「/ttg/ #45 ifunny edition」
Anonymous 0:13 728 KB 624×462 H264
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discord usage
5. No skipping meds
Last thread: https://nekochen.net/tt/96823
>>101206 #
howdy fellar! nice to see someone else while i'm here.
would you like to watch some meguca together?
>>101216 #
the kay tok was deleted somehow
if you post your own tok while its loading can you "delete" the stolen tok?
pressing done while while the tok was uploading did not work, maybe you have to use the attach feature?
Newnekos can't delete toks
Bet they also don't know how to trifroce
>>101223 #
i dont get it
"triforce" is some power artifact from zelda
how can you know "how to triforce"
Just ate a banana. I love kay so much.
I am a real neko.
Remember when a neko posted this fu everyday for a month straight and then left forever? Oldnekos remember
>>101229 #
>>101230 #
>>101231 #
Good toks my nekos but you should attach a short blogpost about your day to give people a hook to reply to.
I'll start. Today I cut my hair, it looks bad but saved me going to the barber
>>101234 #
Costs a lot of money. I hate the smalltalk. I feel uncomfortable with other people holding scissors close to my eyes.
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
dropped out of uni today bois
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOOOO
#claude hey bestie, super quick question: what would you say is the halfway point of a month? thanks xoxoThe 15th of the month.
#claude thanks bestie, but i was talking about today's month, you silly! january has 31 days, would that change your response in any way? /me ~~wink wink~~My previous responses did not depend on the number of days in January. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
China loves lux toks now
dear nekochen adminny, please add a feature where yet unopened toks are played like gifs like in tikwm
it will be a next level
t. your cute poster
>>101253 #
You see, I was having a very compelling argument with the people in the back of my head. They told me "uhm, the halfway point of this month on the 15th" and I replied "nuh-uh, the halfway point is yes at the 15th, but ONLY at noon!", and then we had to ask Claude for who was correct.
The realpilled answer? The halfway point of January is on the 16th, since there's 32 days since 1st of January till 1st of February. That's just a glimpse into my devious but genius mind, it's fine if you don't understand the contents of my sayings.
>>101259 #
I tried editing the page in inspect element to make a mockup and it actually looks pretty sick cool idea
Gonna take a lot of work to actually implement though
Should nekochen ban tiktok too?
Idk i dont want you guys getting propagandized
yeah red book is better
>>101270 #
yeah shure but how come you got it disabled?
are you on an old browser or did you just do it
>>101272 #
ohhhh okay
I was looking into this earlier and apparently some websites just check for wasm and assume you're using an old browser if you don't have it as a heuristic
>>101271 #
it is disabled by default on some furefox fork to improve security (reduce attack surface) .
i love, love nekochen everything here is so comfy
oh, the other place died didnt it
>his tokfu never had a single on the billboard hot 100
so, the fuck happened?
removing the christmas scripts is difficult ok?
It's like y2k all over again, hope everyone stocked up on bulk toks
👈 Reposted from MeguTV
well, thats what that buttons does. no way to unclick it sorry
snoo can't stop watching toks in 10 years advance
sleepless nights before the ban
need to rebrand this place if tiktok really dies