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「/ttg/ #11 - My wife edition」

􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 2.1 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 15 months ago
Tiktok Zoom Central

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds

Last thread:
THREAD locked BY 'Moderator'
>>20358 #
what about bonbibonkres
>>20365 #
just checked their profile and they havent posted in like a year??? sorry I mean active tokkers only!
>>20371 #
what did you change in this one? i cant remember if the voice is in the original my guess is no but its in some other tok
>>20375 #
>>20373 #
this is only worth watching bc noemi is in it
>>20372 #
it only works for firefoxchads
everyone else just sees the original tok
>>20378 #
>>20378 #
you also need to be a true chip bro and watch it several times
>>20380 #
chipposter whats your fav food
>>20383 #
>>20382 #
I love making spaghetti carbonara and other dishes that would reveal my location
>>20384 #
>>20383 #
same, love spaghetti carbonara, i like a bit of seafood paellas too
>>20387 #
i only read the mangu, might check out the animu soon if it gots good animation
>>20392 #
I have capcup now might cook up some kino fr fr
on 4nem dem jizzy on godlord
>>20391 #
>>20388 #
i only either watch anime or read manga, spy x fam doesnt seem compelling enough to read but good enough to watch
>>20391 #
blud lacks critical information nauurrrrrrrrrr gang fr fr aint cappin on the snizzlepop buglestack ong cracking 90s im cracked on em
>>20395 #
>>20395 #
I am not young enough to know gen alpha lingo so I cant do that so I have to make up new zoomer lingo and pretend its real :(
>>20397 #
>>20398 #
sheeeeeeeesh 😱😱
>Im the ice cream man
>You should chunky monkey
i wanna be tracer
>>20403 #
we were too busy capcutting our own nekedits
>>20407 #
the algorithm knows the videos you watch bonibro
did Bonnie Posta make his Cap Cut? #8ball (It can't be helped)
mmmm she the devil
she a bad little bitch
she a rebel
my anaconda dont
my anaconda dont
>>20414 #
APbros... our response??
>>20414 #
a bit gay in here ong
>>20422 #
idk about all that, lujan is US Army
>>20433 #
god i wish she'd stab me with that chin
>>20443 #
send it back and ask for a refund
>>20446 #
all countries outside of the english speaking world says "sorry" and she probably used the words "socially awkward" and "mutuals" because she is a zoomer and only knows those words in relation to internet stuff
>>20451 #
>>20446 #
she recognises der lingua franca :D
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>Laverbread (/ˈleɪvər-, ˈlɑːvər-/; Welsh: bara lafwr or bara lawr; Irish: sleabhac) is a food product made from laver, an edible seaweed (littoral alga) consumed mainly in Wales as part of local traditional cuisine. The seaweed is commonly found around the west coast of Great Britain, and the coasts of Ireland, where it is known as sleabhac.

Would you try it
>>20450 #
>>20449 #
yeah why not, doesnt seem to bad desu
when I read "laverbread" I assumed it would be something liver related that had been passed down since the viking times
>>20447 #
>all countries outside of the english speaking world says "sorry"
No, thats not true lmao
>>20452 #
>>20451 #
yes it is
people in germany say sorry, people in nordicks say sorry
more relevant countries odnt exist so im not counting those
>>20453 #
>>20453 #
the german word for sorry is too long and formal, same with scandi ones
if I accidentally bump into someone i say sorry, if I need to pass someone in a populated area I use the more formal swedish one
>>20455 #
>>20454 #
Understandable, sorry for casual chitchat and the trve sweden word for other stuff, got it
>>20456 #
>>20455 #
yeah they carry very different levels of severity, theres one one for really apologizing stuff, one thats more like "excuse me" and then theres just the english "sorry" that you mostly use for just "yeah sorry mate" if you step on someones shoe level of low severity stuff
>>20457 #
plans for tomorrow
>go for a walk
>study for at least 3 hours
>loose wait
plans for tomorrow
>stay inside
>walk dog for 1 hour
>stay inside
>drink alcohol
>stay inside
>>20464 #
jeez, gonna be a hard day
idea: nekochen tabletop simulator night
>>20471 #
idea: nekochen investment fund, we buy and trade on the stockmarket and use the dividends to fund cosplays from our 'fus
>>20474 #
idea: nekochen space agency, we build rockets to the asteroid belt, mine gold and become quantillionaires.
>>20474 #
Feelin hungry for some goyslop bros
>>20483 #
>>20487 #
neko you cant write a reply with lyrics that came before the part what I already wrote
that would be chronologically incoherent neko
not okay man
>>20489 #
>>20489 #
nuh uh if you want to do that you must do it in a standalone post you cant reply to my post because the chronologically incohesion will make other nekos think those parts come after one another and then they might sing it like that at karaoke with their crushes and then embarass themselves and that would not be nice for them
>>20494 #
>>20486 #
shh, bitch, dont kiss and tell
shake that ass or kick rocks
>got tired of listening to music
>now im listening to ambiental noises on repeat
[YouTube] ???
>>20490 #
this anon has his priorities straight
i dont understand sportsball watchers
>gets mad when their team loses
>gets incredibly drunk even when their team wins
>>20496 #>>20497 #
>>20495 #
it's just so weird that a grown ass man, nearly 60 years old, is shouting and swearing and is mad at everything like a baby because his football team lost. yes i am blogposting about my life rn
>>20497 #
>>20495 #
>>20496 #
everyone craves community and wants whats best for their community
just so happens that these peoples community is their sportsball team and possibly a little bit of it being "trendy" to be this upset or enthusiastic over their results because "its what everyone does" according to stereotypes in tv and such
>>20499 #
>>20497 #
i can understand in the moment being upset and irrational, you're drunk, you've spent the last 2 hours watching the game, it ended badly, but surely in the morning after don't you think "damn, i was a dick and made everyone else unhappier by shouting and swearing for half the night over a football game?"
>>20500 #
>>20499 #
>surely in the morning after don't you think
think about the vast majority of people you have ever interracted with
how often do you think "man, do they ever think?"
some people just arent aware enough and/or does not care for their surroundings. some people feel entitled to their emotions and how they want to express them regardless of if it hurts others in some way
>>20501 #
official docket for the nekochen gamenight
haha made you look
I got a random airdrop request on the train and i hit accept and it was /b/ stuff wtf
>>20505 #
>>20501 #
thats why you cannot understand the sportsball people that do that stuff
>>20505 #
No like sturdychan’s /b/
I think whoever sent it probably gets off to sending his own pictures to random people
>>20508 #
>>20507 #
yeah. probably. there's a lot of incredibly weird schizo people into /b/ stuff. not sure why people cant just watch porn and keep it to themselves.
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I screencapped this random reply in a youtube video because it was just really funny to me. There's something funny about obsessive darth maul fans

>uhhhh no actually darth maul defeated qui gon and obi-wan fair and square
>obi wan had plot armor
>no no no maul is actually the most powerful guy ever he kept himself alive

there's definitely people like this for most star wars characters, its just funny that darth maul, a villain with zero lines of dialogue, and some cool face paint has such a cult following despite being a non-character in the first (and only) film he was in.
seriously though when is the nekochen game night gonna be? I want to go buy groceries today
>>20511 #
>>20510 #
given that only you and me are connected to neko right now (and Im not the guy who said game night tonight) you probably have time
>>20512 #
>>20516 #
I dont but I could buy it alternatively torrent it if thats enough to play multiplayer
>>20518 #
>>20517 #
sorry I don't do neko game nights with pirates. only true blue american patriots.
>>20519 #
>>20520 #
if you found something we could play i could buy it like i said
ive thought about buying tts a few times in the past, many years ago, because i wanted to play stuff like uno etc
>>20522 #
>>20521 #

we can play warhammer 40k, just bring your army anon
>>20523 #
>>20522 #
I dont know how you play warhammer, I just thought it was a collectors thing
>>20524 #
>>20523 #
I also don't know the rules but I know the vague idea, you build an army worth an amount of "points", for balance reasons, and those armies then brawl, using backpack inventory management
>>20525 #
>>20525 #
dice rolling based on each unit's strength and special abilities and ranges and cover and...
>>20527 #
>>20526 #
Oh its actually a game with a dice rolling system? I just thought you put them down on a playing mat and then pretended they shot each other like you used to do with plastic figures when you are a child
>>20528 #
>>20527 #
no, wargaming is a very popular hobby, there's whole systems
>>20529 #
>>20528 #
thats pretty cool. I watch a streamer that sometimes just streams himself painting his figures and talking about what armies he wants to build in W40K
I have played multiple 100s of hours of Warhammer: Vermintide 2 so I am a bit of an expert on vermin, sigmar and the chaos faction 😎
>>20530 #
>>20529 #
for me? I'm a fan of the imperium, for the emperor, kill the xenoscum, heh, we do a little racism here...
>>20531 #
>>20530 #
personally I think I would most like to be a fanatical zealot. It seems very kino to be dogmatically in support of a vengeful god like Sigmar
>>20532 #
>>20531 #
I would be an adeptus mechanicus with a sister of battle tomboy wife.
>>20533 #
>>20532 #
have you seen that popular webm of the tomboy sister of battles "edit" or whatever you can call it? pretty kino but i dont think i have it saved unfortunately
>>20534 #
>>20533 #
I've not seen it no, sorry.

I've just downloaded THE GAME OF LIFE, and a couple of other cards, including cards against humanity (with all dlcs), 'member that time remymite streamed cards against humanity? good times.
>>20535 #
>>20534 #
Yeah I remember that, wasnt that back in like the winter of '87?
I remember it fondly, like it was yesterday. That one guy that I cant remember, but I think he was french. Alas, he just kept winning and winning, kept using his supernatural charm and (as the kids of the day called it back then) rizz to make remymite laugh.
Will never forgive him for that
>>20536 #
laughed hard at when she did the face
it caught me so off guard
>>20538 #
>>20537 #
yeah she's really good at doing the quick changing dangan poses. dangan posing was tiktok's peak
>>20539 #
>>20539 #
nooooo noooooo naaarrrrr
reki is just built different
>>20545 #
if nobody saw the tree fall, they cant have copied the tree fall, therefore, i posit, jawfu invented the riot trend
>>20547 #
>>20547 #
I will take this L, you've defeated me with Logical rainson
>>20549 #
>>20550 #
RIP, last seen upon The Great Voyage, lost at sea
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So bid farewell to the Eastern town
You never more will see
There’s self-respect and a steady cheque
In this refinery
You will miss the green and the woods and streams
And the dust will fill your nose
But you'll be free and just like me
An idiot, I suppose
>>20553 #
>>20552 #
>An idiot, I suppose
That we know, Amen to the good Lord in the sky Amen
btw werent you gonna buy groceries you silly billy
>>20555 #
>>20556 #
i just ate steak, rice and veg, i'll be fine, hell, i'll be WINE
>>20558 #
i guess there wasn't a neko game night after all...
>>20561 #
theres only one person in the match and his name is Nut
>>20565 #
>>20565 #
I clicked the link and it was just Nut in it and he was afk
i will wait 2 minutes for players. timer starts now
synced [2/6] neko
go go go go go
another neko game night tomorrow evening
the game? CS2
ap you suck at scribble
yeah this ap guy drew bingo for bongo
wait nvm how do i delete a post
>>20584 #
>>20583 #
click report and write "nekomin pls delete this" and it will disappear in 4 hours max
>>20585 #
>>20584 #
its np i thought that neko was another neko but then i looked at the tok so i posted it to a neko already in the video game
>>20588 #
no pancakes im sorry i ate all 48 of t hem :((( sorry neko
>>20590 #
what char is she cosplayin as
gn ap guy
im not sleping
gm ap guy
idk who this moonki guy in the game was
does anyone know how he got into the game?
fun playing with you ap but next time we gotta put a password to stop thjat guy from joinng
>>20598 #
a girl that posts her ass online should not be allowed to use the word "goofy" anyone else think this???
>>20601 #
>>20601 #
nora's stinkerbelle is honestly too hot for insta
>>20606 #
im jealous I cannot share im sorry
>>20609 #
stampy long head's minecraft series' finale episode is today. it's lasted 10 years.
>>20611 #
>>20610 #
between one piece and tthat maybe id watch stampy
too bad you are all europeans like me and want to sleep at this hour
>>20615 #
>>20621 #
I would sell this cute young lady a gun
important post look at this >>20571 #
>>20622 #
its only gay if it reaches 5 hours
>>20628 #
do you look like a cute vulnerable twink able to be beaten up and subdued or??? pls yes
>>20630 #
>>20632 #
I know its you Obama you dont have to hide anymore
>>20627 #
that acid is actually really really really good.

I'm such a bad acid poster 💀
>>20636 #
>>20634 #
acid has really consistently good toks
no bad acid toks have ever been posted
>>20637 #
GYdIqSnTm7291768486429216033 #IBUKIMIODA I just really wanted to show off the boots lol #cosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #ibukimiodacosplay #ibuki #ibukicosplay #sdr2 #sdr2cosplay #anime #g.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 15.4 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 15 months ago
>>20636 #
It's strange, I can't quite put my finger on it but acid is just missing something, that 'it' factor that keeps me super invested in a tokfu, the thing that makes me check their pge on areflex like 8 times a day. despite fairly consistent uploads, high quality and a lack of 'misses' or major blunders.

this tok too is just great. her ibuki is great, she didn't just cosplay the character 1 to 1, she's really made it her own.
>>20638 #>>20641 #
>>20638 #
acid doesn't look like my mom though
GYdIqSnTm7292519777745095969 ☆ #IBUKIMIODA ☆ I can't tell whether everyone is going to give the same answer or completely different ones lol #cosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #ibukimiodacosp.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 14.9 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 15 months ago
>>20641 #
That's it, she's too young and innocent to be anything other than a tokter. I also think her lack of an instagram adds to this, I only see her on tiktok, her cosplay tiktoks are all she is to me, whilst tokfus usually post a lot more frequently on their instas so you see them "break character" and "be human", whereas acid, is just a cosplayer, it's much comfier.
>>20643 #
GYdIqSnTm7290284872055196960 #MUKUROIKUSABA old mukuro draft from the meet bc i miss @♥️  jai !! 🃏 and @Cryptid  💀 SO BAAADD #cosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #mukuroikuabacospl.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 5.1 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20637 #
I understand what you mean and for me personally I think I can explain it in one simple distinction
Acid is a tokter, not a tokfu
I only obsess over my tokfu but I dont see acid as my tokfu and therefore she lacks that necessity to facilitate checking her page constantly
>>20640 #
>>20640 #
While it does partly have to do with her age, I dont think it does in this case (given that shes 18)
If I found acid today I probably still would only see her as a tokter and nothing more
But idk maybe thats just a personal distinction. Ive only ever had 1 tokfu so I can rationalize it that way but may not be applicable to more people
>you see them "break character" and "be human", whereas acid, is just a cosplayer, it's much comfier.
my 'fu breaks character on her 2nd acc all the time (she is so silly)
>>20644 #
>>20643 #
>Ive only ever had 1 tokfu
I've had a few. Then again, too few to mention...
>>20645 #
>>20645 #
Well, maybe it's just because I'm old, I've been around since the start. Everyone loved Bonbi back then, that's what brought us all together. Then, I really got into abbles, and now reki, but I dunno. I feel more strongly about reki than I did about abbles.
>>20648 #>>20649 #
>>20642 #
me under the costume btw
>>20646 #
I was around a little in 2018 and after missing a few years Ive got 3 years in the game now but I still have only felt anything more than "I would protect this tokter like if they were my sibling" once
also I think you psyopped yourself into liking reki fr fr
>>20650 #
>>20646 #
i strongly prefer abbles over reki too
􀑪􀎶 0:27􀈷 29.3 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20648 #
I empathise with her a lot with her mental health issues, I just get big "literally me" vibes from her, even though logically I should have more of that with abbles, being from the same country, both of us taking a gap year before doing a 4 year degree at university. Maybe I've just been burned too many times by abbles at this point? That's definitely soured things. Feels like it's been 2 years straight of "wow I really need to cosplay more and stream sometimes" and then followed by radio silence for like 4 months.
a little, at first I wasn't that into reki, but she grew on me a lot, now I rewatch this tok multiple times a day.

I mean, realistically, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't lonely. Tokkers fill somewhat of a void in the soul.
>>20651 #>>20678 #
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 2.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 22 months ago
>>20650 #
>I wouldn't be here if I wasn't lonely
the reason I started posting on ttg and then got way more into ttg a few months later
my uptick in ttg posting coincided almost perfectly with me dropping out and no longer living near / hanging out with the people I had in my then uni program
Im less lonely today but Im too invested in bonipostan I must see this till the bitter end now
>>20652 #
GYdIqSnTm7228755312885370117 QUERIA COMER BrowNIE_264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 7.9 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 21 months ago
>>20651 #
I started posting when I was a NEET, I'd graduated college, I was 19, unemployed, no path for future education, I was applying to shitty jobs like mcdonalds and not getting responses, I was pretty much at my most depressed/hopeless.
/bbg/ brought some measure of joy and community into my life. I was there daily, reading every post, watching every edit.

I think the absolute rock bottom was New Years Day, 2019. 2 in the morning. Stepdad burst into my room, drunk as hell, shouting at me that I need to get a job.. What a way to welcome in a year.. In august I applied to uni, by september I'd move out and really wouldn't come back home for like 4 years. I'm attached to /ttg/ because /bbg/ was there for me at my lowest point, made me feel less alone.

I told myself I'd be more social when I began my masters program last month, but outside of joining d&d club I don't really do anything social, I'm just not great at talking to people I think, I much prefer the comfort of writing like this and talking, but disconnected through an imageboard.
>>20653 #
GYdIqSnTmel butterfly.mp4􀄩
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 5.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264
>>20652 #
I found ttg through a wsg thread, I had downloaded some kino vids in the "cute girls" or whatever thread and wanted to look at them and noticed that one of them (i think it was this el tok) had a metadata link to .moe embedded into it
it was right after I had left uni and been a neet for like half a year, gotten a job and felt like shit like that one The Smiths song!!
idk why I stay, before neko it just felt like an abusive relationship with how shit ttg was turning but me not wanting to or being able to leave for more than a few months at a time
unlike you I prefer the irl human connection over the disconnected online experience but I also paradoxically do not enjoy human interaction too much and like the online stuff a lot more
my brother said that I might have schizoid personality disorder (if I had any personality disorder at all, he wasnt saying that I had it outright) and it does seem to line up in some sense, wanting to be alone and do activities alone, finding it hard to react or express emotions, may appear cold to others, lack drive to reach goals etc
but that could just be anything at all really, I doubt i have schizoid because my disinterest is self-imposed rather than a lack of ability to
>I told myself I'd be more social
I remember the one time I told myself I was going to do a thing like this, told myself I would go out of my way to attend functions and be social. I ended up going the first day of a 3 week introduction thing and then playing WoW for the rest of the year until I dropped out
>>20654 #
GYdIqSnTm7289477045002849541 you you you you you you its youuuu #scaramouche #scaramouchegenshinimpact #scaramouchecosplay #wanderer #wanderergenshinimpact #wanderercosplay #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactcospla.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 1.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20654 #
yeah but the story about all the uni stuff Ive gone through is long and winding
if covid hadnt happened I probably wouldve graduated this summer with an engineering degree but now I'm doing something completely 180 and I like it so its fine, I've got lots of time
On the topic of uni, boni is studying for and going through her entrance exams, hope they go well for her
>>20656 #
GYdIqSnTm7271388996209511685 IMMA MAKE SURE U NEVER LEAVE ITS U AND I‼️‼️‼️‼️ #jirai #jiraikei #jfashion #kawaiifashion #harajukufashion #altfashion #じらいけい-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.5 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
>>20655 #
stay on that education grind brother 💪🏻
>>20657 #
Yeah, I... have yet to study more than 2 days for an exam and I'm doing a masters degree now.. so it's a skill I've still yet to master
>>20657 #>>20680 #
>>20656 #
"Studying" makes me want to blow my brains out sometimes because its so boring but I know how the alternative feels and I would much rather never touch the wheel of a forklift again in my life if I could (probably will to make free money during summers)
Its comparatively easy to study compared to waking up for a shift in the mines every day
>>20658 #
Yeah, there were like 3 of us forklift/warehouse posters, me, the chep guy (who repaired pallets) and some other guy
I was the one who shilled a forklift cert to the wristlet poster and managed to unfuck his life. Only took like 2-3 days of spamming him in the .moe threads telling him how fucking easy it was and unironically mightve saved his life judging from how happy he seems nowadays when I last saw him post I havent been to turdy in months so Idk that much anymore
>>20659 #
free money and you basically dont have to do a thing except drive what is essentially an RC car with you ontop of it
>>20659 #>>20660 #>>20656 #>>20658 #
>>20657 #
wait, you were the anon shilling forklift certifications on /ttg/?
>>20657 #
GYdIqSnTm7291716103124847877 lalalalalalala #ganqing #ganyu #keqing #ganyucosplay #keqingcosplay #ganyugenshinimpact #keqinggenshinimpact #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactcosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 3.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 15 months ago
>>20660 #
he's the 3rd british poster, he had a few "gimmicks" whether they were intentional or not
cried about his 5 inch circ. wrists, talked about his mercury dental fillings he got as a kid that turned him from the smartest in his class to legit not being able to do addition, a huge neet gamer who never left his room and pissed in bottles, his sisters just sat around at home every day making his life a living hell not being able to leave his room, played final fantasy xiv and lots of wow, talked about how he was going to khs in a year or so because his life was not looking positive due to him working a dead end customer support sales job that people just yelled at him every day
and many more, he probably had many more things about him but those might be some that you recognise
mothi amongst others but mostly mothi iirc
>it's nice you saved his life.
he saved his own life, I just told him how easy it was
>>20660 #>>20663 #
forklift certificate might save me too from hanging myself if its that ez, brb
>>20666 #
>>20661 #
You're humble, that's a good trait. Jesus was humble too. You're a saint, an angel that moved a hand out of the clouds and saved that anon's life. You're more than a saint, most saints were just important men that history wrote good things about, you're an honest to god hero.

I'm being slightly embellishing but I do think you should remember fondly that you did something very positive for someone's life, someone who was practically a stranger. Sure, he still had to do it, but you helped him on the path. Thank you neko for helping to remind me that the internet isn't all cynicism and shitposting.
>>20664 #
GYdIqSnTm7289476845114756358 tudo que vai volta #scaramouche #scaramouchegenshinimpact #scaramouchecosplay #wanderer #wanderergenshinimpact #wanderercosplay #GenshinImpact #genshinimpactcosplay-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 4.0 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20663 #
>You're humble
im not humble I am just incapable of taking compliments and would rather dismiss them than accept them
I think it stems from severe lack of self-confidence in some aspects paradoxically since I have incredible hubris in others
>someone who was practically a stranger
He wasnt a bad poster so I couldnt wish ill on him, thats all I can say
if he had been one of the emojipedos? unlucky bro see you next reincarnation
>>20665 #
GYdIqSnTm7289221190273551622 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.7 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20662 #
a forklift license here costs €200 and takes two 6-8 hour days (at most)
all I had to do was show up to the first day, it was a course on the theory (safety and other stuff) that took place at a hotel, had to get like 75% correct on the test to get to go to the next step
next step was literally just driving a forklift around for a few hours trying different manuevers and bam, I could get a job with starting salary but no chance of upwards mobility of like €2000 after tax which is incredibly high, I think stuff like mailman or mcdonalds pays like €1500 after tax but I am just guessing
hours were shit tho, start work at 05:30 and end at like 1400, killed all social life I pretended that I had (posting on 2chen, threads were dead at all hours I was awake)
>>20669 #>>20670 #
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􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.2 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20665 #
>there were a lot of genuinely nice-ish people on /ttg/, at least, before it became sturdy.
thats why I find it so painful to have had to rip that bandaid off so suddenly
moemim mightve been a massive nonce but at least he didnt air his dirty laundry nor openly groom minors
>>20668 #>>21643 #
>>20667 #
orgmin? now that was a hero. invented a new standard for /ttg/, disappeared without a word. kinda like batman.
>>20671 #
>>20666 #
just looked up the prices here in my cunt and its €205, not bad
GYdIqSnTm7268035830428618016 #BENDROWNED teehee #cosplay #creepypasta #creepypastacosplay #bendrownedcosplay #bencosplay #ben #cosplayergirl #cosplayer #horror #horrortok #cosplaygirl #xyzbca.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 12.2 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>20666 #
>€2000 after tax
I'm going to be lucky to earn that even with all my education at uni, there's no money in being a conservationist :(
maybe I'll get a side gig as a fork lift operator/uber driver.
>>20672 #
>>20668 #
I'm still sad I missed org era, it sounded comfy from what I heard
>>20674 #
>>20670 #
>maybe I'll get a side gig as a fork lift operator/uber driver.
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.1 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 6 years ago
>>20673 #
You know me, I love epic tomes. I'll definitely give it a read and a reply.
>>20671 #
It was. The energy was really high, coming off about 6 months of a slow death on /wsg/ as the mods seemed to flip flop between deleting our generals and letting them stay up for weeks. Sometimes there'd just be a day where there was no /ttg/, sometimes they didn't care. When the big hammer finally came down and .org appeared, I for one was so happy, and the addition of liveposting made threads more active than they'd ever been, arguably more active even than the peak of /bbg/, when /wsg/ would be something crazy like 15% /bbg/ threads as we were making threads faster than the board dropped them to the bottom even on autosage mode.
>>20675 #
>>20674 #
if you go on /mu/ in the modern day and see the amount of kpop threads there, that's what I imagine bbg was like from your description just now
I only remember very very little of bbg browsing back in late 2018 but I never really cared for bonbi so I didn't stay, much more preferred to watch my normie TikTok compilations in youtube and post Ricardos over bonbis
>>20676 #
>>20675 #
It was a lot worse, having just scrolled through /mu/, there's 4 kpop threads that have hit bump limit. /mu/ is a fairly popular board and is moderated to an extent, so it looks like the kpop stuff is pretty contained generally, /wsg/ was poorly moderated but most of all very slow. There could really be 10 /bbg/ threads at bump limit, sitting around for a week or two, as the catalogue slowly pushes them to the bottom, the main thing that killed /bbg/ threads off the catalog was other /bbg/ threads being made.

Of course, the bump limit was what, 300 posts, 150 images? Threads wouldn't last very long on a tiktok general where everyone wanted to post their favourite bonbis or best edits or whatever.
>>20677 #
>>20676 #
also, an addendum I forgot about. STARTED as a kpop imageboard. /ttg/ was simply an addition, that massively outgrew what it was originally created for, that's why he was called kpopmin.

the website was a solution to moderation issues both kpop and /ttg/ faced on 4chan, which is to say discrimination against us for our hobbies :(((
>>20679 #
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>>20650 #
>I wouldn't be here if I wasn't lonely. Tokkers fill somewhat of a void in the soul.
ap i feel the same way but its completely of my own making. folks like me and i can make "friends" easily but my judgment screws me. doesnt help that my self esteem is so high that i barely doubt myself

for example, its very obvious to me that not many guys compete by being more loving, charming or kind; most do it by being coersive and manipulative. and how else would generations of ugly retards reproduce? the genes getting passed down are definitely the ones that lead to babies and they keep those ex-rapist genes in the pool. im very sensitive to it, i believe when it comes to normie dudes: ugly on the outside, even uglier on the inside

also i dropped out of CS bc i felt disgust towards other students. their reason for being there was a simple cause and effect: "ive sat my ass down in front of the computer most of my life and im not willing to try anything else". theyre weaklings, ironically incapable of changing their programming. theres just something inhuman about habitual comfort seekers, and i would have been stuck with them for how long? 4years uni, a lifetime at work? didnt want any of that rubbing off on me so i had drop out. i make more money than them now anyhow

i guess i just want to be someone who is loving, fearless, adventurous and i think hanging around with people other than that would change me. imageboard people dont affect me in any real way so thats why i post here

>>20681 #>>20682 #
>>20677 #
yeah I remember the kpopmin handle
was and chen2 different things? I know those cliquechen guys also used to be on a meguca .org called 2chen / chen2 that they claim went down a few years ago
GYdIqSnTm7282425494614756613 me when it's so hot that the planet is going to explode #kotokoutsugi #kotokoutsugicosplay #ultradespairgirls #ultradespairgirlscosplay #danganronpa #danganronpaultradespairgirls .mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 4.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20656 #
>I... have yet to study more than 2 days for an exam and I'm doing a masters degree now.. so it's a skill I've still yet to master
I forgot to reply to this but yeah I havent studied ever in my entire life, never had to because Ive always had a good enough memory and am adequately smart enough to just be able to be present during classes, passively soak up information and be able to recite it and get a middling C grade no matter what
I have an exam now on thursday that I doubt Ill actually study more than 4 hours in total for on maybe like monday or tuesday
>>20681 #
GYdIqSnTm7263521050556714273 Can you tell it was a little windy #kazuha #beidou #beidoucosplay #kazuhacosplay #genshin #GenshinImpact (1).mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 13.0 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 18 months ago
>>20678 #
>not many guys compete by being more loving, charming or kind; most do it by being coersive and manipulative
I think that's a very cynical viewpoint that I don't think I agree with. The vast majority of the population is ugly in some way, either short, fat, balding, just facially ugly, or whatever, but are most of these men able to have long term relationships and children because they're manipulative? some, sure, but I think you're giving normies too much credit, most of them are pretty dumb, I don't think most people have the capability to truly be manipulative, at least in a subtle way.

That's definitely a valid reason to drop out, your student cohort is likely to be representative of your future employment cohort, if you don't like programmers, probably best not to try and become a programmer. I won't lie, I dislike a number of the more vocal people in my classes but that's probably because I just assume they like their own voices too much and I think their answers aren't ever very profound, I don't think there's anything really wrong with them though, they're just a bit annoying.

>i guess i just want to be someone who is loving, fearless, adventurous and i think hanging around with people other than that would change me
are you able to find people like that in life?
>>20680 #
Best of luck for your exam anon. Try to study a bit more than usual, don't force yourself, but try to do more :)
>>20687 #>>20702 #
>>20678 #
omg pls get me pregnant with your superior genes dear bobby oh
>>20683 #
GYdIqSnTm7253126269057977605 uhhh star meeting #aikotanaka #aikotanakacosplay #goodnightpunpun #goodnightpunpuncosplay #oyasumipunpun #oyasumipunpuncosplay #boanoitepunpun-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:06􀈷 2.0 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 19 months ago
>>20681 #
>Try to study a bit more than usual, don't force yourself, but try to do more :)
almost genuinely impossible. I lack the drive to do anything I know I am not required to do, even if I know that it will lead to a better outcome rather than the baseline "you passed"
I am simply to apathetic to the outcomes of my life and know that, whilst I might not be top dog and get the best job, I'll likely still get one and be just fine
>>20688 #
I wish it worked like this but my parents literally stopped going to my parent teacher meetings in school because I just kept going "ofc yes Ill start doing my homework on time" and never did
I cant remember much if the teachers pressed the issue after the first bout of me not handing homework in but still passing all tests but I do remember that every new set of teachers I had did go through this entire circus when I went from elementary to HS and etc
The only reason i do my assignments in uni is I know I am forced to do them but I still dont do them until the last moment I know I can because my lust for procrastination is still stronger than my anxiety over procrastination until these moments
>>20689 #
Yeah, thats almost exactly how it was for me as well except for the fact that I sat on my dads lap at age 4 when he was playing BF1942 and since then it was all downhill with my gaming habits
But I also think my shortcomings of not wanting to do more than necessary is an undiagnosed ADHD that Ive had since I was young and runs in my family
>>20688 #>>20689 #
>>20687 #
>my parents literally stopped going to my parent teacher meetings in school because I just kept going "ofc yes Ill start doing my homework on time" and never did
I feel like that's a failing a lot of parents have, not exactly neglect.. just.. giving their children a little too much freedom. When I remember the sort of things my financially wealthy friends did as kids, I think, damn, they had way less free time, but they also built up a lot of skills, discipline and a hardworking attitude because their parents were constantly forcing them to do stuff, whereas mine, jeez, I got an xbox 360 when I was like 7 and I think that was it. I gamed all day, never did homework, but I was a decently smart kid so I got As and Bs in school and they never pushed me to be better, because I was already much better than they were as kids.
>>20687 #
I know my problems are ingrained in me since childhood, and it'll be incredibly hard to get better, every day is incremental progress. My children though? I'll make sure they're raised with an attitude towards success. Limited gaming, gonna make sure they go to clubs and sit down with them and do their homework with them and shit.
>>20692 #
GYdIqSnTm7289174265914461446 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:11􀈷 1.8 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
>>20691 #
I know I can change my situation at a moments notice, I've always known this
I just dont? I am my own prison warden and my own torturer
>My children though? I'll make sure they're raised with an attitude towards success
Yeah, I know all the ways I'll do better but I just have issues seeing myself in a situation where I ever get to this point right now, given how little I apply myself and try to make myself available
>>20693 #
yeah, the devil you know vs the devil you dont and all that

insane how pretty boni is in this scaramouche cos
>>20693 #
>>20692 #
Comfort is a big thing. People don't just... change how they are despite it being literally as simple in our cases as putting more time and effort into studying.
>>20692 #
gonna go take a bath, maybe you'll be around when i get back, if not, sleep tight neko
>>20695 #>>20696 #
>>20694 #
i'll probably be here, my sleep schedule gets totally hajeeb'd during weekends to the detriment of my 8 am monday class attending self
you using a bath bomb?
>>20699 #
>>20694 #
enjoy your Head & Shoulders treatment anonie
checked /dbpg/ and saw this
>I nearly lost her, and in that moment I loved her as I have never loved anyone. But then she stayed, and once again I feel an ugly spite when I see her and hear her. I don't want to be like this.
I called it, he never really cared for her like he exclaimed in his crying when she left him, he only felt fear of being alone Bingo and bingogf btw
>>20698 #>>20699 #
>>20695 #
naurrr, bath bombs are so expensive for a one time use 💀
>>20697 #
I really want to support bingo, but then he goes and does something like this. Fuck it, I still support him, I want him to get better, I want him to stop mistreating his girlfriend and toying with her, let her go if you won't love her. But I think underneath it all he's still a good guy, because he posted koto and kotoposters have to be good... or my whole moral structure crumbles down
>>20700 #
>>20699 #
I dont think he's a bad guy, I think he's just a man who's lucked himself into a relationship that he doesnt actually enjoy but is deathly afraid of going back to a position where he cannot guarantee that he is going to find another one
I can relate to it in some way, or at least sympathize with him. With that said, its not a healthy mindset to have nor do I support his actions in handling this situation though I do understand how it can be hard to break the pattern
>>20701 #
>>20700 #
Yeah, I don't support his actions, but I want him to get better. I will gladly take on the burden of bingo gf.
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>>20681 #
ok ap i agree that i came across too essentialist when i was trying to convey tendencies. so let me rephrase: in my anecdotal experience ugly and retarded is bad combination

had two dudes describe how they date raped a girl, both were unattractive (dumb enough to brag about it, maybe didnt even think it was rape). other time, another ugly dude was saying he loves parties since drunk hoes dont say no and barely remember anything. not to mention if youre ugly AND retarded you tend to be jaded by women, that leads you down to all sort of pipelines (that i think are immoral)

IN GENERAL NOT ESSENTIALIST, ugly dudes tend to be vapid and compete by comitting to social status games. theyre gonna lie about their height and other qualities, flex with cars, clothing and watches. they will also bend their spines backward to be more palatable to women (mindlessly male feminist or "i loved the shitty barbie movie"). and since uggos are sensitive to social status its no surprise onlyfans hoes end up with them, they sense womans status is compromised and surround her like shes a wounded gazelle
>>20703 #
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>>20702 #
sounds like some really crappy dudes.

you're better than them, right? so you don't need to think about them, it's not like you're hanging out with them, thinking about shitty dudes who's lives you can't change and who's actions you can't really stop doesn't serve to make you happier or a better overall person, it'll just make you unhappy and frustrated
I do agree with the "Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside" mindset. I have more often than not experienced that ugly people (men mostly) tend to have horrid personalities. Its a question of the chicken or the egg in finding out whether or not their ugliness caused them to be frozen out of socialization (and thus not develop social skills) or if their lack of social skills and ugly personality caused them to be shunned and their outwardly visual ugliness had nothing to do with it
GYdIqSnTm7289204459194961158 Oie-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 8.4 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 16 months ago
my working out habits have gone down hill since august but my wrists grew half an inch in circumference
if I start going again I'll have wrists the size of my biceps any day surely
>>20711 #
yup, thats about it
some people claim having thin wrists makes you look more aesthetic since it accentuates and gives a bigger contrast to your forearm and upper arm but tbh desu I would rather have thicker wrists because my hands are huge and I look silly sometimes
the wristy/wristlet guy of ttg got that name because he would frequently complain about his wrists being 5 inches in circ. and how that was one of the major pitfalls in his life and proof that it was over
>>20716 #
my wrists are pretty thin but im pretty sure i dont get girls because my dick is way too big and it'd probably kill them, and also I'm just too much of a sigma male to even like women
>>20715 #
>>20714 #
I aspire to be as thickdicked and humble as you one day neko
I told my mom about us...
>>20717 #
>>20713 #
i mean i would complain about that (not sure youre thinking about me) but mostly jokingly (plus i built them up using wrist roller and rice bucket)
GYdIqSnTm7027182863179058438 The temptation to sell my gir cosplay right now becayse of the harassment._264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:07􀈷 3.8 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 3 years ago
>>20715 #
I wish I was gay, things would be much easier.
Unless you look like that cute guy from my conservation classes, he's so fricking dreamy. I want to run my hand through his hair and stroke his face and lay my head in his lap whilst he watches the league games he sometimes tabs over to during class and his glasses make him look so intellectual and-
>>20718 #
GYdIqSnTm7116594317870910726 thank you smm for the love on mari ilusm 🫶🏼🫶🏼 #mariomori #omori~sd.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:15􀈷 1.5 MB􀅊 540×960􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>20717 #
hah. GAY
I am, as many know, the straigtest neko on neko and I have yet to see a single super cute guy in my school. Theres still that one guy on youtube though, the one smoker who reviews different makes and models of cigarettes, he is so insanely pretty that nowadays if I ever end up in a situation where I have to think of an attractive man I think about him
>>20719 #
>>20718 #
>that nowadays if I ever end up in a situation where I have to think of an attractive man I think about him
yes.. all those times during the day where you're forced to think about attractive men...
>>20720 #
>>20719 #
Strangely enough 99% of those times occur when I am on neko 🤔
>>20721 #
>>20721 #
Maybe its the incredibly high levels of testosterone being emitted out of my network card from all the high T gigachad alpha male cool guys here on neko
we're all handsome 7 feet hunks here on neko
>>20724 #
>multi effect looping
first time seeing this term, lemme watch
>>20731 #
>>20730 #
its mostly just a normal loop pedal but the multi-effect part comes in with the fact that he is using reverb on some loops and not others etc (I think)
[YouTube] ???
this cover is also really good. if you close your eyes you can, at times, not even tell that it isnt actually Thom Yorke singing and his band playing
if you like radiohead, check these Joel Edelmann guys' channel out for more of their covers, [YouTube] ??? heres another one of the same album that is really good iirc
>>20732 #
>>20732 #
I like that song, its very pretty but for the "pretty but moody" radiohead songs I much prefer this one [YouTube] ???
I think this song being featured in Black Mirror back in like 2016 was my first exposure to radiohead music and listening to it
That episode, Shut Up and Dance, is such a cinematographical masterpiece
[YouTube] ??? this radiohead song is not in any of their albums afaik but its so good
and here are some live performances if you want background noise at any time neko
[YouTube] ???
[YouTube] ??? (not by thom yorke or any of his bandmembers but its an amazing performance, he does a whole composition around the songs Everything In Its Right Place & Paranoid Android beautifully interweaving original material with the songs themselves and then the songs together. Its a must-listen (and almost watch tbh)
>>20739 #
yes, therefore she is min, mine. i've downloaded all the bonis you've posted so i win
>>20741 #
>>20741 #
muy bueno :D

neko, add more smiley faces to your posts to make you happier :D
>>20743 #
>>20743 #
posting some smileys so you can stock up on smiles :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D ;D ;D :D ;D ;D ;D D:D :DD :D D:D D:D
>>20745 #
wish the capital i would have those serif looking things on the top and bottom :|
>dream ex was 3 months preggers and my house was infested by bees
yeah thank god that shit ended im goiing back to sleep
􀑪􀎶 0:14􀈷 2.6 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264
hello anonies. thank you to whoever told me about this site. It is nice to know this place exists.
>>20759 #
>>20759 #
fuck: #d20 (9)
marry: #d20 (13)
kill: #d20 (14)
the fact that he is in germany right now really messes with my headcanon, it cannot be
>>20768 #
it.. cannot... BE
I was so certain of this magic mans identity and now he is present at mex and this just throws it all in hogwash!
>>20771 #
>>20770 #
did you think he was ap?
>>20772 #
me and my neko against the deepstate
>>20774 #
In the end it has to be this way.
>>20776 #
actually hilarious, i have become 💀 skull emoji, destroyer of sides
>>20778 #
>>20781 #
Hey buddy, is a website hosted in the proud location of Fayetteville, North Carolina in the God fearing (You) ESS of AY, United American States
You better start speaking american, bucko, or there's going to be a real problem
GYdIqSnTm7276724335044300038 fake fake fake-264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:10􀈷 3.7 MB􀅊 1080×1920􀣋 H264􀐫 17 months ago
If you have complaints over our freedom here on nekogov? You better take your ass to the post office and send a letter of complaint.
Here's the address you can address it to
75 N East Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72701, United States
>>20784 #
wish i was a cute tokker like reki so i could get stuff for free😔
fun thing is you know they have a dogshit sound quality and will probably last 3 months before the left earbud breaks
>>20788 #>>20791 #
>>20788 #
yeah but cute tokkers need strong manly obsessives that know about nerd stuff to help give them recommendations on good products (and then buy them for them off of their wishlist)
i now buy 3 euro wired earphones since i somehow manage to break any earphones every other week
>>20785 #
yeah, reki put it on her wishlist, then a few hours later it wasn't on her wishlist anymore... weird....
>>20787 #
meh, I've had some bluetooth earphones for like 4 years and they're all good.
>>20792 #
>>20791 #
did you pay for them? if not, its over bro
theres a new paypiggy in town (bengo) and he got 3 hugs and a compliment at mex con in payment for the headphones
>>20793 #
>>20792 #
>did you pay for them?
implying i'd let anyone else claim the vaunted title of Pookie Wookie Bear
>>20794 #
>>20795 #
average english cuisine
>>20795 #
boah, love a good pig in blanket me
so strange that tf2 essays videos still get 100k views from channels with like 3k subs
>>20799 #
>>20798 #
everyone luvs a bitta tf2
nothing hurts anymore i feel kind of freeeeeeeeeee
>>20805 #
that lime scunt is about to whip out the "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Get Meat Shot Nigger" scattergun and kill all those friendlies, ive seen it happen before
>>20809 #
I wish I was a forsen fan but I've been cursed to only enjoy northern streams.
>>20811 #
>>20814 #
sorry, I am still owed another 999,999,998 smoochies from moonki, I am saving myself for her.
>>20816 #
>>20815 #
Cutie patootie poochkins really deserves his smoochies (too bad she is about to declare bankrupcty and be legally acquitted of her debts)
>>20817 #
>>20824 #
>the neko deepstate agent putting der boni arkiven into storage

like in the x-files whenever deepthroat man would hide an alien artifact in the big warehouse.
>>20826 #
GYdIqSnTm7174583002587073798 scaramouche por favor vem no gwnshin impact eu quero tanto o scaramouche -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:09􀈷 12.6 MB􀅊 720×1280􀣋 H264􀐫 2 years ago
>>20827 #
the thumbnail I see in my file browser is the same thumbnail that shows up on neko
>unbroken cs2 winstreak
my friend and I lose three (3) games in a row yesterday and we both deranked (its so over)
the amount of rank we lost was so large that we have to win one (1) full game to recoup our losses
es ist counter-vorbeien
GYdIqSnTm7240212269521440002 -264.mp4􀄩􀂺􀉣
􀑪􀎶 0:08􀈷 1.5 MB􀅊 576×1024􀣋 H264􀐫 20 months ago
>>20831 #
do nothing for me
>his 'fu doesnt know how to sew to make all cosplays fit better on him
I shiggy
translation: I just sewed this one (its for cosplay)
this texas chain saw man game is super cool how come no middle-aged streamer played this before?
>>20846 #
haven't seen a sammy tok in so long omg
>>20855 #
sticks and stones may broke our bones but words will leave us permanently scarred
-Stephen Hawking
wagwan neko, ya batty boys
>>20861 #
>>20860 #
what u sayin fam? you want me to air out yea?
new rick and morty dropped will they top pickle rick #8ball (It can't be helped)
>>20865 #
korean dudes with the thick hair and full facial hair genes are so cool
incredibly chadcoded
>>20874 #
yeah ig she looks similar
>>20878 #
that is 3 more talents than kay has, all she knows is pretend to be le epic racist for 4chan chud money
not scared of heights but im scared as duck of bugs and one is in my room rn
>>20881 #>>20882 #
>>20883 #
its prob a stinkbug, avoid squishing those ones or otherwise they'll emit a stinky odor 🤢
>>20882 #
>go to jessu's page now
>have to scroll down like 40 videos to see a single one where she does anything tourettesy
I guess people stopped watching for the tourettes, so her tourettes went away... weird................. isnt that............ strange.............
>>20887 #