「/ttg/ #45 ifunny edition」
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1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
>>102152 #
>>102154 #
I actually just think she is ugly, but Darla, her face is kinda cute. Like, I could see myself dating a girl like her.
>>102155 #
It's a bad choice, but out of the two Pokie wins just on the lack of piercings alone, even though she's definitely more whoreish so there would be issues with that
wait that isnt kay, i might be faceblind. can someneko reassure me that it kinda looks like kay
>>102160 #
Nope, you're blind, the first issue if it was Kay would be she's a minor and that outfit? Nuh-uh no good for minors
>>102161 #
Wouldn't be the worst thing I've seen a miner wearing on tiktok sadly
>>102162 #
neopolitan icecream hair, what was she thinking with this
>>102163 #
>Wouldn't be the worst thing I've seen a miner wearing on tiktok sadly
True, but afaik Kay is a bit more into not showing too much skin. Not like she cannot become a giant hypocrite and do it but I would be surprised if she did out of the blue.
>>102169 #
Speaking of furrykino, where's the fricking fursuit toks Nora???
You spent THOUSANDS on the suit, at least wear it ONCE.
>>102172 #
Buddy I'm pretty sure that is from like 3 years ago. Nora is a fake furry, she is a grifter, trying to get our attention. I shant be thinking about her till she drops the fursuit toks.
>>102173 #
>trying to get our attention
This is such a keklo phrase, if you just said "trying to get our attentionies" you would transport me back 6 years.
>>102178 #
Probably is Zureeal's best ever cosplay tbh, she made this dress by hand, and now I recall some cosplay online shop is selling a very low quality version of it, it's not the same.
I still haven't beaten BG3 and probably never will, 38 hours in and I only just reached Act 2, furhaps the game is 'too long'. I don't really care for the characters either, but I think it's a very good game. I appreciate how there's no trash fights, like, you're walking through the woods and 8 goblins run out and attack you, each encounter feels planned, usually designed in a cool, usable environment.
Attaching best BG3 girl, such a shame I had to kill her...
>>102179 #
>each encounter feels planned
Yea, larian makes those pretty decently I think, Divinity original sin, at least the first one was pretty good with that even if there's probably many actually kinda trash fights.
Just the mechanics were fleshed out enough to make the encounters enjoyable for the major part of the game.
>command 'git' not found
Dang yo my l00nix fire (I forgor, no emoji picker, naurrrrrrrrr)
The boys are back in townto kill you
I had 5 youtube.com tabs open in a row. I must've just opened youtube, saw nothing, doomscrolled, opened youtube, go work go bed etc, life is pain, I will game, or go insane.
I will have to see more of this kaisa
Is this individual that followed me on twitch today and left a message in my chat here?
I am unable to whisper you, or I'd do that.
does this claude thing still works(ofc it does cmon)
#claude tell me a.. funny fact about a porcupines lifePorcupines can't throw their quills. They detach when the porcupine is threatened.
since I was a teenager, masturbating to woman gives me an anhedonic orgasm, but when masturbating to feminine men I have a normal orgasm, I don't know how to fix this
>>102230 #
im still attracted to women and I feel very aroused by them but the orgasm is the issue, its zero pleasure, total anehdonia
hai is meowmin here
im not meowmin but i've meowed a few times in my life if that counts.
I'm the neko that forked nekochen some days ago ~
Wanted to say thanks
this guy FORKED a website, I prefer to FORK girls
we are not the same
>>102246 #
iirc this is destructive, as in I couldn't find a way to get the frames out of a webm that's edited that way so I hope you've got the original files
>>102247 #
why not? someone persistent enough can learn that, I'm not personally keeping the knowledge to myself if anyone asks and it might even be possible to do without ffmpeg