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He had 3 kids with his first wife and then the other two he was childless with
Actually now that I remember it, the 2nd and the 3rd marriage were with the same person since he had to divorce in order to start his legal gender transition due to some law that has since been changed
>>41907 #
3 kids carry his mutant freak genes.
being LGBT+ isn't genetic...
No but being a weird fuck is.
>>41903 #
>the 2nd and the 3rd marriage were with the same person since he had to divorce in order to start his legal gender transition due to some law that has since been changed
imagine being the lawyer in that 2nd divorce, you just get paid for nothing, ez
idk how the process works, I dont know if you have to actually hire a lawyer or just sign a few documents and post them off
>he doesnt type the whole link manually
i don't do anything MANually, i do it womanually
yeah I see it
>>41918 #
i may only live once, but neko can only lose respect for me once, and that's way worse
I'd assume losing respect is a spectrum rather than a one time deal
It would be the first and only time his respect has dipped below 100% so its the same thing really
>>41922 #
>>41921 #
zamn, you must be a standuppish guy
Americans dont drive manual
>>41925 #
􀈷 88 KB􀅊 768×648􀣋 PNG
i swear the warning gets bigger every time they show me one

I dodged because my teammates immediately said "whats up my n words" except he said the word, i dont wanna play with racist children, so i get a warning?

smurfing is fine, toxic french bitches are fine, but dodging games because you dont want to play with le funny racists? wow you're LITERALLY hitler.
>>41926 #
>>41923 #
I get a little grossed out whenever I see a video of an american talking about cars and then when they open the door I see an automatic gearbox
>>41924 #
Youre already on thin ice, youre supposed to lay low and not continue breaking their bogus makebelieve ToS until the heat has surpassed
they can't ban me for dodging lobbies
Do you dare test them on that theory?
I've paid for a couple of skins, so my account has ban immunity. Maybe a poor person would be banned, but me? I'm valorant royalty. I have NEVER been toxic to a woman either, I'm literally the nicest guy you'll ever meet (until I hear oui oui jem'apple)
imagine learning french on duolingo
must be kanker ngl
im locked in as the deadlock :d
I tried to flex on swedish duolingo by taking a test deep in the "tree" and I got one of the questions wrong
I mean, their answer is technically correct, they translated it literally to "The pasta, thanks" when the way people actually use the swedish word for thanks in that context would be the same as the english "please" so the answer shouldve accepted "The pasta, please"
Its over, I cant even speak my own language
>one guy afk
>we have to vote remake round 2
literally how do you lock in as a champ and then just disappear for 2 minutes
>>41934 #
>>41933 #
egirl instantly added him after seeing what he locked in and they started e-sexxing
>>41935 #
>>41934 #
his sova duo (very masculine voice) said "he is my teammate i think he come back" in a thick european manly big cock accent.

i doubt he was esexxing anyone
kinda gay
i was waiting for you to ask "what accent"
yeah youre just kinda gay so thats all i could comment on
i've kissed one guy in my entire life, thats less than the UK average
Ive kissed more men than you have yet youre the one thinking about "manly" men with "big cock[s]"
>>41942 #
>>41940 #
thinking about cocks isnt gay, kissing men on the other hand IS gay.
you think about cocks in your free time and for free
i kissed men in competition and for honour
yeah nobushi
she was my most played, 2nd most played was zerker, third probably the traditional knight guy but also a decent amount of the big war axe viking guy
I nolifed that game on release, I think I was like top 10 nobushi level at some point just smurfing in ranked (dogshit mode) and back then in like 2014 or whatever, I was posting cool funny clips on reddit of my plays and people were upvoting them
>we all were nobushi players
Scientists need to examine if there's a link between Nobushi mains and Neko posters
it was early 2017 actually, i had forgotten when the game came out
anyways zerker with his mind games and nobushi with her agility and chip damage distance management gameplay were really fun
fuck PK players
did you play the game for long? I stopped playing right before the first new characters were coming out, Centurion and Shaman I think

actually I just looked up the characters, I wasnt top 10 nobushi but she was my 2nd highest, I was a top 10 valkyrie back when she was incredibly piss broken in the start
leg swipe double stab leg swipe double stab leg swipe double stab sometimes you dodge back and lunge stab, shit was so broken SOOOO broken
then after that I got into nobushi
who did yall play in gaypex
i played wattson xD
As meninas fritam batatas
>>41955 #
in english?
Bom xibom xibom bombom
I cant believe Carla Cristina and the Band of Girls said this. Preach, girlies
>>41957 #
isso é muito tristo, RIP koto morte por causa de carro
team is toxic again because theres a girl
as a biologist i know that males compete for female attention in most animal species, and valorant toxicity is the human equivalent of peacocking (peacocks show off their feathers, best and biggest feathers gets the girl)
decent, decent
I dont get the distinction between Nós and A gente
I'm not a portugese speaker otherwise I would help you :/
posts like this fascinate me

>>37694 ➡ #
>>37696 ➡ #
>I successfully pretended to be normal for about 18 months. It was dreadful and far worse than any other thing I've had to deal with, even though I've had my own money and basement to live in for quite awhile. All the pussy in the world couldn't get me to do it again.
>Women are awful. Modern western civilization is awful. Working for Mr.Shekelstein at $15/hr so he makes $1500/hr is existential-dread tier.

the guy lived as a neet for years, one year becomes a functional human being, doesnt like and returns to his old way of life.
>>41968 #
I wrote both of those and while it makes me sound like I just do not touch sugary things in any capacity, I do use a decent amount of honey in my tea but thats about the extent of that, maybe I grab a single square of a chocolate bar if I find one in the fridge
>>41966 #
>>41592 #
>I know what you mean, friend. Maybe not to the same extend as you, but still. I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but I've been living in "bare minimum" mode for a while now, and I can't complain, though I don't really care about excessive riches. I recommend looking into passive income, minimalism, and ways you can "minmax" your income\expenses.
>And importantly, never fully close yourself off from others, including women. You can dislike their actions and behaviors, but mentally closing yourself off isn't worth it. Keep the door open.
is this numbers schizo?
>>41970 #
>>41969 #
No. Im copying posts from another imageboard (not sturdychan)
>>41971 #
>>41971 #
because .... i dont know. thought i'd share
thats fair i guess
what imageboard
late class tomorrow, even later home arrival
some may've complained but not me, not this time
better to have a late class than a super early class imho
honestly, despite the fact that early classes result in me getting 6 hours of sleep max, I would rather have that given my commute because then its still day when I get home and I can decide whether or not I want to be productive or not
When its a midday or later class, I end even later and arrive home in the evening, the illusion of choice isnt there
I get like less than 6 hours of sleep every night
you get used to it
I hate valorant, I'm gonna quit for real this time
>>41980 #
nobody plays that anymore :/
I wonder if valorant girls that are trying to be incognito and not reveal that they are girls use the male gendered version of thanks instead of the female gendered one
pretty sure they just dont speak and don't have their username set to "beautiful buttercup" or whatever the spruce women use
if you type it in portuguese then the last letter of the word indicates if you are a man or a woman speaking
I forgot to add the portuguese part since I was revising my message
portugese speakers are too poor to afford valorant
You dont have to bully Portugal like that
>it's another episode of classmate starting an unskippable cutscene in class
an.. unskippable cutscene?
>>41992 #
I got what neko meant with that
can you explain por favor
Its like when they ask a question and then youre stuck in a 10 minute unskippable cutscene where its just one character having a soliloquy whilst the teacher is trying to tell them why theyre wrong but they wont listen
>>41988 #
It's when someone starts yappin in the middle of class and you're forced to listen to them
>It's a neko starts an uncuttable cutscene in the Lacrossefu main story arc episode
I watch them every time
>>41995 #>>41997 #
I guess I'm the dumb one then since the other neko understood instantly but yeah I know what you're talking about. Especially when they're just monologuing about their life and it's tangentially related to the topic at hand.
>>41993 #
You have to explain this one. Is the unskippable cutscene when he starts blogging about lacrossefu, or is it when someone else posts during a lacrossefu blogposting session.
>>41996 #
Daily update: I am still smurfing in pisslow on Duolingo
I am comfortably in 1st place on the leaderboards with an astounding 4000 exp vs the 2nd best at 1900
This is also considering the fact that I am playing against people with the unlimited lives battle pass P2W feature and I am a lowly freelo grinder.
Yes but you're cardcounting to get unlimited lives. Next post is gonna be quads, better post something good!
Finally, the pressure was too much for me to handle
