// ==UserScript== // @name megucascript // @namespace megucasoft // @description Does a lot of stuff // @require player.js // @require secret.js // @require deleted.js // @include https://meguca.org/* // @include https://cliquechen.club/v/* // @include https://megu.ca/* // @include https://nekochen.net/tt/* // @include https://kirara.cafe/* // @connect meguca.org // @connect chiru.no // @version 3.9.7 // @author medukasthegucas // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== const defaultFiletypes = ".jpg .png .gif"; var chuuCount = 0; // Things the user can turn on or off, add your new feature to this list // All options will be auto generated. What you need to put: // text: PlainText (HTML is fine too) // checkbox: paramName, description[, textover tooltip] // input: paramName, defaultValGetter, description, customButtonCallbackGetter[, customButtonDescription[, customButtonId]]] // textarea: paramName, defaultValGetter, description, customButtonCallbackGetter[, customButtonDescription]] // fileInput: paramName // division: Adds a cool
// // Everything needs to be getters because >javascript and because the options are declared before many of those funcs // Be sure to add more options on getCurrentOptions() if you need them const optionsDescription = { "#Commands and General": [ ["text", "Commands and gimmicks for your posts"], [ "checkbox", "decideOption", "Decision Coloring", "Used for picking decisions like in: a, b, c #d3(2)" ], [ "checkbox", "sharesOption", "Shares Formatting", "Works for highlighting when rolling for Lastation, Lowee, etc..." ], [ "checkbox", "mathOption", "Enables math parsing", "Do math with #math(2 + 2). Supports +, -, /, *, log (on base 2) and ^" ], [ "checkbox", "chuuOption", "Enables receivement of chuu~s
", "chuu cuties with #chuu([postnumber]) and watch them awawa" ], [ "input", "vibration", () => vibrationDuration, "Vibration Duration: ", value => saveToLocalStorageInt("vibration", value) ], [ "input", "flashing", () => flashingDuration, "Flashing Duration: ", value => saveToLocalStorageInt("flashing", value) ], [ "text", '
How do I use this?' + '
You have received ' + (localStorage.getItem("chuuCount", chuuCount) || 0) + " chuu~'s" ] ], "Post Parsing": [ ["text", "These options parse posts and then do something (dumb) to them"], [ "checkbox", "dumbPosters", "Dumb xposters", '(Puts a "dumb xposter" label next to dumb xposters)' ], ["checkbox", "pyuOption", "Pyu Coloring~", "(Colors every thousandth pyu)"], [ "checkbox", "dumbblanc", "dumb blancposters, not cute", "(Enable if you think blancposters aren't cute aka never)" ], [ "checkbox", "showDeletedPosts", "Show deleted posts", "(Auto-expand deleted posters)" ], ["checkbox", "filterPosts", "Filter posts", "(Enable post filtering)"], [ "textarea", "filterArea", () => customFilterText, "Custom Filters:", value => saveToLocalStorageStr("customFilterText", value), "Save filters" ], [ "checkbox", "preSubmitOption", "Enables pre-submit post processing (not working)", "Disable this for now" ] ], "Sekrit Posting": [ ["text", "The infamous sekrit posting. Don't let the cops find you"], [ "checkbox", "sekritPosting", "Secret Posting", "(Decypher the sekritposting)" ], [ "checkbox", "imgsekritPosting", "Image Secret Posting
", "(Decypher the imgsekritposting (hover to analyze))" ], [ "input", "hidetext", () => "", "Encode text: ", () => secretButtonPressed(), "Convert & Input", "secretButton" ], ["fileInput", "secret_image"] ], "FUN STUFF": [ [ "text", "TANOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" ], ["checkbox", "screamingPosters", "Vibrate screaming posts"], [ "checkbox", "annoyingFormatting", "Annoying formatting button", "Enables a very useful button next to text form" ], [ "input", "stealFileInput", () => defaultFiletypes, "Steal all files ending with: ", value => downloadAll(value), "Steal files" ], ["division"], [ "text", "Meguca Music Player (aka. MMP)

" + "Automatically grabs whenever audio files are posted on the thread
" + "and puts them into a nice playlist for your very own comfort.
" + "Will loop around on reaching last song, even.
" + "F5 if you're going from disabled to enabled.
" + "Disable below if you are a firefox cuck and are having problem with pasting.
" ], ["checkbox", "enablemegucaplayer", "Enable music player"], ["checkbox", "megucaplayerOption", "Show music player"] ], Deprecated: [ [ "text", "Meguca has already integrated these or changed enough to make these obsolete." ], ["checkbox", "edenOption", "Eden Now Playing Banner"], ["checkbox", "cancelposters", "Dumb cancelposters"], ["checkbox", "showWhoDeletedPosts", "Show who deleted/banned posts"] ] }; const onOffOptions = [ ["edenOption", "Eden Now Playing Banner"], ["pyuOption", "Pyu Coloring~"], ["decideOption", "Decision Coloring"], ["dumbPosters", "Dumb xposters"], ["dumbblanc", "dumb blancposters, not cute"], ["sharesOption", "Shares Formatting"], ["screamingPosters", "Vibrate screaming posts"], ["sekritPosting", "Secret Posting"], [ "imgsekritPosting", "Image Secret Posting

(Check off the following option if you have drag and drop problems)" ], ["enablemegucaplayer", "Enable music player"], ["megucaplayerOptionOld", "Show music player
"], ["annoyingFormatting", "Annoying formatting button"], ["mathOption", "Enables math parsing"], ["chuuOption", "Enables receivement of chuu~s"], ["cancelposters", "Dumb cancelposters"], ["showDeletedPosts", "Show deleted posts"], ["showWhoDeletedPosts", "Show who deleted/banned posts"], ["filterPosts", "Filter posts"], [ "preSubmitOption", "Enables pre-submit post processing (necessary for some functions)" ], ["skeletonCount", "Shows humans / skeletons instead of humans / total"], [ "skeletonLabels", "Show human / skeleton labels on the numbers when the above option is enabled" ] ]; // The current settings (will be loaded before other methods are called) var currentlyEnabledOptions = new Set(); // Add custom options here if needed var flashingDuration = 60; var vibrationDuration = 20; var customFilterText = "#Custom filters (lines starting with # are ignored)\n\ #text: is assumed by default if you don't specify otherwise\n\ #text:^[Aa]+$\n\ #name:[^(^Anonymous$)]\n\ #id:Fautatkal\n\ #flag:Sweden\n\ #filename:image\\.png\n"; var customFilters = []; const filterTypes = new Map([ ["text", ".post-container"], ["name", ".name.spaced > span:nth-child(1)"], ["id", ".name.spaced > span:nth-child(2)"], ["flag", ".flag"], ["filename", "figcaption > a:not(.image-toggle)"] ]); function saveToLocalStorageInt(id, value) { var num = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(num)) num = 60; localStorage.setItem(id, num > 60 ? 60 : num); } function saveToLocalStorageStr(id, value) { localStorage.setItem(id, value); } function addScriptOptionMenu() { const banner = document.getElementById("banner"); const optionsContainer = banner.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]; const options = optionsContainer.getElementsByTagName("a"); const newOption = document.createElement("a"); newOption.id = "banner-megukascript-options"; newOption.title = "Megukascript Options"; const musicOption = document.createElement("a"); musicOption.id = "toggle-music-player-megukascript"; musicOption.title = "Toggle MMP visibility"; const mtvOption = document.createElement("a"); mtvOption.id = "toggle-mtv-megukascript"; mtvOption.title = "Toggle MTV visibility"; // mimics class from other items options[0].classList.forEach(c => { newOption.classList.add(c); musicOption.classList.add(c); mtvOption.classList.add(c); }); newOption.innerHTML = ''; musicOption.innerHTML = ''; mtvOption.innerHTML = ' '; optionsContainer.insertBefore(mtvOption, options[options.length - 1]); optionsContainer.insertBefore(musicOption, options[options.length - 1]); optionsContainer.insertBefore(newOption, options[options.length - 1]); const modalOverlay = document.getElementById("modal-overlay"); const optionModals = modalOverlay.childNodes; const newOptionsMenu = document.createElement("div"); newOptionsMenu.id = "megukascript-options"; newOptionsMenu.style.display = "none"; // mimics class from other overlays modalOverlay.children[0].classList.forEach(c => newOptionsMenu.classList.add(c) ); modalOverlay.appendChild(newOptionsMenu); // Add click listener to self button newOption.onclick = () => { optionModals.forEach(modal => { if (modal.id !== "megukascript-options") modal.style.display = "none"; }); newOptionsMenu.style.display = newOptionsMenu.style.display === "none" ? "block" : "none"; }; // Add functionality to MMP button musicOption.onclick = () => { document.getElementById("megucaplayerOption").click(); }; // Add functionality to MTV button mtvOption.onclick = () => { document.getElementById("meguTV").click(); }; // Add hide click listener to other buttons Array.from(options).forEach(option => { if (option.id !== "banner-megukascript-options") option.addEventListener("click", () => { newOptionsMenu.style.display = "none"; }); }); addOptionMenuButts(newOptionsMenu); addExtraConfig(); } function addOptionMenuButts(parent) { const buttHeader = document.createElement("div"); const divider = document.createElement("hr"); const tabContainer = document.createElement("div"); parent.appendChild(buttHeader); parent.appendChild(divider); parent.appendChild(tabContainer); Object.keys(optionsDescription).forEach((optionTab, index) => { buttHeader.appendChild( createMenuButt(buttHeader, tabContainer, optionTab, index) ); tabContainer.appendChild( createMenuTabContent(tabContainer, optionTab, index) ); }); } // ahn~ function createMenuButt(parent, tabParent, buttName, butt_id) { const butt = document.createElement("a"); butt.classList.add("tab-link"); butt.innerHTML = buttName; if (butt_id === 0) butt.classList.add("tab-sel"); butt.style.padding = "7px"; attr = document.createAttribute("data-id"); attr.value = butt_id; butt.setAttributeNode(attr); butt.onclick = () => { parent.querySelectorAll(".tab-sel").forEach(el => { el.classList.remove("tab-sel"); }); butt.classList.add("tab-sel"); tabParent.childNodes.forEach(content => { // >That string comparison // Fuck JS tbh content.style.display = content.getAttribute("data-id") === "" + butt_id ? "block" : "none"; }); }; return butt; } function createMenuTabContent(parent, tabName, tab_id) { const tabContent = document.createElement("div"); tabContent.style.display = tab_id === 0 ? "block" : "none"; const attr = document.createAttribute("data-id"); attr.value = tab_id; tabContent.setAttributeNode(attr); tabItems = optionsDescription[tabName]; tabItems.forEach(item => { if (item[0] === "text") tabContent.appendChild(createMenuText(item)); if (item[0] === "checkbox") tabContent.appendChild(createMenuCheckBox(item)); if (item[0] === "input") tabContent.appendChild(createMenuInput(item)); if (item[0] === "textarea") tabContent.appendChild(createMenuTextArea(item)); if (item[0] === "division") tabContent.appendChild(createElementFromHTML("

")); if (item[0] === "fileInput") tabContent.appendChild(createMenuFileInput(item)); }); return tabContent; } function createElementFromHTML(htmlString) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = htmlString.trim(); return div; } function createMenuCheckBox(item) { const htmlString = '' + item[3] + '
"; const res = createElementFromHTML(htmlString); const inputEl = res.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; inputEl.value = item[2](); const buttonEl = res.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]; buttonEl.onclick = () => { item[4](inputEl.value); }; return res; } function createMenuTextArea(item) { const buttonLabel = item.length > 5 ? item[5] : "Save"; const htmlString = '

"; const res = createElementFromHTML(htmlString); const inputEl = res.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]; inputEl.value = item[2](); const buttonEl = res.getElementsByTagName("button")[0]; buttonEl.onclick = () => { item[4](inputEl.value); }; return res; } function createMenuFileInput(item) { const htmlString = ''; return createElementFromHTML(htmlString).firstChild; } function addExtraConfig() { // For meguca player document.getElementById("megucaplayerOption").onclick = mgcPl_optionClicked; // For sekritposting nice enter key listening document .querySelector("#hidetext") .addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { if (event.key !== "Enter") return; // Use `.key` instead. document.querySelector("#secretButton").click(); // Things you want to do. event.preventDefault(); // No need to `return false;`. }); // Extra config for imgsekritposting document.getElementById("hidetext").addEventListener("paste", function(e) { var files = e.clipboardData.files; // check if a file was pasted if (files.length == 1) { var secretImage = document.getElementById("secret_image"); if (secretImage != undefined) { secretImage.files = files; secretImage.javascriptIsFuckingDumb = files[0]; // secretImage.files seems to get cleared automatically e.stopPropagation(); } } }); } function insertCuteIntoCSS() { var css = document.createElement("style"); css.type = "text/css"; // calculate lengths css.innerHTML = ".sekrit_text { color: #FFDC91; }" + ".lewd_color { animation: lewd_blinker 0.7s linear " + getIterations(0.7) + "; color: pink; } @keyframes lewd_blinker { 50% { color: #FFD6E1 } }" + ".decision_roll { animation: decision_blinker 0.4s linear 2; color: lightgreen; } @keyframes decision_blinker { 50% { color: green } }" + ".planeptune_wins { animation: planeptune_blinker 0.6s linear " + getIterations(0.6) + "; color: mediumpurple; } @keyframes planeptune_blinker { 50% { color: #fff} }" + ".lastation_wins { animation: lastation_blinker 0.6s linear " + getIterations(0.6) + "; color: #000; } @keyframes lastation_blinker { 50% { color: #fff} }" + ".lowee_wins { animation: lowee_blinker 0.6s linear " + getIterations(0.6) + "; color: #e6e6ff; } @keyframes lowee_blinker { 50% { color: #c59681 }}" + ".leanbox_wins { animation: leanbox_blinker 0.6s linear " + getIterations(0.6) + "; color: #4dff4d; } @keyframes leanbox_blinker { 50% { color: #fff} }" + ".thousand_pyu { animation: pyu_blinker 0.4s linear " + getIterations(0.4) + "; color: aqua; } @keyframes pyu_blinker { 50% { color: white } }" + ".filtered :not(.filter-stub) { display: none }" + ".shaking_post { animation: screaming 0.5s linear 0s " + getVibrationIterations() + "; } @keyframes screaming { 0% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(0deg); } 10% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); } 20% { -webkit-transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); } 30% { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg); } 40% { -webkit-transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); } 50% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); } 60% { -webkit-transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); } 70% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); } 80% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); } 90% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); } }"; document.head.appendChild(css); } function getIterations(period) { if (flashingDuration == "infinite") { return 60 / period; } return flashingDuration / period; } function getVibrationIterations() { if (vibrationDuration == "infinite") { return 120; } return vibrationDuration * 2; } function getCurrentOptions() { Object.keys(optionsDescription).forEach(optionsTab => { optionsDescription[optionsTab].forEach(item => { if (item[0] === "checkbox") { const id = item[1]; const setting = localStorage.getItem(id); if (setting !== "off") currentlyEnabledOptions.add(id); } }); }); flashingDuration = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("flashing")); if (isNaN(flashingDuration)) { // assume inifinity if it's not a number flashingDuration = "infinite"; } vibrationDuration = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("vibration")); if (isNaN(vibrationDuration)) { // assume inifinity if it's not a number vibrationDuration = "infinite"; } chuuCount = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("chuuCount")); if (isNaN(chuuCount)) chuuCount = 0; var filters = localStorage.getItem("customFilterText"); if (filters != undefined) { customFilterText = filters; setupFilters(); } } function setupFilters() { var filters = customFilterText.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { var filter = filters[i]; if (filter.startsWith("#")) { // ignore comments continue; } if (filter == "") { // ignore empty lines continue; } // check what kind of filter this is, default to checking post text var type = "text"; for (var potentialType of filterTypes.keys()) { if (filter.startsWith(potentialType + ":")) { type = potentialType; filter = filter.substring(potentialType.length + 1); break; } } var reg; try { reg = new RegExp(filter); } catch (e) { // anon is a baka console.log(e); continue; } customFilters.push([type, reg]); } } // For most new features, you'll want to put a call to your function in this function // This will be called multiple times per post, so handlers should be idempotent function handlePost(post) { if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("sekritPosting")) { var secret = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /<\/code>([^#<>\[\]]*)<\/del><\/code>/g ); for (var j = secret.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseSecretPost(post, secret[j]); } var secretQuote = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /[ >]󠁂>󠁂>([\d]+)(?:[ <]+)/g ); for (var j = secretQuote.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseSecretQuote(post, secretQuote[j]); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("sharesOption")) { var shares = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /\[([^\]\[]*)\] #(\d+)d(\d+) \(([\d +]* )*= (?:\d+)\)<\/strong>/g ); for (var j = shares.length - 1; j >= Math.max(0, shares.length - 4); j--) { parseShares(post, shares[j]); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("pyuOption")) { var pyu = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /#pyu \(([\d+]*)\)<\/strong>/g ); for (var j = pyu.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parsePyu(post, pyu[j]); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("mathOption")) { var math = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /#math\(((?:[\d-+/*%().^ ]*(?:log)*)*)\)/g ); for (var j = math.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseMath(post, math[j]); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("chuuOption")) { var chuu = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /#chuu\( ?(\d*) ?\)/g ); for (var j = chuu.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseChuu(post, chuu[j]); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("decideOption")) { var decide; decide = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /\[([^#\]\[]*)\]\s#d([0-9]+) \(([0-9]+)\)<\/strong>/g ); for (var j = decide.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseDecide(post, decide[j], false); } decide = findMultipleShitFromAString( post.innerHTML, /(?:
)#d([0-9]+) \(([0-9]+)\)<\/strong>/g ); for (var j = decide.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { parseDecide(post, decide[j], true); } } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("dumbPosters")) { checkForDumbPost(post); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("screamingPosters")) { checkForScreamingPost(post); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showDeletedPosts")) { showDeletedPost(post); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showWhoDeletedPosts")) { checkForDeletedOrBannedPost(post); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("filterPosts")) { filterPost(post); } } function readPostsForData() { var posts = document.getElementsByClassName("post-container"); for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { var post = posts[i]; handlePost(post); } } function parsePyu(post, pyu) { var n = pyu[1]; var before = post.innerHTML.substring(0, pyu.index); var after = post.innerHTML.substring(pyu.index + pyu[0].length); if (n % 1000 == 0) { var pyuHTML = ' 💦 ' + pyu[0].substring(8) + " 💦 "; post.innerHTML = before + pyuHTML + after; } } function parseMath(post, math) { var expr = math[1]; expr = parseMath_addPow(expr).replace(/log/g, "Math.log"); var result; try { result = eval(expr); } catch (err) { result = "???"; } if (isNaN(result)) result = "???"; var before = post.innerHTML.substring(0, math.index); var after = post.innerHTML.substring(math.index + math[0].length); var mathHTML = "" + math[0].substring(0, 5) + " " + math[0].substring(5, math[0].length - 1) + " = " + result + ")"; post.innerHTML = before + mathHTML + after; } function parseMath_addPow(str) { for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (str[i] !== "^") continue; let parentheses = 0; const operators = /[-+*/%^]/; // looking ahead let j; for (j = i + 1; j < str.length; j++) { if (str[j] === "(") parentheses++; else if (str[j] === ")" && parentheses > 0) parentheses--; else if (operators.test(str[j]) && parentheses === 0) break; } // j is just after the term // looking back let k; parentheses = 0; // so it doesn't break even more stuff; for (k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (str[k] === ")") parentheses++; else if (str[k] === "(" && parentheses > 0) parentheses--; else if (operators.test(str[k]) && parentheses === 0) break; } // k is just before the term k++; // k is on the beginning of the term str = str.substring(0, k) + "Math.pow(" + str.substring(k, i) + "," + str.substring(i + 1, j) + ")" + str.substring(j); i += 9; // Due to the addition of "pow(" before i } return str; } function parseChuu(post, chuu) { var postNum = chuu[1]; var kissedPost = document.getElementById("p" + postNum); if (kissedPost === null || kissedPost === undefined) return; var nametag = kissedPost.querySelector("header").getElementsByTagName("B")[0]; var before = post.innerHTML.substring(0, chuu.index); var after = post.innerHTML.substring(chuu.index + chuu[0].length); var chuuHTML = " You've been kissed! if (nametag.getElementsByTagName("I").length > 0) { var ownName = post.parentNode .querySelector("header") .getElementsByTagName("B")[0]; // Don't chuu yourself if (ownName.getElementsByTagName("I").length > 0) return; chuuHTML += ' class="lewd_color"'; chuuCount = localStorage.getItem("chuuCount", chuuCount); chuuCount++; localStorage.setItem("chuuCount", chuuCount); document.getElementById("chuu-counter").innerHTML = chuuCount; var message = "chuu~"; if (chuuCount % 10 === 0) { message += "\nCongratulations on your pregnancy!\nYou now have " + chuuCount / 10 + " children!"; } alert(message); } chuuHTML += ">#chuu~(" + chuu[1] + ")"; post.innerHTML = before + chuuHTML + after; } function parseDecide(post, decide, isSmart) { var offset = isSmart ? 1 : 0; var options = decide[1].split(","); var n = decide[3 + offset]; var m = decide[4 + offset]; var before = post.innerHTML.substring(0, decide.index); var after = post.innerHTML.substring(decide.index + decide[0].length); if (options.length != n || n == 1) return; options[m - 1] = '' + options[m - 1] + ""; var newInner = options.toString(); var retreivedRoll; if (decide[2 + offset] == null) { retreivedRoll = " #d" + n + " (" + m + ")"; } else { retreivedRoll = " #d" + n + " (" + m + ")
"; } if (isSmart) { if (decide[0].substring(0, 3) === ""; } else if (options[j].match(/(^|\W)lastation($|\W)(?!\w)/i)) { options[j] = '' + options[j] + formattedRoll + ""; } else if (options[j].match(/(^|\W)lowee($|\W)(?!\w)/i)) { options[j] = '' + options[j] + formattedRoll + ""; } else if (options[j].match(/(^|\W)leanbox($|\W)(?!\w)/i)) { options[j] = '' + options[j] + formattedRoll + ""; } else { options[j] = '' + options[j] + formattedRoll + ""; } } else { options[j] = options[j] + formattedRoll; } } var newInner = options.join("
"); if ( before.substring(before.length - 4) != "
" && before.substring(before.length - 4) != "ote>" ) { before += "
"; } if (after.substring(0, 4) != "
" && after.substring(0, 4) != "" + newInner + "
" + after; } function findMultipleShitFromAString(s, re) { var result = []; var m; while (true) { m = re.exec(s); if (m) result.push(m); else break; } return result; } // Observer watches the thread function setObservers() { var thread = document.getElementById("thread-container"); // configuration of the observers: var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, attributeOldValue: true }; var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length == 0) { if ( mutation.type == "attributes" && mutation.attributeName == "class" ) { // check for existing posts that have changed, ie deleted/canceled/finished var post = mutation.target; var postContent = post.getElementsByClassName("post-container")[0]; if (postContent != undefined) { if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showWhoDeletedPosts")) { checkForDeletedOrBannedPost(postContent); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showDeletedPosts")) { showDeletedPost(postContent); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("cancelposters")) { // unhide removed posts, and restore their contents if ( post.classList.contains("hidden") && postContent.innerText == "" ) { // look for events that removed nodes var cancelled = false; for (var j = 0; j < mutations.length; j++) { var removeEvt = mutations[j]; if (removeEvt.type == "childList") { for (var i = 0; i < removeEvt.removedNodes.length; i++) { var node = removeEvt.removedNodes[i]; // don't re-add the 'Hide, Report' menu if it disappeared // or the post controls or editable textarea if ( !( (node.classList && node.classList.contains("popup-menu")) || node.id == "post-controls" || node.id == "text-input" ) ) { removeEvt.target.appendChild(removeEvt.removedNodes[i]); cancelled = true; } } } } // restore the post if it was probably cancelled if (cancelled) { post.classList.remove("hidden"); post.style.opacity = "0.5"; // flag the post as cancelled so we add the correct 'dumb xposter' later postContent.cancelled = true; // somewhere along the way, the default image-hover listener breaks // so just prevent it from running to avoid console errors post.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } } } // check for posts finishing // (the current user deadposting will have been 'reply-form' but not 'editing') if ( (mutation.oldValue.split(" ").includes("editing") || mutation.oldValue.split(" ").includes("reply-form")) && !post.classList.contains("editing") && !post.classList.contains("reply-form") ) { handlePost(postContent); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("enablemegucaplayer")) { mgcPl_addNewSong(post.getElementsByTagName("figcaption")[0]); } } } } } else { // check what was added var postItself; if (mutation.target.nodeName == "BLOCKQUOTE") { // could be updating the content of an existing post // try to find the post itself if ( mutation.target.parentNode && mutation.target.parentNode.parentNode && mutation.target.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName == "ARTICLE" ) { postItself = mutation.target.parentNode.parentNode; } } else if (mutation.addedNodes[0].nodeName == "ARTICLE") { postItself = mutation.addedNodes[0]; } else if ( mutation.addedNodes[0].classList && mutation.addedNodes[0].classList.contains("admin", "banned") ) { if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showWhoDeletedPosts")) { checkForDeletedOrBannedPost(mutation.target); } } if (postItself == undefined) { return; } var postContent = postItself.getElementsByClassName( "post-container" )[0]; if (postContent == undefined) { return; } // still editing if ( postItself.getAttribute("class").includes("editing") || postItself.getAttribute("class").includes("reply-form") ) { // add Format button to posts the user is making if (postItself.getAttribute("class").includes("reply-form")) { if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("annoyingFormatting")) addFormatButton(postItself); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("preSubmitOption")) overrideDoneButton(postItself); } // but don't do anything else to editing posts return; } // handlesPost (works for others' deadposts) handlePost(postContent); mgcPl_addNewSong(postItself.getElementsByTagName("figcaption")[0]); } }); }); // pass in the target node, as well as the observer options observer.observe(thread, config); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("imgsekritPosting")) { setupSecretObserver(); } if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("skeletonCount")) { var counter = document.getElementById("sync-counter"); counter.title = "Unique connected IP human/skeleton count"; var counterConfig = { childList: true }; var counterObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { const reg = /(\d+) \/ (\d+)/; if (mutation.addedNodes && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) { var added = mutation.addedNodes[0]; var oldText = added.textContent; var matches = oldText.match(reg); if (matches.length == 3) { var humans = parseInt(matches[1]); var total = parseInt(matches[2]); var skeletons = total - humans; var s1 = humans == 1 ? " human / " : " humans / "; var s2 = skeletons == 1 ? " skeleton" : " skeletons"; var newText; if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("skeletonLabels")) { newText = humans + s1 + skeletons + s2; } else { newText = humans + " / " + skeletons; } added.textContent = newText; } } }); }); counterObserver.observe(counter, counterConfig); } } function addFormatButton(post) { if (document.getElementById("format-button")) { // button already exists return; } var button = document.createElement("input"); button.name = "format"; button.value = "Format"; button.type = "button"; button.id = "format-button"; button.onclick = formatPostText; var controls = document.getElementById("post-controls"); controls.appendChild(button); } function formatPostText() { var input = document.getElementById("text-input"); input.value = input.value .split(" ") .map(formatWord) .join(" "); var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("input", false, true); input.dispatchEvent(evt); } function formatWord(s) { // pick a random format and add it to both sides of the word var format = ["~~", "**", "@@", "``"][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]; return format + s + format; } function setUpEdenBanner() { var banner = document.getElementById("banner-center"); banner.innerHTML = '[synced] DJ  Song'; getInfoFromEden(); window.setInterval(getInfoFromEden, 10000); } function getInfoFromEden() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { updateEdenBanner(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } }; xhttp.open("GET", "https://edenofthewest.com/ajax/status.php", true); xhttp.send(); } function updateEdenBanner(edenJSON) { var banner = document.getElementById("banner-center"); var djInfo = banner.children[0]; var songInfo = banner.children[1]; djInfo.innerHTML = "[" + edenJSON.listeners + "] " + edenJSON.dj; songInfo.href = "https://www.google.com.br/search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(edenJSON.current); songInfo.innerHTML = "" + edenJSON.current + ""; } function checkForDumbPost(post) { // cancelposters if (post.cancelled) { addToName(post, " (dumb cancelposter)"); return; } var text = post.textContent; // ~posters if (text.match("~") != null) { addToName(post, " (dumb ~poster)"); return; } // Blancposters if ( (text == "" || text == " ") && post.getElementsByTagName("figure").length == 0 ) { var quality = currentlyEnabledOptions.has("dumbblanc") ? "dumb" : "cute"; addToName(post, " (" + quality + " blancposter)"); return; } // dumbposterposters var dumbRegex = /^(?:>>\d* (?:\(You\) )?# )*(dumb ?.{0,20}posters?)$/i; if (text.match(dumbRegex) != null) { var posterType = text.match(dumbRegex)[1]; addToName(post, " (dumb '" + posterType + "' poster)"); return; } // cuteposterposters var cuteRegex = /^(?:>>\d* (?:\(You\) )?# )*(cute ?.{0,20}posters?)$/i; if (text.match(cuteRegex) != null) { var posterType = text.match(cuteRegex)[1]; addToName(post, " (cute '" + posterType + "' poster)"); return; } // wait anon if (text.match(/^(?:>>\d* (?:\(You\) )?# )*wait anon$/i) != null) { addToName( post, " (Dumb haiku poster / 'wait anon' is all she says / Don't wait, run away!)" ); return; } // virus post if (text.match(/virus/i) != null) { addToName(post, " (virus post do not read)"); return; } // lowercaseposters var uppers = findMultipleShitFromAString(text, /[A-Z]/g); var Yous = findMultipleShitFromAString(text, />>\d* \(You\)/g); if (uppers.length == Yous.length) { var lowers = findMultipleShitFromAString(text, /[a-z]/g); if (lowers.length >= 5) { addToName(post, " (dumb lowercaseposter)"); return; } } addToName(post, ""); } function checkForScreamingPost(post) { var text = post.textContent; var wholePost = post.parentElement; // Remove (references, Yous and spaces) text = text .replace(/(?:>>\d* (?:\(You\) )?#)/g, "") .replace(/(?:>>\d*)/g, "") .replace(/[\s\W\d_]/g, ""); var isBlanc = text.length == 0; var hasLower = text.match("[a-z]"); var isShort = text.length <= 5; if ( !isShort && !isBlanc && !hasLower && !wholePost.className.match("shaking_post") ) { wholePost.className += " shaking_post"; } } function addToName(post, message) { var name = post.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("name spaced")[0]; var newText = document.createTextNode(message); newText.id = "dumbposter"; // remove existing names name.parentNode.childNodes.forEach(node => { if (node.id == "dumbposter") { name.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }); name.parentNode.insertBefore(newText, name.nextSibling); } function filterPost(postContent) { var post = postContent.parentNode; if ( post.classList.contains("filtered") || post.classList.contains("filtered-shown") ) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < customFilters.length; i++) { var filter = customFilters[i]; var type = filter[0]; var reg = filter[1]; var textToMatch; var selector = filterTypes.get(type); var elt = post.querySelector(selector); if (elt != null) { // flags don't have text, so use the title instead if (type == "flag") { textToMatch = elt.title; } else { textToMatch = elt.innerText; } } if (textToMatch != undefined && textToMatch.match(reg)) { post.classList.add("filtered"); var stub = document.createElement("div"); stub.classList.add("filter-stub"); var name = filter[1].toString(); name = name.substring(1, name.length - 1); // strip the /s stub.innerText = "Post filtered (" + filter[0] + ":" + name + ")"; stub.onclick = showFilteredPost; post.appendChild(stub); } } } function showFilteredPost() { var post = this.parentNode; if (post.classList.contains("filtered")) { post.classList.remove("filtered"); post.classList.add("filtered-shown"); } else { post.classList.remove("filtered-shown"); post.classList.add("filtered"); } } function setup() { getCurrentOptions(); insertCuteIntoCSS(); readPostsForData(); if (document.getElementById("thread-container") != null) setObservers(); addScriptOptionMenu(); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("enablemegucaplayer")) mgcPl_setupPlaylist(); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("edenOption")) setUpEdenBanner(); if (currentlyEnabledOptions.has("showDeletedPosts")) watchSocketForPostsDeletedOnCreation(); } function downloadAll(value) { var posts = document.getElementById("thread-container").children; var filetypes = value.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { if ( posts[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === "article" && posts[i].querySelector("figcaption") != null ) { var anchor = posts[i].querySelector("figcaption").children[3]; for (var j = 0; j < filetypes.length; j++) if (anchor.href.endsWith(filetypes[j])) anchor.click(); } } } // override #d7777(7777) function overrideDoneButton(postItself) { if (document.getElementById("overrided-done-button")) { // button already exists return; } var button = document.createElement("input"); button.name = "over-done"; button.value = "Done"; button.type = "button"; button.id = "overrided-done-button"; button.onclick = editPostAndSubmit; var controls = document.getElementById("post-controls"); controls.children[0].style.display = "none"; controls.insertBefore(button, controls.children[0].nextSibling); } function editPostAndSubmit() { var input = document.getElementById("text-input"); handlePreSubmit(input); var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("input", false, true); input.dispatchEvent(evt); document.getElementById("post-controls").children[0].click(); } // All functions here must edit "input.value". This is the post written content. function handlePreSubmit(input) { // Put memes here } setup();