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are you still posting on sturdy ap
>>14320 #
>>14318 #
got permabanned back when the kay patreon thing happened.
how fun of a gimmick would it be if I had written the rules in google translated portuguese 1/10
>>14322 #
its over
>>14322 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 19.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
We are all chronically shy and cannot hold conversations with each other
Casting confidence boost #d20 (18)
>>14325 #
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.5 MB􀅊 576×576􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
we can only hold conversations about the environment and how trillionarie companies should get burnt to the ground
we sometimes talk about northernlion
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Hey sexy 'nonies, do you come here often or are you just crumbling that cookie all over the place? haha *wink wink high fives all around*
How about we take this to my place, have a few drinks? My mom is making warm choccy milk later today
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-08-03 04-50-43.png􀄩
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The feds are masking my filenames making them into long strings of NUMBERS they are sending codes and messages throguh these numbers they are after me
>mothibro has joined neko
soon we will have all the good tokfu posters
>>14330 #
I'm having an incredibly depressed mental state towards music, I load up the music I normally enjoy but nothing hits anymore, its just all grey
Music like this though, dnb, breakcore, idm (even though that genre name and label sucks) is the only stuff I can enjoy nowadays though
kino song
>>14334 #
neko is too active now, i cant read all these posts!
>>14340 #
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>>14338 #
oh yeah I remember that, dopamine and serotonin releases through music
Yeah youre probably right, strange that I can still tolerate and enjoy electronic stuff though
Maybe I just need to stop listening to music alltogether for a few days or a week and detox
>>14339 #
it's only [4 / 5], we have peaked higher
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>>14338 #
that song started off really well, it got my attention and i was itching to hear what else it had to offer when it had developed a bit further
but then it kinda underdelivered
>>14342 #
what are we doing?
>>14343 #
idk if you are into this kind of music but man you need to hear the drums and bass in this song [YouTube] ???
wait maybe its not dopamine burnout but maybe I instead have adhd and thats why I can only enjoy stuff that is hyper
>>14343 #>>14344 #>>14351 #
>>14346 #
hahaha that statement is so accurate too
thats funny
>>14341 #
ngl im vibing a lot to your song rn
i desperately need a mothi archive
>>14352 #
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>>14351 #
I love English artists, I dont know why they are such a powerhouse in the genres I enjoy but they are and I support them
I cannot help you I am sorry
why are my rolls so fucking bad
>>14357 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-08 13-56-44.png􀄩
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>>14359 #
it sounds like something a guy in an undertale shirt and thinning gelled up slickback hair would play on a speaker as he is snapping his fingers (only on one hand, down by his waist) as he walks across the 8th grade school disco dance floor about to muster up the courage to ask out his crush (this will end horribly for him (canon event, cannot interfere))
>>14363 #
>>14363 #
Yeah I remember abbles playing him on stream several times, and even going as far as saying "I need some music.. uhhh..... lemon demon!"
>>14365 #
Summoning abbles stream in October (Difficulty rating, 19) #d20 (11)
>>14367 #>>14370 #
>>14367 #
dubs cannot save us from dying of malabblestrition
>>14372 #
i've heard this before and i have to say i am NOT a fan
it feels very "reddit"
>>14374 #
>>14374 #
lemon demon isn't reddit, it's 4channer core
>looking up jobs to try and do some career planning
>every single one says shit like "dynamic" and "innovative", "exciting opportunity" "enthusiastic and passionate"
>>14378 #
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 6.1 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>14378 #
for what I'm looking at it's all like "you must be a chartered member of the royal society of bat surveying" and have "experience with multiple endangered species and successful recovery plan implementation" and "have a can-do attitude and a love for the little things in life!" and "be at least 5'9 tall"

>>14380 #>>14383 #
>>14379 #
i doubt there are that many animal doctors applying, theyll look at you without every qualification
>>14381 #
>>14380 #
im not getting a doctorate, the animal doctor thing is a joke :/
􀑪􀎶 0:13􀈷 2.5 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>14379 #
>and "be at least 5'9 tall"
you can fix that by using height-extending shoes and wearing a long ass trench coat to hide them, only con is you'll look like the Postal 2 guy
>>14384 #
>>14384 #
that postal guy model looks like a lead programmer self insert
>>14384 #
Excuse me sir, would you like to firm the ttg petition to raise obscure tokfus awareness? No? ok then *starts pissing on you*
GYdIqSnTmacid faggot faggot faggot.mp4􀄩
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I feel like the worst part as I continue getting qualifications, is that it unironically limits my career paths.

If I end up getting a phd, I'm like, severely limited in jobs that my phd will apply to, y'know? even my current masters im on is very specific.
>>14390 #>>14391 #
>>14389 #
Yeah Ive heard something to that effect being the case
Specialize yourself too much and you end up disqualifying yourself from more general but still area-related work
I think Ive read a story or two of people who got their phDs and then ended up without a job for close to a decade because they werent getting any takers in their phd field (possibly due to lack of experience) but they were too overqualified for lower level jobs (barring them from getting experience)
>>14393 #
GYdIqSnTm7225697283755478278 XD-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 1.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
I do non-profit work helping latam tokkers enter the bustling economic forum of the west world, giving them an equal chance at gaining exposure and market share in this harsh conditions
>>14391 #
i just dont want to feel like i wasted years of my life by getting a job that my later qualifications aren't applicable to.
>>14390 #
yeah.. i'm looking at stuff vaguely related to conservation now to try and expand my horizons.

I'll book a meeting with the careers advisors in a few weeks, they'll probably have better suggestions on how to become employable.
>>14394 #
>cant use my student accomodation, feet pics later
>my room is a biohazard, feet pics later
(You) are here
>I cant take my socks off, they are superglued to my feet, feet pics later
>My camera broke and it censors my feet, feet pics later
>I cant find time to take pics, I am streaming every day for 16 hour shifts, feet pics later
>I was involved in a car accident and they amputated both my feet. feet pics later
>ww3 happened, feet pics maybe(?) later
>Oi've took the pecs an' put em on a taeble ovar theehre, but Oive turnd scoh'ish. feet pecs lay there
>my room is actually a safety hazard, a biohazard even
what does this mean?
>>14401 #>>14403 #
>>14401 #
kek thats a nekochen classic
>>14400 #
the student dorm showers clogged and backflowed, flushing up decades worth of student semen into the dormroom shower of every single student in the entire block
ok im sorry ap
􀈷 133 KB􀅊 959×719
feetcucks BTFO again.

us tiktok chads win.. abbles uploaded a new tok in the last year right?
>>14408 #
yeah, its over 5'5'' at least
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-01 10-51-33.png􀄩
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Ok listen here buddy, yeah Im talking to (You), heres how this is all gonna go down, the game plan, the runaround to get all of this in place
You're going to out first thing tomorrow and buy BIG boots, I'm talking 5 sizes too large, barely hanging on as you lift your foot large
You will then go to the nearest shoe store and buy like 10 pairs of insoles, the higher the heel the better
Then? Leg. Lengthening. Surgery. Bam, after this is done, you will be 6'9'' MINIMUM
When you are done recovering? Guess that - BANG, you stuff your now-still-large boots with SOCKS
Lots of fucking socks, thick socks, ankle socks, thigh high socks. Anything you can fit inside
These BOOTS now fit your feet (and are incredibly soft due to all the socks), and you will with your boots be like 7'3'' due to all the insoles
Thats how you get your abbles gf, you heard?
>>14413 #>>14414 #
>>14411 #
unironically great tok. I bet their feet pics would look great
/serious /serious
>>14410 #
always walk on your tip toes for extra 2 inches
>>14413 #
Your insanely large stature will cause him (her) to revert to their true self, heal them (them) to full HP and nurture them (them) into living a healthy happy life with you (You)
>>14416 #
that is a very weird thing to think about given we haven't ever spoken nor never will. i simply like their tiktoks
>>14419 #
>>14417 #
romeo recites poems to juliet and ap says unhinged things about abbles on nekochen, the pattern is obvious
>>14420 #
>>14421 #
dating a tokker sounds like a really bad idea, all the tokkers i like have mental illnesses.

i will simply be single.
>>14423 #
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-09-07 21-57-57.png􀄩
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We're destined to fight to the death, so I try to get close just to feel your last breath
My justice swift, in a moment you'll be gone. And I can't wait til you respawn
>>14426 #
>>14423 #
i like them for their cute cosplays mostly.
GYdIqSnTmDaEx23-07-18 03-48-52.png􀄩
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I'm sick of the silence, I'm not stoic
Warrior or poet, a fighter and a lover but I can't show it
I down low it, they'll never understand what we have
They got suspicions, I just shrug'em off with a laugh
But it's a cover, the situation's upsetting
If I proposed you know it end up as a red wedding
A blood letting, a head on a pike
But if you like, we'll do it anyway I'm willing to fight
I'll see you tonight, there's a full moon on the horizon
and I've been waiting all day to see your sly grin
Maybe the sky can open up and swallow us whole
Eternal heaven for a couple of souls
I need me a forbidden love story between two souls destined to never be allowed to join
>>14429 #
ap openly hostile to the idea someone believes in him, how sad, you can pull abbles bud
>>14439 #
>>14436 #
believe in me for my personal academic success and my ability to try and make irl friends and an irl girlfriend, dont ship me with someone i've never spoken to, whom i only know through tiktok and their infrequent streams
>>14446 #
i ship ap with me because i like him
I ship bombs in storage containers across the atlantic and through the strait of gibraltar and suez canal
>>14445 #
i ship ap with abbles because i know it would be a sturdy ship like the titanic
>>14443 #
>>14443 #
no wonder the titanic fell
>>14446 #
you are unironically a weird individual and are actively making this site worse for users. go back to sturdychan. I hope to not see you here tomorrow
BANNED BY 'system' FOR 1 HOUR FOR "brum brum"
>>14449 #
>>14448 #
ap please, dont say that, you are acting weird like abbles read this site
>>14446 #
ngl I thought this was a little funny, the kind of on-the-nose obvious sarcasm funny but I do see how he can feel as he did about it as well
no matter where AP goes, he's a sperg
>>14452 #
>>14451 #
he was fine here for months. your weird obsession with him is autistic.
>>14453 #
>>14452 #
>Make a SINGLE post about someone
>"weird obsession"
Uh alright
>>14454 #
>>14454 #
Feel free to point out another post I made mentioning him
listen it was just bants and hes a british man whats up with him
>>14462 #
can someone dl 7245832425765375274 in hd? for some reason that tok just auto-corrupts the file every time I try to dl it
>>14458 #>>14465 #
>>14457 #
i tried but it doesnt work with tikwm on my end either(im on phone)
>>14456 #
its ok, i also believe he overreacted a bit
Im still upset that white sweater bree was positioned lower and that I didnt take enough precaution to fix it
>>14457 #
maybe try yt-dlp which downloads its own format which is kinda hd?
>>14466 #
>>14467 #
higher resolution but lower fidelity, but its not to the point where I could see the difference anyways so its probably just objectively better in that case
>>14470 #
I probably wont notice a difference so the res being higher means massive W thanks anon
alrite time 2 sleep
gn neko
BANNED BY 'system' FOR 1 HOUR FOR "brum brum"
>>14469 #
just searched this song up
its Justin Bieber??????
would never have guessed
>have a task to do that will take less than 1 hour to complete
>have the entire day to do it, and if I had done it earlier then I could have gone to sleep in time and gotten a healthy amount of it
>wait until 1 am to even begin it and finish at 2 am, will get at most 6 hours of sleep
we do a little trolling
>>14475 #
this tok, their costumes and the general vibe is very teabrain&friends-core
>>14476 #
nine always mogged em, glad to see her out on top finally
Good mornin
where's da boniposter
>>14495 #
Bus driver said "cheers pal" when I showed him my bus card.

My gender has never felt more recognised. I am a happy gender golem
>>14494 #
GYdIqSnTm7144141890051509509 nao enxergo-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 9.4 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
If Chat Control 2.0 gets passed then I will become noticeably more tame here on neko because the EU will be reading my every message and looking through all of my transactions to see if I am a terrorist :DDD
It was supposed to be voted on today but it was pushed back a bit.
>>14490 #
>>14497 #>>14508 #
>>14495 #
Buongiorno ragazzo
> because the EU will be reading my every message and looking through all of my transactions to see if I am a terrorist :DDD
put "in roblox" at the end of the sentence, if it works for tiktokkers then it must work here too(jk)
GYdIqSnTm7144155001781292293 nao isso nao é spoiler eu so to tirando a cabeca do boneco -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 12.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>14498 #
Yeah, if it is passed they will implement an AI-scanning tool that reads all electronic communication, ranging from but not excluded to video chats, chats, online forums and encrypted messages. This means that they will require all encrypted chat services like whatsapp and signal to implement backdoors for the government(s) and the EU to use, leading to possibility of these being abused by malicious third parties for spying or other illegal means
Ontop of this: I fucking hate surveillance and hope all CCTVNiggers perish. I dont even have anything to hide so theres no "uhhh you must hate surveillance because you are hiding something" no I just dont want Big Brother breathing down my neck when I am talking to strangers about brazilian girls
>>14500 #
>>14499 #
> "uhhh you must hate surveillance because you are hiding something"
that argument makes no sense tbh, its like those people do not get or understand the concept of privacy in your own home, plus EVERY human being has skeletons in their closet they gotta hide, whether small or big.
I also remember the last time Chat Control was in the current news cycle and they were saying that, in order to properly scan and easily idenfity CSAM, they need to effectively create and implant an index of all known (to them) CSAM hashes or something to that effect, meaning that it could, further down the line, lead to a bunch of liability cases where everyone technically has cp on their devices
I bought protein powder earlier today, trying it with milk right now
Its supposed to taste like chocolate & hazelnut. Tastes a bit like those off-brand nutella hazel spreads
its not too bad, the last chocolate tasting powder I had a few years back was incredibly gross but this one is palatable
Maybe with a bit of choccy milk powder this could be really good
>>14503 #>>14505 #
>>14502 #
are ya trying it with warm milk? you can drizzle some honey in it and let it melt, choccy milk is good too tho
>>14506 #
>>14502 #
i still got my choco protein powder that i bought 2 years ago its that bad
>>14506 #
>>14503 #
cold milk
I put some choccy milk powder in the glass and im about to try it out
maybe the slight uptick in sugar will make this great instead of decent
>>14505 #
yeah it was the same for me, I bought a big like 1-2kg jar of it and then used it like 3 times
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>>14495 #
>the EU
god bless the queen, fish and chips, pint of lager and the footy on the telly.

Queen and Country, not EU and Freedom of Movement.
>>14509 #
stop being a hater.

God Save The Queen
Eusisters... the islanders... they fucking boomed us again
How do we respond?
>>14512 #
>>14511 #
I'm just happy that our economy isn't actually fucked, for a while it seemed like the EUsissies were right and brexit was a suicidal move, but then it turned out that it was just covid and after covid ended in 2022 (covid doesn't exist anymore) our growth was outpacing even Germany :D

soon, der german tokfus will be moving to the UK for jobs, then I'll be winning big!
>>14513 #
>>14512 #
>german tokfus will be moving to the UK for jobs
not anymore
>>14515 #
A fun quote
>Not even East Germany's security police Stasi had surveillance on this level.
-Professor Stefan Axelsson (University of Stockholm)
􀑪􀎶 0:26􀈷 22.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>14513 #
I am willing to offer ONE (1!) german tokfu a greencard wedding. Successful applicants will either be
>blueclover.cos (she's dutch but that's basically shitty germany)

Applicants know where to contact me. My email address is attached to this post.
>>14516 #>>14517 #
>>14516 #
Now this is no comment towards noemi in general but
those pants are so fucking hot I need to date a girl who wears stuff like that
>>14520 #
>>14519 #
>wears pants saying "juicy"
>names herself after a fruit
>is holding a vegetable
if you bond burgered noemi, it would count as 3 of your 5 a day.
>>14522 #>>14521 #
>>14520 #
I would bite that cherry core This is not a sexual innuendo this is a suicide joke
>>14523 #
bruh she is HOLDING a lettuce. that's not a fruit, ya poofter!
>>14522 #
her legal name is "Cherry"
>>14527 #
This is the type of woman that makes life exciting
sans the trans flag
>>14529 #
>>14533 #
>I'm green with envy
We've all seen the pic from the last german comiccon or whatever con it was
Going to buy a plane ticket to BRAZZZZZILLLLLLL to take pics with my 'fu and then rush to the airport right after
>>14536 #
this image she actually smiles in, the other 2 you posted she is trying really hard to hide the pain
almost like she could smell his pungent scent in the first two but this third guy smelled surprisingly nice
>>14538 #
>>14542 #
No dad? Why not just become trans and get a daddy :DD :3 *^-^* yippie!!!!
>>14545 #
>>14543 #
unironically awful post.
>>14544 #
that guy is JACKED. also, noemi looks really skinny in OOC posts. I could probably lift her fairly easily and I'm weak as a dog in november.
>>14546 #
>>14550 #
I cast dispel magic #d20 (15)
(difficulty class is 10+ spellcaster's original level (you are level 5 so the DC is 15))
>>14552 #
its over
I wonder if I can watch movies on my uni's computers
the displays on these things are really nice and hardly anybody uses them
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Its ironic how Cassie from Skins was plagued by her anorexia and overall weight problems but the actor is now chunky/fat
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oh right my nekkers, are you guys still interested to watch strange movies from asia and/or maybe some normal western-produced movies this weekend? idk if any of you have anything plannedI dont
>>14561 #>>14562 #
>>14560 #
im gonna on a date this weekend with a super hot girl.. sorry i'll be busy all weekend dating this super hot and super smart girl...
where's the fucking cs2 update summer is over
>>14565 #
>>14563 #
at this point I hope its delayed enough for my friend to finish having fun playing hc wow so we can grind for supreme/global when it comes out
if it comes out too early he will likely not stop playing wow
>>14566 #
>>14565 #
>hc wow
metal, i keep dying in vanilla wow every 10 mins but i was thinking of giving that server a try
>>14568 #
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 3.9 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
when I played wow classic i never died, i think i was a little too good at the game. i just put on a d&d podcast, and played the game for 14 hours a day straight for like 2 weeks.
then burnt out hard, cancelled my subscription and went outside to touch grass.
>>14566 #
my friend has played it quite a bit and has gotten to level 60 without dying several times
he told me he just got done farming the same dungeon (first boss, 5 minute runs) 181 times to get a single item
average hc wow player
wow erp servers?
>>14571 #
Anonie. I played Orc Hunter.

I would simply set my Flying Serpent pet on him, and he'd 1v1 him easily.
>>14575 #
so... is the movie streem a thing tomorrow or nah
>>14576 #
>>14572 #
Are pets worth enough to get one? if not i'd just walk my merry way alone
>>14573 #
you just dont know what you're losin famalammo
>>14577 #
>>14574 #
yeah will be tomorrow evening likely, felt like i had given it too short notice to do it today
>>14579 #
>>14577 #
Yea, when you run out of fresh water and apples, who you gon call
>>14583 #
Whatever bad shit you're goin through, i hope/pray that you'll feel better soon
>>14585 #
>>14588 #
I fucking love this song so much. I've been listening to it daily recently.
>>14591 #
that's why they call him billy goat
I hope you guys have the story about billy goats where you're from, otherwise I just sound like a retard
>>14593 #
>>14592 #
no italian equivalent of this billy goats story srry anoni
>>14594 #
>>14593 #
So there are three Billy Goats trying to cross a bridge. Then an evil troll called /pol/schizo jumps out. The first billy goat, the youngest and smallest says "dont eat me, my brother is coming next and he's much bigger and fatter". So the troll lets him go past. The 2nd billy goat does the same thing. Then the third billy goat says the same story, despite there being no 4th billy goat. The troll then goes hungry, because he kept gambling for a bigger billy goat.
>>14595 #>>14597 #
>>14594 #
comfy bedtime story anoni, teaches you a lot about greed and makes you big think
[YouTube] ???

I often take these night shift walks
When the foreman's not around
I turn my back on the cooling stacks
And make for open ground
Far out beyond the tank-farm fence
Where the gas flare makes no sound
I forget the stink and I always think
Back to that Eastern town

I remember back six years ago
This western life I chose
And every day the news would say
Some factory's going to close
Well, I could have stayed to take the dole
But I'm not one of those
I take nothing free, and that makes me
An idiot, I suppose
>>14594 #
we have that in sweden too, The three Bruse bucks but instead of the third big one saying theres a 4th one coming, when he passes over the brige he is so large and strong that he is able to buck the troll back into the stream (he is living under the bridge)
same moral of the story, "those who (weird word translation, but like imagine a snake dislocating its jaw or someone going AAAAAA at the dentist, people gaping their mouthes basically) widen their mouths for a lot, often miss the entire piece"
unrelated but I cant remember how or when I found this song but at some point I came across this
[YouTube] ???
at first I only kept the song in memory because it was "le funny gag because it doesnt sound like music XDDD" but through listening to it over the years (mostly from when I opened the song to copy the link) it has grown on me
its generally awful music but its pretty good
>>14603 #
>>14616 #
why she missing a teeth
I just thought about it and i think the existence of geoguessr autists has made me scared to ever post a photo online ever
>>14619 #>>14625 #
>>14618 #
dont worry the governments(your state and the CIA) already knows where you live
>>14620 #
>>14619 #
Oh yeah that battle is already lost I’m mostly afraid of schiz
…zo anons doxxing my ass
>>14624 #
I read something about how the government can know which specific antenna your phone connects to which means they know your rough location without even having to tap your phone in any way
>>14621 #
just dont say/post anything too personal, its that ez peasy
>>14618 #
I purposely post(ed) misleading images I took irl from places that I didnt live in or were remotely close to at the time to throw off any schizos who were keeping tabs on namefags
>>14626 #
>>14625 #
dont do that, schizos are gonna target some poor unrelated bastard otherwise
>>14627 #
>>14628 #
Im not asking why, but how
if I took the pics, theres no other person for the schizos to "go target"
>>14632 #
I've still spent over 2 years on .moe during a time that schizos allegedly kept record of all anons in personal notepads, some because "it soothes their paranoia" and some because they were malicious
>>14635 #
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 5.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 4 years ago
>>14633 #
schizo ramblings were the funnest shit to read ever, i would go to sleep and waking up the next day with the .moe threads being filled with his posts accusing others to be me
>>14631 #
I was actually thinking that you could use GPT to automate the process of keeping tabs on somebody's personal info. Earlier I was transcribing long live stream vods into text and I was thinking it would be so easy to feed that text into GPT and ask it to just spit out any notable personal details that a streamer might have mentioned.

Listen to somebody talk for 2 hours straight and they’re bound to reveal some personally identifying info.
>>14637 #
>>14637 #
Ok that sounded sus. To be clear I’ve never doxxed anybody in my life and I don’t condone it. I was just thinking about how easy it would be to do if somebody wanted to.
>>14639 #
>>14638 #
Yeah, its not hard. The issue is just that you need to want to doxx someone who does stream hours of themselves
For anonymous people on an imageboard? You cant rely on shitgpt, you need to actually be observant yourself (high iq intelligence gathering)
>>14640 #
omg he is so cute is this your friend? can i have his number? :D :*
>>14642 #
>>14642 #
He looks so calm and serene
I love him
>>14640 #
I said i dont condone doxxing OK? This is merely a THOUGHT EXPERIMENT DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME EVER
u, r gey
u r a transgenda
WoW time #8ball (Hell yeah, motherfucker!)
>>14656 #
not a fucking long queue again
>>14656 #
>>14657 #
wait youre playing hardcore on turtle? thats not hc silly
>>14660 #
>>14658 #
im not playing hardcore, im playing the normal normie mode
>>14661 #
my country is cucked for gun ownership
you can get a hunting license and then youre allowed to own a single action hunting rifle but never an ak47
>>14663 #
>>14662 #
eeh good luck getting one then, maybe if you manage to move countries(favorably america) you could cop one easy
>>14664 #
>>14663 #
meh Im probably never leaving this woodland, at least not permanently
At worst I'll get one from the balkans after a war has ended there and then just keep it on my forest estate
>>14665 #
>>14664 #
avoid telling your friends/relatives about it tho, you never know whos gonna snitch
>>14666 #
>>14665 #
Yeah I doubt by the time I disappear into the woods anyone will hear from me again so thats not gonna be an issue
>>14668 #
Is it bad if I don’t really see the appeal in gun ownership
I can’t imagine ever needing a gun in life
Like in most places the law is set up so you can’t ever use it unless you feel in danger for your life
>>14669 #
>>14667 #
I dont need it for anything, I just the Ak is an iconic object and I really like how it looks and have always wanted one
>>14668 #
yooo she got the 'stendo
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The other day I went down the rabbit hole of watching tiktoks of nigs shooting glocks with "switches" on them
Apparently the part you need for full auto conversion is extremely easy to get so a lot of nigs are buying them illegally and turning their glocks auto and shit
movie at 9pm ish 3 hours from now
>>14682 #
>>14678 #
>mw2 (og version)
the dual g18 was fucking busted, you didn't even have to aim you just sprayed in a cone and everything just died
should i buy myself some middle eastern goyslop #8ball (Yes)
>>14683 #
>>14687 #
that was like, 2 days ago or summ
Wanna watch that weird asian movie Pieta in the Toilet?
>>14690 #
>>14690 #
ok lemme just test so it works with sound etc then ill make a quick cuppa and then we go
>>14692 #
also let me know if u guys can see me typing in chta
>>14693 #
akshualy we could post on turdy with a vpn but its not worth it anymore
I know nothing about this movie, I only picked it because it was in a kino youtube video I saw and it looked really nice
>>14693 #
I was never banned, I just dont like the place
stream has started btw
>>14693 #
I stopped using sturdy for like a week when I rediscovered neko, then I went full fire and steel on sturdy for keks and ended up copping a ban because the admin is a badmin he's a madmin he's a sadmin
>>14700 #
sorry frenchy, I'm getting an early night because the F1 race starts in like 8 hours.
>>14702 #
>>14701 #
Had I known I couldve started it earlier, my schedule has been empty today
>>14703 #
>>14702 #
sorry, I legit said "gm neko" and then didnt come back here for 12 hours. i shold've said somethink earlier
>>14706 #
didnt knew you played guitar, you good at it?
>>14706 #
noemi doing the banana split :D
Not a bad movie night honestly, movie started out slow but it got much better in the mid-end
>>14717 #
I liked the ending, bitter and sad
>>14717 #
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>>14716 #
It was a very strange movie but I guess thats just how life is, nothing is really ever resolved in the end
I was team "Not really that good of a movie" until the last 30% or so, now I think it was an all right movie but nothing special
picrel is pretty decently depicting my emotions after it.

This was the video that made me pick this movie
[YouTube] ???

>>14716 #
Yeah, the ending being like it was made it better than anything else couldve done. The tie-in with the Pieta statue he saw when he was visiting church with the child and the fact that coping with loss is just hard, theres no silver lining to it
>>14716 #>>14719 #
>>14717 #
imma watch your vid rn, btw are you up for another movie night next weekend? i was thinking of streaming a korean movie called joint security area
>>14718 #
>>14718 #
niceu, this movie you picked was not bad at all still, good choice
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A little fact about the movie (kinda):
I think this movie is more or less wiped from the internet, I tried incredibly hard to get a copy of it and didnt find one for weeks until I stumbled upon a very recent upload on vimeo or something like that
Maybe I was just bad at searching or am misremembering how much effort I put it but I couldnt find torrents anywhere, much less when searching for it in japanese
>>14722 #
why am i feeling sick all of a sudden, maybe a cold-fever
>>14726 #
>>14725 #
maybe you have what I had yesterday
if I was a spreader, I apologize
>>14727 #
>>14728 #
how do u say pieta in portugeese
>>14730 #
Forgetting to drink your tea until it turns cold is one of the biggest curses hailing tea drinkers
>>14730 #
GYdIqSnTm7036441057860537605 alal al allla la la lalal ala-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
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I forgot to drink my tea because I was so focused on the movie
>>14729 #
>how do u say pieta in portugeese
La Piedad del Vaticano o Pietà
>one of the biggest curses hailing tea drinkers
I actually prefer my tea cold, I dont know why
Back when I drank tea a lot a few years back, I would always brew my 1.2 L of tea in this big cup and then forget about it until it went fingerwarm/cold because I was gaming
Then I chugged it (or just drank it over the course of a few minutes) and brewed another cuppa
I still do this but usually nowadays I drink it a bit sooner than 3 hours after brewing it
>>14729 #>>14732 #
GYdIqSnTm7053316950084046086 Responder @nyajimi Minha olheira e inchada e roxo nao da pra esconde vei ;_;.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 7.1 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 HEVC􀐫 2 years ago
>>14736 #
just normal honey, the one you can buy at any store
I dont discriminate between "normal" honey, unfiltered, those specialized honeys and such, I just get the basic one

>comment: "many dark eye rings, are you going to sleep girl?
>tok description: My dark circles are swollen and I can't hide them, hey;-;
>words in tok: It's natural, my eye is natural, like, I put on makeup here, but it's natural, I sleep, I have a bad eye,
wow, the photo is horrible here, look at the eye there, look at the
:( I like them I hope she doesnt feel bad about them
>>14738 #
anyways im tired and going to sleep would fix my reading comprehension right up! goodnite neko
BANNED BY 'system' FOR 1 HOUR FOR "brum brum"
>>14741 #
>>14742 #
all europeanekos are sleeping at least, should be in my case
>>14744 #







that was a fucking good nut
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our consciousness is rising.
DELETED BY 'admin'
what the heck
who is admin here? I demand answers
DELETED BY 'admin'
your site is broken retard
how about you update your fucking site, dumb fuck
DELETED BY 'admin'
GYdIqSnTm6992895032583900422 even tho she did wrong things, i‘m so sorry for her {✨#frill#wondereggpriority#fy#foryou#4u#c0splay ✨}_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
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Wake up, Mr. West, Mr. West, Mr. Fresh
Mr. by-his-self-he-so-impressed
I mean, damn, did you even see the test
You got D's motherfucker, D's, Rosie Perez
And yes, barely pass any and every class
Lookin' at every ass
Cheated on every test
I guess this is my dissertation
Homie, this shit is basic
Welcome to graduation

Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
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>>14762 #
sadly no
>>14763 #
I don't know if I can do anything to help in this situation, I feel like if I was openly trainsphobic it would just push him further into a socially isolated situation where he only talks to demons and devil worshippers, but if I do nothing and he does become trains, well.. I'll be loosing a friend :/
>>14767 #>>14768 #
>>14766 #
I havent mentioned it to my friend nor has he mentioned it to me since that one night we talked about it in the bathroom high as horses
That was like 3 years ago so many I just lucked out and he didnt feel like trooning
Only thing you can do is to be even more male-inclusive in your behaviour, ramp up the toxic masculinity and bretheren-ness, do dude things with him
unless he is an online >friend
in that case you are fucked lol
>>14770 #
>>14767 #
he is an online friend I've known for like 10 years

it's joever, simply joever. 🍀
>>14771 #
GYdIqSnTm7160170587015351557 voce convidaria essa feia fedida desgracada que nao saiu de casa no halloween pra uma festa de halloween voce convidaria essa solitaria alma perdida-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 14.7 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>14770 #
There might be ONE strategy you could employ, but it is very risky and the price to pay may be greater than the good it brings
You must take this friend away from the sources of trannydoom and bring him where no troon dare tread:
Counter-Strike 2
Do this, steal him from the suffocating grasp of Trannorant and Riot GAYmes products, and he may be saved.
>>14772 #
>>14771 #
Anon I'm the one in the friend group that plays the most riot games games and I'm not going to trainsition.
I think you've got it mixed up, riot games stops the trains... valve? Well... Their CEO is called Gabrielle Newell......
i dont mind trans and gay people as long as they dont hurt others(especially kids)
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I support everyone and feel as if everyone should be as they self please. if they feel like thye are a troon or w/e idc
But I support women before I support trannies and there are too many statistics on men transitioning to woman and then committing sexual crimes on actual women and/or transitioning after the crime to be put in women's prisons to keep being nonces there
stuff like this does not look too good tbh
>>14775 #
Ive met three ftm trannies and theyve been nothing but chill tbh, two of them were more of the ambiguous middle ground and one actively tried to be as male-presenting as possible and I dont see any problem with them trying to be what they want to be, I fw it
>>14776 #>>14777 #
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I don't mind trainsfolk, but I have to admit that I've never interacted with any irl. My main interaction with trainspeople is when a youtuber I like trainsitions and starts putting on a forced feminine voice and I have to unsubscribe because I can't stand it. Every single mtf trainswoman's voice I've heard makes me curl up, I simply cannot listen to it, I am sorry. Therefore, if an online friend trainsitioned, I likely would not be able to hang out with her as she would probably do the trainsvoice.
>>14774 #
>>14774 #
a lot of trannies are like chris chan, they transition to take advantage of the system, and also since troonies get away with pretty much anything these days
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>>14774 #
well obviously they're chill, ftm trains folk, especially the "ambigious" ones, are literally just "tomboys", except "tomboys" as a concept got memoryholed by the LGBTQ+ Alliance.
>>14778 #
>>14777 #
I dont mean the ambiguous type of ftm that is like half female half male presenting, I mean the gender slushie that you can tell does look a bit androgynous but does not look like anything, like it could swing either way
basically NB or genderfluid
but I also do think that if I had any experience with mtf trannies irl I would rapidly change my mind and actively dislike trannies. my favourite genre of gender for sure
>>14779 #
>>14778 #
>gender slushie
I bet a gender slushie would be tasty. Raspberry for the pink, Blueberry for the blue, just all swirled together with crushed ice 🤤
i accept troons and hecking valid enbies that do not cut up their genitals in strange ways
triplepost but scandinavia has actually 180'd completely on the whole gender identity thing, it used to be a forefront of "progression" in such topics but as of late there have been heaps of research, documentaries and legislation that are going against the whole transgender debate, painting it as a mental illness and prohibiting young kids from going on puberty blockers or taking cross-sex hormones
I wonder whats going to come from this, if its going to keep going in this direction or if they will 180 again
GYdIqSnTm6932799681973980421 mikan deserves so much better ( #mikantsumiki#mikan#cosplay#danganronpa#sdr2#danganronpacosplay#foryou#4u#fy_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 2.8 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
quadrupleposting but I just signed up for a year's deal with a 24 hour gym that's a short bus ride away, it's the cheapest price I could find, it's open 24 hours, and it'll let me keep to my schedule of waking up at like 6am and then I can get into the gym nice and early when it's probably empty as heck on a tuesday.
>>14785 #
>>14784 #
who won the formula?
also 24 hour gyms are comfy, I used to go to one real late in the night when I was neeting but nowadays I go to a normal time-limited gym (sadly)
1 year contract is insane though, are you motivated enough to justify it?
>>14786 #
GYdIqSnTm6993311463804767494 don‘t like my make-up and i felt kinda weird, but look who‘s here {✨#zhongli#GenshinImpact#c0splay#fy#foryou#4u ✨}_sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 2.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>14785 #
max verstappen won the formula
well it's a 9 month contract actually, but that's how the student deal works, I wish I could do it by month, but the last few times I've done gyms by month I stopped going, sooooo.
>>14787 #
>>14787 #
100% expected, he won 12 out of the 15 races this season, he won 10 races in a row. they had a really bad car for one track, now it's back to normal tracks and it's back to him winning everything
>>14789 #
>>14788 #
Do you cheer for him or do you still cheer for that cute asian girl? or maybe that was F2
Whats the point in watching if Max Verboten wins everything, do you just ignore his existence and cheer for who gets 2nd place instead?
>>14790 #
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>>14789 #
i have no idea what cute asian girl you're talking about. Juju noda? She races in some F4 stuff now, she's kinda shit and I don't watch her stuff, but she cute I guess

I just watch f1 on a second monitor, so it's never something I'm fully committed to.
>>14791 #
>>14790 #
Juju Noda I think
You linked some formula stream once and she was racing and you were cheering for her
GYdIqSnTm7116521816667032837 ⚠️fake body it‘s klling meeee-h264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:05􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
👆🏻🤓 um ackshully 19 months ago you mentioned on a single post that you preferred brown bread over white bread, why are you lying now?

>>14796 #>>14797 #
>>14794 #
AP(Abbles Poster) what are you talming about........................
>>14794 #
Just wait until the day I drunkenly post an image of my AP shrine that I built in commemoration of you
I even bought McDonalds flavoured candles from Australia, just for the authenticity
I even found this old photo of you and reki, and I found your soundcloud where you make rap music.
>>14802 #>>14803 #
I found your old pinterest account where you uploaded pics of you in black and white nail polish (I confirmed it was you based on your nailbeds)
ap i know whats your favorite color
>>14804 #
that dude has a warrior skull, could mog the entire west-bloc of Berlin if he wanted to (but he is too humble to)
CS2 on september 27th btw
t. knower
rush b cyka
go b for boni. that's b for boni.
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Ok third game of CS2 ever, lets hope I dont get 4 russian 10 year olds who go afk every round and that the map isnt Nuke again :DDD
I love nuke but I wanna play some other map this time maybe hahah :D
>>14818 #
>>14819 #
es tu queiro boni bonita lalalala latam!
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4 afk in the first round, then after 25 seconds of not doing anything they all go A
this game is fucking over gonna teamkill my teammates until I get banned
>>14822 #
>>14821 #
thats what you get for playing cs2, when you could be playing valorant with me. (I will be your pocket healer)
>>14823 #
>>14823 #
i dont have it installed right now, so no.. maybe later in the week....
>>14825 #
im busy! I said I'd sort out my downloads folder today.
i cast valorant #d20 (5)
>>14828 #
>>14827 #
sorry anonie, maybe another day. I'll try and install it later today tho so I'll have it ready!
>>14829 #
the enemy team surrendered when they were up 3-1 so I won
ez game? I didnt have enough time to google translate "KYS" to russian so i could scream it into my microphone so I dont feel as if I accomplished enough that match
>>14833 #
>>14830 #
love you too bestie <3
>>14833 #
ok ty will use it in this match (I queued another one, its Mirage)
>>14835 #
>he's playing CS2 when he could be playing valorant with me
>>14837 #
nvm i forgot my riot password hol on
>>14839 #
>>14839 #
imma still install it anyways
>>14842 #
bruh, super nintendo sega genesis, who gives a fuck.
MICROSOFT owns the console game
>>14844 #
>>14843 #
microsoft doesn't own nintendo yet #getowned
jks aside the controller looks minty, cop that one also
i dont own a 360 anymore and tbh if I bought one, the only game i'd play on it that doesnt exist on PC is fable 2.