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「/ttg/ #40 - Madoka Kaname Edition」

GYdIqSnTm7367794835719212293 claramente a gente não sabe a letra @lou (^з^)-☆ __ #madokamagica #madokakaname #homuraakemi #madokakanamecosplay #homuraakemicosplay #madohomu #homumado #madohomucosplay #… .mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:12􀈷 7.4 MB􀅊 1920×1080􀣋 H264􀐫 3 months ago
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds

Last thread:
THREAD locked BY 'admin'
1905 post(s) and 308 image(s) omittedSee all
>>90570 #
heheh stop investigating things
Only one way to be sure
#claude Can you tell me a joke?
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
>>90573 #
#claude what are the anthropological origins of body piercings? Explain in detail.
The anthropological origins of body piercings are complex and varied, but some common themes emerge: * **Ritual and Status:** Piercings have been used in many cultures to mark rites of passage, denote social status, and express religious beliefs. * **Decoration and Beauty:** Piercings are often used for aesthetic purposes, enhancing beauty and personal expression. * **Protection and Healing:** In some cultures, piercings are believed to ward off evil spirits or promote healing. * **Cultural Identity:** Piercings can serve as a marker of cultural identity, signifying membership in a specific group or tribe. Examples: * **Ancient Egypt:** Nose piercings were common among both men and women, symbolizing social status and power. * **Pre-Columbian Americas:** Piercings of the nose, ears, and lips were used by many indigenous groups for rituals and adornment. * **Africa:** Tribal groups in Africa have long practiced various forms of body piercing, including earlobes, nostrils, and lips, often with symbolic meaning. * **Asia:** Piercing practices vary widely across Asia, with traditions ranging from nose piercing in India to ear piercing in China. It's important to note that piercing practices vary significantly across cultures and over time. What is considered acceptable or meaningful in one culture may not be in another.
Hej, jeg ønskede at kende din pris.
>>90599 #
>>90582 #
Good morning neko :)
I was gonna ask if you made a whole edit for Tenshi but I guess you have explained yourself.
>>90584 #
>>90584 #
>she learned the good old AE forward backwards edit type thing
>she uses it to make edits of Tenshi
Beats me, I wouldn't know what she sees in her.
>>90585 #
>>90587 #
>>90586 #
we have to give persqe credit, she knows after effects which is more than i do
>she uses it to make edits of Tenshi
only 6 out of the last 9 of her posts were Tenshi
>>90588 #
>>90587 #
>only 6 out of the last 9
Yea, clearly it's only a majority. I mean, when I was doing edits and actually had the drive for it I've done like 7, in which 4 different tokfus were featured
>>90589 #
>>90588 #
I think she lost the drive for it, there were no posts for 23 weeks, and then Tenshi announces she's single and suddenly she drops 2 tenshi edits in 2 weeks?
Yeah, it's yet another attempt to rizz up tenshi, EVERYONE is doing it.

Personally I think the "suck my dick tenshi" guy from the stream is gonna be the most successful, girls like a guy who says what he wants
>>90590 #
>>90589 #
>Yeah, it's yet another attempt to rizz up tenshi
You should make another edit, then we'll be able to say that everyone is doing it :)
>Personally I think the "suck my dick tenshi" guy from the stream is gonna be the most successful
Why do good girls like bad guys? I've had this question for a really long time.
>>90591 #
GYdIqSnTm7369585599927323937 I hope everyone can understand and I will try to stay positive and get through this but it will be hard since we have been dating for almost 2 years and I feel like he just thr… .mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.2 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 3 months ago
>>90590 #
Cosplay girls seem to always date guys and break up with them. Me? I'd never break up with them, so I would clearly be an improvement over the Chadwicks and Chadworths they're dating currently.
>>90592 #
>>90591 #
>Cosplay girls seem to always date guys and break up with them.
Guilty as charged.
>Me? I'd never break up with them
I mean, I never go into a relationship expecting for it to end but it's improbable that it will last till the end. It's just a fact of life neko.
>Chadwicks and Chadworths
But what about Chad Princetons?
>>90593 #
>>90592 #
>But what about Chad Princetons?
I've heard that guy is so generous AND handsome. I'm sure he's got many girlfriends.
>>90594 #
>>90593 #
>is so generous AND handsome.
Yea, I've also heard he's 6'2, 85kg, 8%bf, can do 6 handstand pushups, 12 one-handed ones, 12 pullups and however many shrimps and russian squats he wants.
>I'm sure he's got many girlfriends.
How can you not with stats like that? You would go out to touch grass and I bet girls would be clamoring just to touch you.
>>90595 #
>>90595 #
It is a perfectly crafted devilish post, made by yours truly, the devilneko 😈
>>90597 #
>>90597 #
>I just ate some scones.
I hope they were good :)
I got intensely hungry now thanks to you neko, I think I'll try and whip up some dinner.
>>90601 #
>I'm not trans
Not yet, but who knows what will happen after you watch it.
􀈷 4.0 MB􀅊 1500×1500􀣋 PNG
For me?
>two eyes
>portal creation
>opposable thumbs
>self awareness
>>90603 #
Im not some moralist nanny but whenever I come across videos like this... I dont know man way people want to make prostitution legal and sanitized seems so wrong to me.
>>90606 #>>90607 #
>>90605 #
>people want to make prostitution legal and sanitized
I feel like the way it is solved in my and a few other countries is the best route, prostitution per se is not illegal, but pimping, whorehouses and advertising it is illegal and punishable.
I don't think making it wholly illegal will solve the problem, it's just going to make it go underground, just like trying to ban alcohol. And there's a lot of money to be gained by shady people from banning it, so basically, lose-lose scenario.
>>90605 #
I watched a documentary about prostitution in the state of Nevada, and if I remember it correctly, it's only legal at brothels, and said brothels all have to be up to code, and run well. I think that's a good compromise, it makes it legal, but you have to go to a specific interior to interact with it, and it affords the whores the protection they so hecking need.
>>90608 #
>>90607 #
That is a decent solution too, if your country can uphold this kind of stringent control over the practice I feel like it's good enough.
the roof hatch on my commute bus is open for the first time in the >1 decade I have been on this bus in different contexts
it's so nice holy shit. best driver
I got a twitch ad on NekoTV 💀
yeah, i went into stream, posted some a negging comment and now i will leave.
im the one who posted the tenshi stream and now im gonna clear it, thats enough tenshi for today
I'm going to watch Tenshi (voluntarily) since no one I like is online
>>90617 #
>>90617 #
No, but the guy who is way ahead of everyone is in Australia (k*y reference), so he's sleeping
>>90619 #
>>90618 #
why would you sleep during deep dip 2? shit just prints money. 50 gifted every other minute just for being a transmania streamer and loading up a map. it's crazy.
>>90620 #
>>90619 #
He's been streaming 8 hours everyday for the past 2 weeks AND has a whooping cough worse than yours
>>90621 #
>>90620 #
okay okay i forgive him, though i doubt his whooping cough is worse than mine i've had this fucker for 3 months straight and its only getting worse.
it was exactly a month ago that i got my 5 days of antibiotics and life was wonderful
>>90622 #
>>90621 #
Can't mute the mic while driving virtual cars, so his' sounds worse
>>90623 #
takes over a minute to load a single 5 MB tok on this godforsaken website now
>>90625 #>>90627 #
MeguTV I mean, the video takes so long to buffer that once it loads it instantly skips to the next one
(It's working fine in this exact moment, so this post is pure slander) (As I wrote this it stopped working, so this post is actually fullt factual açso my Megu is in front of the textbox so -I can't see what I'm writing I hope I'm not making any silly mistakes)
>>90627 #>>90628 #
>>90624 #
>>90625 #
must be a local issue because i'm not experiencing it, toks load instantly, megu is fine, and im using an international VPN so my internet should be slower
>>90626 #
i simply do not have this issue. actually nevermind, it's happening right now, missed a whole tok before loading the next one

i've had these issues in the past though, so it comes and it goes
>>90626 #
I'm seeing the same issue as you, seemingly for the same tok. It didn't work, then it loaded a nora and a mothi instantly. Maybe it's tok dependent?
GYdIqSnTmsmiling scout.mp4􀄩
􀑪􀎶 0:21􀈷 1015 KB􀅊 640×360􀣋 H264
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
>meguTV works to show two kays in a row perfectly
>>90631 #
I don't understand this girl, it's like the sushi cloning factory accidentally introduced Bryn into the mix.
You ruined it for me, I was having NO issues with toks or megutv until you guys mentioned them, now my megutv is fucked and toks are slow to load.
>>90636 #
>>90634 #
its their national day today so she will probably post a tok today or tomorrow if you actually like her
>>90635 #
>>90637 #>>90638 #
>>90636 #
The only fun that is nekochen approved is watching Tenshi watch Sonic 2
>>90638 #
dont doubt me again fucker
my word is law
I have 4 kg of carrots in my fridge so yes that is probably me (I cant watch the tok (its over 2 MB)) (Neko is slow)
#claude how do I increase internet speeds and also tell me an internet speed related joke
* **Check your internet plan:** Are you getting the speed you're paying for? * **Restart your modem and router:** This can fix temporary glitches. * **Use an ethernet cable:** Wired connections are usually faster than Wi-Fi. * **Close background apps:** Programs running in the background can slow down your internet. * **Avoid using too many devices at once:** Multiple devices streaming can affect speed. **Joke:** Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
When are you teaching nu-Claude that doesn't bold words 'round here?
Oh wow just learned that you don't need to close the formatting for it to happen, mind blown 🤯🤯🤯
#claude can you write out a middlefinger emoji for me
thanks claude
Yo I searched on my browser one of those trick prompts for Claude, and the first result was a toktok clone.
Ever heard of
after the transition she looks a little like sammi with a thinner nose
>>90649 #
Never mind I opened her profile and the other videos are definitely not her
uhhhhhh nekotv broke?????????
>>90654 #
she's so cute, i have never seen a 'fu like her before.
what's her @?
is NekoTV playing for anyone? I have refreshed the tab, closed and opened nekotv, it won't come on
Branons stealing nine's tok
>>90658 #
>>90661 #
Ah, I never watched the streams when they've been posted here, hence why I was left unawares to the identity of strife.cos. I guess you could say my braincells are not rife with images of strife.
>>90665 #>>90666 #
except me you fat sow
>>90662 #
Her streams aren't good (no fus ever do good streams), but she activates my neurons
I wonder what shit-tok was used for the new general 🙄
>>90666 #
just checked her profile and she's only 19, you're going to jail buddy.
>>90677 #
>>90673 #
they would need the cops involved to pull me out of her womb even if she was 25
