on a harddrive so that I can still send them or alternatively upload them if anyone wants to save them for themselves. But since I didnt give a warning, unless they ask me about the pictures they might come to the conclusion that they are gone
>>9774 #
>>9773 #
Roll20 has a file size limit for images and tokens, the chatlog is infinite and free. Even when you stop paying for your roll20 subscription, it doesn't delete your games, it just stops you from uploading more images as your file size limit drops back down to like 100mb.
>>9775 #
􀈷 568 KB􀅊 2016×1512
>>9774 #
Perhaps he simply had no idea that chat logs were free and, together with being the free subscription tier, wanted to play another game but couldnt and thus assumed he had to delete everything to make space for new experiences
>>9776 #
I see, then it's absolutely malice on his part. Only other explanation was that he had his account banned and wiped, hacked and wiped or otherwise tampered with outside of his control
>>9776 #
>>9775 #
No, he does, he's used the website for years and years, he even made a specific post after the game ended that he would SPECIFICALLY keep that game online forever, and wouldn't delete it like he usually does with his other games.
>>9775 #>>9777 #
>>9776 #
It seems he did it out of ill intention, have you tried contacting him about it?
>>9778 #
>>9777 #
no i haven't because tbh he can sometimes be a moody bitch when confronted about things. I've learned over the years to simply just live and let live with his issues.
>>9779 #
>>9778 #
>I've learned over the years to simply just live and let live
That'd be the best course of action tbh, as long as you are not still his friend ofc.
Sorry to hear what happened to you though
>>9780 #
>>9779 #
We are still friends, sorta, we don't really talk much or hang out much since he got a new job.
􀈷 102 KB􀅊 749×977
iktf of going scorched earth though
its not a healthy way to live but its one many people like me choose
a simple disagreement that boils over until all is in vain
GYdIqSnTmDaEx2020-05-25 haru2.jpg􀄩
􀈷 108 KB􀅊 937×1171
Going scorched earth might feel cathartic for a while, but then the realization sets in that you just soured the relationship, iktf too well
>>9783 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 5.6 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264
>>9782 #
I went scorched earth on my tok archives during the many times I had moral quandries about the nature of ttg
Many toks lost to time, archives of tokkers who ended up deleting everything they had after the fact
I might still possess the largest archive of this tokker but even my archive is lacking, she had hundreds more of interesting shit like books, philosophy and her personal political and religious opinions
gone, like tears in rain
>>9784 #
>>9783 #
>the many times I had moral quandries about the nature of ttg
i feel you, i did the same multiple times because it just felt wrong to have koto saved on my hdd, and plus in being associated with the other fucked up posters on
I dont wanna carry that burden so to speak.
>>9785 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 9.9 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9784 #
yeah, I mustve downloaded kotos archive like 4 different times. My main issue was like you said, being associated with the other pests since if you stayed in their presence, you must be like them to some extent
Its an odd hobby we have, innit
>>9786 #
GYdIqSnTmDaFirestarter - Oxide.f303.webm􀄩
􀎶 03:47􀈷 30.0 MB􀅊 1920×1080􀣋 VP9
Man, I miss my teens. I hope I one day look back at my 20s with such fond memories that I today look back at the past
Playing War Thunder was one of the most beautiful periods of my gaming experience
That game was a masterpiece
>>9788 #
>>9787 #
Everything was a bit better and carefree as wee teenager, you could do anything without the responsibilities of adulthood creeping in like a sleep-paralysis monster.
Plus i enjoyed videogames much more as a teen too.
>>9789 #
gonna order smth at maccies, do you guys want anything
>>9791 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEximage (3).png􀄩
􀈷 151 KB􀅊 203×280
>>9797 #
>>9799 #
she don like the sweet and sour dip
real answer I dont remember why she cried in that tok
>>9801 #
>>9800 #
chips doesnt go with sweet 'n sour dip, noted it
hows your day goin anyways 'nnonie
>>9802 #
>>9803 #
>Im gonna get a motorbike and drive myself to death one day, that seems fun
its funny how motorbikes have almost no safety precautions during crashes compared to cars, at best you'll get an helmet that might protect you from the asphalt goin in
>>9807 #
>>9806 #
if you crash you are likely boned and thats respectable
>>9808 #
>>9807 #
im watching the vid you just posted and its insane how fast he's goin while criss-crossing between cars and trucks, knowing all it takes is a car doing a wrong turn to cause a disaster
>>9809 #
>>9808 #
yeah, one person making a panicked lane switch and this guy is pavement mince
I watched this guy a lot before but I forgot about him when youtube auto-unsubscribed me for some reason, only recently remembered him
This guy and another youtube channel called gixxer brah, these guys are insane. speeding like crazy and bobbing and weaving between cars and away from cops
really nice content to watch if youre eating or otherwise chilling, it keeps you on edge and invested in what might happen next
the gixxer brah guy also does wheelies and shit, he posted a video recently of him taking a girl on a date and they go up to 250kmh on the highway, must be crazy
anyways, imagine going 250kmh average speed for 17 minutes and traveling 66km in that short time. crazy
>>9810 #
>>9809 #
im gonna check this gixxer brah out
>imagine going 250kmh average speed for 17 minutes and traveling 66km in that short time. crazy
it is extremely crazy and deadly dangerous to him and the other drivers, but on a positive note, you'll probably have the most fun ride in your entire life
>>9811 #
>>9810 #
>you'll probably have the most fun ride in your entire life
until driving that fast gets tired, then you only get those adrenaline spikes from driving closer and closer to bigger and bigger vehicles until you just narrowly dodge and tempt fate every ride
>>9812 #
>>9811 #
>until you just narrowly dodge and tempt fate every ride
That or he could get a flying license and fly a bi-plane, he would get a good adrenalise rush from sick tricks in the air
>>9813 #
this song from the same album autoplayed after the one you linked and man it goes really hard
[YouTube] ???
when the drums come in, woah
>>9816 #
>>9825 #
im playing bannerlord atm, im very tired, i wouldnt trust myself in valorant :)
> :)
a bit passive aggressive but ait
>>9829 #
>>9827 #
that wasnt intended to be passive aggressive, im just writing smiley faces more often because i think it'll make me happier if i pretend to be happier, y'know? :)
cs go time? #8ball (No)
>>9835 #
imma play it anyways frick off 8ball
>>9833 #
I read that people with cs prime status, an active rank in an official competitive active ladder (so normal games or wingman) and some other stuff should be getting their cs2 invites soon
you should play a game to make sure you havent decayed to unranked
>>9836 #
>>9835 #
oh shit that's cool, i wanna try cs2 so this info is a lifesaver, thanks anoni
wanna play some matches sometime?
>>9837 #
GYdIqSnTm7062860729409359110 I got a fringe 🥶🥶#drip_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 7.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9836 #
>Additionally, today we’re starting the process of inviting as many eligible players as possible to the Limited Test. To be eligible for a CS2 Limited Test invite players must have CS:GO Prime status, an active official competitive matchmaking Skill Group, and play majority of their official matchmaking games in one of the regions where the Limited Test is available.
Go out there and play, I just played a short match on nuke just to see if I would get my invite (I was unranked) and I havent gotten it yet but maybe soon
>>9836 #
I can join you for yours now if you want to
>>9838 #>>9839 #
>>9837 #
>I can join you for yours now if you want to
ye sure i installed csgo recently so i might suck a bit lol
>>9837 #
my steam name is Mozzarellina, the pfp has a white mozzarella wearing sunglasses, can't miss it
rush b rush b rush b
do not stop
>>9841 #
gm its a sunday
>>9845 #
I was intrigued by marfas cosplays initially, I thought she had discovered a niche in aesthetic and makeup that no other tokkers had yet dabbled in but as time goes on, I cant help but be a little disturbed by it. It's almost a bit too macabre for me, especially in the way that she exaggerates her already huge bulbous eyes to look ghastly and ghoulish
I respect the craft, its really well made but not for me. Her Coraline cosplay was really well done though, I cannot lie
>>9847 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 2.0 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9846 #
> especially in the way that she exaggerates her already huge bulbous eyes to look ghastly and ghoulish
Yea im not a fan either, but despite that her toks are really eccentric and unique compared to the rest, her makeup style leans a lot more towards the artistry side of it.
>She's incredibly Tim Burton-esque
That's the best way to describe her yea, colorful but yet dark and macabre
>>9848 #
It's really difficult to find good tokkers on tiktok that aren't coomer thirst traps ngl
>>9850 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 4.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9849 #
What I did was just making a new account, acting like it was a normal account with normal account activity (no following people through searching their name, no spam liking to fix the algorithm etc) for a week or two and then start following tokkers I already enjoyed, after a bit of tailoring I started getting a lot of new tokkers pop up on my fyp
Its been a while since I did that let alone used that account but I could reliably, without much time invested, find new potential tokkers daily/weekly
None of them had any mainstay with myself or the greater ttg phenomenon but it was a proof of concept that yielded much needed information for future adaptation.
I think some anon still posts this girl
GYdIqSnTm7197087882744564997 Boi he got the blåhaj #gawrgura #gawrguracosplay #gawrgurahololive #hololive #hololivecosplay #viral #fypシ -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:05􀈷 1.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Only thing that I can say might prove a problem is that, I only limited my scope to the surrounding area and thusly (mostly) only discovered scanditokkers. Perhaps theres a culture clasm somewhere across the pond that causes this to not be as reliable of a method for discovering tokkers in other countries so your mileage may vary
>>9853 #
>>9851 #
big problemo is that tiktok only scans for stuff in your country most of the time, lots of cosplays in cons here but not enough good tokkers
>>9854 #
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 2.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9853 #
common misconception, you can go into your settings and input what languages you speak and they'll add content from said countries into your feed, it's a good way to search for specific content if you are after, say, latam normie girls
I tried it out and went looking for french tokkers to see if I could find any and I got more than when I did not have the setting set to that (though I dont speak french so I couldnt care to follow them.) I mostly kept mine to Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish and English for the obvious reasons
>>9856 #
>>9854 #
>>9855 #
oh ey the language method works, toks on the fyp are in their own respective lang that i picked, good advice 'nnonie
>>9857 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 24.3 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9856 #
Another, albeit more laborious method, is to find a tokker you like and then go through her comments and check all profiles that have some anime profile and/or feminine sounding name
That strategy is a bit more unhinged and takes a shitton of time but it works
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 8.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
If you dont like, watch, save nor in any other way interact with coomerbait toks, you wont get them on your feed
You cannot virtue signal to the algorithm, it can read your honest soul
>>9860 #
>>9859 #
yea i know the algorithm changes to fits your likes and what you view, but sometimes boobi and big booties get old, even though i still like those nevertheless
>>9861 #
􀑪􀎶 02:57􀈷 21.5 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>9871 #
>hopefully he's been arrested by now
i hope that too, his toks were annoying to see them being posted on ttg
imma post some random stuff by now until i'll find something good or decent
􀑪􀎶 0:25􀈷 13.7 MB􀅊 1080×1080􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
My normal accounts fyp is way more schizophrenic than my ttg account was
Lots of stuff like this but also fashion, dancing, music stuff
>>9875 #
>also this tok wasnt that good I dont know why I posted it
wdym its not that good, dude is cooking mightly with that drum
>>9877 #
>>9877 #
I'm on windows 10, it can views HEVC just fine thankfully, this one is nicely done too, pianists doing a good job with those chill beats
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 6.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Oh man, going through these "old" saved toks takes me back
The same way that listening to a song you used to spam back in the days reminds you of what you were thinking and how life looked at that point in time, Im starting to have the same experience with toks
I remember the winter depression and solemn mood I had back during christmas and the end of last year, 2chen, the christmas day game session ttg had
I miss it
>>9880 #
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 917 KB􀅊 700×1000􀣋 H264
>>9879 #
>I miss it
i miss it too 'nnonie, i miss it too.
when i first joined back in 2021 it was a really fun and "magical" experience, never i have seen a board like that with liveposting and cool gimmicks, plus the anonies there were mostly friendly too
>>9881 #
classic 'nara enjoyer
>>9881 #
thinking about it, i wish i was as happy as this dude is when eating spaghet
􀑪􀎶 0:30􀈷 11.6 MB􀅊 1440×1080􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9886 #
We never make it to worlds so I never have a team to cheer for, thats why I cheered for Japan because they had the most incredible underdog story of the year
>>9888 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>9889 #
Just noticed that the next world cup is gonna be hosted in the land of the free, 2026 is still far from now but i can't wait to visit the /sp/ threads and shitpost like a broken valve kek.
Unless a third world war doesn't blow up open ofc
>>9891 #
GYdIqSnTm7186692435353849094 #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer #cosplayer-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 17.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9890 #
I havent posted on 4chan more than probably 20 times in almost 3 years now
Not long after I found ttg I lost all interest in posting on 4chan, its exclusively lurking now
Same with Boni, not long after I found her I lost all interest in other tokkers, it's exclusively her now
>>9892 #
􀑪􀎶 0:05􀈷 1.0 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>9891 #
>Same with Boni, not long after I found her I lost all interest in other tokkers, it's exclusively her now
same bestie, but change Boni with emiru or lily for me
>I havent posted on 4chan more than probably 20 times in almost 3 years now
I dont' blame ya, its difficult to come back to 4chins outdated site features and shitty moderation plus fbi bots swarming the place 24/07.
If 4chan was ran by a more competent owner and technical team(if they even or ever had one) the site would've been a more pleasant experience for everyone
>>9893 #>>9894 #
>>9892 #
and i fucked up spoilering the text lmao
>>9892 #
Meh, even with a competent team and a better site I probably still wouldnt post on the site. I think it has to do with liveposting vs correspondence posting, Im just not able to feel as engaged and immersed into the conversation topic when I get a post delivered through correspondence as opposed to having a real-time conversation with someone
Plus the fact that 4chan is too populated, you never know if youre even talking to the same person and thus every post you make ends up being addressed to everyone. At least on meguca you can with some knowledge tell to some extent which person you are talking to, despite everyone being anonymous barring namefags avatarfags and other identifiable information
>>9896 #
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>9894 #
>Plus the fact that 4chan is too populated, you never know if youre even talking to the same person and thus every post you make ends up being addressed to everyone.
Thats one of the most annoying things to encounter when discussing any topic on 4chinchin
>Anon says dumbshit take
>i reply
>he replies with a dumber take somehow contradicting some details on his prev post
>i reply again to tell him to explain why he's telling a completely diff story now
>he replies with "dude wtf that was not me, im another guy"
>discussion ends there with no way to continue it in a productive way
Hate this shit a lot, and plus anons that start pretending to be you just for trolling sake
>>9897 #
GYdIqSnTm7243583260125646086 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.3 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 21 months ago
>>9896 #
Only time I purposely engaged in arguments with people were when they were obviously unhinged and way too invested and it seemed as if I could poke the bear to keep seeing them sperg out (see: ttg schizo being upset over abbles and emory being called he/they), aside from that I rarely posted on 4chan to begin with, it was mostly me photoshopping OC collages and stuff like that for the generals that I frequented
Most of my time was just browsing but since finding ttg, it's exclusively turned into browsing but I dont go on there much to begin with
4chan fell off fr fr
>he replies with "dude wtf that was not me, im another guy"
yea, happens too often, or people themselves realizing (me included) that they are wrong about something but continuing to argue against the other person because the argument is engaging
>>9898 #
>>9897 #
>or people themselves realizing (me included) that they are wrong about something but continuing to argue against the other person because the argument is engaging
I'm guilty of that too
>"The sky is blue man, whats there not to get here"
>"Tell that to color-blind people"
>they get ass hurt and going on a rant about how the exceptions dont make the rule
It's quite childish to do but its too much fun
>>9899 #>>9900 #
>>9898 #
btw the whole greentext is just an example, shit never happened lol
GYdIqSnTm7212664899191786757 SO CLOSE TO 100K IM SO HAPPY !!!! #fionnathehuman #cakethecat #fionnathehumancosplay #fionnacosplay #fionna #adventuretime #adventuretimecosplay #horadeaventura #horadeaventuracos.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 12.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 2 years ago
>>9898 #
To be fair, the sky is blue even to colorblind people, just because you cannot observe something does not mean that it does not occur
The argument would rather be towards what blue is and what the definition of that is
I had to hihi
>>9901 #
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>>9900 #
You're correct on that, my first assumptions were a bit primitive and immature with not much factual info backing it up
>The argument would rather be towards what blue is and what the definition of that is
Well, my first thought would be that "Blue" in the word itself is just a label that we apply on things that, no suprise, look blue or are withing that range of colors that a human is able to see, there are so many wavelenghts of colors that we cannot perceive but other biological life can, for example mantis shrimps.
But outside what is objective to us people, i think there is a little of subjectivity too in the formula, if dogs and cats could talk they would kinda disaggree on some stuff we might see as set in stone, its a whole lotta of physolophy, if one day humanity goes extinct on earth and noone of us is going to appreciate the world with self-awareness, can we really say that the universe and everything around us will keep existing as well? ok im gonna stop since im losing myself in the sauce here, going off tangents so to speak, but i hope you get what i mean
GYdIqSnTm7194112662198816006 it literally started to rain and i had to close the windows ._.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 17.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
without having put much further thought into the idea, I would argue that colours in general are social constructs, something we have as a majority agreed to call a range of colours across a certain span of wavelength of light. since its a construct, its entirely subjective and there is no way to accurately put boundaries on where it starts and where it ends
>if one day humanity goes extinct on earth and noone of us is going to appreciate the world with self-awareness, can we really say that the universe and everything around us will keep existing as well
to say that it wont keep existing is to be solipsistic, arguing that everything that exists is only a result of you being able to interpret it, that its all a figment of your imagination
I dont know to be sure, I have had my moments where I devolve into strong solipsistic bouts with no logical way of dismissing the ideas that it puts forth. only way of arguing against solipsism is that "wouldnt that be convenient" or "wouldnt that be boring?" I'd personally like to believe the world would keep existing even after I am gone or even when I close my eyes
>>9903 #>>9904 #
GYdIqSnTm7190781144927964422 i hate this game #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #danganronpav3 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 9.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9902 #
>something we have as a majority agreed to call a range of colours across a certain span of wavelength of light
I forgot to say "with "blue" being somthing we have as a majority agreed to call a [...]"
since blue isnt a single colour but a span of shades, ranging from somewhere around the border of violet/blue <===> blue/green
􀈷 70 KB􀅊 628×1200
>>9902 #
An argument against solipsism would be something like, yea the "world" ends with your death and all of that, but we could say that the world has ended to all the people who have died so far, and yet us who are alive it has not ended, and will probably, with a 99.99% accuracy never end anytime soon scientifically speaking.
Who knows, maybe when grandpa is gonna pass away to a better world, a meteorite is gonna struck a volcano and cause an exinction event that woul wipe the world out, but like i said earlier in this post, the odds are working against such event to even unfold.
It is interesting to dabble on such thoughts tho from time to time
>>9905 #
GYdIqSnTm7185212634155715846 I DONT HAVE ANY MORE VIDEOS AAAAAAAA #fischlcosplay #fischlgenshinimpact #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactfischl #genshinimpactcosplay #genshinimpact33 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 15.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9904 #
>but we could say that the world has ended to all the people who have died so far
but that doesnt matter to solipsism since its the theory that the self is all that can be known to exist
whether other people have died so far does not disprove it since other people cannot be known to exist, if an npc dies in a video game, it doesnt give you a "Game Over" screen because the universe does not follow the same criteria for them as for the main character
If I invent a person to inhabit the world I have created in my mind, when said character eventually dies they just cease to disappear, they unrender from the universe. if I am the inventor of the universe around me, only when I die does the universe cease to be maintained and disappear
When I first started thinking about these things back in like 2014, it gave me my first and probably biggest mindbreak and I still havent really recovered from the apathy it brought along, I havent been able to disprove it and can only choose to willfully ignore it and/or temporarily forget about it
>>9906 #
􀈷 109 KB􀅊 640×1119
>>9905 #
> it gave me my first and probably biggest mindbreak and I still havent really recovered from the apathy it brought along
My bad for bringing it up then, stuff like this brings many fears and doubts and it affects me too(in a sporiadic thought whenever i have those)
One last thing i wanted to add is that, despite the universe around us being a big and unexplored void, it doesn't inconvenience our lifes or makes things worse, the only things that should matter for most of us is just living, be kind, and enjoy what you have and what you'll get in life, cliche i know, but thats it really, simple and clean
> I had was when I learned about quantum immortality
I will never understand those people who desire to live forever, any kind of immortality sounds like a prison sentence, seeing your loved ones die, everyone you've ever met just pass away, millenias pass and you're still here and probably an husk since you've saw EVERYTHING the world has to offer and seen and interacted with all kinds of people with their unique personalities, nothing new under the sun anymore.

>>9907 #>>9908 #
GYdIqSnTm7175988451500707077 silence shes talking to keqing #ganyu #ganyucosplay #ganyugenshinimpact #ganyugenshinimpactcosplay #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactcosplay -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9906 #
nah dont worry, I have matured since then and it doesnt really affect me the same way it did. it was babby's first philosophical mental breakdown and it was bound to happen sooner or later
the latest "worry" I had was when I learned about quantum immortality, thats also a really interesting theory but also falls under the same pitfalls of "if thats true, thats a really depressing worldview to possess" so I willfully choose to ignore it and believe the world (in its full, not just limited to our planet and immediate surrounding) is its own functional living organism
>despite the universe around us being a big and unexplored void, it doesn't inconvenience our lifes or makes things worse, the only things that should matter for most of us is just living, be kind, and enjoy what you have and what you'll get in life
yeah, worrying about what's in your control as opposed to whats outside of it
lots of internet crybabies really need to take in such advice,
GYdIqSnTm7174456571898891525 crack baby…. hhhh -( #aikotanaka #aikotanakacosplay #oyasumipunpun #oyasumipunpuncosplay #goodnightpunpun #goodnightpunpuncosplay #boanoitepunpun -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9906 #
Quantum immortality isnt about immortality in the same sense of the traditional "immortality" is, its more so that whenever you die, since your frame of reference is the only one to exist (returning to solipsism), you instead swap world lines to an alternate reality where you didnt die, one where the car managed to stop right in time or the bullet narrowly flew past you instead of into you
the issue is that, whenever you do this, everyone who witnessed you die remains in the first worldline where they watched you perish, and in this new world line they are instead lifeless zombies, fully functional humans by all means except for their soul that was left in their original body
It also means that, whenever someone dies, they also move on to their own world line, meaning that the only people that are with you in your world line will be the people who were around when you were born up til the point where you had a near death experience (died in the original world line) and then your children, up til the day that they die and/or you actually die of natural causes
I havent explained it perfectly but maybe you get the idea, its not the choice of immortality in the "would you rather" sense but more so a product of you not being able to witness yourself die and thus you must keep living on in another alternate universe
>>9909 #
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>>9908 #
This theory reminds me of a more depressing version of the schrodinger cat experiment
>the issue is that, whenever you do this, everyone who witnessed you die remains in the first worldline where they watched you perish, and in this new world line they are instead lifeless zombies, fully functional humans by all means except for their soul that was left in their original body
Thankfully and hopefully this is not real because everyone around you being some sort of soulless meat puppet replica is like, something straight out of a dystopian book, it sounds too crazy to be even a theory
>>9910 #
GYdIqSnTm7169635333099883782 I DONT HAVE VIDEOS SORRRRYYYYYYYYYY #natsuki #natsukiddlc #natsukicosplay #ddlc #ddlccosplay #ddlcnatsuki #natsukiddlccosplay #dokidokiliteratureclub #dokidokiliteratureclubco-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9909 #
Yeah, if you've ever had an experience where you've gotten really hurt, it really makes you think "what if I actually died from this and moved world lines", even a really bad illness that you suddenly recover from can make you consider such an idea
Its what I mean with you just have to choose to not believe in it because believing in it will just make for a depressing life
>reminds me of a more depressing version of the schrodinger cat experiment
yeah, both have to do with quantum positions and how they are not determined until interacted with (observed) so they are similar in some senses
>>9911 #
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>>9910 #
This quantum immortality makes me think on how it could save you from deaths in which there's no going back to in a logical sense.
For example, how are you supposed to live from falling from a 46 store building that's on fire? does the fire never happens to begin with? or does a pile of really bouncy mattresses appear on the pavement, ultimately quantum-saving you from a gruesome fate?
its thos lil things and details that stand out like a sore thumb imo
>>9912 #
GYdIqSnTm7178235892815924485 Le théatre et le bonheur 1959 #albertcamus #camus-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:20􀈷 5.0 MB􀅊 828×1792􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>9911 #
The highest ever freefall survived without a parachute is 10 kilometers, Vesna Vulović was the sole survivor of a plane which exploded mid air tearing it apart
>Following the bombing, Vulović spent days in a coma and was hospitalized for several months. She suffered a fractured skull, three broken vertebrae, broken legs, broken ribs, and a fractured pelvis. These injuries resulted in her being temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. Vulović made an almost complete recovery but continued to walk with a limp
I'm not saying its impossible for quantum immortality to figure out a way for it to have saved you, giving it some leeway you could have simply hit a bunch of soft objects ultimately breaking your fall enough that you dont smash into the pavement but instead through a bunch of those fabric screens above windows to provide shade and then land into a container full with really soft trash
or perhaps the fire does break out but due to the janitors having portioned off the 33rd floor of the building to clean / wash the carpeting, it was wet enough that the fire couldnt go past that floor and eventually died down when firefighters managed to put it out before it continued upwards towards you
I much prefer to be camuspilled when it comes to my life philosophy nowadays. the struggle of living itself is enough to keep me pushing because to live is beautiful
I just need to start drinking coffee so I can fully larp the camuspill
>>9913 #
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>>9912 #
>i just need to start drinking coffee so I can fully larp the camuspill
You never tried coffee before? not even a lil espresso?
Btw this dicussion about immortality and quantum probability has been really filling, its like scratching a mind-itch and it felt quite satisfying
gonna end this by linking this Twilight Zone scene
[YouTube] ???
>>9914 #
GYdIqSnTm7076860353388268805 OH NO LOOK WHOS BACK #kokichiouma #kokichi #kokichioma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichiomacosplay #kokichicosplay #danganronpa-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 9.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9913 #
Of course I have tried coffee before, I once stole my kindergarten teacher's cup of coffee and drank it and I was like 2-3 years old back then
I just havent experimented much with it, last time I tasted coffee was probably some really basic overbrewed burnt bitter coffee and it's all I have memory of how coffee tastes which is why I dont drink it
one day I will probably discover this really colourful roast with so much nuance that I become a coffee drinker, then I can fully live out the camuspill and wake up every morning contemplating whether or not I should kill myself or have a cup of coffee, knowing that every day I will choose the cuppa
>Twilight Zone
I remember watching that on chentube with da bros, I never understood any of it but it was still comfy. I think we watched this episode, its about the man who went back in time and visited his old town and tried to tell people that he was the grown up version of him as a child, right?
>>9915 #>>9916 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 7.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>9914 #
>its about the man who went back in time and visited his old town and tried to tell people that he was the grown up version of him as a child, right?
i think it was that one yea, my mind is a mushed up foggy mess about this lol
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>>9914 #
Also if you ever wanna try out cawfee again i recommend pic related for brewing some good ass caffeinated bean drink.
They coffee in a concentrated way but in small cup quantity, also try colombian coffee
>>9917 #
GYdIqSnTm7069832110638451974 i hate this video ._. #mogekocastle #yonakakurai #mogekocastlecosplay #yonakakuraicosplay #castelomogeko-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 14.0 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9916 #
My parents have a perculator akin to this one, I think my issue is just that whatever Ive tried at their place is just too bitter. Even if I put milk and sugar in it, all I taste is bitter
Maybe one day I'll grow up and drink it despite this, who knows
>vid rel
the editing in this video is so cool
>>9918 #
>>9917 #
>Maybe one day I'll grow up
Thats a bit harsh way to see yourself not liking it, its normal to not like coffee for its really bitter and normal taste, i know lots of people who do not drink for the taste but also for the addiction it could give you if you aint too careful
check out this page for something sweet
Another thing you can do is try making some drinks that use coffee as a secondary ingredient and not as a main thing, like mochas and cappucinos, macchiatos etc etc
Cappucinos would be the easiest to make afaik
>>9919 #
GYdIqSnTm7072052071595396357 UNDERTALE 2022 ! #undertale #undertalecosplay #chara #frisk #characosplay #friskcosplay #friskundertale #charaundertale-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 19.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9918 #
>Thats a bit harsh way to see yourself not liking it
I tend to align myself with many of the ideas of toxic masculinity, concepts such as "man up" and just bite the pillow and drink the bitter coffee would fit in this scenario.
I appreciate the tips though, maybe I'll one day branch out and try some more stuff out. Until then I will be an honorary brit and drink my tea
>>9920 #
>>9919 #
Tea is pretty good, i like the black vanilla ones and green tea the most, still haven't tried it with milk tho but i prob should
>>9921 #
GYdIqSnTm7062757872358214918 FELIZ ANIVERSARIOOOO DESEJEM FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO PRA MAID #zenitsu #nezuko #nezukokamado #nezukocosplay #zenitsuagatsuma #zenitsucosplay #demonslayer-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 8.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>9920 #
I mainly drink black tea in the form of Earl Grey when I'm having a cuppa but I do enjoy those really fruity "girl" teas like Blackcurrant, lemon tea, raspberry shortcake stuff
tea with milk and honey is really nice, I used to have sugar in my tea but honey is just better in every way. without milk is also decent but imo you have to be more careful to not put the bags in when the water is too hot because if you overcook the leaves and make a bitter cup you cannot mask the bad flavours at all, with milk you are able to at least hide them somewhat behind the milky flavour (plus the fact that adding milk reduces the water temperature a bit stopping it from overcooking them to begin with)
>>9922 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 7.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>9921 #
>but imo you have to be more careful to not put the bags in when the water is too hot because if you overcook the leaves and make a bitter cup you cannot mask the bad flavours at all
I didn't knew that, it explains why sometimes my tea tastes burnt and just unpleasant all around lmao, im gonna let the water cool down a few minutes next time, i appreciate the tips 'nnonie
>>9923 #
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>>9922 #
There are handy thumbrules you can employ for it, I generally either wait a bit for the water to cool down, add a splash of cold water into the water boiler or add milk right after adding the water into my mug, though I drink my tea 1 liter at a time so I'd have to wait a longer time for the water to go down to 80c if I drank green tea for example, hence the other methods
the "enjoy with bla bla or on its own" stuff you can disregard, drink it however you like
>>9924 #
>>9923 #
I'm gonna try first by leaving the water to cool down and then add a splash of milk to the tea, the handy guide you posted is just what i need rn, i'll use it as a reminder whenever i'll forget the correct temps for my black or green tea, thnks 'nonie
>>9927 #
Also i forgot to ask, a few days ago i bought some green tea and once i tasted it, the flavor heavily reminded me of fish for some reason, dunno what was up with that
>>9926 #
>>9925 #
no clue, maybe bad leaves, maybe you were just reminded of fish due to the flavours but they actually were unrelated, maybe cia braindisruptor wave trying to get u to stop buying that brand of tea so that they go bankrupt and the owner kills himself sincce if he lives for too long he will find the cure for cancer which would disrupt the medical industrys profit motives?
idk man could be anything tbh
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>>9934 #
that last note, the one that is a bit sharp, has sooo much character I cant get over it
>>9936 #
people speculate in the comments that its very much so influenced by him, that the sax sounds a lot like the oboes do in Resource from his Koyaanisqaatsi piece
>>9937 #
>>9935 #
>that the sax sounds a lot like the oboes do in Resource from his Koyaanisqaatsi piece
The similarity is uncanny to Philip's style so i wont be surprised if it actually turns out to be the source of their inspiration
Philip Glass is such a good composer too, him and Michael Nyman are one of my favs
[YouTube] ???
>>9938 #
>>9937 #
I dont know many composers but my friend showed me Steve Reich once upon a time and his music is really nice
personal favourite is music for 18 musicians and Octet (Eight Lines) [YouTube] ???
theres another song of his which has a music video of a woman dancing on this circular platform in the autumn leaves which I love as well but I cannot for the life of me remember which song nor what video it is
>>9939 #
>>9938 #
>a music video of a woman dancing on this circular platform in the autumn leaves which I love as well but I cannot for the life of me remember which song nor what video it is
Was it this one?
[YouTube] ???
>>9940 #
>>9939 #
I searched for "Steve Reich dance" and this one came up, it fits the mental image I have in my mind so it very much might be but I think there was another similar one with people walking around in the background and another song
I might be misremembering though, it could very well be this video and the rest are things I have misremembered with time
>>9941 #
>>9940 #
>but I think there was another similar one with people walking around in the background and another song
Can't help you with that sadly, but i can link you some good songs
[YouTube] ???
I like a lot the reich songs you shared too, the first one got a looping medley thats catchy and smooth, something you'd hear in a bustling american city in the 40-50's
>>9942 #
>>9941 #
Music is an interesting topic, its fascinating how we evolved as a species to enjoy rhythm and want to recreate it
>>9943 #
>>9942 #
It probably started out as a social bonding thing when we lived in tribes or gated communities in the wild, i need to research more onto this
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 5.6 MB􀅊 810×720􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>"The key reason people listen to music lies in the reward center of the brain. Listening to pleasurable music activates areas of the reward system. The same brain-chemical system that enables feelings of pleasure from sex, recreational drugs, and food is also critical to experiencing musical pleasure."
huh interesting,critical%20to%20experiencing%20musical%20pleasure.
>>9945 #
why would you wanna dopamine fast kek, its good hombre
>>9945 #>>9946 #
>>9944 #
>listening to music gives dopamine releases
damn I need to start cutting out music as well if I wanna dopamine fast? its so over
>>9944 #
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>>9944 #
>why would you wanna dopamine fast
it's always good to reset back to baseline sometimes
getting too hooked on cheap dopamine releases is not a good thing and leads to stuff like obesity, drug- and porn addiction, depression and more
>>9947 #
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 3.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 4 years ago
>>9946 #
>getting too hooked on cheap dopamine releases is not a good thing and leads to stuff like obesity, drug- and porn addiction, depression and more
Fair points, but at least don't cut out music, its one of the healthiest dopamine inducers so far, same goes for eating healthy, filling foods and walking outside in a natural spot during a nice day imo famalam dingdong
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If / when I do a dopamine fast I will probably only allow myself the complex carbs of dopamine releases: reading books, going outside and working out
>>9953 #
oh heyy, hows goin anony, missed your posts a bit
>>9955 #
>>9959 #
not even iced tea? ah okey no beer is not a problem, i guess its better without alcohol
>>9961 #
I recommend warm choccy milk with some cream in it
not too much, it is very easy to gain weight on it but the taste is heavenly and is a good way to cheer up
>>9963 #
>>9962 #
Sounds good as a sweet treat from time to time, especially now with autumn coming up it sounds ideal, imo i would pick something more like hot choco with whipped cream + some dashes of cinnamon powder
>>9964 #
>>9963 #
>Sounds good as a sweet treat from time to time
>from time to time
when I'm bulking I drink it every day 😈 and theres nothing anyone can do to stop me muhahaha 😈
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 10.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>goes live on twitch
>no instagram story to advertise it
>literally 1 viewer (me)
>she's streaming league and talking to some guy, maybe her bf
it's literally like being cucked wtf is this
>>9966 #
>>9965 #
start talking in her chat, idk say something funny
>>9967 #
boot up google translate quickly
>>9967 #
>>9967 #
>ist das deine freunde im voice? warum bist du nicht meine freundin?? hallo????
it means "hi how are you"
>>9969 #
>>9968 #
I can obviously tell the first sentence is "is that your friend in voice?" the 2nd one i dont know
>>9970 #
>>9969 #
freunde can mean both friend and boyfriend, freundin can also mean both friend (female) and girlfriend
>is that your boyfriend in voice? why are you not my girlfriend? helloo??????
>>9971 #
>>9970 #
why dont you join and ask, you're the german speaker, not ein.
>>9972 #
>>9972 #
>2 viewers
this is literally a stream for neko
>first pick no way
I understood that! I'm learning german brehs.

I'm gonna say it, league is a dogshit game. As someone that played a few hundred hours of dota, I can't understand the appeal of a game that requires money to unlock heroes and is less mechanically complex.
>>9975 #
>>9974 #
>presses R on you with legion commander
enjoy playing the game oop- you died
>>9976 #
>>9976 #
I am commenting on "mechanically complex"
>>9978 #
league is mechanically sense in terms of spacing and other movement related macro, dota is more macro based
>>9978 #>>9979 #
>>9977 #
you have to blink in, blademail and ult, that's like 4 buttons. league doesn't have so many buttons. nor does it have an item like blink dagger.
>>9977 #
she spoken to herr kiko, der kitty katen.
>>9977 #
i dunno, whenever i played league i just didnt like the feel of it. i keep trying to deny my creeps, thats all.
>>9980 #
>>9979 #
league doesnt have as much easy to access early game healing as dota does, you dont deny creeps by attack moving them but by poking the enemy down so that they cannot commit to lasthitting without risking dying
>>9981 #
>>9980 #
hmm, i suppose that makes sense..

has their conversation said anything interesting? The only bit I understand is "kiko"
>>9982 #
>>9981 #
idk I cant understand spoken german, only written
>>9983 #
>>9982 #
it's over. we're literally the only 2 viewers and we have no idea what they're saying
>11 minutes of que time and zero games
>>9984 #
>>9983 #
its because they are playing on the pbe (public test realm), its basically a early access release of the upcoming patch
reki is trying to play the new soon-to-be-released champion and she got first pick earlier, picked her champ and then someone dodged (left the champ select, took a 5 minute queue penalty and then wanted to queue again to get her champion)
people keep dodging when someone else picks the new champion, now she has first pick but 2nd team, the other team has defacto first pick and she has first pick in her team
>>9985 #>>9987 #
>>9984 # you work for riot games... you always seem to have some excuse for LoL...
>raus raus raus
i understood that, it means "go go go"
>>9984 #
why is her room pitch black. explain that anonie.
>grabbed another beer
woweee it's like an abbles stream!
>>9988 #
>>9988 #
all we're missing is a depressing 30 minutes segment where she rambles about being cheated on
>>9990 #
>>9989 #
and a 10 minute segment where she mutes to take a phone call and then forgets to unmute, then upon finally unmuting she doesnt believe us when we tell her that she is unmuted
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>2 versions of league
>among us
>honkai: star rail
>sims 4
>that /v/ memed game about a depressed streamer
>some other shit i dont know
>>9992 #>>9994 #
>>9991 #
except for the weebshit I can tell all of the games I think
league pbe
riot client
among us
hunt showdown
weebhshit 1
weebshit 2 gacha genshin edition
uuuuh i it kinda looks like a tiktok logo and says Studio something in the end, maybe for editing toks?
danganronpa vs battles? maybe
sims 4
needy streamer overload
final fantasy maybe?

I am too powerful
>he has literally been speaking for 3 minutes and she hasn't said a word
he is literally me (women also dont reply to me)
>>9991 #
she doesnt have bad tastes except for genshin
>she gave up on playing briar and now is gonna play some boring old champion
yeah im not watching her play fucking diana thats a snoozefest and a half
>>9996 #
>>9995 #
anon, we're not here to watch league, we're here to support our favourite germanfu
>>9997 #
>>9996 #
>our favourite germanfu
uuuh that would be oily andy
powerful insight into the life of a german tokfu. spends 20 minutes searching for a league match, eventually reluctantly locks in a champ she doesn't want to play, drinks 2 beers, and doesn't respond to her friend for 5 minutes straight, all whilst in pitch black darkness.
just realized she is t alking but her mic is muted
>>10000 #
>my mic was muted all along... bruh i just cant
>>10002 #
yea i called it
>>10002 #
I think reki uses microsoft edge
>>10004 #
>>10004 #
>i bet they use ask jeeves as their search engine too,
wasnt it one of you two that used edge and jeeves or some shit
>>10007 #>>10008 #
so glad dota removed this shit mechanic as a viable role
>>10006 #
i use google chrome because i dont give a care if the NSA steals my porn
>>10006 #
what, i use Brave browser, i tried Edge once for that bing ai chat but thats it
I must be trippin frfr
reki stole windows 💀
it is at this point in dota the midlaner would be spam pinging supports and
the dude is the yasuo midlaner that just died
its so over. she is playing with inferior male specimen when she could be playing with the rank 1 topfragger reki randy
>>10013 #
>>10012 #
i wouldn't play league with them, i'd insist on playing valorant, and they'd have to play killjoy and say her voicelines
reki's stream has AWFUL bitrate right? it's not just me?
the screen economy also makes me fucking sick.
>>10015 #
>>10014 #
yeah it looks like fucking dogshit which is incredibly surprising given that 70% of the stream is her background pic and doesnt take up bitrate
im sarcastically shittalking her friend
>is yasuo master (tier) or? super good
he is so bad 😈😈😈😈😈😈👹👺👺👹
>>10017 #
>>10016 #
bro slow down, i wont be able to deal with life if a nekobro cucks me of my reki gf
>>10018 #
>>10017 #
dont worry man I wont rizzle her up with my superior language acquisition (remy is in awe of my ability to learn the language of zoomers (I am 45 years old and a licensed plumber))
>silber in chat
es ist vorbei
>>10020 #
>>10019 #
yeah i had to turn the stream off, an actually german speaking individual will expose me for the grammatical errors I make and it will knock my rizz down a few pegs then its absolutely vorbei
>>10021 #
>>10020 #
bro you just missed her screaming and laughing and deafening me.
but yeah, silber is another of reki's friends, it's just gonna be germans speaking german forever, where are all the english tokfu streamers? remy, we need you, ahhhh
>>10022 #
>>10021 #
>posts a new tok
>disappears for another 4 months
>streams for christmas
>disappears until july again
I cant wait for the next season of remymites silly travels
>>10023 #
>>10022 #
>so my ex-boyfriend and I got back together...
*takes a massive gulp of vodka straight from the bottle*
>it didn't go very well
*laughs ironically but there is real pain behind it*
>>10024 #
>>10023 #
I promise you that she will say that first line next stream
>>10025 #
>>10024 #
Which means we won't get a stream for 6 months. They'll get back together, then after they break up it'll take Remy months to not be 'busy' enough to stream again.
>>10026 #
>>10025 #
Given that theyre still "really good friends" and that the breakup "was mutual", them getting back together is an inevitability and remy getting dumped again after the fun is done is also inevitable
the cycle of attentionies continues
>>10027 #
>>10026 #
look, i support trans people, okay? just wanna say that first before someone tries to cancel me.
BUT. FTMs will never understand the gender they are attempting to be. remy says he's lonely and that nobody wants to date him, and it's just so fucking absurd because he's very attractive and obviously very popular, something most cis dudes would envy to be.

maybe he's just solely looking for another trans dude to date, and that makes the situation harder, because there's like one other trans guy at his uni, and he's a cheater.
>>10028 #
>>10027 #
>something most cis dudes would envy to be.
I think thats because people around her dont actually view her as a guy, they dont feel threatened around her in the same way that people always stay slightly on edge around guys (aside from actual guys, but actual guys around actual guys arent trying to bang said guys as opposed to if they view the other guy as a girl)
>maybe he's just solely looking for another trans dude to date
I think its more of an opportunity occurrence, they both happen to be ftm trans, possibly share life experiences and other hobbies and chose to date each other, its possible that it wouldve happened even if one of them werent trans but all of the other things lined up like they did
shame the ex was an emotional abuser and cheater thoughever, and abbles taking them back and "staying friends" is very battered housewifepilled
>>10029 #
>>10028 #
I mean, Remy did have a cis boyfriend approximately a year before he went to uni, so, it's definitely possible. He never said anything bad about his cis boyfriend and Remy was the one that ended the relationship on account of remy's mental health issues. It's crazy that he seemed to push away a relationship that was working fine but is fixated on a toxic one that isn't good for him, with a person that is arguably abusive (from what little we know).
>>10031 #
>>10030 #>>10031 #
>>10029 #
Remy is on ssris right? it might be a case of emotional dulling where being with an abuser feels like something as opposed to the cis bf who was fine but not "thrilling", have heard lots of cases where such a thing was a main factor in people choosing their relationships
also, could be a situation where misery loves company and the original guy was too normal, perhaps he couldnt emphathize with remy in the same way that the new dude did
>>10032 #
yeah I agree, though it is a shame remy stopped going / stopped being in contact / got kicked out of their band, seemed like they were excited about it initially
>>10029 #>>10032 #
>>10031 #
It is a shame to see him take two steps forward and one step back in the previous year, going to uni and being more social and getting started on a pathway to a degree is really good, very proud of him... but being romantically entangled in someone toxic is awful.
>the band
I'd almost completely forgotten about that, yeah, it was very sudden, he mentioned it a lot and then, bam, there was no band.
I remember when he mentioned they were gonna play a show in a city vaguely near where i lived and I did look for tickets and couldn't find anything about a student band playing in that city at all within in a 3 month time period, so was it real? was the band even a thing? uhh.. maybe??
>>10031 #>>10033 #
>>10032 #
I remember you mentioning that you figured out where they were playing and what band it was but I dont remember remy ever mentioning what city it was, with grounds of "not wanting to be doxed" over why they never talked about it in more detail
iirc from the latest (3 months ago or so) stream, remy said they just stopped messaging him and that was that, it was over after that
who knwos what happened
>>10034 #
>>10033 #
oh, that was a troll. i posted a few pictures of the "band" too, but they were all some random indie band i found that was active like 5 years ago.
I'm like 80% sure remy mentioned the city once, but I don't know if that was on stream or elsewhere.
>stopped messaging him
students do be ghosting people. it happens. the idea of being in a band was probably cool, but these things are hard to organise and they need a leader to keep stuff moving
every society/group event i was in at uni fell apart after a few months unless there was one person working super hard to keep it in control
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 5.0 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
his most recent tok (4 days ago) said he is back home
"perhaps Power cosplay soon?"

this power cosplay is elusive, he mentioned it like 6 months ago and promised to do it soon.
>>10036 #
>>10035 #
abbles is so cute
crazy how out of all tokkers that have been regularly posted on ttg, we ended up having an alcoholic (abbles), a drug addict (adri), maybe a homeless one at some point
>maybe power cosplay soon?
it wont happen. its already over
>>10037 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 5.2 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>10036 #
remy isn't an alcoholic, he just games all night and binge drinks, that's normal brit behaviour.
>its already over
no.. i still have hope.. maybe if we pray really hard we'll get another tok before the year ends!
GYdIqSnTm7274304217718803755 streaming this game on twitch RN!!!!#amechancosplay #kangelcosplay #needystreameroverloadcosplay.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 2.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
another abbles tok before the year ends? #8ball (Yes)
dare I do it? dare I tempt fate to find out if there will be another tok before new years eve? what if the 8ball foretells us a great drought
will we be able to wade through the desert, 40 long days 40 long nights of scorching heat?
>>10039 #
I am a remymite twitch fanatic but I cannot consider myself a fan of someone who does not have a presence, it's like obeying shadows at night
I will roll the dice, this locks fate in place, no longer will it be up to chance. Here goes
>>10043 #>>10039 #>>10041 #
>>10038 #
at this point i have gone from a huge remy fan to a fairweather fan at best. i simply cannot be excited for a future tiktok, because i have been disappointed too many times. far too many times have i read the siren call over "i promise to cosplay again soon!" and it never comes.
>>10038 #
>>10038 #
oh boy, a whole ONE (1!!) remy tok. which will probably be a draft from 5 months ago.
>>10040 #
I simply don't understand why tokfus don't just open ko-fi's are set a cheap price on a membership and sell like 15 tiktok drafts a month as a membership fee.
I'd pay 10 bucks a month for 15 new remy toks, even if said toks are a couple of years old.

I find it insane that they will just keep all their drafts on their phone, potentially hundreds of toks, and if the phone breaks they're losing years of cosplay videos.
I spoke a few days ago, maybe yesterday, about being depressed because my friend deleted the roll20 page of our shadowrun game. I didn't even make the campaign, I just played in it, I'd be distraught if I lost hundreds of videos I spent ages making.
>>10046 #
>>10043 #
I dont usually care much for kora but that tok was so good I had to save it. its a worthy contender for one of the toks of all time
>>10045 #
>>10044 #
i like kora, she has potential in expanding to twitch or other avenues imo, she just needs more personality and charm
>>10046 #
GYdIqSnTm7271388996209511685 IMMA MAKE SURE U NEVER LEAVE ITS U AND I‼️‼️‼️‼️ #jirai #jiraikei #jfashion #kawaiifashion #harajukufashion #altfashion #じらいけい-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>10045 #
I do really suspect her going into uni is going to put a cog in the wheel of her expanding her empire but I do wish the best for her, she does really seem to enjoy making toks, or at least is good at selling the idea that she is
>>10042 #
I remember some tokker getting a new phone for christmas, logging into their new phone and finding out all like 5000 drafts they had were gone and unrecoverable
crazy how much stuff they just let sit around
>tokfus don't just open ko-fi's are set a cheap price on a membership and sell like 15 tiktok drafts a month as a membership fee.
I doubt they realize that they can do that, I would never have imagined that as a product people were interested in because it almost sounds too cheap (not in a monetary sense but in a philosophical sense) to be true
Im posting it again
>>10047 #>>10048 #
>>10046 #
Maybe her going into uni gives her better chances at making it in life, now that im thinking about it, stuff like hitting it big on twitch depends heavily on luck or connections with other famous, bigger streamer
>>10049 #
>>10046 #
>I doubt they realize that they can do that
I suggested exactly that idea to Remy once, back when they were having financial difficulties with Uni. That never went anywhere, too much work I suspect. A month later they announced they were selling feet pics on their instagram.

Think about someone like Bonbi, very popular on tiktok, but incredibly lazy. She had to take a break from onlyfans on the third week of starting it. I dunno, I feel like a lot of tokfus just don't put in effort for stuff, hence why they don't cosplay as much anymore, it's hard work!
>>10049 #
>>10047 #
Yeah, hitting it big on streaming services or stuff like tiktok is largely based on luck, and even if you do make it big, the revenue source is fickle and can end at any time by factors out of your control
going into uni is definitely the better move, wish her luck regardless. if she is in the US (idk) she probably already is signed up to the creator program on tiktok which makes her money based on her viewcount on her toks
dunno how big her acc is so maybe she isnt eligible yet
>>10048 #
>A month later they announced they were selling feet pics on their instagram.
>it's hard work!
puttign on makeup and dancing in front of a camera is a JOB, chud
no but its probably a lot with motivation, if you arent into it then its very clearly going to be a strenuous activity on you both mentally and physically
>>10050 #
yup, thats how the cookie crumbles
>>10050 #>>10051 #
>>10049 #
>all those massive tiktok accounts with like1 million + followers that barely scrape 20k viewers on each new tok.
It really feels like the only things that can go consistently big numbers is the most normiecore mass appeal crap possible.
>>10049 #
>>10049 #
>puttign on makeup and dancing in front of a camera is a JOB, chud
that's why I'm saying sell your old drafs! You already DID the work. They're from cosplay sets that people already LIKE.
>Strenuous activity on you both mentally and physically
I mean, in Bonbi's case, nobody forced her to open an onlyfans, she was earning thousands a month, posting ONE set of lewd patreon images, whilst also living at home. She chose to move out and buy her own place, chose to try and commit to a weekly schedule, posting full nudity, at not even 10% of the old price.
>>10052 #
>>10051 #
>You already DID the work.
yeah thats the funny part
what did spoiler say when you suggested them pawning off their drafts?
>nobody forced her
she has NO marketable skills beyond her fat minge and stinky feet, if she hasnt saved all her money up since starting tiktok back in 2017 (if she even made substantial amount) she is absolutely fucked if she ever stops doing porn
she has no education, no skills, is fat and owns a house she probably has a downpayment she has to pay off
>at not even 10% of the old price.
this is the funny part, how the fuck is she going to REDUCE the price but INCREASE the risk? hahaahahahaha what a fucking dummy
>>10053 #
>>10052 #
They were accepting of the idea and admittedly they did open a kofi and they did setup some membership tiers, but I've heard from other people that subscribed that it wasn't advertised very well, nobody knew what they were getting before they subscribed, and when they did subscribe.. well, it was underwhelming. Like, 8 pictures on the kofi in 4 months? iirc all the pictures were from the same cosplay set too. The videos never materialised, and I think they weren't advertised well, I've seen a few, but I KNOW I'm the only one that did, and I can say it wasn't worth the price. Also, his paypal apparently went down?? I'm actually not sure if his paypal went down or if everyone (all like, 3 people) simulatenously unsubscribed after the 2nd month in a row with no content.

I get not wanting to put in a ton of work for like, 5 people to pay for a membership fee, but if you put in no effort, those 5 people will also disappear and you're losing out on the easiest 50 bucks a month you'll ever earn, y'know?
>>10052 #
Bonbi knows onlyfans creators though, it's so silly that she went into it but seemed to get ZERO advice from anyone actually successful at it. Infact, it actually appears that any advice she got was DETRIMENTAL. Like, seriously, did a trustred friend tell her to drop her price from 100 dollars a month to SEVEN? this actually feels like she got groomed into it again, i don't believe she's stupid enough to have come up with the price change of her own accord.
>no education, no skills
I like Zureeal a lot for this, she has an onlyfans, she sells lewd content, but it's a side-hustle, she has had multiple real jobs, she's got lots of hobbies, many friends. I dunno. It's nice to follow a creator that actually seems to have a decent life going on, Bonbi,, once the onlyfans money begins to dry up.. well.. Yeah. It's over.,
>>10054 #
>>10053 #
Yeah zureeal at least seems to have her stuff together to some extent. I genuinely fear for bonbis mental well being, the streams as indicators do not bode well
on a slightly related tangent that I was just reminded of, I wonder if chip ever did end up finishing her g.e.d like she planned, she is genuinely smart and I hope she finds something she enjoys doing and pursues that in further education or directly as a career
>>10055 #
>>10054 #
slightly off track, i think, maybe part of the lack of activity from some tokkers comes from falling out of love with cosplaying/tiktok, remy for example, is getting older, has less free time, cosplaying takes quite a bit of time, isn't a social activity when you do it on your own, and also they aren't getting engagement on their toks because TIKTOK is for NORMIES, was for WEIRDOS like cosplayers.
I cannot say, I was never a chip poster, but I do hope they're doing alright in life
>>10056 #
pretty sure she was.
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 7.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10058 #
>bloodlines 2
I have never heard of this so it cant be that good
also since youre interested in vampires, didnt the company making masquerade 2 get sold off to some company owned by tencent? what does that entail for the development of that game
>>10061 #
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 2.5 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
>>10059 #
I do believe THE CHINESE ROOM, is now partly owned by THE CHINESE. who could've seen this coming?
>>10060 #
Yeah. I remember when the original selling point of Bloodlines 2 was BRIAN MITSODA writing it. Then he was fired. Rik Schafer was let go, and his music isn't being used anymore, the entire fucking company was fired, Paradox then spent years hiding who was developing the sequel, before (quietly) announcing they were giving out full refunds to anyone that pre-ordered and wanted one.

They know the game is gonna be a flop, but they need to release something. You can't pay TWO game studios to make a game and not try and recoup losses.
>>10064 #
the chinese room only made walking simulators, its over for us vampire bros
>>10063 #
>>10062 #
it could be fine, to be honest the best parts of bloodlines was talking to people, the combat was always shit. The trailer legit just shows off scenery and combat, so it seems they've put their focus in the wrong place. Plus, it's
>V5 lore
and the game was blatantly a cashgrab from the moment it was announced. it's BLOODLINES 2 but isn't a direct sequel to the original, it's just name hype..
>>10064 #
>>10064 #
The biggest mistake of trying to turn VTM into video games that paradox is making is they're chasing mass appeal. Shit like bloodhunt is an obvious flop, why would you combine a niche (dying) TTRPG and a battle royale?
Just make smaller, indie studio led games, that have interesting ideas and are made by people passionate about the setting.

The Harebrained Schemes 'Shadowrun' trilogy is the perfect example of this done right. They're small, low budget games, made for a small audience, that succeed in pleasing fans of the genre and the setting.
Vampire: The Masquerade isn't popular, it will never again be as popular as it was in the early 2000's, so just, make video games but don't throw tens of millions of dollars at the budget?
>>10065 #
Yeah... It's crazy that THIS is how they chose to announce the sequel is coming out (for real this time!). Action game fans aren't going to watch this and want to buy it, TTRPG fans will watch this and wonder where all the roleplaying is.
>>10068 #
>>10066 #
sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
i think its tiem for me to slumber too, gn all
>>10073 #
>>10073 #
how many of those were (You)
damn I am 1 minute too late for a 13:37 leet post
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>>10080 #
I would never survive this
Thankfully we dont go above 22c in the next few weeks and will eventually go back to 17 degree cloudy and rainy weather, as god intended
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>>10086 #
Today's goal: do 30 pushups reps for your spanish tokfu.
if you're doing any muscle work, remember to take some creatine powder
>>10088 #
godspeec anoni, creatine is a godsend for building muscle without using shitty steroids
>>10088 #
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>>10087 #
she is 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 brazzzillllll arrriibaaaaaa
I dont have any creatine I havent bought it yet I am lazy, gonna buy that and protein powder soon™
i wasnt planning on doing pushups but its push day so i can do 30 real quick
>>10087 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-01 10-51-46.png􀄩
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>>10092 #
I would have been 4 months deep if not for the 2-3 week break I took now due to having other stuff that needed to be prioritized, did some working out pre-covid but lockdowns stopped that and I didnt start again until this spring
>jumping jacks and running
I would gas out immediately if I did any sort of cardio for an extended amount of time, the best I can do is sometimes jog all the way to my gym which is like 3 km away, most time I have to do it in stages but I think its because Im bulking, when I start cutting I will probably have an easier time running since I am not lobbing around 90 kilograms of meat on my bones
>>10094 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-01 10-51-33.png􀄩
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>>10094 #
To build a house you need bricks, or simply put you need material of which to build with
same goes with muscles, if you expend 2000 kcalories in one day and consume 2000 kcalories, you have no excess of energy (material) of which you can build muscles with
bulking is just eating in a caloric excess, if you burn 2000 kcal and eat 2200 kcal, you are 200 kcal in surplus and thus have sufficient material to build muscles (and fat) with
then, if you eat a lot of protein, you allow for muscle synthesis (builds more muscle fibres to repair the microtears that you induce on them as you put them under strain). the reason why you need protein is that when protein is metabolized it breaks down into a lot of amino acids that are required for muscle synthesis to occur
then, once you have bulked to a point where you are happy with your size or in many cases, unhappy with your size (becoming a fatass) you can start your deficit, eating at a caloric loss so that your body has to break down fat (and muscle) in order to get the energy required to sustain its activity
if you then eat a lot of protein during your deficit, your body will mainly break down fat storages to fuel your body and largely leave your muscles unharmed

so what happens as a broad generalization:
bulk to gain weight (fat and muscle)
cut to lose weight (mostly fat, a little muscle)
do this controlled over a long time and multiple cycles and you will slowly but surely gain muscle mass and become bigger whilst also burning fat and staying lean
>>10096 #
GYdIqSnTm7224917535076912411 hey guys im going to mcdonalds do you want anything #hatsunemiku #hatsunemikucosplay #mcdonaldsmiku #mikudonalds #mikumcdonalds #mcdonaldsmikucosplay #mikumcdonalds-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 4.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 23 months ago
>>10096 #
it affects how many kcal you need to consume to be in a surplus, and conversely how many kcal you need to NOT eat to be in a deficit but the principle behind it is the same
eat in a surplus to gain weight, eat in a deficit to lose it
then how much muscle you pack on depends on the intensity of the workout, how much protein you eat, your diet, your genetics and such
a large frame (tall and wide) has more surface area on their muscles so they will not look like they are building as much muscle in the same time frame as a manlet or a midget, if you take the thought experiment and assume that you can build 1 kg of muscle on your biceps per year, 1 kg of muscle on a really small arm will look massive but on a really long arm will not look as big since its spread out more
>>10098 #
GYdIqSnTm7186692435353849094 I LOVE FORTNITE #akko #akkocosplay #akkokagari #akkokagaricosplay #atsukokagari #atsukokagaricosplay #kagariatsuko #littlewitchacademia #littlewitchacademiacosplay -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 19.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10098 #
you are probably looking at charicature meals, the ones with lifeless boiled chicken, overcooked rice and wilting broccoli
I use spices sauces herbs and what not in my meals, though meal prepping in the "gotta count my calories" sense is a bit more for the deficit part of the cycle and I havent started that yet
but I would still use it, I dont see why not
>>10100 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 2.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>10099 #
>though meal prepping in the "gotta count my calories"
I've heard some ppl don't put too much salt or no salt at all because it can bloat you a bit, that's probably why maybe
>>10101 #
>>10100 #
Ive never heard something of that kind but thats probably just people who are really anal about their looks, like if they were about to go on stage in a bodybuilding competition, and dont want to have a high sodium intake in order to not put on water weight / increase their water retention
for regular people working out, doing stuff like that is a sign of incredible body dismorphia, of which mine is pretty mild->average
>>10102 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 3.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>10101 #
Talking about body dismorphia, the use of steroids is something i will never understand, that stuff is usually linked with ugly side effects like gyno titties and what not, plus acne outbursts like a volcano
I might understand the need to get the "perfect body" as soon as possible, but even then, it won't look natural and probably won't feel genuine to the aforementioned steroid user(if they even care about it)
>>10103 #
GYdIqSnTm7271752155478904069 amo muito-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 7.9 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>10102 #
>ugly side effects like gyno titties and what not, plus acne outbursts
all able to be mitigated if you dont blast too high doses, too many strange bathtub chemicals or use stuff like androgenase inhibitors (AI) in order to stop the metabolization of excess testosterone into estrogen (which is the reason behind building breast gland tissue and developing gynecomastia (man tits))
the people that look mega roider huge are an incredibly small subset of roiders, lots of people that you would never imagine were on roids are in fact on roids or sarms. even middle aged men who are in testosterone replacement treatment (get their T levels up to baseline after having it go down with age) are technically roiding without people considering it
>wont feel genuine
if you want to get huge at all with roids, you still have to put in the work, just as much if not more than a normal person lifting, and you still need to be incredibly anal about your food to reach the upper echelon of physiques. roids are for the people who either are too lazy and want to take shortcuts or are so routined that they have reached the natural limit and want to continue to surpass what should should be naturally possible but theoretically feasible
my personal belief is that, anyone who is serious about working out has body dysmorphia. its hard to actually care that much if you dont, the innate feeling of hating how you look or meticulously looking for flaws and points of improvement is what drives people to keep working out
the casual "i work out to stay healthy" usually dont end up sticking with it for decades, some do but for many people its a transient phase of their lives. only the truly obsessed stick with it for decades upon decades

>>10104 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 2.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>10103 #
>the casual "i work out to stay healthy" usually dont end up sticking with it for decades, some do but for many people its a transient phase of their lives. only the truly obsessed stick with it for decades upon decades
Fair points honestly, i would say that you can work out to stay healthy in the case you got a lot of weight to lose(example: the obese or overweight people) but once you have reached the ideal weight for your height and age, the rest can be done with simple cardio excercises and cutting alcohol, greasy foods etc etc I would've know, i've lost some pounds by removing alchoholic drinks and doing some cardio, from 75kg to just 72kg in the span of a month, pretty happy for myself ngl
>>10105 #
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>>10104 #
I am a broken record about this topic but losing weight is 90% caloric intake and reducing that number, as opposed to increasing the amount of caloric expenditure
eating a single big mac is 590 kcal, to burn that many calories you would have to run about 10km
what is easier? putting a fork down or running for almost an hour straight with good pace
for anyone who wants to lose weight, they need to stop eating as much
if you are walking at a pace of 5mph (8kmh, thats jogging speed), at 160 lbs you burn 640 kcal per hour
>>10106 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 3.9 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>10105 #
thats neat info
i usually just run for 10 minutes every saturday, the rest is jumping jacks at home, losing weight was more of a matter of stopping drinking alcohol since that shit is filled to the brim with calories, and plus just eating less overall with more veggies
>>10107 #
good day rekiposter, pretty nice german tok also
>>10108 #
>>10106 #
I wish emiru cosplayed more, her cosplays are usually very good!
>>10109 #
>>10108 #
same brudder, same, she's eating good with that twitch money sadly
>>10112 #
It's a pretty good fps game from the N64, it plays similarly to golden eye 007
GYdIqSnTm7183481884058406170 te amo minha garota minha prinzessin minha main minha menina eletro-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10116 #
probably unlimited but the bump limit is at 2000 afaik, at that point the spam threads that get created now and then will start to appear above the current one
>dont mention that like 300 of the posts in the last month was from one guy sperging out, it ruins the illusion
>>10118 #
heyyy we got a new one
>inb4 its 'nonnie hopping with vpns
>>10122 #
ye he's kinda shy, come on anoni post a tok we're friendly so far
>>10122 #
post nozzomi cosplay now
>>10128 #

she cyute. i love germans so much man.
anyone else dying in this heatwave?
>>10131 #
>>10131 #
is it the heatwave or noemi making me thirsty, haha, know what im saying?
alright im gonna take a nap
>>10134 #
>>10132 #
just hold on for a lil longer anony, freshness and overcast weather will arrive soon at your destination(™)
>>10137 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 2.4 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>10137 #
I fell ya, autumn and winter are the best cuz you can just lay some comfy clothes on you and be warm 'n cozy, in summer i could remove all layers of my skin + fat and yet still feel like my room and the outside are the insides of an active jet turbine, even with the portable AC on, shit aint helping fr
>>10139 #
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>>10140 #
I have both at home but they always get in the way and the fan I like is way too large and way too loud, sounds like an propeller engine is going on in my room
the portable AC I havent used in like 5 years but it was all right, had to empty the water bucket all the time though that was annoying
>>10142 #
>>10141 #
Have you considered installing a proper AC? if you own your apartment/house and can afford it, its the only option for a chill summer with minimal noise
>>10143 #
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>>10142 #
No space for one and probably not worth it with how short and inconsistent our summers are
every year has colder summers and rainier summers
sometimes the summers are insanely hot, it was that ways a few years back but its trending towards more extreme weather in both directions
It wouldnt be economically worth it to install one
one day I must spend a few hours making a lot of good reaction images so I have stuff to attach to posts
>>10144 #
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>>10143 #
>No space for one and probably not worth it with how short and inconsistent our summers are
tru tru, i didn't take that factor into consideration, i wish Italy was a bit chiller in the summer too, i envy scandis sometimes
>>10145 #
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􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 14.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Do italians make fun of their neighbouring countries like the scandis do? We make jokes about each other all the time, do you guys bully the french and spaniards in the same way?
heres one:
Why do norwegians crawl around on all fours at the supermarket? They are looking for low prices
>>10147 #
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>>10146 #
We make fun of the french a lot in here, but rarely i saw ppl poking fun around the spaniards, i dont remember any funny french jokes, they are usually about how smelly and arrogant they are.
Are norwegians considered that "greedy" about their money?
>>10148 #
GYdIqSnTm7170474152116096262 EU TO MT OREPARADA PRA SOFRER BULLYING -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 20.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Heres one about the danish for good measure
During last year's winter, a group of swedes and danes engage in a fishing competition. The danes had, after day two of the competition, heard news that the swedes had caught large amounts of fish and therefore sent over an undercover spy to complete reconnaissance.
When the danish spy returned, he shouted with glee and excitement:
- Guys!!! The swedes have made a hole in the ice!
>>10151 #
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>>10151 #
The joke is that after two days, the danish havent figured out that you have to make a hole in the ice to catch the fish in the lake (ice fishing)
All of these jokes you can just swap out one country for the other, none of them are particularly targeted towards any of the other so you could as well use the finns for the submarine joke etc
Most jokes that are actually finnish related are puns in swedish so they dont really make sense in english
looking for some now Ive seen a few decent one, heres one about the finns but not making fun of the finns
>A soviet militarycolumn is traveling through finnish territory during the Winter War. From the other side of a hill a shout emerges:
-One finnish soldier can conquer 10 russian!
>The russian general laughs and sends 10 soldiers across the hill. After the shots have quieted down no soldiers return, but then another shout emerges:
-One finnish soldier can conquer 50 russian!
>The general, turning red with anger, sends 50 of his troops. The same thing happens and this time the shouting tells:
-One finnish soldier can conquer 100 russian!
>Going insane with rage, the russian general sends one hundred of his best men. This time, a mortally wounded soldier returns crawling and speaks his last words:
-Please, dont send any more soldiers... It's a trap, there's two of them

another person states
>We don't dare joke about the finns
to which another replies
>We have fought with the finns and concluded that their cause is ours. Likewise cannot be said about the pigs down south
>>10153 #
>>10152 #
yea sorry i dont get this one either, if i was a finnish or russian i would probably get it tho
>>10154 #
>>10153 #
The joke is pretty self-explainable, not sure if I can explain it in any other way beyond restating the punchline
>"A finnish soldier can kill 100 russian soldiers"
>Russian guy sends 100 soldiers
>One guy returns "Dont send more soldiers, theres TWO finnish soldiers"
mandatory homework for tonight is to read up on Simo Häyhä
>>10155 #
>>10154 #
OOOOOOOOOO wait, the punchline is about the finnish sniper? i did understand the part about 2 finnish soldier but it didn't felt like a punchline imo
>>10156 #
>>10155 #
not in particular, the joke is that the finnish soldier is baiting the russian into sending soldiers over saying "Hah, I can kill X amount of soldiers all on my own" and then theres actually two finns, meaning that if one finn can kill 100 then 2 of them can kill even more than 100
>>10157 #
GYdIqSnTm7169715868702706950 peruca merda vai ter live na roxinha hj gente-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 13.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
A helicopter crashed at a cemetary in Copenhagen. As of yet, the police have found 500 dead bodies

A swede and a norwegian had visited a skyscraper and set a competition of who could reach the bottom the fastest, the swedish man bet that the staircase was faster and the norwegian said that he was sure the elevator would be faster.
Who made it down first? The swede, the norwegian had to stop now and then to ask for directions

Two norwegians talk to each other:
-Can you imagine that in the US, one person gets run over every fifteen minutes?
-Oh wow... what bad luck he must have
>>10162 #
>>10161 #
Ok the helicopter one gave me a chuckle, i like clever jokes like that a lot
lemme see if i can translate some italian ones

One roman and one french person are walking together and they encounter some dog's excrement on the road
the french replies with "parbleu" and the roman replies back to him "But... but to me it looks brown"
The punchline is basically that the word "parblue" is similar to the italian phrase "Pare blu" which translates to "it looks blue"
>>10163 #
GYdIqSnTm7164448586766322950 finalmente me sinto eu-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 18.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
Here are some the finnish say about the swedes

Why do swedes like having their king on their postage stamps? They like licking his behind

A group of swedes were swimming at a pool. Suddenly a condom floats up to the surface. One of the swedes ask: Who farted?

the finnlander who I took these jokes from then goes on to explain that
>most of our jokes about swedes are basically "hahaha swedes are stupid and homo, perkele" which is funny to me
>>10162 #
I dont know what parbleu means in french so I dont get what the french wanted to say even if it sounds like pare blu
also do you guys joke about the romans still or do you mean roman as in a citizen of rome?
>>10164 #
oh ok when I hear romans I think of the ancient romans
>>10164 #>>10165 #
>>10163 #
parbleu is like the french way of saying "Oh god" in a shocked tone
>>10166 #
>>10167 #
kinda weird he had to put that ukraine stuff in the title lmao, just noticed it
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 8.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 5 years ago
After reaching a certain age time seems to pass too fast.
You're 23, you blink and bam now you're 25, blink again and bam, now you're 30 so on and so forth
>>10170 #
That's a nice one not gonna lie
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The perma bulk continues. It's in "Medical News" so it must be true and definitely not a nuanced finding that the title is misconstruing
>>10177 #
>>10176 #
The study seems to drive home the point of keeping a stable weight, whatever that means.
So basically don't be anorexic or obese and you might live longer?
>>10178 #
The whole illness thing popped in my head too, the decreased longevity is obviously caused by the root of the problem(cancer and other illnesses) the weight loss is practically just the tower falling to pieces, not the bomb that caused the explosion in the tower to begin with
>>10178 #>>10179 #
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>>10177 #
What it more or less says is that you want to maintain a healthy weight, but the "maintain" part is kind of a red herring since its less about controlling it yourself but more so that unintentional weight loss is linked to having a lower chance of longevity
unintentional weight loss is often caused by illnesses such as cancer, pneumonia etc, if you end up developing ails such as these you will, of course, have a lower chance of living until 90 or 100
its a really poorly stated article and someone posted that screenshot to bait on /fit/
>>10177 #
>>10177 #
>the decreased longevity is obviously caused by the root of the problem
exactly. the article / study (I havent read the study) is attributing the correlation to the wrong variable. Its like saying "as ice cream sales go up, so does knife attacks", this seems illogical but theres a missing factor that hasnt been discussed yet, ice cream sales increase as the temperature increases, and more people go outside when the temperature increases, when more people are outside more people end up getting knife attacked
>the weight loss is practically just the tower falling to pieces, not the bomb that caused the explosion in the tower to begin with
yup. its less about "maintaining a healthy weight" and "dont get sick" lol
>>10180 #
>>10179 #
>its less about "maintaining a healthy weight" and "dont get sick"
Pretty much
>"study finds that getting shot might decrease lifespan, researcher says"
overslept all morning and didnt study
uh oh
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ChatGPT sponsored joke:
>Why did the paper go to the doctor?
Because it wasn't feeling well!

I really doubt we will see LLMs progress any meaningful amount in the next few years, there has to be something completely new for it to not be a glorified search and relay engine
>>10189 #
>>10184 #
you have to have high iq to understand this joke
welp, it's official, neko is dead. sorry to say it boys. there have been no posts for 47 minutes. it's over (but written in german)
>>10193 #>>10195 #
>>10192 #
it was bound to happen someday, or maybe today is just really slow, considering its a tuesday
today has been slow because I have been gone (I was crowned the #1 hottest and most awe-inspiring poster on the nekochen domain during the 2015 nekochen presidential pre-elections)
>>10192 #
people post on neko out of spite (aka getting banned)
its never going to truly thrive
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􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 12.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
I still have old 2chen threads open in tabs on my laptop
I cant access them anymore since they arent cached and the website is down but, amongst others, thread #998 has not yet died, I am keeping it alive
something bad happened today to my dad
>>10199 #
>>10199 #
thankfully it was nothing serious but it gave me a scare, i love my dad a lot
>>10211 #
Isn't she worried that hampster is gonna drop some poop on her head
>>10215 #
wait a sec, nekochen has been purged from all the bot threads, good news finally

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