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>>51992 #
ask her "do you wish to do sexual intercourse with me"
>>51992 #
She obviously is giving you signals to go for it. The question is if you want to do that.
>>51994 #
Work out. Or wallow in my misery for a while then work out. The worst part is when I am physically and mentally exhausted, then I just work out a little.
>>51998 #
>>51994 #
absolutely nothing
i just let it sit and boil up and thats why I am like I am
>>51994 #
usually sleep for 15 hours for like 3 days in a row, after that I feel much better.
>>51995 #
No, I really do not want to date her. She's nice, and friendly and it's nice thinking a girl wants me, but I don't want a relationship with her, im sure if a girl i was more attracted to came along I'd change my tune
>>52000 #>>52002 #
>>51994 #
sleep, go running or nothing
>>51998 #
>I really dont want to date her
Try sending those signals to her so she isnt being led on for nought
>>52001 #
>>52000 #
I'm not leading her on. She openly claims to be asexual, and you know me, I act gay as hell.
>>52003 #
>>51998 #
>No, I really do not want to date her
Then you should at least not escalate. Been there done that then had to deal with the fallout. Giving her some signs you're not romantically interested would be nice but oh well, I can understand, I'm a devilneko when it comes to those things too.
>>52004 #
>>52001 #
>I'm not leading her on
If you are almost completely aware that she is into you (which you are) and you're allowing her to keep flirting with you because you like being flirted to, then yes you are leading her on.
>>52004 #
>>52002 #
>>52003 #
How do you give a girl signs that you want to keep being friends but you don't want to fuck her
>>52005 #
>>52004 #
Either with words or by being unreceptive and cold whenever flirting pops up but friendly and open when its not there
>>52006 #
>>52005 #
She doesn't flirt like how they do in the movies. She might not even BE flirting, maybe she's just autistic and being friendly.
It's not like she's touching my arm and saying how muscular I look.

How can I be cold and receptive to her simply asking to hangout during the easter break? That's not me being dismissive of her flirting, that's me being a cuntneko
>>52007 #
>>52006 #
If she doesn't flirt with you openly then it's not a problem. As I've said as long as you don't escalate she will get the message eventually. Or maybe she just doesn't see you in a romantic way in which case it's not a problem.
>>52008 #
>>52007 #
I'm of the opinion that if she's into him then all of these things where she is going above and beyond specifically for him is flirting, even if it isn't the hollywood romcom type of flirting where theyre twirling their hair and shit
But oh well, wouldnt be the first girl being led on by nekos
>>52012 #
Who is the handsome devil that has a girl flirting with him?
>>52010 #
you never know with women bros, even if shes dropping emojis at you she might just want your dick
>>52008 #
>I'm of the opinion that if she's into him then all of these things where she is going above and beyond specifically for him is flirting
Are you suggesting he should nuke the friendship instead? Because going into it like "Well I don't see you that way" will probably nuke it.
>>52014 #
irl women are so confusing, I much prefer the non-existent relationship where I send Reki money on ko-fi, and she posts it on her story and says "omg tysm <3"
that is much easier to understand
>>52012 #
No, obviously not if you have been reading the posts made in the last 5 minutes, you just have to be unreciprocative in her attempts
If she attemtps to get closer for the reason of establishing a romantic bond with you, then you keep your distance in equal parts
Obviously it has the potential outcome that she doesnt want to be as close friends with you anymore but thats like how men stop being friends with chicks after theyve been rejected, getting close to them was only part of the attempt to get together
>>52019 #
what if he had sex instead
>>52016 #
>>52015 #
and ruin my immortal soul because I was too horny to keep it in my pants?
Yeah, naurrrr.
Some of you nekos are filthy sex havers, but me? I'm waiting till I get my wizard powers.
>>52017 #
>>52016 #
im trying to steer you down the devils path because there will be less competition to me becoming the pope
>>52018 #
>>52017 #
I'm pretty sure you need to be gaysexmaxxing if you want to be the pope.
>>52014 #
>you just have to be unreciprocative in her attempts
But women don't flirt that way. Not unless they're actually head over heels for you. Everything she does might be interpreted as just regular friendship attempts if she is tamely approaching the neko and not absolutely throwing herself at him.
Anyway I would just not escalate and only that. Maybe if she goes for it then you can actually decide what to do.
>>52021 #
Would talking about women I find attractive be a good way to steer her away from Romance? Maybe if I openly started thirsting for the hot girls at board game club she'd get the message.

Then again, there are no hot girls at board game club, the BPD girl I thought was hot in a crazy way got banned.
>>52019 #
>But women don't flirt that way
>Everything she does might be interpreted as just regular friendship attempts
which is exactly why I said
>If you are almost completely aware that she is into you
If you are next to certain that a girl is into you then her attempts to get closer to you isnt solely out of the purpose to establish a friendship unless youre someone who gets off to being in the friendzone
why dont you like her
>>52023 #
>>52024 #
I do not find her attractive and I think we're at very different points in our life, she has just started her degree, I am about to finish a masters degree. I'm not going to stick around this city for the next 3 years whilst she's here, I'm likely going to move across the country to find work, meaning even if we did date, it'd end up being long distance within a few months.
>even fat.png has standards
it's truly over for femcels
GYdIqSnTm7329563034102402336 It was a cool one too #gaming #Valorant #valorantcosplay #twitchstreamer #reynacosplay_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 9.2 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 8 months ago
If she's into me, I WISH I was into her, it'd be so fucking simple. I blame /ttg/, tiktok has ruined my brain that even an ordinary looking girl isn't that attractive to me, because I've spent 36 million hours looking at tiktoks of certified ten out of tens like ten(shi)
>>52041 #
I think my worst fap ever was to bonbi OF pics
she legit looks worse than ever, I saw her recent dipper cosplay on my foryoupage and i couldn't believe it's her, she's fatter, and looks sickly now.
maybe it's the catshit on the floor she refuses to clean up.
she needs to stop devouring buckets of margarine but shes a southerner so it wont happen
>they are mean to bonbi on every site
my heart breaks here is an emoji to portray that 💔
>>52033 #
obscure mount and blade reference
>>52035 #
>>52032 #
I'm glad one neko got it :D

I'm gonna go to bed now, very very special goodnight to you and you only
>>52042 #
i like margarine better
>>52027 #
>certified ten out of tens like ten(shi)
Yea about that neko... I wouldn't want to be rude but let's say tenshi isn't that unattainable (except for having probably way inflated ego)
>>52047 #
they make margarine with palm oil and rape seed oil here, absolutely disgusting
only butter for me
what did they name it rape seed
>>52048 #
You know why.
>>52045 #
they rebranded rapeseed oil as canola oil for this exact reason
I fucking hate the glamorification and lies that corporations spew to sell their products
>Canola oil is a special type of rapeseed oil that contains beneficial vitamin E and many other essential fatty acids that help improve the skins power of resistance and to rebuild the skins natural barrier of defense. According to research it can effectively help with preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth
fuck off BLOW UP in game
>>52047 #
I will not say what I really thought the first time I've seen it because it would be very rude. Suffice it to say the only thing he has over me is being 10 years younger.
>>52051 #
>>52050 #
You can say it, just spoiler it, rudeness is fine in spoilers
>>52052 #
>>52051 #
No because it's very rude but I can say he's like 5'8-5'10 probably so he's definitely not the greatest catch, especially considering his face, well at least he's in good shape
Why are tall guys like this? They try to create a world where height is the most important thing, but statistically its not even in the top 5 of what women select for.

Tall guys have ONE thing going for them and they obsess over it more than us manlets
>>52055 #>>52056 #
The final blackpill (or whitepill depending on your stats) is that height literally doesnt matter
Face does
>>52053 #
the presence of women brings out the most cutthroat competitive instincts in men
it's only natural i suppose
>>52053 #
I do not care about height neko, it's women who select for it. If it was my way women would not care for it so my short kings could exist in peace and not have to worry about it.
>>52057 #
>>52056 #
Women don't actually select for it, as a population. Yes there are girls that won't date a guy below 6'5. But there are some dogs that eat their own shit.
>>52059 #
if the other neko points out the comma placement in the post above me then he automatically wins the argument
the commaneko could never recover
>>52057 #
>Women don't actually select for it, as a population.
Aren't we actually getting higher as a population in general? I mean if there's evidence to contrary I'll eat my own shorts because that would make me quite happy to see that there is one more less reproductive pressure on males. Especially such asinine one.
>>52061 #
All I'm saying is I could bag a girl as cute as tenshi and I'm 5'8, 174cm. Tenshi's only positive quality making her above average is she's got a social media following
>>52059 #
>Aren't we actually getting higher as a population in general
This is because of nutrition. Do you actually think there'd be a noticeable difference in heights due to genetics in a few generations?
>>52062 #
>>52061 #
>This is because of nutrition
The nutritional curve flattened a while ago.
>Do you actually think there'd be a noticeable difference in heights due to genetics in a few generations?
Maybe? Not a huge one for sure because that would be insane but significant enough to not be overridden by statistical error.
bored now bitches
Europe as late as 1950 was still doing war rationing. We've not had a properly fed generation until like 1970. Fully grown adults today would've been born in 2000. You're not going to see a genetic difference in 30 years
>>52065 #
>>52064 #
>You're not going to see a genetic difference in 30 years
Not unless height is highly genetically inheritable. Which it turns out it is.
Genetics, at a population level, is far more complicated than you're giving it credit for. It's not as simple as taller people reproduce so people get taller
>>52068 #
shut up pseuds
>>52066 #
There's always confounding factors. Does that mean we cannot process any data because there'll be always something to control for?
>>52073 #
>more of the jap in megu
I feel a great fatigue
>>52069 #
he's got the perfect build for scout tbh
>>52068 #
Yes. It does.

If you continue to deny this. I will send the manlet assassins to bite your ankles Mr giant neko
>>52074 #
>>52073 #
Bring them on, just make sure there's at least a hundo. I might squash some by accident.
>>52077 #
You were about to type manlet brits I saw that
I have fallen... The giants reign is over...
Short Kings.... Manlet brits.... we won....
where does the manlet cutoff go? At the height where you no longer care if you are short or not?
>>52085 #
>try to cope with being a manlet
>tokfu's bf is 50cm taller than her
It's over. She only likes tall chads
If chad only dates shorter girls have you tried replacing his girlfriend?
I don't think I've actually called anyone a "manlet" before, at least not IRL. It's really such a stupid insult. I think the only time I would use it unironically is if someone short was aggressive towards me and irrevocably stupid
I think manlet came from bodybuilding's misc forum. They used to call chads 'manmore'.

>>52087 #
it really was one of the strangest places on the internet at the time, even weirder than 4chan because you start off with the impression of bodybuilders being normal well adjusted people instead of strange people
>>52087 #>>52090 #
>>52086 #
everything comes from there like how theres 8 days in a week. scientific discovery made by one of the meatheads
>>52086 #
Noemi can do the splits standing up.
I'll post the pictures tomorrow. It's time for this short king to sleep
>>52085 #
I didn't make the cut. It's joever. I'm a manlet now too. Call off the assassin squad...
>>52086 #
when i was still working out religiously I used to read old threads on misc as well as other various bodybuilding forums during my rest breaks, both learned a lot as well as just filled that hole in my brain with so much random curiosa of random shit like peoples gear progression and them cutting for comp using that one chemical that increases your body temperature
Someone wanna bake a new bread?
>>52093 #
